I Told You to Be Careful (Gold Streaks Book 2)

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I Told You to Be Careful (Gold Streaks Book 2) Page 2

by Sylvie Nathan

  The evening wind cools their skin as it flows in from outside, tender with the warmth that lingers in the hills outside.

  Chapter 4

  The Regency Hotel is a wonderful venue for big events. The hall downstairs can hold three hundred people, and in summer, it opens onto the gardens, where even more people can spill out across the lawns under the pale summer stars.

  The doors are open tonight, and a cool breeze washes in, lifting the scents of perfume and champagne and mixing them with the heady, seductive scent of jasmine flowing in from the pergola outside.

  Lisa stands to one side of the hall, watching the event. The sounds in the room are high, tinkling laughter, the warm burbling of champagne into crystal glasses, murmurous words, the distant sound of a violin. Lisa looks briefly over the groups of black suited men and elegant women, shoulders bared in the warm evening, gowns in blues and blacks and wine-dark reds and mauve.

  Her eyes move across the room to a figure in the centre; from where some of the bright laughter is issuing. Sue. In a white silk dress that flows lightly about her slender figure and a chain of gold and diamonds around her neck, she catches the light and spins it back warm and pale and full. Her hair is in an elegant roll, its thick gold softness warm under the muted lights of the room. She is surrounded by a group of men in dark suits and one or two women, trying not to seem outdone by her. The laughter in the room seems to flow from that central group; the group that everyone wants to be part of.

  “...Oh, Roger. You would say something like that...” Sue's voice, arch and laughing; teasing one of the men; one of the main shareholders in Gold Ridge.

  The group around Sue laughs as well. Lisa watches them watching her, and smiles to herself. Sue is beautiful; there is no denying it. She is also striking and charismatic and, tonight, she is warm and relaxed; completely at peace with herself and everyone. Everyone wants to talk to her.

  Lisa smiles affably; moves to the trestle tables to find a glass of wine.

  “Lisa?” Sue's voice. “There you are!”

  Lisa smiles, dazzlingly. The group around Sue look dismayed, sullen and resentful by turns.

  Lisa walks over to the group.

  “Lisa, you're on the Brinkman case, yes?” Sue asks, affably.

  “Yes...” Lisa sounds cautious. “Why?”

  “Well, Cedric Brinkman is here tonight. Over there. Should I introduce you?”

  Lisa smiles. Meeting the man neutrally would probably be ideal. That way, she can interact and gain some information and impressions off the record; find out the information that no-one would probably offer first-hand, but which often leads down the right path in a case.

  “Yes. Could you? I would like that.”

  Sue takes Lisa's arm; walks with her across the room to the trestle along the back, where a formidable-looking man in a quality wool suit is standing, watching the crowd.

  “Cedric!” Sue greets him enthusiastically. “Good to see you. It's been years?”

  The man turns, sees Sue; smiles. He is solidly-built, would have made a great footballer if only he was not a CEO already. He has pale hair, slightly thinning, and, when he turns to look at Lisa, eyes of a piercing golden brown.

  “Cedric? This is Lisa. Marsden. My partner and...erstwhile lawyer. Lisa, Cedric Brinkman.”

  Sue continues, introducing them when she sees Cedric's gaze rest on Lisa.

  They shake hands. Cedric Brinkman has a firm grip. Lisa feels her fingers throb as he takes her hand and releases it. He looks at her gravely; gold eyes level. Lisa feels her skin crawl under that piercing gaze.

  She plants her feet, stares back.

  “Ms Marsden?” He asks, his voice mild. “You are the lawyer from Naidu and Marsden, yes?”


  “Pleased to meet you. You will be defending my case, I believe?”


  “I look forward to discussing it with you soon.”

  Something about that statement makes Lisa feel uneasy. She hides it. “Indeed. We have a lot to discuss.”


  They are still for a moment. Lisa feels uncomfortable under the pale gold gaze of this man. She is about to break the silence, when Sue turns back to them, from where she has been momentarily distracted by another shareholder.

  “Cedric? You must tell me about these plans to branch out into truck assembly?” Sue asks.

  Lisa smiles to herself. If there is an industry Sue does not follow or a businessman whose interests and concerns she is unaware of, Lisa has never seen them.

  Cedric and Sue become involved in an animated discussion about the possibilities of the truck-making enterprise, and about the possibility of their producing trucks that could be used on the mine.

  Lisa turns back to the trestle table, disconcerted. Something about that man has flustered her. She cannot quite put her finger on why, but she mistrusts him. He makes her feel somehow threatened. Sue's laughter spills out across the room, bright and warm as the champagne flowing into glasses around them. The sound is reassuring. Lisa smiles. Perhaps it is nothing. She could just be being fanciful. Or the heat in the room is getting to her. She sighs; makes her way across the room to the wide glass doors that have been thrown open to give the guests access to the terrace and the lawn and night outside. She finds her toes aching in the new Italian designer high-heels Sue convinced her into buying, and winces as she walks outside to take a breath of night air. Perhaps it is nothing, she tells herself again. She breathes the cool, fragrant air outside and smiles. So much of tonight is perfect.

  Chapter 5

  “That's an interesting question. Yes. I think a company is only as good as the care it provides its employees...which is why we have implemented a new retirement package and further injury on duty regulations...”

  Sue is sitting at the table in her office; two journalists from a prominent magazine opposite her. She looks composed and cool as ever, but it is obvious to everyone who know her she is glowing. She comes alive in interviews; and besides; she has come alive so fully since meeting Lisa. Everyone who works in connection with her has noticed it; the change in her. Elspeth couldn't say for sure, but she was sure she heard her singing in her office the day previously.

  The two journalists are still asking her questions, and one asks if they can do a photoshoot with her in her office...just a few pictures of her in her place of work. Sue smiles. Of course. She is dressed for it, as ever; her white silk coat and pale blue blouse striking and elegant, complimenting her styled hair and arresting blue eyes.

  They remain at the table for a while asking questions, and then they conclude. Then Sue is going over to her desk, to pose for pictures. She grins at the journalists, then schools herself to a neutral expression – her “boss face”. She radiates cold authority like that.

  They set up their equipment, ask her to sit behind her desk; pen in hand. The light from the windows opposite bathes her palely; bright on her pale hair and soft on her skin. They do a few shots straight on; then one from the side. Sue find herself enjoying it; looks over her shoulder at the camera, one eyebrow raised, a slight smile on her sculpted, pale lips.

  “Good...really good...if you can just lean back a little...” The photographer is saying.

  “Ms Montmorency? Phone for you; Mr. Van Doesberg from the engineering corps.”

  Elspeth also tries to look neutral, but a grin is suffusing her soft features.

  “Really? That sounds important. Excuse me, gentlemen?”

  Sue smiles charmingly, stands elegantly and departs for Elspeth's office. The men watch her go, patiently waiting for her to return.

  “Mr Van Doesberg?” Sue asks. “Something to report?”

  “Yes Ma'am.” The engineer sounds excited as well.


  “Well; we started on the main vein this morning, and it is so near to the surface, it's a wonder no-one has seen it before now! And a rich vein, too. This is going to be a great time for the mine.”
  Sue smiles, warmth suffusing the grin.

  “Thank you for telling me, Mr Van Doesberg. And well done. Sterling effort.”

  She can hear the man smile on the other side of the phone. His voice, when he speaks, is also warm.

  “...Thank you, Ms Montmorency.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sue replaces the receiver on the phone gently; the smile still on her face. When she looks up at Elspeth, the warmth is obvious.

  “Well, thank you for calling me, Elspeth. I think I have a further announcement to make to our journalist friends.”

  Elspeth grins back. She does not know exactly what was said, but she knows it must be positive.

  Sue returns to her own office. Stands in the door opposite the two men, waiting still at her desk.

  “Well, gentlemen. Thank you for your patience. And it seems we have another announcement to make...”

  Sue decides to tell them at once; to generate positive reviews about the mine. She always takes the opportunity to build their image; make the mine attractive to investors. And it works. She has so much interest in investing that the new prospecting on the north side of the ridge has almost been financed that way. She tells the journalists the good news, then they get back to the photoshoot. Half an hour later, and they are done. The journalists make ready to leave; packing up their cameras, collecting microphones and recorders; putting themselves in order. They come over to shake Sue's hand.

  “Thanks, Ms Montmorency...it's been a pleasure.”

  “...Great interview. We've got some great pictures. Thank you, Ms Montmorency.”

  Sue shakes their hands, thanks them for the interview; sees them out. Grins at their retreating backs and drifts to her desk, smiling.

  She sits for a moment, enjoying the feeling of sheer contentment. She can feel a smile on her lips, tingling its warmth through her. She sighs; leans back into the pale leather of the seat. Lets herself rest for a minute, enjoying the sensation.

  “What's next on the list?” She murmurs, quietly to herself. Turns to her day planner; set up on a tasteful wooden notestand on the right side of the desk.

  The phone on the left side of Sue's desk rings. Almost no-one calls her in her office. Just their main investor; in emergencies, the head foreman; her financial adviser...and Lisa.

  Sue frowns. Lifts the receiver.

  “Sue Montmorency, Gold Ridge Mines. Hello?”

  “Sue! So sorry to disturb you at work. Are you still with the men from Life and Times?” Lisa.

  “No...no they just left. What is it, L?” Sue is concerned at once.

  “Nothing big...or I think nothing big. Just...I can't really tell you here. Could I ask you to come and fetch me after work? I know it's far...but....”

  Lisa's voice is tense; she sounds nervous; jumpy. Not her usual confident, cheerful self. Sue is worried as well, now.

  “Of course, Lisa. It's not a problem. I can send someone around to fetch you now?”

  “No...no. It's fine. Thank you. I can stay until five-thirty.”

  “I'll be there...around six, with this traffic.”

  “See you then. And...thank you, Sue.”

  “No problem. Love you.”

  “Love you.”

  Sue smiles, distracted. Replaces the phone. Sits back to think for a minute.

  Whatever has happened, Lisa sounds very worried. Shaken. And it is unlike her to ask for something like that. Whatever it is must be worrying. Sue frowns. Whatever it is, she will find out tonight.

  She sighs; looks over her calendar for the day. Calls Elspeth on the intercom.

  “Elspeth? Would it be possible to put forward the meeting with the men from Buildings and Resources? I am going to have to leave early today.”

  Chapter 6

  It is dark in the kitchen at Sue's home; lit just with the warm light of some candles and the light from the stars; the electric light turned down low. The kitchen is warm and close, the candlelight gold-red and muted; shining in two points in the still darkness. The air is scented with spices and warmed with wine and the sweet scent of wax from the candles.

  About an hour ago, Sue fetched Lisa from work. She was visibly agitated, but as solid and steadfast as always. She and Sue even enjoyed the drive back; speeding a little on the highway; laughing like girls. Now, over a meal of Thai noodles and crisp vegetables; washed down with a light white wine, they are relaxed enough to speak freely.

  “...and you're sure it's the same man?”

  “Yes. I would remember a face like that. I know I saw him yesterday as well. Maybe even the day before?”

  Lisa has just told Sue that she thinks she was followed to work, and that it seems like someone is keeping watch on her office. She noticed someone in the carpark, in a car like the one she thought followed her; sitting there in the morning after she arrived. Halfway through the day, she noticed another man in a similar place; waiting in the car. Since people don't usually sit in carparks outside law-firms, she noticed particularly. She dismissed it from her mind, but the next day, noticed it again. Now she feels convinced that someone is having her watched.

  “...Do you think you should tell someone? Call the police?”

  “Not enough evidence for that.” Lisa replies, wryly. “What am I going to tell them? That I think I'm being followed? All they need is the head of the local law-firm getting paranoid on them.” She grins. “Perhaps I am being paranoid? What do you think, Sue?”

  “No.” Sue shakes her head, emphatically. “No, my dear. You're not that kind of person.”

  Lisa smiles, relieved. “I suppose not.”

  “You're not paranoid, and you could be in danger.” Sue adds.

  They both pause, for a moment. Reluctant to think about that further.

  “You think it's someone from a case?” Sue asks.

  “It must be.”

  “Any ideas who?”

  “I only have one case on at the moment; only one where anyone involved would have the kind of backing to follow me.” Lisa replies.

  “That's this car-firm case?”


  They think for a moment; silent with concern.

  “Lisa? I don't think you should take risks with this.” Sue says, concerned. “These people...they're not the sort to play around. Raju Patel....he's not the kind of man I'd trust.”

  “No.” Lisa, emphatic. “No...that's true.”

  They both think for a while, silent.

  “You should get some help with this. This whole thing is really...unsafe.” Sue, concerned.

  “Maybe.” Lisa agrees reluctantly. “I find it hard to imagine what someone can do in broad daylight outside a law firm.” Lisa smiles.

  “You'd be surprised.” Sue. “It could be serious.”

  “I could take on one of them, I think.” Lisa says, considering seriously.

  “L?” Sue smiles, gentle and exasperated. “Promise me you won't do anything stupid?”

  “I'll try.”

  Sue's hand slides over Lisa's; gently. “I don't want to lose you.”

  Lisa turns her hand to hold Sue's; her fingers wrapping her wrist. “I don't want to lose you, either.”

  They kiss. Sit a long time together in the darkness and silence of the kitchen. Feeling the closeness of each other, the shared sounds of their breathing; their heartbeat.

  Lisa's fingers brush gently over Sue's pulse; making small circles. Sue draws in a breath; sharply. Leans in to her embrace. Her hands run over Lisa's shoulders; searching out the skin beneath her blouse.

  “Upstairs?” Lisa asks it, breathless.

  Sue nods.

  They help each other to their feet; breathless.

  Upstairs, the light in Sue's bedroom is muted; silvery. Starlight pours in through the horizontal strip of window running the length of the wall opposite the bed. All else is dark and charcoal shadow. Enticing.

  The window at the end is open; the fresh breeze from outside carrying in the scent of flowers and ni
ght and damp earth.

  On the bed, Sue is sculpted in pewter by the light and charcoal shadows; her pale skin glowing where the blouse has slipped off one shoulder; unbuttoned down to the rise of her breasts. Lisa sits beside her; kisses her throat as her fingers unbutton her shirt. Kisses her down the chest to her small, firm breasts.

  Sue tugs at Lisa's shirt; undressing her even as they fall back on the bed, arms entwining each other. Their pale skin glows in the soft light. Lisa's body is entwined around Sue's who is beneath her on the bed. The curves of her body glow softly in the muted light; breasts and hips and thighs and the gentle swell of her smooth belly. Lisa kisses her way down her body; tongue gentle.

  Sue gasps; draws her closer. The muted light glows on their skin; two writhing bodies, sweat-slick.

  Then the room is whirling and everything else has melted back, just light on skin and curves and hair mixed together – blonde and red entwined – and the gasp of desire and the slide of skin over soft skin, and the thrust and meet and part and thrust of cresting longing, filling them and making them both cry out with the sheer wonder of it.


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