Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4) Page 23

by Perkins, Crystal

  I get downstairs as she’s pulling a on a pair of boy short panties. I pull her into my arms before she can put anything else on. She’s shaking, and I want to soothe her and let her know I love her. That kissing some random person, for money she obviously needed, is okay. Well, not okay, but it doesn’t change anything between us. I hold her tight and kiss her all over her face, catching as many tears as I can.

  “You can tell me about it or not, but it’s okay. We’re okay.”

  “Th-the day of Rose’s graduation, I wanted to take a shower. I’d been living in my car for a few days. My hair was greasy and I smelled a little already. I went to the truck stop, thinking I’d saved just enough money for one, but my card got declined.”

  She stops talking for a minute and I just rub her back and keep kissing her. “I begged the worker to let me come back later with the money, but he said no. No one else in line was willing to help me, either. Like I said, I looked like a stereotypical homeless person. People were looking at me like I was lower than the dirt they scraped off their shoes.”


  She takes a deep breath before continuing. “The cashier was telling me to move on when Blaine was all of a sudden there, saying he’d pay if I’d kiss him.”

  Dead. Man. He’s a fucking dead man.

  She looks at me, then. “I didn’t want to. I swear. I never wanted my lips anywhere near any part of him. But I couldn’t go to the graduation looking like I did. It was her day. And…and…I was seeing you.”

  “I know, honey. I believe you. I’m going to kill him. You know that, right?”

  “No. You. Are. Not.” She pulls away and looks me in the eye.

  “You think I’m okay with what he did to you? That I can just let this go?”

  “Not at all. But I don’t want you going to jail when I just got you back. You can beat him up, but no killing. You have to promise, or I won’t tell you the rest.”

  I don’t want to, but I do. “I promise.”

  “Can we sit down?” I nod and lead her to the couch, pulling her onto my lap. “I went to give him a little peck and he, well, the only way to describe it is he attacked my lips. I refused to open them for him, but it was disgusting and he really tried.” She shudders a little, remembering. “I felt so dirty. I couldn’t look at anyone as I went to the showers. I’d just sold a part of me for a shower.”

  “You weren’t dirty. You aren’t dirty. One of those people in line could’ve helped you, especially after Blaine got involved. What is wrong with our fucking society that we can’t help people?”

  “Not all people are like that, Luke. I was just unlucky that day. I have one more thing to tell you, because I saw Blaine yesterday at the restaurant where I was having my meeting. There was no kissing involved, but he made me an offer.”

  “What kind of offer?”

  “He said that some of the guys at the frat house would be willing to pay $1,000 each to fuck Luke Griffin’s wife. I punched him in his junk in the middle of the restaurant.”

  She looks sheepish, and I burst out laughing. My wife is pretty amazing. “You punched him there?”

  “I was mad.”

  “That’s awesome. Like, seriously awesome, Ollie.”

  “Yeah? You’re not disgusted by me anymore?”

  “I was never disgusted by you. You shocked me upstairs, that’s all.”


  “Next time, please don’t run. Stay and talk to me. Especially when my cock’s so hard. Running after you wasn’t exactly easy.”

  “I will, and I’m sorry.” She reaches down and grabs me, stroking slowly. “Do I still get my ride?”

  “Oh yeah,” I tell her as I tear off her panties, and then lift her over me. She proceeds to ride us both into oblivion and we fall asleep on the couch.

  Chapter 23


  I’ve got a smile on my face as I pull into my parents’ driveway later in the day. Olivia and I spent most of the day in bed. And the pool. She hadn’t seen it since it was finished, and we took advantage of being alone to play in there without our bathing suits. I think we may have raised the water temperature a little. It was definitely hot.

  I didn’t want to leave her, but I have to go to this dinner. Rose needs me. And my wife needs her sleep. I’ll see her in a couple of hours and show her how much I missed her. Because I already do, and it’s only been twenty minutes since I left our house.

  I’m still smiling when I walk into the backyard. Until I see Blaine there with his parents. My thoughts turn murderous, and although I remember my promise, I want to break it right now. I take a deep breath as I walk up to the table.

  “You need to leave, Blaine.”

  “He’s our guest, and he’s not going anywhere,” Olivia’s dad says to me.

  I don’t break eye contact with Blaine. “I promised my wife I wouldn’t kill you because she doesn’t want me going to jail. She did say I could fuck you up a little, though. After what she did to you yesterday, it would probably be too easy, since I’m sure you haven’t recovered.”

  He jumps from his chair and backs away a little. “I can explain, man. I was just playing around.”

  “Playing around?” I round the table and he keeps walking backwards.

  “Yeah. It was just fun.”

  “Let me get this straight. You walked into a truck stop on Rose’s graduation day and saw Olivia didn’t have enough money for a shower. Instead of just giving her the money, you made her kiss you for it. Then came here and made it seem like something it wasn’t. As if that wasn’t enough, you followed her into a restaurant yesterday, and told her that if she didn’t want to live in her car anymore, you could get some frat guys to pay $1,000 each to fuck her because she’s my wife, and she ‘tamed’ me. That’s your idea of fun?”

  “Blaine! How could you?” His mother comes up next to me and she looks both horrified and ready to kill him herself.

  “Mom, come on, you know I was playing.”

  “What I know is that your father has condoned this kind of behavior from you for too long.” She turns to her husband. “If this isn’t enough for you to realize how bad he is and cut him off, then I don’t know what it will take. I won’t be around for it, though.”

  Her husband can see that she’s serious, and he stands and faces Blaine. “Your mother’s right. This has gone on too long. We’ve had to clean up too many messes for you. That you would say and do those things to Olivia is the final straw. You’re on your own. You have a college degree and you should be using it. I’ll pay one more month of rent and car insurance for you and buy you some groceries, but your credit cards will be canceled immediately.”

  “Dad, no. Come on. You know Olivia’s a hot piece of ass. You would’ve done the same thing at my age.”

  Before I can hit him, Olivia’s dad is on Blaine. He punches him hard and then grabs him by his collar. “I always liked you. Even when my daughters told me you were behaving badly, I waved it off. If I ever hear you talk about either of my girls in the way you just talked about Olivia, I will kill you.”

  He lets him go, and Blaine practically runs from the backyard. I just stand there for a minute, trying to calm down. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see the regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Luke. You are the honorable man my daughter said you were. Thank you for loving her, and treating her right. She deserves only the best and it looks like she found it.”

  “I do love her. I hope that you can mend your relationship eventually, but I can tell you it won’t be easy.” He nods and we both turn and sit down at the table.

  “Never a dull moment at our house,” my dad says, making everyone laugh.

  Dinner goes pretty well. Rose and her parents talk and make progress. She’s not going to move in with them, and things aren’t perfect. They are better, though. She walks out with me to my car to grab her clothes for the week.

  “So, you and my sister are back together?”


  “I’m so glad.”

  “Me too. Thanks for your help.”

  “You’re thanking me? I’ve been living at your house, and you’ve been supporting me for almost a month.”

  “That’s what family does, Rose. We take care of each other.”

  “I’m really glad you’re my family.”

  “Me too.”

  We hug, and then I get in my car and drive home to my wife. When I walk into the house, I stop short. Everything’s back. All the knickknacks and little plaques with inspirational sayings that Olivia loves, and I’d packed up. It’s our home again. I walk from room to room, but don’t find her. I’m confused until I realize where she is.

  I smile when I walk outside and see her floating on a pool raft in the deep end. She went shopping. I told her to when I gave her her debit and credit cards back. She didn’t buy a new bathing suit, though. Or at least she’s not wearing it if she did. She smiles back at me as she sits up and straddles the raft.

  “You have too many clothes on.”

  I strip off my shirt and jeans but make her wait for my briefs. “Better?”

  “Yes, better. But not the best.”

  I walk to the pool steps and start stepping down into the water. I pull my briefs down a little, letting the head of my cock pop out. “How about now?”

  “Even better.”

  I stop when the water gets to my waist and drop down into the water, pulling my briefs all the way off as I come back up. I step back a little and turn away from her as the water laps at the top of my ass cheeks. I let her see and then turn to face her.

  “Sweet Holy Jesus. You look like some magazine billboard with the water dripping off you and just…God, I’m a lucky woman.”

  “Are you going to come over here and play, or do I have to come to you?”

  She slides off the raft and under the water. A few seconds later, she surprises me by grabbing my ankles and pulling me under. I’m back out of the water, and she’s splashing me in the face until I grab her and pull her to me. “You said you wanted to play.”

  “I did and I do,” I tell her as I dunk us both under. We’re kissing when we break the surface. “I had other playing in mind, though.”

  “So did I.”

  I lift her and she puts her legs around me as I slide into her. I’ll never get tired of feeling my wife’s pussy hugging my cock. “Damn, Ollie. I love being inside of you.”

  “It’s the best.”

  “Yes it is.”

  Hours later, we fall asleep in our bed again, tangled up in each other. That never gets old, either.

  * * *


  I’m nervous as I walk up to Candi’s studio on Monday morning. I’ve missed her and this place so much. I know I have some sucking up to do, and I’m more than willing to do it. I ring the bell since I don’t have my keys any longer. The door opens almost immediately, and I’m enveloped in a hug.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Liv. I was really worried about you.”

  “I missed you, too. I’m sorry.”

  “None of that. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”

  She’s making this too easy for me. I’m not going to complain, though. We go into the studio and I see the pile of mail on my desk. “I was wondering why you were making this so easy for me. Now I know.”

  “Hush. I do need you to take care of that crap, but I’m making this easy because I love you. Plus, you made my daughter’s Godfather extremely happy this past weekend.”

  I feel my cheeks redden. “What? He told you?”

  She laughs. “No, but you just did. And you’re wearing your rings.”

  “Well, then, yes. We made each other very happy this weekend, and that’s all I’m saying.”

  She nods. “I know. You won’t brag. I am happy for the two of you, though. I’m glad you’ll both be at the wedding this weekend.”

  “Oh no. I didn’t pick a dress.” Candi is letting all of us pick our own dresses in whatever color we want.

  “You have all week. Just make it pink. I figured that would be your color, so I got you a pink bouquet.”


  “You’re welcome. Now get to work. Those bills won’t pay themselves. I know because I tried to convince them to.”

  I laugh and sit at my desk. I’m so absorbed in taking care of the mail and then the emails that I don’t notice how many hours have passed. My stomach starts to rumble and I realize that it has to be time for lunch. I pick up my phone to check the time and see that Candi texted to tell me to come up for lunch about fifteen minutes ago.

  I go upstairs and knock on their door. Owen opens it and I get a hug from him. “It’s good to see you, sister-in-law. We were about to send a search party.”

  “Good to see you, too, Owe.”

  I walk past him to see Luke sitting on the couch, cuddling Hope close and smiling at her. He looks up at me as I head towards him. “Hi, honey. I came to take you to lunch, but I was intercepted before I got to you. Then I got a little distracted.”

  It’s so cute to see him with the baby, and hear how she distracted him. I don’t mind. I know he loves me, so coming second sometimes is okay. Besides, it’s also really hot that he can admit it.

  “I’ll come second to Hope any day,” I tell him as I sit down next to him and kiss her on the forehead.

  “Never second. To anyone.”

  It’s him I kiss then. Just a little kiss, because he is holding a baby. “Right back atcha.”

  “You two are too cute, but I’m starving. Can we eat now?”

  “I’m actually starving, too, Owe.”

  “Oh. You go first, Liv.” He looks embarrassed, but he shouldn’t.

  “Nope. You are not going to act weird around me. My husband has kept me well fed the past few days. Just be yourself and attack the food like you normally do.”

  “Don’t encourage him. He’s an animal.”

  “And you love it, babe.”

  “I do.”

  “Now who’s acting cute?” I ask.

  We all laugh and I get behind Owen and start assembling sandwiches for me and Luke. I grab some chips and sodas and then sit down next to him on the couch. He moves Hope a little so he can use his right hand to eat. “I would’ve fed you.”

  “I know, but you need to eat.”

  “I’m going to say this one last time, for all of your benefits. I’m doing great. Better than great. I feel stronger already after a few days of eating regularly. I can only eat so much, though. So trying to feed me extra won’t work. I want to be healthy, and I’m not going to skip meals on purpose or anything.”

  “You’re right. We shouldn’t be pushing. Now eat your sandwich,” Candi tells me with a smile.

  I throw a chip at her and then I do eat. After I’m done, I tell them I have to get back to work. Luke calls Candi a slave driver, which earns him a smack on the arm. He hands off Hope to Owen and holds my hand as he walks me downstairs. We kiss in the studio for a good ten minutes before I pull away.

  “I really need to work.”

  “I really need my wife. Just one time, I promise, and then I’ll go.”

  “We can’t in here. There’s probably not a surface Candi and your brother haven’t been on.”

  “True.” He looks around and then smiles. “Open the bay door and I’ll drive my car in.”

  Damn that’s hot. “Hurry.”

  He runs out the studio door and I open up the bay. He drives in and I push the button to close everything back up. I’m pulling at his door handle before the car is even shut off. He puts his seat all the way back and down as I climb in and close the door. We’re kissing and groping, and then clothes are getting pushed aside. We don’t even try to take them all the way off.

  I slide down onto his cock and we both groan. I start moving, but not fast enough for him. He grabs my hips and thrusts up every time I slide down. He’s frantic and wild and I love it. “Come for me, Luke. Don’t wait.”
  He looks up and I nod. He lets go and starts jerking inside of me while his body shakes. I pull him close and bite down on his ear. When he’s done, he moves his hands from my hips to cup my face. “You didn’t come.”

  “I didn’t need to.”

  “Was it good, at least?”

  “Good does not even come close.”

  “Then come for me,” he says as he slides a hand down to play with my clit.

  He’s still inside of me, not fully hard, but hard enough to not slip out. I arch my back and he starts biting my neck. His other hand is pinching my nipple, and since I was already close, I’m over the edge in a couple of minutes.


  He doesn’t stop pinching or rubbing, and I’m going wild as my orgasm continues. He’s thrusting into me as I shudder and squeeze his now fully hard cock with my pussy. “Hearing my name when you shatter? That. Never. Gets. Old.” Every word is a thrust and I hold onto the headrest as he takes over again. I’m still sensitive, and the combination of him moving inside of me, and one hand still playing with me, sends me over again within minutes. He’s right after me, coming hard for a second time. He slides out and holds me close on top of him, nuzzling my neck.

  “That was just…God, Luke.”

  “I know I promised just once, but I couldn’t stop.”

  “I’m definitely not complaining.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to think I only want this from you.”

  “I know that. Stop worrying. I have to get back to work now.”

  “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you, too.”

  I pull my clothes all the way on and then open the car door to get out. Luke takes an extra couple of minutes before he joins me. “Do you want to catch a movie tonight?”

  “Yes. Oh shit. I can’t.”

  “Got another hot date?”

  “Yes.” He steps away from me and I laugh as I pull him back. “With one of your credit cards, if it’s okay to use it.”


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