'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. Page 6

by Colin Flaherty

That dude is a psychic. The Star disabled comments for the story.

  Let’s not forget Davenport, Buffalo, Chicago (again), York, Nashville, Groton, Dayton, and … how many do you want?[82]

  To top off the holiday racial violence, twitchy.com assembled a curious collection of Tweets from black female rapper Azealia Banks. Banks might not be the biggest rapper in the world, but with 580,000 followers on Twitter, she is far from the smallest. Her latest cause is forcing white people to pay black people reparations for slavery and racism and for general purposes.

  Throughout the holidays she was urging her followers to track down the descendants of slave owners and do all sorts of bad things to them.

  Which sounded like a pretty good idea to James DeWolf Perry, well known among the PBS set: “Executive Director of the Tracing Center, James DeWolf Perry has devoted a major portion of his life to educating Americans about the horrors of slavery. He was “nominated for an Emmy Award for his role as the principal historical consultant for our PBS documentary, Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North.””

  He wanted to get on the Azealia Banks love train and told her so in a tweet: “I'm a white person who agrees with everything you're saying about history, and about racial reality today.”

  Azealia was not feeling the love: “@JDeWPerry someone should kick your ass, and punch you right in your stupid smiling cracker face.”

  My Favorite Knockout Game Story

  And not just because a reporter gets beat up.

  Ok, I guess that’s part of it.

  Early on, it became clear that we needed a separate book for the Knockout Game. There was just too much violence and too many denials.

  So I broke out the Knockout Game material and posted it on Amazon or you can get a free download of the book at web site, WhiteGirlBleedaLot.com. And there is a great video over there too.

  We will still do some here, but only a fraction: And we will start with my favorite Knockout Game story, courtesy of the folks where denial of racial violence is an art form: National Public Radio. PR cannot make up its mind whether the Knockout Game is an “old phenomenon with fresh branding,” or just a conservative fairy tale.

  Either way, systematic and widespread black on white violence is not something they want to deal with. (Even if it does sneak into their programming in other ways. Like the black lawyer who talks about how she and her friends used to have fun intimidating white people because white people are afraid of black people, she says.)[83] You can listen to that gem here:

  Meanwhile, victims, witnesses and videos continue to pour forth. Even an NPR producer, John Hingsbergen, was a victim. His testimonial, reluctant as it is, is emerging as my favorite. Even more than Congressman Cleaver’s ‘don’t make the black kids angry’ manifesto.[84]

  Well, maybe not that much. But close. Let’s get to it:[85] It comes in a comment to an NPR story about the Knockout Game, and how it is a myth because crazy white people make up stuff like that about black people all the time. The show is called Code Switch: And its mission is to let NPR listeners see their world through their lens. A racial lens.

  NPR program directors are usually OK with that. Until this one came face to face with the Knockout Game:

  “Folks, as a Program Director at an NPR station, I don't usually get involved in discussions like this, but I have personal experience with this so-called game,” Hingsbergen said last year in the comments section of an NPR blog on race called Code Switch.

  “It was this past May (2013), just a block from the Hilton Garden Inn on First St, N.E. While I was taking a brief walk around the area, within sight of the hotel and with plenty of other people on the sidewalk, a teenager walked up to me and smacked me on the side of the head.

  Thankfully, he was not strong enough to "knock out" this 60+ year old so all I did was spin around, only to see him take off running to the other side of the street to join two companions who were laughing as if it was the most hilarious thing they'd ever seen.”

  Laughing is a constant of the Knockout Game. That’s what people do when they are having fun. Psychologist Marlin Newburn will explain that in a bit. Hingsbergen gets to the hard part: “Is there a racial component? I choose to believe not but sadly this was an African American teenager attacking an older white man.”

  I asked Hingsbergen why reporting the news without fear or favor should be an occasion of sadness. No reply. Maybe he was afraid someone would laugh at him, again.

  I once did a story that got a black man out of prison. I showed he was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend. His name is Kelvin Wiley. Court TV devoted an hour to the case after Wiley was released from prison. I was a hero on NPR and the Los Angeles Times then.[86] Today, not so much. And that’s O.K.

  Let’s close this chapter on the Knockout Game with some words from Newburn about what motivates the Knockout Game and attacks on otherwise harmless folks like Hingsbergen:

  The violence is real and based on hate,” said Newburn.“And the hate is based on race. Almost all of the black inmates I’ve dealt with over the years are raised on a diet of racial resentment and violence. But for some reason, reporters do not know it, or choose to ignore it.

  The Other Side of Ferguson.

  Black racial violence did not stop during the biggest racial event of 2014.

  By now you may have forgotten his name: Michael Brown -- a new poster child for relentless white racism and relentless violence against black people. His story gripped the country in the second half of 2014 after a white cop gunned him down on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. For No Reason What So Ever.

  Near St. Louis. Remember now?

  The Riot Week that went on for at least two weeks?

  More instructive than the violence is how the reporters covered it. And the other violence that happened around the country at the same time.

  You probably remember how reporters all over the country descended on Ferguson for the coronation of St. Mike during Riot Week. And how one after another they condoned, justified, excused and even encouraged the violence, the looting, the gunfire at police, the Molotov cocktails, the shooting at helicopters: The works.

  But by the end of the first seven days of Riot Week, The Big Fat Ferguson Lie came undone.

  First they told us Michael was a gentle giant. That wasn’t true. He was a thug, high on pot, fresh from a robbery a few minutes before a police officer killed him on the troubled streets of Ferguson, Missouri.

  Then they told us his hands were up. Not true.

  Then they told us this 18-year old, 6’4, 290-pounder was shot in the back, trying to get away. That’s not true either.

  They said he did not attack the cop. Not true.

  They told us he was getting ready for school. But the school refused to confirm it.

  Then they told us the militarized police caused the days and nights of rioting. Not true. Or the curfew did. Not true. Or the lack of diversity on the police department was to blame. Not true either. Or the way police treated the dead body of the gentle giant. That caused riots too.

  They said police had no reason to unleash a cloud of pepper spray and tear gas on the demonstrators. False as well, as dozens of rocks and bottles and bricks and Molotov cocktails and burning storefronts and bullets and bottles full of human excrement testify.

  Then they said the protests were peaceful. Not even close to being true.[87]

  This is a long list of things that were supposed to be true one day but were false the next. But by far, the biggest and the fattest lie to come out of Ferguson is the idea repeated from every news channel that somehow black people are victims of relentless violence at the hands of white people – often carrying a badge.

  And that is Why Black Rage is Conscious, Justified, and Long Overdue, said one scribe.[88] Or, as Spike Lee and others said, there is a war on black people.[89]

  And that explains everything. That is a Big, Fat falsehood.

  After the lies broke down, the protestors a
nd reporters seamlessly shifted to others: The demonstration was not just about Michael Brown, but about the way the criminal justice system is unfair to black people: The only reason black people are in prison in numbers three to four times greater than their percentage in the population is because of white racism that leads to over-policing in black neighborhoods.

  That sentiment is easy enough to find on MSNBC and all the major black news sites. Congressman John Conyers of Detroit said the same thing during a committee meeting. “With enough time and officers in a certain location, it is only a matter of time before they find reasonable suspicion to stop, detain and arrest someone -- or many people.”[90]

  This is a linchpin of Critical Race Theory: White racism is permanent. White racism is everywhere. White Racism explains everything. Only it’s not just a theory any more: Today it is reality in schools, churches, homes, black web sites, black journalism groups and streets and classrooms and parks.

  Rush Limbaugh said Ferguson was unique. Not really: It is more like recent cases of large-scale black mob violence than different. Ferguson fits easily into the continuum of black mob violence documented here.

  Not sure we even have to go back into Ferguson since it received so much attention.

  But here is what is interesting -- and overlooked: As the eyes of the world were fixed on Ferguson, lots and lots of racial violence went under the radar during the same time -- all over the country. Let’s look at a smattering:

  During the same time reporters turned Ferguson into the most hyper-racial place on earth, a man of unidentified race was attacked in Ferguson and sent to the hospital by a mob of an unidentified race.

  Unidentified at first anyway. Then we learned the victim was white. And the perpetrators were black.[91] And that was the last anyone heard of it.

  Don’t confuse this attack with the four black people who hit a Home Depot vendor on the head with a hammer. On video. In Ferguson. The summer before.[92]Or the folks who hit the Bosnian immigrant with a hammer a few weeks later.

  Outside of Ferguson, the rest of the country was reeling as well. Though no one noticed enough to connect the dots:

  In Detroit, police shot a man who tried to run them over after they saw him trying to buy a gun. A crowd of black people attacked police.[93]They said the victim was a good boy. He did not have a gun. He had his hands up, down, sideways. And the cops killed him for no reason.

  Lies. Just like Ferguson.

  There is so much of this going on, do not confuse that with the black mob that attacked the Detroit motorist who stopped to assist a black person who was hit by a car. That happened a few months before.

  In Philadelphia, a group of black people attacked and knocked out a white man who intervened when they were saying rude things to a group of women.[94]

  In Chicago, a group of black people rampaged, beat, and destroyed their way through an upscale neighborhood. A reporter said the violence wasn’t much. The local Fox affiliate at least covered it, even if the rest of the media played their usual game of dismissal.[95]

  Also in Chicago, repeated large fights caused several black nightclubs downtown to close. [96]

  In Minneapolis, an NFL player was one of nine wounded when they were caught in the crossfire at a large fight at a black club.[97]

  It was not a big deal because that happens a lot in Minneapolis – in and out of nightclubs.

  Of course, there was black mob violence at least one mall in St. Louis, outside of Ferguson. And of course Twitter and Facebook were full of admonitions to continue and increase the violence. As long as they moved to white neighborhoods.[98]

  In Washington during Riot Week, a TV news crew was when they were doing a story on a “racist” app that showed people how to avoid high crime areas. Like the one they were in.[99]

  In Kansas City, a large group of black people fought and destroyed property and defied police at Lake Jacomo. Just the way they had done in the Country Club Plaza all summer. And the summer before that. And at least three summers before that.[100]

  In Kansas City, they celebrate Riot Week all year round.

  The Knockout Game the media is so intent on ignoring proceeded at full speed during Riot Week.

  In the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, at least one black person played the Knockout Game with a pregnant woman.[101]

  Ditto in Beaumont, Texas: Except the victim of this Knockout Game was a 10-year old girl riding a bike.[102]

  Ditto in Hackensack: A group of black people played the Knockout Game three times in 15 minutes on Day 8 of Riot Week.[103]

  Ditto in Crown Heights on Day Nine of the Riot Week: A group of black people played the Knockout Game with a Jewish person in Brooklyn. On video. He chased them. They ran away.[104]

  Ditto in Seattle on Day Seven of Riot Week: One black person played the Knockout Game at least four times during an otherwise restful Sunday afternoon downtown. “He got a pretty good hit on me. I can see right there in my lip and I got a shiner, just one of those things, a random deal,” victim Terrance Scott said Tuesday to the Fox affiliate.[105]

  Just because he got punched in the face does not make Terrance Scott an expert on racial violence. Sorry for the harsh words Terrance, but we are trying to save the next victim. Not your feelings.

  Ditto in Grinnell, Iowa: Two days before Riot Week, two black women attacked a 15-year old white girl on a popular walking trail. She said it was the Knockout Game. Local media refuses to provide a description. That’s OK, neighbors do.[106]

  In Portland, Oregon, three people were shot after a large fight broke out among black people. Police called it “gang-related.” Readers at the KATU news site called BS: “Why don't we ever hear which gangs are involved in these shootings? Maybe because "gang-related" is a phrase that the media, police, and society in general invented to brush aside the rampant black on black violence in our cities.”[107]

  If we had a Riot Week Award for best commentary, that would be it.

  In Bloomington, Illinois, the Pantagraph regularly reports on “large fights” downtown. This one came Day 8 of Riot Week. Monday night, 11 p.m. - Everyone was black. Let’s see how much drama is packed into two paragraphs of this otherwise short story:

  Officers who went to the Jefferson Street location were surrounded by a large number of people "who threatened to hurt and kill officers," said a police spokeswoman, adding police dispatched additional officers to the scene in response.”

  “Both victims were taken to Twin City hospitals. A third person, an 88-year-old man, suffered an injured wrist when he was struck with a brick, said Mayer. Several residents reported having bricks thrown through windows of their homes.”

  Large crowd of black people threatening to kill cops. And throwing bricks at old dudes. Destroying property. And oh yeah, this was just one of two events in Bloomington that night. And that pretty much happens a lot.

  No one was arrested.[108]

  Bloomington? Who knew? And how about those crime stats: Not a blip.

  In Atlanta on Day Nine of Riot Week, four black people were arrested for throwing boulders -- yes, very large rocks -- from a freeway overpass that almost killed the occupants of the cars they hit.[109]

  In the Bronx, investors chose to open their new $300 million monument to urban renewal and gentrification right in the middle of Riot Week. It did not take long for the word to get out that the Mall at Bay Plaza was a great place for some black mob violence and video.[110]

  Stay tuned. The local media has not touched it yet. But at some point, they will have to. Oops, just broke my rule about predicting the future. Sorry.

  In Memphis, police released a video of a black mob attacking an old dude sitting outside of a coin-operated laundry business. He lived.[111]

  In Lakewood, New Jersey on Day 9 of Riot Week, a black mob beat a motorist involved in a pedestrian accident. They broke a lot of bones in his face. On video.[112]

  In Manhattan, the grainy video shows a black man with his arms folde
d waiting as a 72-year old man walks toward him. He then turns and delivers a Knockout Game punch to the head of the old man.[113]

  Not to worry, we will hear more about the denial and violence of the Knockout Game later in this book. Let’s head down to Baltimore for more traditional black mob violence:

  On Day Seven in Baltimore, a group of black people riding mopeds found a local college basketball player walking alone at 4 a.m. through Federal Hill. One of the safer neighborhoods of Baltimore, so they say. They stabbed him. He’s in critical condition. The Baltimore Sun says police are looking for some teenagers.[114]

  And oh yeah, that was the second attack on a resident of that neighborhood in a few days. And a few days later it happened again: A young white kid walking in this safe neighborhood was stopped by a group of black people, then they robbed and beat him —hitting him in the face with a rock. And yes, that left his face looking like something out of a Frankenstein remake.[115]

  The Baltimore Sun dutifully reported that neighbors say the police are withholding information about the extent and severity of crime in that neighborhood.[116]

  Which is what my readers and I have been saying about the Baltimore Sun for years. They get annoyed at that.

  On August 6, a few days before the official kickoff of Riot Week, a group of black people in Miami taunted, stalked and beat a white kid. On video. Complete with audio about what they were going to do and how they were going to do it. “Watch this shit,” says the cameraman, who then directs the assailants to attack the victim from behind as he shrieks with laughter.[117]

  Also in the run up to Riot week, two days before its official kickoff on Sunday, a group of black people in Baltimore hijacked a school bus. But only after a bit of the hyper-violence:

  “I was trying to get away from them because they were beating me so hard with a fire extinguisher,” bus driver Joirilus Pierre told WBAL, a Baltimore NBC affiliate. The station said Pierre was also beaten with a trash can.”[118]


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