'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. Page 44

by Colin Flaherty

  Remember Freaknik in Atlanta, the Greekfest in Philadelphia, Black Family Reunion in Daytona Beach, Jones Beach in New York and Virginia Beach Labor Day Weekend? Most of these events have been canceled because the local residents in each town voted against hosting our events.

  Most of these large gatherings of black people were cancelled or discouraged after repeated and long term violence, property damage, lawlessness and trash. Always mountains of trash.

  Many of which exist on video.

  Jineea does not care for how she is treated at these black events. She says “respect is a two-way street.” And lack of respect towards black people in Miami Beach is why the town is so chaotic on Memorial Day. Or was before police took over.

  A black St. Louis talk show host has seen the same problem: Black mob violence at the Del Mar Loop, the upscale entertainment district, is a regular feature of life there. Why: The clubs have not reached out to black people.

  So black people get angry and rampage, riot, attack cops -- by now you know the drill.

  Jineea has a solution, but there is one small catch:[884]

  We need to sue the city of Miami for violating our civil rights this weekend, but the problem, my friends, is our behavior detracts from making our case. We view shootings and killings as a daily occurrence back home, but people from Miami frown on such occurrences.

  She has a point about that frowning thing.

  Jineea may express some curious ambivalence about the racial lawlessness at Miami Beach, but the ACLU does not. To them, people who do not care for the moveable race riot known as Black Beach Week are racist. Ditto for Black Biker Week in Myrtle Beach.

  Prior to Black Beach Week, the group sends out emails to reporters and runs radio commercials on local black stations to remind people if police violate their civil rights, they should report the misconduct to the ACLU website.

  This is not just talk. At Black Biker Week up the road in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the crowds became so violent and abusive from 2000 to 2005 that businesses boarded up for the week. The high crime and hyper-violence associated with the event led city officials to enact a series of laws effectively banning motorcycle rallies in their city. The NAACP cried racial discrimination and sued to reverse the law. It won. The businesses that closed during Black Biker Week were found to be guilty of racial discrimination and were forced to remain open.[885]

  Today, the NAACP has a hotline where people can phone in complaints of discrimination against anyone who has a problem with Black Bike Week or its participants. No news whether the NAACP has a hotline for the victims of shootings and violence and mayhem in Myrtle Beach during the week.

  Black Bike Week was kind of quiet, for a while anyway. Until 2014, when it erupted in violence again. Lots of people shot. Some dead.

  We shall overcome, someday: The day when people stop noticing. The day when people stop thinking there is something wrong with this black mob violence.

  Until that day arrives, the ACLU will be on the ramparts, defending whatever it is they defend. Just as they said in Miami Beach in 2013. According to the Herald:[886]

  “We wish the city of Miami Beach would welcome visitors to Urban Beach Week, who happen to be black, the same way it welcomes visitors to every other big event, like Art Basel or the boat show,” ACLU Miami president Jeff Borg wrote in an email.“Instead, city leaders have been working hard to suppress this one group.”

  Now that you are aware of the new Civil Right for black people to have large and violent gatherings, perhaps you might also be interested in a gentleman by the name of Frederick Douglass, out of Rochester, New York.

  Frederick Douglass School: The good kids?

  These are supposed to be the good kids. The ones supposed to be impressed with the legacy of their school’s namesake: Frederick Douglass.

  They wear uniforms. They have a strict code of conduct. They prepare for college. They are black. And this week in 2014, they are the ones rioting at Frederick Douglass High School and Junior High in Rochester.

  Maybe the students don’t know the story of Frederick Douglass: How it was against the law for a slave to learn to read. How he broke that law. How he risked everything just to steal a few moments with a book.

  By 1838, Douglass escaped. He became known as a leading writer and speaker around the world. He lived for 25 years in Rochester -- where today he is buried. And where today, black people who live in his adopted hometown regularly and frequently and intensely create black mob violence and mayhem. Some at the expense of learning.

  Some during Black History Month 2014: Dozens of police officers were called to the school to stop what school officials and some local media call a “few fights,” but what students and parents are calling “a riot:” one hundred, maybe more, black people fighting, destroying property, jumping on tables, assaulting people, and more.

  The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle tracked down a student and parent to describe the mayhem:[887]

  "There was a lot of fights, a lot of gangs at the school, everybody is just going one against the other," said Jade Jones, a student at the school who said she was jumped by another student and her older cousins in a back hallway on Tuesday. "All you heard was a lot of kids screaming, a lot of kids screaming at each other, groups of kids, everybody up on tables, jumping across tables at other kids ... it was just a lot of swear words… I got attacked in the back hallway and everything is really hurting right now.”

  Teresa Spence, Jada’s mom, said violence at the school is a regular and a dangerous thing. She picked up the story for the Democrat and Chronicle:

  “On a daily basis you hear of kids being bullied and terrorized and even Jada herself has been a victim of it," Spence said. "I've been called to the school. There has been constant mediation and it doesn't do any good. It just came to a head with this total chaos up here today. Half of the time she is scared to come to school because she doesn’t know what she’s going to walk into or what she is going to face. Some days it seems as if the kids rule the school. Total chaos.”

  Before it was over, seven students were arrested, two were xx tapered and the school was locked down.

  “We got mace and (someone) pulled the fire alarm and started to fight outside,” Keyani Harmon posted in the comments at the Democrat and Chronicle. “It was total madness nothing we should go through. They mace and pepper sprayed us so much I still can't breathe from it..” xx

  Keyani says violence is normal at his school: “As all my friends know I attend dougles (sic) high school,” he wrote in his Facebook page. “The problem is it feels like we are in jail or prison 1. We walk thrue metal detectors. 2 we have guards walk us to the restroom 3.fights happen at any moment.”

  School officials assured parents and reporters that nothing much happened. And it would not happen again. They say that a lot in Rochester.

  Cleveland Vet Attacked

  Press Goes Away

  By early 2014, members of the National Association of Black Journalists moved on from the Knockout Game. They did not want to talk about it -- other than to dismiss it is a myth. Ditto the daily papers.

  But the Knockout Game continued.

  One of the newer attacks of 2014 came from Cleveland, where we learned for the first time that recent black mob violence directed against a disabled army veteran is just the latest of many examples of “more violent teens running around the heart of downtown Cleveland.”


  This time Matt Robinson was the victim. Robinson was riding a bus through Cleveland when a group of eight black people surrounded him, taunted him, threatened him, then followed him when he left the bus.

  The Fox affiliate picks up the story with an account from Robinson: "What they were saying was, 'Knock that boy out!' 'White boy.' 'Cracker.' They were saying, 'Knock that white boy out.'"[888]

  Robinson said they also videotaped the attack.

  Robinson is alive. Three suspects are in custody. And search as you might, you are not going to
find stories in the major news outlets in Cleveland that refer to prior black mob violence downtown -- or anywhere else.

  Even if most reporters are seemingly not aware of the racial violence, their readers are: “This has been going on at the Square for decades,” said Bob McKenney and others in reaction to the story of the disable veteran who was a victim of racial violence. “Young blacks doing their thang.”

  And all this happened a few days before hundreds of people gathered in Miami to remember Trayvon Martin, and how, says Ebony Magazine and Daily Beast, white fear caused his death. And the “death of countless others.”

  If the truth is not more powerful than lies, we are all doomed.

  The next chapter was going to be a bit more about the Knockout Game but with lots of links to stories that we simply could not fit here. Instead, I created an eBook and video that you can get here for FREE: http://whitegirlbleedalot.com/ebook3november202104

  Or you can pay for it on Amazon.

  Either way, this is the most complete collection of links, videos, stories, 911 calls ever assembled on the Knockout Game.

  Black Mob Violence on College Campuses: Near the White House?

  Washington has more reporters than any city in America. That is why the locals there are wondering two things: Why in April 2014 were 60 black people jumping up and down on cars and vandalizing property a few blocks from the White House? And why nothing from the Post or the network affiliates? Or any of the gajillion other reporters in that town?

  Colleen Murphy, one of the determined diggers at the George Washington University school paper, figured it out:[889]

  The Metropolitan Police Department responded to a mob of 60 young people who were jumping on cars and vandalizing the area near the Watergate complex Monday, according to its public information office. City police received a call at 7:12 p.m. reporting that about 60 teenagers were jumping on cars.

  Maybe it has never happened before. Oh wait, if that were true, then it would be a story. I’m confused. Some locals are not: I “saw them running into the street, jumping on cars, kicking them, and throwing trash at cars,” said Erin Martin on Twitter.

  Cops cuffed two of the vandals, however temporarily. Soon after, they were on their way. Murphy continues.

  “Brandon Morris, who lives at 24th and H streets, said he watched police officers order two men to get on the ground around 8:30 p.m. He had also seen the large group shouting as they marched toward the Watergate. “The shouting seemed angry, then celebratory, almost like a sporting event,” she said.”

  Almost as if it were a game. Somebody ask Aamidor.

  Nytesa Gant knows why black mob violence is so widespread at her campus.

  "Of course violence is going to happen when you have 1,000-plus people intoxicated at a party,” Gant told WHIO. She was talking about a recent riot — that local media refused to call a riot — on the campus of Central State University, a black school in Ohio. _[890]

  The violence occurred after a recent homecoming concert. “Police on scene called for back up,” reported Gabrielle Enright of WHIO. “Using the code 99, meaning an officer was in trouble.”

  Soon the campus was flooded with more than 60 cops from 28 nearby departments. But even this army of police could not contain the fighting, property destruction, mayhem, chaos, defiance, attacks on police and gunfire from this large group of black people.

  Pepper spray finally did the trick. Much to the consternation of Ms. Gant, a CSU student: “All that force was not necessary,” she declared.

  Three people were arrested and charged with misdemeanors.

  At Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, police say they kind of expect it there too:

  In September, a group of 40 in a “black mob went door to door to the white frat houses trying to get into private parties,” said one member of local law enforcement. “They forced their way into the last house, dragged several into the street and beat them. Three white kids were hospitalized. The state’s attorney won’t charge mob action because the white kids tried to fight back.”

  “I have not personally seen the video but it was described to me by people who worked the case. One of the attackers was beating an unconscious white kid, knocked his teeth out. Another had a bottle broken over his head,” said the law enforcement official.

  Local media’s account of the violence was curiously antiseptic, making it seem this was just some of the usual college hijinks that sometimes get out of hand.

  It was not. Nine black people were arrested on various charges of assault.

  Less than a month later, it happened again. Also at NIU. This time, the large group of black people tried to force their way into the Hispanic fraternity, Alpha Psi Lambda. They were also turned away.

  “The people could not get in then started throwing things at the house and banging on it,” said SaukValley.com. “The group left, then came back with more people before the fight began.”

  Said the law enforcement officer: “A group of black males tried to crash the party and one of the party crashers was stabbed in the testicles. He has since lost both of them.”

  One of the frat members was charged in the stabbing, but he claims it was in self-defense. The people who started the riot were not charged. “There is an ongoing practice where large groups of black people come to DeKalb the first weekend of fall classes at NIU and on homecoming weekend,” said the law enforcement official. “It gets so bad that the state police supplement locals with an additional 30 troopers.”

  At the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, local media reported a mild encounter following an October football game. A reader of American Thinker filled in the blanks about these shootings at off campus housing in a neighborhood full of students of Notre Dame and Holy Cross College.

  “A group of black teenagers (15 and 16 years old) attempted to push their way into the home of a group of students and when they were not allowed in one of the black teens shot one of the students in the head,” he said. “The bullet missed the student's brain by 1/4 inch and he has recovered. Fortunately, one of the students inside the house had a concealed carry permit and he returned fire, shattering the leg of one of the intruders. If he hadn't been carrying, the outcome would have been much worse.”

  Other residents of South Bend report black mob violence and black on white crime directed at Notre Dame students are increasingly frequent in the ghettos surrounding the campus.

  About 170 miles south of DeKalb at the University of Illinois in Champaign, black mob violence returned to the campus known as the birthplace of Polar Bear Hunting: A version of the Knockout Game where black people attack white students.

  During one 15-minute period in October, a mob of black people attacked five white people in four separate incidents.[891]

  Today, news reports say the violence was much worse than anyone suspected: “In the last two weeks, Champaign and university police have seen about a dozen cases of mob action or robbery on the university’s campus,” WBBM’s Newsradio’s Nancy Harty reported. “Police said the incidents usually involve a group of males attacking one or two victims. Sometimes a female is with the attackers, and uses mace or pepper spray on the victims.”

  The local media refuses to say the suspects are all black. At least today.

  They were not as shy when Polar Bear Hunting first surfaced as a form of racial violence in Champaign in 2010. The local paper then described it as well as anyone in a story about the attack on a TV personality: “The 50-year-old former weatherman for WILL-TV and, before that, WCIA-TV, is among the latest in a growing list of white men in town being slugged for sport by young black men. (Earlier reports indicated a slang term of "polar bear hunting" for these attacks.)

  The local press will not voluntarily disclose what federal law forces the university to do: Release a full description of the predators. This description is from university records connected to the recent four attacks on five people. “In all the cases, the victims described the su
spects as a group of black males. The number in the group ranged from 6 to 8.”

  College campuses loath reporting the description of people involved in hurting their students. That is because on campuses around the country, the number of black people involved in the violence is astronomically out of proportion.

  NIU tries to soften the blow by apologizing for complying with federal law: “Information about the race or ethnicity of alleged offenders is provided only to aid detailed descriptions that include physical stature, clothing or unusual characteristics. Racial descriptions do not, by themselves, offer a meaningful picture of an individual's appearance.”

  Which might be true if these attacks were isolated and all the attackers did not share a central organizing feature: They are black.

  But the attacks are not isolated. Neither is the black on white violence.

  And neither is how the press ignores and denies it.

  Black Crime Claims Life

  of Apologist for Black Crime.

  David Ruenzel knew, better than most, about the white privilege that killed him.

  As a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of his favorite topics was rooting out racism. How white racism is permanent, everywhere and explains everything.

  Xx This mantra of the Critical Race Theory and the Southern Poverty Law Center applied to all white people because, even if they were not personally cracking the whips, or breaking the skulls, white people benefitted from a racist system that did all that — and a lot more.

  Ruenzel was writing about white privilege for the Southern Poverty Law Center as far back as 1997 — long before it became the rage at college campuses, newsrooms, churches, high schools and even grade schools.

  By the time of his death, Ruenzel had accumulated many of the trappings of the white privilege he exposed: The job. The home. The intact family. And most importantly in his case, white privilege endowed Ruenzel with an expectation of safety in the Oakland neighborhood where last week two black people are suspected of killing him.


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