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Repercussions Page 8

by Dominique Mondesir

  Acquiring the uniforms had taken some time, but it was worth the risk.

  Each person in the lift met Dre's eye and gave him a small nod. He returned the gesture.

  "Remember what we are here for. Remember the ones we have lost, the ones that can't help themselves anymore," Dre said before returning his attention to the front of the lift. It seemed to take forever.

  He closed his eyes and placed one hand on the metal wall; the other clutched the front of his breast pocket. He muttered under his breath before opening his eyes with a smile.

  The doors of the lift opened onto a gloomily lit corridor. It was empty.

  Dre stepped out and turned his head left to right, seeing nothing but the same dull grey walls. He waved his hand forward and walked onward, his men filing out behind him.

  He pointed to the walls on either side of him, and two of his men stuck something there before following the rest of the group. Periodically he pointed somewhere and a member of the group would stick something there too. Dre's footsteps echoed loudly as he marched forward, his hand brushing his purple hair back from his forehead. A small figure dressed in a white lab coat did a double take as the group approached.

  His green skin went pale as the group slowed to a halt in front of him. "Who are you?" he asked.

  "Who am I?" asked Dre. "No one that anyone cared about till I started to kill the right people."

  The little green man opened and closed his mouth. He tried to speak but the right words wouldn't come out. "I think--"

  "What you think is irrelevant. What you can do is tell me the way to the labs. The special ones."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. This is most irregular! I don't know who you are, but I highly doubt that you are Council enforcers. Our guards will deal with you," he said, bringing the holocom on his wrist to his lips. Dre's hand clamped around it, pushing it back down.

  "Now, why do you think we aren't Council enforcers when our uniforms clearly state that we are?"

  "Because someone on the Council..."

  "Ah!" Dre smiled; the lab engineer's eyes went wide as he realised his mistake.

  "Look, if you leave now, no harm will be done."

  "Now where's the fun in that? I'll ask once more, because I hate repeating myself. Which way to the labs?"

  "They'll kill me if I--"

  Blood gushed on the floor before the engineer. He looked down in shock at the knife sticking out of his chest. His hand went to it, but the light in his eyes was already dimming.

  "And what do you think I would do to you?" Dre said throwing the man's bleeding body to one side. He gestured for his team to follow him as he walked on.

  Glass walls on either side of him allowed him to see heads bowed before screens. People in lab coats walked between desks, speaking to their colleagues. No one had noticed his presence yet. Good. With a snap of his fingers, he sent a handful of men into the lab to his left while he and the others entered the one on the right.

  His gaze swept across the bowed heads in the room.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," he said with a clap of his hands. "I need your assistance."

  The chatter in the lab fell silent and all eyes went to the front of the lab. Dre smiled at each and every one of them before placing his closed fist in his open palm.

  "I would like to know the location of the master lab. The lab that holds the codes."

  "What are you talking about? There is no such thing here," said a voice at the front of the room.

  "Really? Well, the information I paid for was expensive, and I would hate to have come all this way for nothing. Please do not waste my time. I am not a patient man. Not after I have seen how close we all are to death."

  "I don't know who you think you are," said a tall blue male at the front of the lab, "but this is a secure and highly protected institution. You have made a grave mistake if you think we will bow down to your whims."

  "Have I now?" Dre said, stroking his chin.

  "We are protected. Our work is highly valued," said the blue male, shaking his clipboard in the air.

  "Protected by whom?"


  "What work do you do that is so highly valued?" Dre asked, walking up to the lab worker.

  "I...I...I am not at liberty to say."

  "It that so? Hmm. Well, I have it on good authority that the work you do here is nothing less than creating weapons of murder," Dre said, holding up a hand to stop the lab worker from responding. "I know, I know. You or your wonderful colleagues may not have actually got your hands dirty, but let's not fool ourselves, ladies and gentleman. Murder is as murder does." Dre closed his eyes and shook his head. "You see, I was a peaceful man, once. I never took a life or committed a crime, not even to feed my family. Oh, there were arguments with the wife, but I believed strongly in my morals. Even when I went away, and everything was falling apart around me, I never stepped away from my morals. Until...I realised something," said Dre.

  He walked towards the blue male, backing him up until his back was pressed against a desk.

  "Do you want to know what I realised?" Dre whispered.

  The lab worker stared up at Dre wide-eyed and open-mouthed. His bottom lip trembled as he stared at the eye that bore into his soul.

  "That morals and values have no place in this galaxy if you want to survive."

  "Pl-please, we can't give you what you are asking for."

  "Take a look over at your colleagues across the hall," Dre said, pointing to his left. His men stood in front of the lab, guns out. Everyone had backed as far away from them as they could. The lab engineer Dre was addressing, along with a few others, walked towards the glass; they pressed their hands against it. Some placed their faces against the glass, as if disbelieving what their eyes were telling them.

  "By the gods, please, no," said the engineer.

  "Where is the lab?"

  "There is no master lab!"

  "Then how do I get to the starship in the docking bay?"

  "How do you know about that?"

  "A person with no morals or values always finds a way to get what he wants."

  "I can't--"


  Gunshots rang out from the opposite lab and cries of fear and pain filled the air. Bodies were lifted and blasted against walls; blood splattered against the lab glass, painting everything red. Pretty soon it was impossible to see what was taking place as blood and gore coated the glass.

  As the last echoes died away and gurgling screams died in throats, Dre clapped his hands in front of him and waited.

  "If I tell you where the ship is, will you give me your word that no more violence will take place?" the engineer asked.

  Dre gave a small nod.

  "The ship you are looking for is in hangar bay six. You do not need any codes to pilot it. It was waiting to be collected," the engineer said, his head hanging low.

  "Thank you," Dre said, making his way towards the door. "Oh," he said stopping mid-stride and snapping his fingers as he turned to his men. "Make sure you leave no one alive."

  "But...! You gave me your word."

  "What did I say about a person who has no morals?" said Dre, making his way out the door as the first shots rang out.


  Phoenix moved his gaze back and forth between Saoirse and Sindee. Both women had crossed their arms as they held each other's stare.

  L moved closer to Phoenix, where she not so subtly elbowed him in the ribs. He looked down at her and gave her a slight shrug.

  "Why are you here?" Saoirse asked.

  "Isn't it obvious? After your most recent...mishap," Sindee said, waving a hand in the air, "Florin thought it was wise to send me along to make sure that nothing went wrong. He has a faith in me that has been earned over years. Years of flawless service to him and the family."

  "Flawless," Saoirse said with a laugh. "If it weren't for us then he would have been dead ten times over. Where were you then?"


If I remember correctly, it was your ships that fired on us while he was aboard our ship, without waiting for a response. If that's the sort of help you can offer us, I believe we will pass."

  "Oh, snap," L said to Phoenix in what she thought was a whisper but was way too loud.

  Sindee shook her head and rolled her eyes to the sky. "Your slate isn't as clean as you may think, Saoirse Vacsoon. Your efforts in the past--although somewhat noble--have become lacking of late. It no doubt has to do with the current company you keep."

  "She's talking about us, ain't she?" Plowstow said, sidling up to L next to Phoenix.

  "The company I keep is none of your business," Saoirse said, taking a step forward.

  "We shall see."

  "What's wrong with the company she keeps?" L said. "I think we make fine traveling companions."

  "It might have to do with the whole outlaw thing," Phoenix whispered.

  "Oh, that. That's so yesterday. We're heroes now."

  Silence swept over the group as each women did her best to outstare the other. Phoenix could feel two elbows digging into his sides, as Plowstow and L both nudged him.

  "Err...hello there," Phoenix said, giving Sindee a small wave. "You must be Lady Sindee Fren. First off, may I say, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have spoken to Florin at length about you, and he has spoken very highly of you--"

  A snort from Saoirse filled the air.

  "What he didn't say is what a beautiful cousin he had--" Phoenix gave L a sharp look as a giggle escaped her lips. "He has kept that a closely guarded secret, I see. And why wouldn't he! If you were my cousin, I would keep you under lock and key in case anyone snatched you away."

  Sindee raised an eyebrow at Phoenix before turning to Saoirse. "You're following this fool? You disgrace yourself."

  "Hey! Hey, hey. Easy, you royal pain in the ass. I was trying to be nice and break the ice, seeing as we are all going to be working together. So let's everyone just settle down and be civil."

  Sindee gave Phoenix a look that could cut diamonds.

  "Phoenix, I suggest that we deal with this on our own and leave her to her own devices," Saoirse said.

  "I doubt you would get very far."

  Phoenix pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. It was never easy. He hadn't asked for this ball-ache, or the amount of stress attached to whatever it was he had become. He looked Sindee's way and sighed.

  "Florin mentioned something about the first sightings of The Eye originating on this planet. Did you find out much about that?"

  Sindee inhaled deeply before letting out a sigh herself. "No. Gathering information about the group has been difficult. We believe the group were formed here, but getting any information about the leader, Dre, has led to the deaths of twenty of my best field agents. After The Eye kill an enemy, they gouge out the eyes. It's their calling card."

  "No leads or witnesses?" Saoirse said.

  "If I had those do you think I would be talking...? No. This planet is furiously loyal to the group. Just last week two of my squads were ambushed and killed. It's urban warfare at its finest."

  "Good thing we're here, then," Saoirse said, folding her arms.

  "If you think you can do better--"

  Phoenix stepped between the pair as they started to move towards each other. "So, what's next?" he asked. He could feel both women trying to stare each other down through his skull.

  "The reason Florin asked you to come--against my wishes, I may add--is that he believes that you will be better suited to getting the information we need. My men stand out among the locals. I don't know what it is; they don't last longer than a few days--a week at most--before they are found out.

  "Florin thinks it's because they're too clean. Not like yourselves," Sindee said, her glare sweeping across the team.

  "What do you mean, not like us?" Plowstow said.

  "She means criminals. What better way to catch someone who operates outside the law than by using someone who operates outside the law?" Saoirse said.

  "We have a saying, back on Earth--use a thief to catch a thief. But your long-winded explanation works just as well."

  "Well, we're not on Earth, are we?"

  "Don't have a go at me for your shit analogy," Phoenix said.


  "Anyway!" Sindee said, cutting Saoirse off. "The reason you were asked to come here was to see what information you can find out amongst the locals. Investigate, dig a little deeper, ask around. But before that, there is a banquet I think you should all attend. It will give you a deeper understanding of the culture here. Just try your best not to embarrass yourselves."

  "Last time I remember it was you that had to be escorted out of a banquet for driving your knife through someone's leg. No doubt we were asked here by Florin so we could keep the family animal on a lead," Saoirse said, with a smile.

  Sindee stood with her legs apart, her hands open by her sides, and gave Saoirse a smile that was all teeth.

  "Any time you want to settle things the old way, you know where to find me. In the meantime, I suggest the rest of you prepare for the upcoming meal," she said, walking away with a flick of her hair.

  Phoenix stood transfixed, watching her hips sway as she walked away. He tried to hide his smile but he caught Saoirse's eye, and she pushed him out of the way as she stormed off.

  "I wouldn't even," L said.


  "Just don't. Let's get this mission over and done with, and then we can move on with our lives. Plus Midnight would never forgive you if you went anywhere near Sindee," L said, before rushing after Saoirse.

  Phoenix let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. Plowstow and Kai stood huddled together, whispering, but stopped as they noticed Phoenix looking their way.

  "If I have to behave myself," he said with a finger raised, "then you best believe that no one else is having any fun. No drinks. No drugs."

  "Come on, bro!"

  "That ain't fair, Phoenix!"

  "I don't give a fuck what's fair. What I do care about is doing this job right. So I want both of you alert. You need to scout the party for any bits of conversation that might lead us somewhere. Got it?"

  They nodded solemnly.

  "Good. Now, let's try and find out where we are staying so we can get ready for this stupid thing."


  Florin sat behind a pale wooden desk that still held its original grain markings. No two sections were the same. He rubbed his hands along the wood, allowing it to bring a smile to his face. It had belonged to his father, who had acquired it from his father, who had acquired it from his.

  Before the family had any money, this was the only thing of any value that they had owned.

  Florin sat back, and his gaze swept the top of the desk, which was covered in paperwork. He had asked for every bit of information that they had on The Eye. It was a lot. But what he had was mostly hearsay and rumours.

  There were no credible eyewitnesses. There were no credible sources of information.

  The group had appeared out of the shadows and had begun attacking anyone associated with the Council. Other groups, such as pirates and outlaws, had tried before, but they were all crushed before they even raised a fist against the Council.

  But this was different. This felt different.

  How did a group such as The Eye get funding so quickly? Wars were won and lost by the amount of credits backing each side. If one side could only afford pistols, but the other party could afford space ships, that war wouldn't last very long. The fight wouldn't be worth it. But Dre had acquired ships, weapons, and men in a short enough time to hint that he wasn't the main player. There must be someone else in the shadows. Someone else pulling the strings. Someone else funding the group.

  Florin pulled some sheets of paper towards him but threw them back on the desk after a minute.

  This is pointless! How can we fight an enemy we know nothing about? An enemy whose demands are so absurd that no one paid them any attention?
r />   The Council would never dissolve, no matter what happened. The benefits its members received would never be replaced. It was why a position at the table was so sought after. Once a family had secured a position as one of the six, they could bring any bill or legislation they wanted to pass. They could hide matters that would otherwise see them sent to jail, and they received a lot more credit flow from other parties that wanted favours.

  It was why families lived and died for one of the six positions. It was why staying at the table was a lot harder than getting there.

  Each of the six became a target, a family's next meal ticket. Since the Frens had been on the Council, Florin had seen many a family come and go. They all made the mistake of relaxing and allowing the pleasures that the table brought to make them soft.

  He felt sorry for them, in a way; they could never return. Once your family's name was crossed out from that table, that was it. No one got a second chance.

  It was a ruthless game.

  Florin stood up and placed his hands behind his back till it popped. Walking over to the windowsill, he picked up a small jug and watered a flower with teardrop-shaped purple petals. Young red leaves sprouted from its stem.

  The main question that he still couldn't answer hung in the air. What did the group hope to gain from all of this?

  He didn't believe it was to have the Council disbanded. The logistics of that alone would make it impossible.

  They didn't want credit or any other possessions that he could think of.

  It just didn't make sense.

  A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought.

  "Come in."

  Qbutt stepped through the door, his eyes sweeping the room as he entered. His gaze rested momentarily on the stack of papers on Florin's desk. A frown flashed across his face like lightning in a storm before it was gone again.

  "I was about to clean it up before you arrived," Florin said.

  "How a great mind like yours works is not for someone like me to judge."

  "Come now," Florin said, letting out a laugh. "You sound like the old man. He too would always berate me for my messiness. Although the amount of time you two spent together, it would make sense for certain things to rub off."


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