Abomination (The Path to Redempton Book 1)

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Abomination (The Path to Redempton Book 1) Page 27

by Kimbra Swain

  I stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. But I knew I’d have to make a visit to my grandfather that I didn’t want to make. I’m sure he would have all sorts of awful things to say. I was also sure he would not cancel the party tonight. He loved to throw a good party. I took a shower, and got dressed. I put on a white a-line midi dress with a touch of black lace on the bottom hem. I put on black pumps and pulled my hair half back out of my face. Grandfather would not want me showing up in a tee shirt and cargo pants. I looked at myself in the mirror. The strange iridescent was almost gone. I tried my best not to think about Tadeas, but I did. I just did not know what to do anymore. I took a deep breath and went to visit a Titan.

  I entered the office, and grandfather stood up to come around the desk and hug me as he did in recent days. He stopped in his tracks, “What the hell is on your face?”

  “A piece of heaven,” I said. Sounded good against his swear.

  He walked up and touched it. “It’s not makeup.”

  “No, it isn’t. Something happened last night.”

  “Sit down and tell me about it,” he said.

  “I’m not sitting in that chair,” I said. He chuckled.

  “You, my dear, are immune to the chair.”

  “Sort of,” I agreed, but I sat down anyway.

  “Tell me what happened? And where is your new partner? The party tonight is going to be grand!” he exclaimed. He was excited. It had been some time since we had a real party around here.

  I proceeded to tell him about Gabriel’s visit to the island. Then I told him everything about last night, and everything about this morning. His excitement turned to displeasure.

  “I am not cancelling the party.”

  “I don’t care about the party,” I exclaimed. “I called an angelic sword to my hand, and instead of it controlling me, I controlled it. Only an angel could have done such a thing. I think you have some explaining to do.”

  “You are not an angel, my dear,” he looked pained for a moment. I sat in the chair willingly. I had him. I knew I would if I agreed to sit in the chair, knowing its purpose and what it did. I accepted that, but in turn he had to be honest with me. I saw him grimace again. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Yes, you have me.”

  He wasn’t dumb or oblivious. And honestly, I didn’t think I could pull it off. Now I had to decide what I wanted to know. I knew if he was bound by oath, it didn’t matter what questions I asked, there were some that even the bonding of the chair could not force out of him.

  “What am I?”

  “You are many things, Abby. You are an extremely powerful wielder. You are the daughter of a powerful wielder. Your mother’s secret I am bound by oath not to speak, but I think you know that she is a powerful Faerie. In your heart, you know. There were deals we had to make to ensure that you were returned to us after your death. I do not know the angel’s purposes in giving you the sword, but they did give it to you, Abby. They trusted you with it. I would think that included using it as you saw fit as long as you used it for a righteous reason. I cannot think of anything more righteous than saving the life of another. You will have to talk to George to get the answers you seek.”

  “George isn’t going to tell me anything,” I spouted in frustration.

  “As for cancelling the party, I’m sorry, but there are too many invites and things that have gone out. We have guests, and I will not be an inhospitable host. I will talk to Duarte. Let me handle it.”

  “Please don’t make things worse between us,” I begged.

  “I’ll try not to. You will just have to trust me.”

  “Could you not threaten him, please?” I pleaded.

  “I will make no promises, Abby. Now go see your Aunt and sign the paperwork that she has, okay?” He was a titan. He was used to getting his way. There was nothing more I could have gotten out of him. I failed in mission number one today. I got up to leave, and he said before I opened the door, “I love you with all my heart, Abby. I am deeply proud of you. Please do not let this darken your spirit. It’s been extremely nice having you here. I don’t want to lose you again.”

  “I love you, too,” I said and slipped out the door. His speeches to me were becoming more and more kind. It felt like he tried to make up for lost time. I went to the elevator, and pressed the #4 for the floor with Aunt Lianne’s office. I got off the elevator and there was a note attached to her door.

  “A, went for lunch with a handsome man, be back soon, L.”

  Mission number two. Failed.

  I got back in the elevator and went down to my office. When I opened the door, a man sat in the chair opposite my desk. My heart jumped for a moment because I thought it was Tadeas. It wasn’t. It was Jeremy Stafford.

  “Hey Jay, what’s up?” I tried to sound cheerful.

  “Hello beautiful. I thought I’d drop by and see if you wanted to go grab lunch with me?” he flashed me a toothy smile. He had a Fae mother, too which made him a Halfling. He stood about 6 foot tall. He had a strong jaw and deep-set dark blue eyes. They had a bit of an almond shape to them as if he had just a twinge of Asian in him.

  “I’m not feeling up to it today. I’ve got things to get done before this evening. You are coming, right?” I asked as I sat down at the desk.

  “Absolutely. It’s been too long since I’ve been to a good party. I’m hoping I can find a partner for the evening, and perhaps the after party,” he grinned at me slyly. He was good-looking. In fact, I had gone out with him a couple of times for dinner. He always tried to take me back to his place. He always failed.

  “I’m sure there will be many willing and beautiful women there tonight. You have a knack for finding the available women,” I laughed. Jeremy could be described as a playboy. Handsome, rich, smart, witty and from what I heard very good in bed. He was also my driver. He had gotten all of us out of extraordinarily dangerous spots. I always knew he had my back, even if it was just to catch the view.

  “Actually, I had hoped it would be you,” he said.

  “Oh no, don’t you start that suave game with me, Jay,” I warned him.

  “Honest, it’s not a game. I really would like a chance, Abby. I know that when we’ve gone out before I pushed for things I shouldn’t have. I’m getting old even though I don’t look it. Sleeping with all the different girls all the time while fun, does nothing for me the next day. And you are amazing. You’ve been isolated from us for too long. Seeing you yesterday in the class, owning that whole room, it reminded me of how attracted to you I am,” he sounded sincere.

  I shook my head. I didn’t believe him. He just thought if he pulled at my female sensibilities I’d give into him. “Jay, I’ve known you for too long. It's not going to work.”

  “I know that’s what you think, and I will prove it to you if I have to. Will you at least dance with me just once tonight? I know you’ve got your new partner. And maybe it’s because you are with him that you are telling me no, but I’ll wait if I have to.”

  “I’m not with him,” I said admitting it to him. I could have strung it along. I had warned Tadeas yesterday that everyone we come across will think we are together. Just something we would have to deal with along the way.

  “So, you aren’t going to the party with him tonight? You don’t have a date?”

  “I don't need a date, Jay. I don’t want one.”

  “One dance, please.”

  “Okay,” I gave in, “Just one, and during it you keep your hands where they should be.”

  He let out a whoop and jumped up. “Just remember where I think my hand should be and where you think they should be are probably two different things!”

  “Dammit Jay. You almost had me believing you wanted to change,” I said shaking my head at him.

  He walked around to the back of my chair and hung his arms around me being careful not to touch anything he shouldn't. I flinched a little with the touch, “I don’t want to change, Abby. I have changed.” He kissed me on the cheek and pulled away
. I turned around and looked up at him trying to see if he was just around again. He wasn’t. He was serious. I stood up in front of him, and he didn’t budge.

  “I see,” I said.

  “Do you see? Doesn’t matter if you do or not, I will show you,” he stepped closer and I couldn’t move backwards because my chair was behind me. He slid his right hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My heartbeat raced. My emotions were all over the place. If he was being this forward, then he was not changed. He’s just playing the game a different way, I told myself. He leaned over until our noses almost touched. I could feel his breath on my cheek. I heard someone coming down the hallway. I knew who it was. Jay didn’t let go. I locked eyes with him. He watched me panic. A smile spread across his handsome face. “I’ll see you tonight, beautiful.” And he stepped back as the door swung open, and Tadeas came in.

  Jay turned and walked out. He patted Tadeas on the shoulder and said, “See you tonight, big guy.”

  Tadeas just stared at me. I was completely out of sorts. “What are you doing here?” I said. It sounded angry. I was a bit upset with him, but it came out all wrong because I was rattled by Jay’s overt behavior. It had never really bothered me before, but this time seemed different.

  “Did I interrupt something? I can come back later,” he sounded hurt.

  “No, Jay is just being the Half-Fae bad boy that he knows how to be. That’s all,” I tried to brush it off.

  “He’s trying to be a bad boy with you?” he asked.

  “Yeah, he’s always trying to.” I didn’t want to come out like I was bragging. Jay was just being Jay though. It didn’t mean anything.

  “Trying to what, Abby?”

  “You know,” I said and waved my hand around trying to dismiss it. I was even more uncomfortable now. I was definitely not to the comfort point where I could talk about sex with Tadeas. Not even close.

  “He’s trying to sleep with you,” he blurted.

  “I guess. I dunno,” I still tried to dismiss it.

  “Has he before now?”

  “Has he tried before?” I asked. This was going to hell in a handbasket very quickly.

  “No, have you slept with him?” he growled at me.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not any of your damned business,” I said.

  “Oh, how many others on your team have you been with?”

  “Why does it matter to you, Tadeas? You are the one that wanted some space this morning and now, here you are in my office. This is not the space I thought you wanted,” I stood up and clicked off my computer and marched around the desk and got in his face. “It isn’t your business, but because I care about you, you should know that I’ve never slept with him nor any other person on my team. I’m not even sure you deserve that little tidbit of information, but there it is. Unless you have some other business beside who I am not fucking, I’m gonna go back to my apartment, because my grandfather is not going to cancel this damn party and even if you don’t show up. I have to go. I have no choice.” I gritted my teeth. He just looked at me dismayed. I marched out the door, and to the stairwell. I headed down a flight. When I got halfway he had followed me into the stairs. I stopped and looked at him waiting for him to say something.

  “I left my boots in your apartment, and the door was locked. I wanted to get them back,” he said simply.

  I marched back up the half flight to him. “No, you don’t get to throw this back on me like you were doing something innocent. You came into that office knowing someone was in there with me. You knew a man was in there. I could feel you in the hallway the moment you stepped out of the stairwell. Don’t play games with me, Tadeas. I’m done with the games. Jay was in there practically throwing himself at me like he always does, and I always tell him no. You have no right to ask who I am with, who I have been with or to assume who I will ever be with.” I turned back around and went back down to the 3rd floor doorway and stopped. “Come get your damn boots.”

  He followed at a distance. I let him in. I went and poured a glass of Buffalo Trace, and he went back into the bedroom and picked up the boots. He started to head to the door. I decided I wasn’t done with him yet. “Tadeas?”

  He stopped in his tracks, “Hm?” He didn’t look at me.

  “How many pairs of those boots do you own right now? How many are in this building?” I pried. The boots were an excuse.

  “I got over myself, and wanted to talk to you.”

  He stabbed me in the heart. I oozed hurt, anger and frustration. I was tired of playing the games. “Talk about what?”

  “Never mind,” he said and walked out the door.

  I had already broken enough drinking vessels, but I sure wanted to throw this one.

  By the time Ashley arrived to check on me before the party, I had finished off about half of the bottle of bourbon. Somehow, I managed to get dressed and fix my hair. I opened the door when she knocked and invited her in.

  “Hey Ash,” I said. She rolled her eyes at me, walked in and pulled my glass away from me at the same time. Technically, I was not drunk. It took a lot for me to be drunk, but pair the half bottle with an empty stomach. I was well on my way to happy town.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” she exclaimed. I shut the door behind her and rolled my eyes.

  “I’m not drunk,” I said fairly convincingly.

  “Oh really? Just tipsy then?” I laughed at her.

  “Tipsy is a funny word,” I laughed at myself.

  “You aren’t funny. What happened?” she said. She had known me for years, and really the only woman I got along with for any extended period of time. I walked over to the soft leather couch that she picked out and plopped down.

  “We had an argument. By the way, this couch, yeah, it’s great.”

  She shook her head at me and sat down on the side chair. She wore a lovely dusty rose tea length dress with a spring floral motif wrapping around her waist and up over her right shoulder. She had on pearls, and her deep auburn hair curled and fell down around her face. “Is he coming tonight?” she sounded concerned.

  “I don’t know. Probably not. You look lovely,” I said to her. “You don’t usually wear pink.” I had always told her she would look good in a rose color, but she was afraid it would clash with her red hair. She looked nervous all of a sudden. “Oh, yeah I see you. Spill it!”

  She smiled and quirked her lips to the side. “I’ve been seeing someone.”

  I moved to the edge of the couch. It had been a while since she dated anyone, and I didn’t know anyone that could convince her to wear pink. “And this someone is?”


  “You are dating the doc!” I squealed and moved down to the end of the couch. There were times I could be an all-out girl. “He’s adorable. When did this start? And why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It happened while you were downstairs. He offered to take me for a drink since my best friend decided to chase a cat.” I laughed at that one.

  “You liked the idea,” I accused. “In fact, I think you were the only one who did. You were wrong by the way. It was a bad idea.” I pretended to blame her.

  “Doesn’t matter he’s hot,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, he’s hot and angry at me. And I’m not really happy with him at the moment. He can just go be hot somewhere else,” I said. Women can talk about hot guys, and the other woman realizes you have no intention of sleeping with him.

  “Did you sleep with him?” Okay, maybe not.

  “Bite your tongue,” I said. “No, we didn’t. In fact, the fight started over him asking me if I slept with Jay.”

  “Oh, he didn’t like that you had,” she said.

  “What! Ash, you know I have never slept with Jay Stafford,” I shot back at her. “But I didn't tell him that to start with. I pretty much let him think what he wanted. I was pissed he even asked.”

  “What made him ask?”

  “He walked in on Jay in my office with me being Jay,” I said

  “No wonder Abby! Were you making out or something?”

  “Hell no! But Jay is acting weird. He said he’s changed, and he wanted us to make a real go at it,” her eyes got wide. “What do you know about that?”

  “He asked me if I thought you would. He said he’s tired of a different woman all the time. He said you are the only one he had ever considered for something long term. He seemed genuine,” she explained.

  “Oh please. He has never done anything except try to get in my pants, or up my skirt or whatever,” I said.

  “Are you wearing that?” she said changing the subject.

  “What's wrong with this?” I said. The dress was a high low dress. It was a royal blue and hung to my knees in the front and to my calves in the back. I had on black high heel sandals.

  “Well, at least your hair looks good. I’ll go pick out a different dress,” she said going into my room. I got up and followed her. She knew more about fashion than I did, and what I know I learned from her.

  “Back to Tadeas, do you like him? Like that, I mean,” she asked.

  “No. I haven’t had time to really think of him like that,” I lied.

  “Really? Your brain can think about 10 different things at once. A dozen if you try hard,” she said.

  “He’s amazing, but we are never on the same page. It’s only been a few days, but I’ve wanted to throat punch him at least twice. I’ve lost my temper twice. I should have never tried to find a new partner.”

  “So, the answer is yes. Gotcha,” she said.

  “Ash, please don’t,” I suddenly felt really sad. Watching her go through my closet and looking back to the shoe rack to match up an outfit.

  She stopped for a moment and looked at me, “I had hoped that you would find someone you trusted again. That maybe in the future you could fall in love. Abby, it’s been long enough.”

  “It’s not that I don’t trust him. We are just like oil and water.”

  “This one!” She pulled out a sleeveless nude dress with a slate blue chiffon overlay. Slate blue sequins and embroidery shaped like vines accented the dress from the neckline and dwindled to the bottom of the full-length dress. She pulled out a strappy pair of slate blue pumps.


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