His to Claim (Alien Masters Book 2)

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His to Claim (Alien Masters Book 2) Page 5

by Kallista Dane

  Everyone seemed to be in partial stages of undress. She’d seen a number of half-naked men in the cavern, their chests as bare as that of the man in front of her. And like most of the other females, these two women wore only a narrow band over their breasts, crisscrossing in front and tying at the back of the neck. It left the midriff bare all the way to the colorful sarong-type skirts riding low on their hips and stopping above the knees.

  Outside, they’d all been shrouded in cloaks and skins. Although it was dark, perhaps they always dressed like that when they left the caves. It would protect them against the damaging effect of the rays of the twin suns if they were caught out there unexpectedly when daylight dawned.

  He made an impatient gesture and she turned her back to him as she stretched the cylerian further, drawing it over her shoulders and down to her waist. Slowly she worked her arms free, first one, then the other. She stopped, glanced back at him with a pleading look and made a twirling motion with her fingers. He grunted and half-turned away. The women followed suit, though she caught one of them peeking over her shoulder. Lexi frowned at her and the woman turned her back completely.

  Carefully, Lexi pulled the garment down past her hips. She hissed when the cool air hit her inflamed backside. One hand crept back to touch it. Her skin felt hot but the pain had faded to a sharp sting. She rubbed her hand across her bottom again and the odd tingling between her legs fanned out through her belly.

  She worked the cylerian the rest of the way down and stepped out of it. The stone floor felt cool beneath her feet. Cool but not unpleasantly cold. Lexi stuck one hand into the basin of water. It was warm, similar to the temperature she programmed in for the water in the bathing tub in her apartment.

  Stepping in, she laid her head back against the smooth stone edge. The water soothed her burning bottom and eased the tension in her muscles. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, allowing herself a moment of relaxation.

  The two women must have heard her because they hurried forward. One scattered another bundle of herbs into the water while the other scooped out a pitcher full of water from the tub, pushed her shoulders forward and dumped it over her head.

  Lexi came up spluttering and heard the big man roar with laughter. She tossed her head, swiped wet strands of hair out of her eyes, and looked up to find him watching her, a huge grin on his face.

  “Now Ayron, don’t be mean. You’re embarrassing her.”

  “She doesn’t look embarrassed, Nadina. She looks pissed.”

  The young woman glanced at her. Lexi glared and hunched over, covering her breasts as best she could with both arms crossed over her chest.

  “Maybe a little of both? Anyway, we’ve got her in the water,” she replied. “You can leave now.”

  Her captor, the man called Ayron, waved a hand dismissively, never taking his eyes off her. “Not a chance. She’s already gotten the best of you. Twice, by my count. I’m staying until she’s ready to be delivered back to Mother Eva.”

  Nadina grinned. “I know how men are. You just want to watch.”

  He smiled back, not even bothering to deny it.

  “Fine. You can wait over there in the corner then.” She shooed him to the far side of the room. Then she put the plug back in the wall, stopping the flow of water. Mara grabbed a bowl filled with nasty-smelling leaves that had been soaking on a side table. She and Nadina each took a handful of the leaves and began mashing them into Lexi’s hair.

  Lexi was about to push the women away but one look at Ayron’s face stopped her. She was fairly certain he’d simply haul her from the tub and spank her again, this time on the bare bottom, until she quit fighting them. Besides, even though they tasted awful, the herbs they gave her earlier did make her feel better. These people had learned to survive despite the conditions here. Maybe she should allow them to do whatever they thought was necessary, no matter how bad the gooey mess smelled. She’d get it out of her hair eventually.

  A moment later, she was regretting her decision. The women were bent on covering her entire upper body with the horrid mess. Face, neck, shoulders—even her breasts. When her nipples hardened into tiny peaks at the unfamiliar sensation of touch, Lexi was grateful the green goop covered her face. At least Ayron wouldn’t see her blushing.

  The women backed off and Lexi sighed. She’d endured the embarrassment and it would all be over soon. But to her horror, the women took her by the hands and pulled her to a standing position, then began slapping more wet green leaves on her stomach and back, moving lower and lower on her body.

  Nadina pushed her head down, forcing her to bend over at the waist. All four hands continued their invasive action, prodding her legs apart. Mara slathered every inch of her bottom with the mess. Then she spread apart the twin cheeks and worked a handful in between them, grazing Lexi’s anus with a finger as she did.

  The sensation sent a shiver through her. Nadina felt it. She made a soft sound and ran her own hand down Lexi’s front, stroking the fold of skin over her clitoris. Lexi wanted to smack her hand away but she didn’t dare to do anything that would earn her another punishment. She closed her eyes and tried to block out what the woman was doing.

  Nadina kept on, rubbing gently until Lexi felt her tiny nub swell and begin throbbing. Then she took another thick handful of mashed-up leaves and spread them all over between her legs, spreading apart Lexi’s folds and even forcing some up into the opening of her vagina.

  Lexi cried out then. The leaves set off waves of sensation inside her, hot and cold at the same time. The waves became stronger, flooding through her entire body. She started shaking uncontrollably. The women pushed her to her knees, then further, until she was completely under the water, head and all.

  She held her breath, but her heart was pounding from the violent shaking that rocked her body. Panicking, she thrashed around, arms and legs flailing, afraid she’d drown if she didn’t get air.

  The next moment, strong arms lifted her clear of the water. Ayron scooped her up, crushing her against his chest. She gasped for breath, struggling. Heedless of the green goo dripping from her body, he cradled her against him until the shaking subsided.

  “She’s frightened,” he said, waving away the two women. “She didn’t know what to expect, doesn’t understand the herbs are meant to cause that reaction—get the blood flowing and leach out the poisons from her body.”

  He stood there, rock solid, and held her tight as he made low soothing sounds. Weak and trembling, Lexi sagged against him, her head resting on his chest. She had a quick flash of memory, of being held like this long ago, as a tiny child. Giving in to a sudden urge, she wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed herself to be comforted.

  Gradually her heart stopped pounding. Her breathing returned to normal. Conscious awareness seeped back in and she realized he’d jumped into the tub of water and now stood there, dripping wet and nearly as covered with green slime as she was.

  Her sensory awareness kicked into overdrive again. Slick wet skin, cool against her skin. The sound of his heart pulsing in his chest. Lexi panicked at the suffocating closeness, the enforced intimacy. The arms cradling her became restraints, holding her in a vise-like grip. She couldn’t pull away.

  He must have felt the tension in her body. Slowly, he eased her to her feet, keeping his arms loosely around her until she was standing without support. He turned to the two attendants.

  “Ladies, I think she’ll be all right. And now I’d better get out of this tub before you decide to wash me too!”

  He yanked the plug from the wall and stuck his head under the stream of water pouring out. Throwing back his head, he ran both hands through his hair, sweeping it back off his forehead as he squeezed out the water. He picked up one of the jugs from a ledge around the basin and filled it up. Then he poured the water over his body with one hand, scrubbing away bits of green slime on his chest with the other.

  The sight was so compelling that Lexi forgot her own nudity. She took a hesitan
t step back but her eyes followed his every movement. She knew it was rude to watch him doing something so intensely personal, but she couldn’t help staring. His wet body gleamed in the torchlight and for a moment she wished it was her hand rubbing all over that smooth bronze body. Mara made a low noise, half sigh and half moan, and Lexi knew she must be watching too.

  He seemed oblivious to the effect he was having on the women. At least until he reached for the cloth slung low around his hips. Nadina drew in her breath sharply. The sound seemed to remind him where he was. His hands stopped just short of unfastening the garment and he settled for splashing water over it instead.

  Ayron stepped out of the tub. His wet garment clung to his hips and thighs, molding itself to his body. He wore nothing beneath it and she could clearly see the outline of his penis, still semi-erect. Lexi didn’t realize she was staring until he spoke.

  “I hope you’re ready to behave now.”

  She caught herself just as she began nodding her head, turning it into a submissive lowering of chin to chest instead. She wasn’t supposed to know what he’d said.

  Ayron strode to the door. “I’m going to get some rest. Call me if you have any more trouble with her.”

  Lexi allowed the women to pour fresh water over her, rubbing away the last bits of goo. Her skin tingled, and everywhere their hands touched set off tiny shivers. She tried to divorce her mind from her body, cataloging her responses as though she was a subject in a lab study. Heartbeat: elevated. Physical sensations: abnormally heightened. Nipples: hardening and becoming erect again.

  But she couldn’t separate herself from what was happening when Nadina reached down and began cleaning the last bits of matted leaves from the area between her legs. She bit her lip and tried to remain still. Fingers rubbing the folds of her vulva, touching the tip of her clitoris. Setting off strange cravings. It was all she could do to keep her hips still, keep from grinding herself against that soft, insidious hand.

  Forbidden images filled her mind—thoughts of the barbarian who crushed her in his arms. How would it feel if his hand stroked between her legs, teased her clitoris into an aching little bud?

  She didn’t want to admit to herself that she suffered a pang of disappointment when Nadina stopped. Mara took her hand, helping her out of the deep basin. Both women began drying her body with soft cloths, chattering to each other as they did.

  “Her hair is so beautiful,” Mara said as she toweled it dry. “Such a lovely color. And the hair below is the same.” She bent and patted the soft curls between Lexi’s legs with the cloth.

  “She could not have been in the outlands very long. I wonder where she came from?” Nadina wrapped a fresh cloak around her body and led her, barefoot, out of the room and down another series of long passageways tunneled into the rock.

  They came to a door, the first one Lexi had seen. All the other rooms were open to the corridor so any passerby could see into them. Mara knocked.

  A familiar voice bade them enter. Nadina opened the door and waved Lexi in.

  “Mother Eva, we have cleansed the female creature in the water as you bade us.”

  The old gray-haired woman stood in the center of a room more luxurious than anything Lexi had seen until now. Thick rugs of animal skin covered the floor dotted with stone benches and sturdy chairs made of twisted vines as big around as her wrist. Brightly colored fabric panels hung on the walls, with figures of strange plants and animals woven into them. The curiosity that led Lexi into studying science kicked in. She took a few steps forward to examine one of the tapestries.

  Mutations. Mutations caused by the effects of the superweapons that had all but destroyed the planet. That was the only explanation Lexi could come up with for the bizarre plants and animals depicted. She’d been taught that Iridia, like its sister planets, had been colonized by life forms transported there from Earth. But she knew from her studies that being separated from their roots for a few millennia wouldn’t have been long enough for evolution alone to cause these amazing genetic anomalies.

  Her study was cut short by Eva’s voice.

  “Bring her here.”

  Eva stood in the center of the room, in front of a wooden table covered with a thick fur pelt. The women led her to it. Nadina pulled off her cloak, leaving her standing there naked, and gestured for her to lie down on the table.

  Lexi backed away. What horrid things would they do to her now?

  “I heard she gave you a bit of trouble earlier,” Eva said. She walked up to Lexi and reached up to put a hand on her chin. “You will do as you’re told,” she said in a stern voice, “or I’ll have to call Ayron back in. Do you really want me to do that?”

  Lexi shuddered, her bottom still aching from the spanking she’d gotten earlier.

  “She can’t understand you, mother,” Mara broke in.

  Eva never broke eye contact with her while replying to Mara. “She knows well enough. Even wild creatures understand who is in charge just by the tone of voice you use with them. Firm but not so harsh that they will attack out of fear.”

  She gestured to the table. “Get up there.”

  Lexi could see no other alternative but to comply. She climbed up onto the table, painfully aware of her nakedness, and laid down.

  Chapter Four

  “Hold her so I can examine her thoroughly.” The two women stepped up to put their hands firmly on her shoulders. Lexi knew she could have broken free but the threat of having Eva call in the huge warrior to witness this new humiliation was enough to keep her in place.

  Eva ran her hands over Lexi’s body briskly and clinically.

  “The creature doesn’t seem to be injured,” she announced. Deliberately, Eva reached out and tweaked a nipple, watching Lexi’s face. Lexi tried not to react but she couldn’t control her body’s automatic response. The nipple hardened into a tight nub.

  “She responds like a human. Let’s see if she’s built like one inside too.”

  Eva snapped her fingers. Mara and Nadina moved to the foot of the table and each one grabbed one of her legs. They pushed back, bending them at the knees and spreading her wide apart. Eva moved to the foot of the table, peering between her legs.

  Lexi wanted to die of shame. At least what had been done to her before was done with hands alone, through a blanket of gooey leaves. No one had ever stared openly at her naked body.

  But it got worse. Eva began spreading her vulvar folds apart. She pushed back the hood of skin and examined her clitoris, palpating it until Lexi squirmed. Then she dipped a finger into Lexi’s vagina.

  “She’s wet inside, prepared to receive a stiff rod.” The old woman pulled out her finger and Lexi sighed. It was over.

  The next moment she couldn’t hold back a startled cry when Eva slipped two fingers deep inside her vaginal canal, twisting and probing.

  “She doesn’t have a maidenhead, so she’s obviously been penetrated before. But her passage is still tight. I doubt she’s ever given birth.”

  The fingers stroked and rubbed, coming back to a spot that made Lexi’s breath quicken. She closed her eyes, imagining it was Ayron touching her, Ayron’s fingers stroking her deep inside.

  The old lady withdrew her hand. To her embarrassment, Lexi found herself craving more of that strange sensation. She’d brought herself to orgasm many times with her probe. But she’d never had a jolt of lust surge through her whole body the way it did when she imagined the crude savage who found her stroking her where Eva had.

  Mother Eva’s eyes bored into hers again. Lexi shivered. Though her mental shields were raised, she had a feeling the old woman had somehow slipped through them and could even now read her thoughts. She definitely sensed that Lexi had been sexually aroused by her examination. But did she know it was the first time in her life Lexi felt that way? Was this the kind of response human bodies always experienced during coitus? No wonder Commander Norris eagerly embraced her new life on Neodyma.

  Lexi took care of her biological needs du
ring regularly scheduled gratification sessions, once every three weeks as required by law. Sessions were carefully timed to maximize her physical fulfillment as efficiently as possible using a penis-shaped probe that simulated the act of intercourse with regular, rhythmic electrical impulses. Men used another sort of mechanical device, one it was said far surpassed the limited stimulation capability of a woman’s vaginal canal.

  But her holographic lover never made her stomach flutter the way it did when Ayron pulled her over his strong thighs or crushed her against his bare chest. This skin-on-skin contact was new and strangely compelling. The more often it happened, the more Lexi craved for it to continue.

  Then Eva did something unspeakably vile. She moved her hand to Lexi’s anal opening, touching and examining the area around it. Lexi thrashed around on the table, forgetting all about the consequences of fighting back.

  “Keep her still,” the old woman demanded, poking a finger into Lexi’s bottom hole.

  The invasion was so shocking, so forbidden. She kicked out, sending Mara crashing into the floor, and twisted away, huddling into a fetal position on the table. Nadina tried to wrestle her back into position.

  Eva made a tsking sound. “Leave her be. I found out all I need to know. She has never been taken there. She wouldn’t have reacted so violently if she were used to it.” Eva walked over to a small table in a corner of the room, poured some water over her hands, and rubbed them together briskly with a handful of dried herbs that gave out a pleasing fragrance.

  Taken there? What did Eva mean? Surely probing a female’s anal passage digitally could not be a common practice, no matter how backward these savages were. Lexi shuddered again. Somehow she had to escape from here, find a way to get back to Earth.

  Eva went on, issuing a string of orders so rapidly that even with her Tellex chip working, Lexi had trouble following them.


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