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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 7

by Colin Flaherty

  Three were arrested. Police are looking for more. I’m not sure how they caught the three. Just a few weeks before during the Memorial Day weekend, 50 to 100 black people stole 40 bikes from a city park in Baltimore in the middle of the day. They threatened the people who were supposed to be watching the cycles.

  They then rampaged through nearby neighborhoods. It took local media a week to figure that out. No one was arrested. The bikes are still gone.

  In Orlando, a 74-year old woman was knocked over and robbed by three black people on Day Six of Ferguson Riot Week.[119] On video. She lived. No protests scheduled, yet.

  In Philly, just a few days later, a black man shot a cop in the head. The cop lived. The shooter did not.[120]

  Also in Philly on Day Four, a black man was shot and killed while attending a hip-hop peace concert for black people called: “Philly Support Philly: Peace on the Streets.”[121] Reuters reported that 95 people were shot in Philly the month before. Almost all black on black violence. Thugicide, some call it.

  The thugs and their lobbyists don’t really like that.

  Neither does Herman Williams III -- a radio personality and brother of Montel Williams -- but for different reasons:

  “Today, in the year 2014, to those living in ghettoes across the country, the life of a Nigga isn't worth much more than a diss, a pair of sneakers, or a dime bag of weed, “Williams said. “But a dead nigga shot by a cop, is worth his weight in looted gold and political capital by the NAACP, the Black Panthers, and the Reverend Al Sharptons of the world -- go figure.

  Adds up pretty nicely.

  In Minneapolis, during the first three weeks of August, the Star-Tribune reported 17 robberies in just one section of town: “In all but one case, the robbers have struck in groups of two, three or four, police added. The perpetrators have either brandished a knife or a gun, or have said they were armed.”

  And in keeping with the Star-Tribune’s unblemished record of denying, ignoring and excusing racial violence, the paper reported that the “descriptions of the suspects have varied by ethnicity, gender and age.”

  No mention of race.[122]

  If there is a crew of non-black people robbing other folks on the streets of Minneapolis, that would be a big news story. Meanwhile, reporters keep their eyes shut and hope no one sees through this paper-thin bubble of obfuscation.

  Dang it’s a lot of work trying to find new ways to describe the word lie.

  In the meantime, take a look at this video of one of the 17 incidents that took place three days before the official start of Riot Week. It’s on high definition video: And there is nothing “varied” about it: On the video, we see two black people walking with a white woman between them.

  On closer inspection, one of the black men is holding the woman in a headlock. There was also a handgun.

  Thanks to 16 different camera angles in high definition color so vivid even the Minneapolis Star could not wish it away, the home security system of a nearby homeowner captured the crime and the license plate, and soon also captured five of the kidnappers and robbers.[123]

  When the same denials pile up year after year after year, as they have at the local paper in Minneapolis, at some point they are no longer denials. But deceit. This paper reached that point a long time ago. We’ll see more from Minneapolis and black mob violence later on.

  Hard to say which is uglier: The violence. Or the denial and excuses. Let me know.

  In Philly on Day Two of Riot Week, a black man goes into a Chinese restaurant and bums a light for a cigarette from one of two Asians there. He goes outside and meets his amigo. They go back inside and bash the other Asian in the face, making off with his wallet and $300. All on high definition video.[124]

  Black on Asian is common. But Asian on black? Try to find that outside of some Sharpton wannabe claiming Asian shopkeepers are crooks. Go ahead, I dare you.

  In St. Louis, just a few miles from Ferguson, cops killed a black man brandishing a knife on Day Nine of Riot Week. He had just left a store where he stole something and was seen acting erratically. Some are calling it “suicide by cop,” since he challenged them to “shoot me now. "Kill me now.”

  Others say is it just another example of the relentless racism against black people. The day after the killing, a school bus full of black children drove by with their hands out the window, chanting: “Hands up. Don’t shoot.”[125]

  Later in the book, we are going to show how black children learn in school that they are the victims of relentless and permanent white racism as part of their introduction to the institutional racial hostility called Critical Race Theory.

  More on that later. And violence in schools, later.

  In Grand Rapids, Michigan, 24-year old Scott Simerson died on Day One of Riot Week after a mob of black people attacked him on a school playground. Police said he suffered multiple head injuries in the attack allegedly carried out by two juveniles and two older teens. Bystanders took cell phone video of the attack, Grand Rapids Police Lt. Pat Merrill said.”[126]

  In Hartford, Connecticut on Day Seven of Riot Week, a group of black people went on a crime spree that included home invasions, armed robberies and assaults. They arrested three people.[127]

  Three thousand miles away in Garden Grove on Day One of Riot week, three black people were caught on video in a home invasion. Just one of several recent home invasions in that area by the same crew. CBS tells at least part of the story. The video tells the rest:

  “Three teenagers were home alone when they heard a knock at the door and saw two men at the door, holding flowers as if they were delivery men,” a police spokesman said.“As soon as the teenagers opened the door, three armed men rushed in, tied them up and forced them into the bathroom without their phones.”

  They lived. In May, the same crew is suspected of shooting one of their victims.[128]

  On Day 6 of Riot Week in High Point, North Carolina, a group of black people held a white family hostage during a home invasion. They lived.[129]

  In Providence, Rhode Island on Day 7 of Riot Week, one man was killed and two members of his family were wounded during a home invasion. The suspect is black.[130]

  In Jacksonville, Florida on Day 2 of Riot Week, Marquise Trevel Yates broke into the home of a family of four. He beat one of them. They shot him. They lived. He did not. The family is still shaken and traumatized.[131]

  It is not known if any of the victims held their hands up and asked him not to shoot.

  On Day 3 of the Riot Week, four black people and one white person are suspects in a home invasion robbery in Greene County, North Carolina. That’s near Greenville, which of course is Andy of Mayberry country.[132]

  On Day 9 of Riot Week, former NBA star Ray Allen is upset because seven people broke into his house while his wife and four children were asleep. “They were like they were on a tour,” said Allen’s wife. They did not steal anything. Or break anything. Or hurt anyone.

  After catching the intruders, police soon figured out the only thing they were probably guilty of was trespassing. They said it was more of a prank than a crime. They were not charged immediately. The seven were at a party next door before embarking on their adventure tour of the Allen house.

  The seven are white.[133]


  All during Riot Week a group of black people attacked Hispanics on at least a dozen occasions in the town of Monroe, North Carolina. [134]

  On day 8 of Riot Week, the Washington Redskins run out on the field during their Monday Night Football appearance, all of them holding up their arms in a salute to the “Don’t shoot” gesture of Michael Brown.

  That was when people still believed Brown was an innocent victim.

  This is too good to leave out: On Day 9 of Riot Week, a group of otherwise peaceful and angelic protestors temporarily lost control of themselves and started throwing rocks at Chris Hayes of MSNBC. [135]

  No one, of course, condones this kind of violence. Unless, of course, someone
suspected that MSNBC’s denier-in-chief Chris Hayes had some relatives who may have mistreated black people at one time or another in the last 400 or 4000 years.

  If that is the case, then I’m with David Simon of the Wire: Pass me some rocks.

  On Day 10 of Riot Week, Spike Lee told Anderson Cooper at CNN that he wants Ferguson to “blow up” as some kind of retaliation for the “war on the black male” in America.

  Don Lemon at CNN and others say they understand the rage and anger that created the violence in Ferguson. But no words for the victims of the black mob violence in and out of Ferguson that week in the summer of 2014.

  And oh yeah, this will be no surprise to readers of White Girl Bleed a Lot: The people who owned the stores looted and burned by the black mob were Asians.[136]

  Baltimore: The Roller Rink From Hell

  First of many accounts of black mob violence from Ball-more.

  “My daughter watched the news and looked at me and she said, "Why is it that they only do this to black people? There is a war on black boys in this country. In my opinion, there is a war on African-American men.”[137]

  Michelle Bernard


  Even by Baltimore standards, neighbors are astonished at the frequency and intensity of black mob violence surrounding a suburban skating rink during the summer of 2013. And the summer before.

  And the summer before that.

  And at other commercial centers in the Baltimore area over the same period. And after too.

  Just once, after I lay down chapter and verse of these episodes of black mob violence, can’t someone say: ‘Colin, you are wrong. Everyone in that riot was Amish.”

  It’s not like enough people haven’t tried. Village Voice. Salon. Slate. Los Angeles Times. MSNBC. They all took a shot.

  Hell, George Soros even paid a guy to read everything I write. The best any critic could come up with is that I described something that does not exist in Minneapolis: An alcoholic beverage mobile cart powered by pedals.

  He even got that wrong.

  The critics -- widely outnumbered by the fans -- all say the same thing: ‘Colin, we wish this was not true. Thus, it is not.’

  Another outfit was unhappy because it said I variously described the numbers of people in an episode of black mob violence as 800 and 1000.

  They were wrong. But in a best-case scenario, that is the best they have?

  Some clown from the Southern Poverty Law Center told Salon that I was a white nationalist because I went on a white national radio show. But curiously they did not include any quotes from my appearance.

  I told the clowns on that talk show the same thing I tell everyone else who asks me: White nationalists are crazy. As in sick. Period.

  White Girl Bleed a Lot was the #1 Best Selling Civil Rights book on Amazon for the better part of a 2013 and 2014. Selling more books than Al Sharpton.

  Every article I write for Breitbart or WND or FrontPage or American Thinker or Liberty UnYielding is picked up by hundreds of other news sites. Retweeted by the thousands. Posted on who knows how many Facebook pages.

  So lots of folks have had a chance to take a poke at my facts. Still waiting for the first score. Let’s continue in Baltimore:

  Local media and public officials refuse to talk about how everyone in these hyper-violent roller rink confrontations is black. But neighbors know. And many think that the race of the criminals is preventing law enforcement from arresting those responsible for these “riotous” and “out of control crowds.”

  The largest amount of violence is centered on the Skate Land roller rink in the Baltimore suburb of Fullerton. The crowds range from 300 to 900 people. They require as many as 25 police cruisers and a helicopter to control. [138]

  That is, if herding black people onto a city bus and sending them home with a free ride after they create mayhem can be called “control.”

  The dozens of examples of black mob violence connected to the rink range from throwing bricks through police car windows, to vandalizing the Denny’s restaurant next door, to beating clerks and stealing merchandise from a nearby convenience store, to fighting with police, jumping on cars — breaking their window and ruining their paint, and much, much more.

  They were not carrying signs that said, “we hate white people.” But if they did carry signs they would probably say something like: “This is how we have fun. And you can pretend to ignore our race, but we sure don’t. Just ask Glenn Singleton.”

  We’ll soon meet Singleton, the pied piper of racial excuses. Your kids might already know him.

  Amber Ruth was caught up in one of the periodic spasms of violence where hundreds of “children” walked in the street, stopped traffic, destroyed property — and worse. Says Ruth to the plucky Patch newspaper:[139]

  I was on my way home on a Friday night around 9:30pm and they shut down Skate Land at Putty Hill because of fighting and those little hoodlums busted out my back window with me sitting in my car when I was stopped at the light in at Rossville blvd & BelAir Rd.

  I called over a Police officer and told him what they did. He told me to get out of there it WAS NOT SAFE! No kidding, it was not safe; they busted out my window, $800 worth of damage.

  The violence forced several businesses to close during peak skating hours. Many of the stories of violence and vandalism involve the crowds walking to a nearby bus stop. WBAL TV captured some of the mayhem:[140]

  Community members said the crowds at the Putty Hill-area Skate Land are out of control and getting dangerous.

  Police said that the complaints about large groups of rowdy teens leaving Skate Land at 11 p.m. and being loud and destructive increased in early July.

  “There are complaints about destruction of property. We have businesses that have had to lock their doors because of the large crowds,” said police Cpl. Cathy Batton.

  Investigators described damaged cars and street signs. They said they increased patrols with 25 police cars this past Saturday, but teens threw bricks through the car windows. Two juveniles were arrested on disorderly conduct charges that same night.

  Anil Chadha, an employee at the nearby 7-Eleven, told 11 News that teens attacked him from behind on Saturday. He showed reporter Kai Reed damage to his car that he said happened when a group of teens jumped on top of it.

  “Every Saturday, it’s a problem. A lot of kids come in here– 300, 400 kids come in here,” Chadha said.

  Oh yeah: That has been happening here a long time.

  Daniel Porter, the manager of Skate Land, sees himself as the good guy: Giving inner city “children” something to do on Friday and Saturday nights. Even if they have to travel to the rink by city bus from far away. He says he needs the busy weekends to keep his business open the rest of the week.

  “Skating is not as popular as it used to be,” Porter laments.

  But rioting is.

  Juanita Foster-Anderson is a chaperone who says most of the violence comes from a “few bad apples that ruin it for other kids,” said the Patch.

  Neighbors scorned that answer: “A few bad apples?” asked one reader. “By my vision that night, they were ALL bad apples on the street. Did not see one kid acting respectful at all. If there were some good apples, they definitely weren’t included in the hundreds on Belair Road last Saturday evening.”

  Porter said the problem could have been avoided if city and county officials had listened to his suggestions to provide buses to pick up the “children” at the rink. But public officials told him that private companies are responsible for their own transportation.

  Many of the local media outlets do not publish comments if they refer to the race of the people involved in the violence. But some do, sometimes. Including WBAL TV.[141]

  “I have seen the animals coming out of this skate rink all are black and have no respect for anyone or anything. They walk in the middle of Belair Rd and dare you to hit them. All of them need parental control.”

  Another viewer said:

nbsp; “If the teens were all black, it should have been pointed out as whom. Nowadays, so-called journalists report the news to suit their agenda.”

  But to some viewers of WBAL, that did not matter:

  “What does race have to do with this???? Stop jumping on board with the race card ok. I don’t know nor care what race is doing what there.”

  At least that person got the “not care” part right.

  Baltimore has been the scene of dozens of episodes of black mob violence over the last several years.

  In 2009, the Baltimore Sun published a blog posting titled: “Near Riot at Skateland on Belair Road?” Several readers said remove the question mark: “I too live in the area and see the roaming masses of homies when Thugland, I mean Skateland gets out. A veritable “Homie-fest!!!” They like to block the entrance to the 7-11 until Abdul comes out with a baseball bat.[142]

  The Baltimore area violence is not just limited to Skate Land and not just the Putty Hill mall. “White Marsh Mall and The Avenue at White Marsh is exactly the same way,” said one reader of the Patch. “Been there on a Friday or Saturday night lately? Horrible. County police officers are outside and inside the movie theatre and patrolling The Avenue as well.”

  Other readers mentioned Towson as another site of racial violence around public places.

  A few days after the above roller rink riot, twenty miles away, at the Arundel Mills Mall, six black people assaulted a shopper on Saturday. According to WBAL: “When the victim tried to defend himself, the others in the group surrounded and assaulted him.”[143]

  Let’s leave Baltimore —temporarily, I promise —to visit one more skating rink in Wilson, North Carolina:

  “Gunfire boomed during a brawl outside Wilson’s skating rink Saturday as police worked to control unruly teenage crowds on consecutive weekend nights,” said the Wilson Times. “Wilson police called Wilson County sheriff’s deputies and state troopers for backup as they worked to control a crowd of more than 100 people. Smith said most Wilson Arena attendees were teenagers.”[144]


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