Awakened By Time

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Awakened By Time Page 15

by Jennae Vale

“I’m not sure how helpful I am,” Sophia said with a soft chuckle. She popped the last of the bread into her mouth, wiping her face and hands.

  “Sophia, ye ken I love ye like yer were me own. I dinnae ken what I’d do without ye,” Mary said

  “Are ye happy here?” Brenna asked, hoping she didn’t sound like an idjit by asking.

  “I am. It’s very different from where I was born and raised, but it’s home,” Sophia said.

  “Ye came from San Francisco, didnae ye?”

  If she was surprised by this question, it didn’t show. She merely nodded as she wiped up the table.

  “Do ye ever miss it?”

  “I do. Not so much that I’d leave here to go back, but there are some things I miss,” Sophia admitted.

  “Such as?” Brenna asked.

  “The food,” she quickly glanced at Mary, who Brenna noted gave Sophia a hurt look before winking and laughing. “The music, the beauty of the place. I also miss how quickly one can travel there.”

  “What do you mean?” Brenna asked.

  “I’d better not say,” Sophia answered.

  Brenna guessed Sophia wasn’t sure she could speak about time traveling with her.

  Helene entered the kitchen. “There ye are. Ye left the house so early this morn, I was afraid something might be wrong. I can see it must have been the aroma of Mary’s fresh baked bread that lured ye.”

  Mary chuckled at that.

  “Do I get a slice, Mary?” she asked, winking at Brenna.

  “Aye. Of course, ye do. Ye dinnae need to ask. Sophia, cut a slice fer Helene.”

  While Sophia cut the bread, Helene joined them at the table, sitting next to Mary.

  “Tea?” Mary asked.

  “Please.” Helene took the mug Sophia handed her and placed it in front of Mary who poured her tea. “This is the best way to start the day, dinnae ye agree, Brenna?”

  “Aye.” Brenna answered, thinking it might be even better if she started it with Zeke.

  The ladies ate and talked while more servants joined them for their morning treat of bread and tea. Soon word came to them that the MacKenzies were ready to break their fast. Helene and Brenna left the kitchen so Mary and Sophia could get back to work.

  “Why did ye come here so early this morn, Brenna?” Helene asked.

  “I couldnae sleep and I didnae wish to disturb ye or Dougall.”

  “Dougall was already up and gone. I woke to an empty house,” Helene said.

  “I’m sorry. If I’d know, I would have waited for ye.”

  “No need for apologies. Did ye get what ye came for?”

  Brenna smiled warmly at Helene. She obviously knew something was up with her. “Nae. I’m afraid not. I think Sophia was worried about speaking to me.”

  “Whatever for,” Helene asked.

  “I wanted to ask her about San Francisco. Jenna and Ashley werenae awake yet, and I remember hearing that she also came from the future.”

  “I see. She probably doesnae ken that yer aware of it.” Helene put a hand on Brenna’s arm and stopped in the passageway. “What do ye wish to ken about the future? Ye ken I’ve lived there. Ye could ask me.”

  Brenna gazed at her shoes. She didn’t want anyone to know what she was thinking about. It was obvious Helene wasn’t going to let her go until she told her everything. “I thought mayhap Zeke would ask me to go with him to the future and I want to ken what ’tis like there. ’Tis all.”

  “Ye dinnae wish to stay with us? With Dougall?”

  “I love ye both,” Brenna said, “but I need a place I can call me own. Everywhere I look here… none of it is mine. ’Tis yer home, yer bed, yer chairs, yer garden. Ye have work to do here at the castle and I can follow you around, but I wouldnae have me own purpose. I want that too.”

  “I cannae argue with you on that,” Helene said. “I know how ye feel. I felt the same way meself - before I married Dougall.” She put an arm around Brenna and continued walking with her. Do you love Zeke?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love. All I know is that I cannae stop meself from thinking of him. All day long he’s in me thoughts. I wonder what he’s doing, where he is? I wonder if he’s thinking about me.”

  “It sounds to me as if ye are. Has he said anything to ye?”

  “Nae. He hasnae. Helene, I think he’s still in love with ye.”

  Helene’s eyes flew wide open in surprise. “Brenna. He doesnae love me. He knows I’m with Dougall. He sent me back here to be with him. I admit that at one time I believe he thought he loved me. Mayhap he did, but Zeke wouldnae spend the rest of his days loving someone who didnae love him back.”

  “But ye did love him?” she asked.

  “I thought I did, but all along the only one for me was yer brother. I was angry with him while I was in San Francisco. I learned many lessons along the way, but I never stopped loving Dougall. I love Zeke as a friend. He helped me when I needed it the most. He took me in and taught me how to live in his time. I believe he could do the same for ye. He needs someone to love. Ye’ll never find a better man and if he does love ye, consider yerself lucky to have his love.”

  “Do ye think I should do it?” Brenna asked.

  “I do, but first ye must find out if what yer feeling really is love and if he feels the same. Ye cannae do that if yer hidden away here at the castle. Ye must find him. Spend some time with him. I dinnae believe ye’ll be sorry if ye do.”

  Hope welled in Brenna’s heart. “Thank ye, Helene. I love ye.” Brenna hugged Helene, who returned the hug.

  “Now, before ye run off to find him, come help me upstairs. I only have two hands and there are three little ones who need tending to this morn, as do their mums.”

  The heavy rain subsided as the noon hour approached. Logan and Zeke headed to the practice field only to find the rest of the men already hard at work. Zeke was impressed with their work ethic. He wouldn’t have expected there to be a practice on a rainy day such as this, but Logan made a good point.

  “Ye cannae always pick the weather when ye find yerself under attack. So, we practice in all kinds of weather. ’Tis one of the reasons the MacKenzie warriors are the best in the highlands.”

  Zeke lifted an eyebrow in question.

  “I’m sure there are other clans who would argue me point, but they’d be the one’s who havenae yet met us on the field of battle.”

  A towering red haired man joined them, drenched to the bone. “Hamish, I almost didnae recognize ye all cleaned up as ye are,” Logan chuckled. “You’ve met Zeke, havenae ye?”

  “Aye. I was just about to ask him if he’d like to spar with me.”

  “Zeke?” Logan glanced in his direction.

  “Let’s go,” Zeke answered. He followed Hamish out onto the field and prepared himself to take a beating.

  From her position on the battlements, Brenna had a clear view of the men on the practice field. She’d gone off in search of Zeke, but found he was already engaged in mock battle with Hamish. Helene directed her to a perfect spot to spy on the men. She had, of course, suggested that it might not be good to do in the rain, but Brenna didn’t care. She pulled the hood of her cape more tightly around her head to keep the rain out. A heavy drizzle was the remainder of the storm that passed through last night. She spotted Hamish first. He was a full head taller than Zeke and hard to miss among the men. They were all covered in mud to one degree or another. Zeke was doing his best to ward off Hamish’s blows, and was successfully getting in some of his own. Brenna could stand here all day watching him and she would if she had to. She wanted to speak with him, and so she found this to be the perfect position to wait for him until the men were done for the day.

  As she continued spying, Zeke’s battle with Hamish heated up and she watched in horror as they both slipped in the mud and fell, Hamish’s sword slicing into Zeke’s thigh. Brenna ran as quickly as she possibly could to get to him. She hoped he wasn’t badly injured, but she couldn’t tell from her perch
on the battlements. She made it to the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner heading for the field. The men were all passing by her now, apparently finished with their sparring.

  Zeke was up on his feet as she raced to his side. “Are ye hurt?” she asked, panic in her eyes.

  “I’ll be fine, Brenna. Where did you come from?”

  Her face reddened as she realized she’d been caught. “I was watching ye from the battlements.”

  Zeke’s teasing smile put her at ease. “You were spying on me, weren’t you?”

  “Zeke, me apologies,” Hamish said, stopping on his way off the field.

  “It was an accident. No need to apologize,” Zeke assured him.

  Brenna scooted up under his arm. “Let me help ye,” she said.

  Zeke placed an arm around her shoulders and allowed her to help him and let her lead the way.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To Dougall’s. I can clean yer wound for ye and get ye some clean clothes.” For a man who was injured, she thought he certainly seemed happy.

  “So, what did you think?”

  “What do ye mean?”

  “What did you think about the practice?”

  “Hamish is much bigger than ye.”

  “Hamish is much bigger than everyone.”

  She laughed at this and then sobering said. “Ye fought well.”

  “Thanks. When I get back home, I’ll have so much to share with my students.”

  “Yer a teacher?”

  “Well, sort of. I own and run the studio, but I also teach people how to fight. Men, women, children.”

  “Could ye teach me to fight?” she asked.

  “Sure. If you want to learn.”

  “I do.” Brenna thought this would be a good way to spend time with Zeke. “When can we start?”

  “Not today,” he said, pointing at his leg, which was dripping blood.

  They reached the house and Brenna opened the door, helping him inside and heading straight for the kitchen where she had him sit. She got some clean linen and put some water on to boil. In the meantime, she wet one of the cloths and began wiping the mud from his face and neck. She was so intent on her duties, that she failed to note the way he was looking at her, but when she finally did, it took her breath away.

  “I think the water may be warm enough now,” she said, backing away from him and almost falling over a chair in her path.

  Zeke reached for her, saving her before she completely lost her balance. “Careful,” he said.


  “Lucky for me I wore a kilt today.” He lifted it, exposing the cut on his thigh. “I think it looks worse than it actually is.”

  Brenna was frozen in place, staring at his thigh, which led to other things she wasn’t sure she should see.

  “Here, give me the cloth. I can wash it off.” He held out his hand.

  “Nay. I will do it.” She placed the water on the floor by the chair and dipped the cloth in, wringing out the excess water. “’Tis just warm enough,” she said.

  She knelt at his knee, gazing up into his handsome face.

  Zeke ran his hand along her cheek as he returned her gaze. “There’s something about you, Brenna MacRae.”


  “Something just right for me.”

  If she didn’t think she’d look the fool, Brenna would have shrieked with glee at his words. Instead she smiled shyly and attempted to wash his wound. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, but she managed to get all the mud wiped away. She examined the cut and was relieved to find that it was only slightly more than skin deep. It would heal well, but would need to be bandaged for a day or two. She took the water and linens away. “I’ll find something to bandage you with,” she said.

  “I’ll be right here,” Zeke teased. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Brenna had the feeling that something was going to happen here today. She had no idea what, but the butterflies in her belly told her it would be a good thing. Returning to the kitchen, Zeke didn’t take his eyes off of her once as she opened a chest by the table, finding exactly what she’d hoped would be there. She ripped the cloth into the size she needed and then knelt at Zeke’s side once more. He hiked the kilt up further and tucked it between his legs, which Brenna was thankful for. She began wrapping the wound and each time her hand grazed his skin, she felt him twitch slightly. She continued on, now purposely touching him with each pass of the bandage. A low growl came from his throat and she glanced up to see an intent look of desire in his eyes. She finished tying off the bandage and stood. He took her hands and drew her in between his legs. Gazing down at him, Brenna could feel herself losing control. She wanted him to kiss her again, but she was impatient. Placing her hands on either side of his face, she brushed her lips gently over his. He responded by placing his hands on her waist and fully exploring her lips, as he had the first time he kissed her. She closed her eyes and let herself go. No longer worrying about her inexperience. Zeke would guide her. She was sure of it.

  He wanted to be careful with Brenna, knowing she wasn’t experienced with men, but her kisses were oh, so sweet and he’d enjoyed the soft touch of her hands as she tended to him. The wound had definitely been worth it.

  Zeke pulled her down onto his lap, careful to avoid his injured thigh. He was enjoying the the feel of her in his arms and wanted more. But could he go there? Was it right? In the eyes of everyone here in sixteenth century Scotland they were married. Would it be wrong to share more with her than just these delicious kisses? He’d leave it up to Brenna, but he could tell by the small satisfied sounds of delight coming from her that she just might want exactly what he did. He’d know soon enough.

  Chapter 18

  He was drawn to her in a way he couldn’t explain. It seemed that his whole life and every relationship he’d ever had was leading him to this moment. Brenna was so beautiful to him. Her innocence intrigued him, but also urged caution. She was eager for more than kisses. She’d made that abundantly clear as she led him to her bed chamber on the second floor.

  “Are you sure?” Zeke asked. He was prepared for her to tell him it wasn’t right, that they should wait.

  “Aye,” she replied with a certain fire in her eyes.

  They stood at the foot of the bed, Zeke gently caressing her face and then running his fingers through her silky, soft hair. He could have stood there all day gazing into eyes the color of a dusky summer day - green, gold and bronze. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  Brenna sat on the edge of her bed and reaching for his hand, guided him to join her. He examined her face once again marveling at the woman he saw. The one he’d missed until this moment. Her lips were inviting. He needed to kiss them again, to feel them open for him, to taste her eagerness to be with him. Brenna melted in his arms, pressing herself close, her fingers searching for an opening in his shirt. He helped her undo the buttons and removed his shirt. Much to his delight, her hands explored his chest, his back and his belly. The kilt he wore did little to hide his need for her. “Do you see what you’re doing to me, Brenna?”

  Her hand snaked its way beneath the kilt and latched onto his hardness, causing him to gasp in ecstasy. She smiled and kissed him again as the hand beneath his kilt was bringing him great pleasure. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

  “Never,” she answered a bit breathlessly.

  Zeke hadn’t been with a woman in a long time and he didn’t want their afternoon tryst to end abruptly, so he removed her hand. Slowly he began to undress her, marveling at the number of layers there were between him and what he wanted. She tried to help, but he stopped her and when she would protest, he put his finger to her lips. “Let me.”

  Brenna wasn’t sure what to do with her hands at this point. Zeke was removing her clothes one piece at a time as she watched his face for signs that he wanted her, occasionally moving or shifting to accommodate his efforts. She could hardly breathe at the thought of wh
at might happen next. She ran her fingers through his sandy blonde hair, which he wore cropped short and which she found very attractive. Her finger traced a line down his neck, to his shoulder and then back up to his lips. She leaned her head down and kissed the corner of his mouth as he squatted down to remove one last piece of clothing, leaving her completely naked. She should have been embarrassed, but she wasn’t. Her hands made quick work of his kilt and then he lifted her onto the bed before covering her body with his hard muscles and satiny soft skin. She was in heaven as Zeke kissed her all over, finding several sensitive spots that caused her to wriggle beneath him. Those were the spots he concentrated his efforts on. Returning again and again to touch her lips with his and her tongue with his. All thoughts had gone from her head except the one that told her how much she wanted Zeke. The small cries of ecstasy escaping her lips encouraged him to continue. His lips moved down to her breasts, where he took one and then the other into his mouth. The tingling sensation this created went straight to her core. She could feel the hardness of his manhood as it lay between her thighs, never once having even a momentary second thought about losing her virginity to this man. She knew what was to come and she welcomed it.

  Zeke had never been with a virgin before, so he never had to worry about what that first time might be like for them. He knew there might be some pain, but that it would pass, so he wanted to be gentle with her. Making the pleasure she felt outweigh any discomfort was foremost in his mind. His pleasure could wait. She was his focus and he’d take his cues from her.

  “Brenna, if you want me to stop, just tell me and I will,” Zeke said.

  “I don’t want ye to stop,” came her breathless reply.

  Zeke slid his hand between her thighs, softly touching and caressing her womanly folds. He inserted one finger and then another as his thumb gently circled her sensitive pearl. Moans of pleasure escaped her lips and he knew she was ready. Positioning himself over her, he entered into the warmth that awaited him. Inch by inch, ever so slowly until he was fully engulfed in her.


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