Tempting Raven (Curse of the Vampire Queen Book 1)

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Tempting Raven (Curse of the Vampire Queen Book 1) Page 9

by Jessica Sorensen

  I shift more of my weight to my uninjured leg. “You make it sound like you’re the boss.”

  “I’m not,” he replies without missing a beat. “But since I’ve been through training, I do know more about this than you. And we’re going to be so close that everyone figured I could be the one to teach you what I know. You know, guide you into becoming queen.”

  Close. We’re going to be close. How close?

  “Who’s everyone?”

  “The emperors and empresses, the society … Fate.” He cups my cheek and his thumb skims my cheekbone.

  As my eyelashes start to flutter, I lean away from his touch. I refuse to let my body react to him that way just because we’re king and queen.


  He reluctantly nods as his hand falls to his side. “I was told a few other things during my Eternal Reading that was just between Fate and me. Things I’m supposed to eventually tell you.”

  I open my mouth to ask more questions, but he places his finger against my lips.

  “Let’s not have this conversation here, okay?” He waits for me to nod before lifting his finger from my lips.

  I silently limp across the street. He walks beside me, watching me struggle with his hands fisted at his sides. I can tell he’s fighting the need to pick me up and carry me, but he thankfully doesn’t, doing what I asked for maybe the first time in my life.

  I just wish I could trust him. With everything that’s happened, though, I don’t think I can. Too much painful history hovers between us. Plus, I have a feeling he’s keeping stuff from me. I need to find out what.


  After I hop into the backseat of the SUV, I send Effie a text while Rhyland wanders off somewhere.

  Me: No need to come get me. I’ve already been picked up.

  She replies with an endless amount of questions. Unsure what I can tell her, I reply that I’ll call her tomorrow and try to explain everything. I hate that I might have to lie to her. Maybe if I talk to my mom, I can get the go-ahead to tell Effie the truth. Doubtful, since everyone is making such a big deal about no one finding out I’m the queen until my powers manifest.

  A few minutes later, Rhyland returns to the SUV and scoots onto the seat beside me. He rolls up a window that divides the front part of the car from the back and I feel the vehicle drive forward.

  “Where are we going?” I rest back in the seat. “I’m hoping home.”

  “We are,” he mutters quietly, rolling up his sleeve. “We need to fix your leg and get rid of the burn on your skin.” Once he gets his sleeves rolled up, he reaches for my neck. When I stiffen, he freezes. “Relax, I’m just looking at the burns.”

  “Oh.” I try to hold still as his fingertips brush along my collarbone.

  His touch is surprisingly warm, like gooey blood cookies fresh from the oven, and I have the strangest compulsion to moan. I bite down on my lip, stifling the noise.

  What in the dark underworld is wrong with me? Since when do I react that way toward Rhyland?

  “How did he even burn me?” My eyelids lower as I sink into a content state. “Gabe, I mean.”

  “Like I said, he has a gift.” He sketches his finger along the base of my neck, the coldness of his breath dusting along my skin. “He’s what some call a Fire Vampire because he possesses the fire magic of dragons.”

  My eyes pop open and my breath catches in my throat, partly over what he said and partly because he’s closer than I expected. Right there, leaning over me, his lips mere inches from mine.

  I press back against the seat, attempting to put space between us. “I didn’t realize vampires could possess dragon magic.”

  He wets his lips with his tongue as he studies my neck. “They can’t. Not without help.”

  My pulse quickens the longer he stares at my neck. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  He moves his fingers up to my racing pulse, and then his tongue slips out of his lips again. “It means, someone made him that way.”

  “Like, created him?”

  “Sort of.” He drags his gaze off my neck and focuses on my eyes, but keeps his fingers pressed to my pulse. “I don’t know how much you know about the rebellions, but what a lot of the public doesn’t know is that it’s not just normal vampires trying to raid the streets and overthrow the council. The leader of the rebellion has made reconstructed vampires that are stronger with a hell of a lot of power. Magical power that’s been stolen from other creatures.”

  I gulp down an anxious breath. “Like Gabe’s fire dragon power?”

  He nods. “He wasn’t always like that. The first time you met him, he wasn’t.”

  “But he was an emperor.” It’s not a question, but he nods, anyway.

  “He was. By then, the council had become suspicious of where his loyalties lay. They thought he might be secretly working for the rebellion.”

  “Who is the leader of the rebellion?”

  His fingers twitch. “No one knows for sure.”

  I have a feeling he’s lying, but don’t know why. Then again, this is Rhyland…

  “If Gabe’s so terrible then why were you with him that day at the school?”

  Another twitch of his fingers, an indication that he’s lying, I think.

  “I was trying to find out what he was up to,” he says.

  “You were working undercover?” I ask. “How? That’s an emperor’s job and you hadn’t even gotten your Eternal Reading yet.”

  He sucks on his lip ring, deliberating something. “I can’t really get into that right now, but you need to understand that not everything you’ve seen over the years was real. That’s very important.”

  “So, you’re saying you really didn’t shove me into the locker the day the demon got loose?” I question with an arched brow.

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying,” he grimaces with a frown.

  “Then what are you saying?” My tone comes out less clipped than I wanted. “Other than you can’t tell me much of anything.”

  “I will when I can,” he assures me. “What I can tell you is that there are a ton of vampires like Gabe who are not only trying to overthrow the council and most of the vampire population, but are going to try to come after you. And if they find out who you are before you get all of your powers and break the …” His throat bobs as he traces his finger along my collarbone before returning his fingertips to my hammering pulse. “But don’t worry; there are a ton of vampires, including me, who are going to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “They might already know what I am,” I say quietly. “Gabe said something about me being different.”

  He shakes his head. “He doesn’t know yet. If he did, he would’ve put up a hell of a fight to try to kill you. Not just vanish into ash.” His lips thin into a firm line. “If he sensed something was different with you, he’ll definitely be back.” When I start to frown, he smirks. “Don’t worry. Despite your self-proclaimed rule that the queen is supposed to take care of herself, you will be protected.”

  I roll my eyes, but relief douses over me. “I’m glad I’ll be protected, but I also want to be able to protect myself in case something like what happened tonight happens again.”

  “It won’t happen again, because you won’t be running off alone again.” A fire smolders in his eyes. As rapidly as the flame ignited, it fizzles into smoke. “But I like the idea of you being able to protect yourself, so you can start training with me every day if you want to.” The corners of his lips quirk. “I’ll have to go easy on you until your full powers manifest.”

  “And I’ll make sure I return the favor once they do,” I quip with a smirk.

  He smirks back, but his smile falters. “I do have some bad news about the burn Gabe gave you… It’s not curable with vampire’s blood. But drinking vampire blood will keep it from spreading.”

  “How do I get rid of it completely?”

  “With dragon’s fire.”

  “You cure a dragon fire burn with dragon
’s fire? That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Everything in life rarely does.”

  “Are you sure you’re not lying to me and trying to get me to take something that’ll make it worse?” I question. “Are you maybe trying to get rid of me?”

  His jaw ticks. “I already promised you I won’t ever hurt you.” He rests his fingers against my sprinting pulse again. “I want to take care of you …” His gaze briefly drops to where his fingers are, and then zeroes in on my lips. “I want to help you heal until we can get ahold of some dragon fire … And I want to heal your leg, too.” He seems enthralled by my mouth.

  My heart rate pulsates and I know he can feel it against his fingertips.

  “Don’t I just wait a few days for my leg to heal?”

  He won’t stop staring at my mouth. “No, you drink blood.”

  “Okay …” What he’s fully saying clicks, and my body goes rigid. “No. No way.”

  His nostrils flare. “You have to. My blood is the only thing you can drink from now on if you ever want to get your powers.” He shakes out his shoulders, attempting to relax. “Plus, it’ll heal you a hell of a lot faster than normal blood.”

  I shake my head. “I’d rather just let my leg heal the old fashion way.”

  “It’s not just your leg that needs healing.” He grazes his fingertip along the burn marks on my neck. “If you don’t drink enough blood soon, these burns will start spreading.”

  “Can’t you just give me the dragon’s fire now?”

  “It’s not that easy to get. Dragons are rare these days. It’s going to take some time.”

  “Then how are you even going to get some at all?”

  “The black magic market,” he explains. “But it’ll probably take a few days.”

  “Oh.” I frown, realizing what must happen if I don’t want to turn into one giant dragon’s burn. Suck it up, Raven. You’re tough. You’re strong. You can do this. “I’m not going to drink from your vein.”

  The muscle in his jaw spasms. “If you don’t, you won’t heal as fast, and you’ll have to drink blood more frequently to keep the burns under control.”

  I shrug. “That’s fine with me.”

  He places his hands on the seat behind me, trapping me between his arms. “You know, eventually, you’re going to have to. Your powers won’t ever reach their full potential if you don’t.”

  “Eventually, I will.” The words taste bitter on my tongue. “But I’m not ready to yet.”

  He nibbles on his lip ring, studying me intensely. “Have you ever drunk from the vein before?”

  Oh, my vampires, are we really having this conversation right now?

  I fight to keep a blush from spreading to my cheeks. “Have you?” I’m pretty sure I know the answer. Rhyland is way too popular and gorgeous to have not bitten and been bit. Probably many, many times.

  He sinks his teeth into his lip, fighting back a grin. “I asked you first.”

  I carry his gaze as warmth trickles across my cheeks. “And I asked you second. Plus, I’m the queen.”

  “And I’m the king.” He waits for me to give in, but I smash my lips together. He shakes his head, a smile touching his lips. “So stubborn.” He bends his arms and leans in closer to me, lowering his voice to a husky whisper. “Fine, I’ll go first. Yes, I’ve drank blood from the vein.”

  So, I was right.

  I feel the slightest bit of disappointment, a reaction I can’t and don’t even want to explain.

  “Was it with my sister?” I ask.

  His eyes pop wide. “Are you fucking joking?”

  “What? You guys were close, and you practically did, and would, do anything for her.”

  His smile dissipates as he shakes his head, sending strands of hair into his eyes. “First off, let’s get one thing straight. You may have thought I did anything your sister asked, but you don’t know the full story.”

  “And there you go being cryptic again,” I say. “I’m starting to wonder if you’re just saying that to cover up the ugly truth.”

  He ignores me. “And second, I have never, ever drank from Nadine’s vein. I’ve only done it from an empress a few times at your mom’s club. And it was because I needed some extra power.”

  “Okay.” I pretend not to care, and I don’t. I think …

  “And thirdly …” he continues, his lips quirking.

  “Oh, great, there’s another one,” I interrupt with a dramatic groan.

  He bites back a smile. “And thirdly, just so you know, no vampire has ever drunk from my vein. You get to be the first.”

  “Lucky me.” My tone oozes with sarcasm.

  He grins, teeth showing and all. “Now it’s your turn.”

  “No way. I never agreed to that.”

  He rolls his tongue in his mouth, either irritated or amused with me. My bet is the first. “I just poured my heart and soul out to you, and you’re not going to return the favor?”

  I resist an eye roll. “Don’t be overdramatic. You didn’t pour your heart and soul out.” I heave an exasperated breath as he continues to stare me down, not firmly, but like a sad, little lilywolf tiger, which FYI, are the most adorable pets ever. Part tiger, part wolf, and part lily faerie, they carry magical powers. I’ve always wanted one but only faeries can have them. “Fine, I’ll tell you. Just stop looking at me like I just kicked your lilywolf tiger.” I chew on my bottom lip. For the love of blood, I can’t believe I’m about to tell him this. Him of all people. “I haven’t ever drunk from the vein, and no one’s ever drank from mine. There. Are you happy?”

  He nods. “Very happy.”

  “Why? What’s the big deal? So I haven’t sunk my teeth into a vein and no one’s ever touched my vein. In reality, I should be super depressed because, according to you and my mom, that’ll never happen now.”

  “We never said it wouldn’t happen.” His voice lacks emotion, but his eyes are a whole different story, carrying almost too much hunger.

  “No, but you said I could only drink your blood, so when it happens, it won’t be by choice. And no one will ever drink from my vein.”

  He eyeballs my lips again. “Yes, they will … eventually.” He pushes away, sits back down in the seat, and pulls a knife from out of his pocket, growing quiet and leaving me to wonder what he meant.

  I straighten in the seat as he flips open the knife. “What’re you doing?”

  “Lay your head on my lap,” he instructs as he aligns the tip of the knife to his forearm.

  “Um, no thanks,” I tell him. “I’m cool right where I am, far, far away from your lap and other things near your lap.”

  He stares at me with his teeth sunk deeply into his bottom lip. “I need you to put your head on my lap so you can catch the blood when it drips out of my arm.”

  “Oh.” My cheeks flood with warmth as I lie down on the seat and tentatively rest my head onto his lap.

  He gazes down at me, sucking on his lip ring.

  “What?” I rub my hand across my forehead. “Do I have something on my face?”

  “No, you’re fine. I just …” He rips his attention off me and drags the tip of the knife down his forearm, making a small incision. Then, keeping the bleeding wound facing upward, he moves his arm above my mouth. “Ready?”

  No. Not at all.

  Not wanting the burn to spread, I nod.

  His Adam’s apple bobs up and down, then he rotates his arm downward and puts the bleeding wound right above my lips. Blood begins to trickle down like raindrops, and I open my mouth, ready to drink and get this over with.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what happens next.

  I mean, I’ve drunk blood before, but never like this, so close to being fresh from the vein.

  So … powerful.

  That’s what I realize the moment the first droplet of his blood kisses the tip of my tongue. Rhyland is powerful. Very powerful, in a way my body can barely understand. In a way my body craves.

ng snaps inside me, and I suddenly go from reluctantly drinking his blood to grabbing his arm and devouring every delicious drop that spills from his forearm. Groans fumble from my lips as I greedily drink, the buzzing in my veins pumping to life again. Power. The buzzing is power. My power. Rhyland’s power. Vampire power.

  Eventually, all self-control leaves my mind and body, and my fangs descend. I pull back only to prepare to sink my fangs into his vein, ready to drink until I black out from a blood high, but Rhyland cups the back of my neck, stopping me.

  “Easy,” he whispers hoarsely, soothingly stroking the back of my neck with his fingertips.

  I take a ragged breath as I dazedly gaze up at him, struggling to calm down. “I’m sorry,” I whisper, horrified. I was about to attack him. Drink from his vein.

  He carries my gaze, hunger and pain emitting from his eyes. “It’s okay. I just don’t want you to let the frenzy take over and do something you’ll end up regretting. I want you to want it when it happens.”

  I nod, licking some blood off my lips as the frenzy fades from my mind. “Thank you.”

  He nods, moving his hand away from the back of my neck. I return my head to his lap while his fingers drift to the bottom of my throat, lightly tracing a path along my skin.

  “Are they gone?” I ask breathlessly.

  He nods. “For now.”

  Fear creeps up inside me, but whatever sort of magic his blood holds erases the feeling almost instantly. Instead of sitting up, I remain lying in his lap. The dizzy, hazy, temporary euphoria takes over my body and mind again. My leg feels better; the bones healed. And I feel strangely content, like I’m exactly where I want to be, which is weird since I’m with Rhyland.

  I could get used to this.

  I really could.

  I start to smile at the thought when the vehicle rolls to a stop and Rhyland utters softly, “We’re home.”

  I sit up and wipe more blood from my lip, expecting to see us parked in the driveway of either his or my two-story childhood home. Nope. All I see is miles and miles of forest enclosing the biggest castle I’ve ever laid eyes on.



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