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Page 15

by Dominique Mondesir

  Phoenix moved her out of the way as another family hurried past. She leaned into his touch, and her eyes lowered to the floor.

  "Look, whether you think so or not, I am sure your father is happy that you are alive. Do you know what's worse than having two dead daughters? Three."

  The princess shook her head as a smile graced her lips. "You don't understand. My sisters were groomed for power. The eldest was meant to take over after my father passed. And the middle child was always groomed as a backup, in case something happened to the first."

  "That's...thinking ahead," Phoenix said with a shrug.

  "I was a mistake. My sisters loved to remind me. There wasn't meant to be any more after the second, I just happened. So because of that, the other two were taught from birth how to lead. Now, with them gone, people are looking to me, but I don't have the first idea what to do."

  "Look," Phoenix said, placing both his hands on her shoulders. "Maybe it's not such a bad thing that you'll be in power soon. The way people are treated around here, the way things are isn't right. But you have the power to change all that. You--"

  "I don't know--"

  "You can't do a worse job than the old man," Phoenix said with a smile that the princess matched. "The palace and the grounds are literally falling apart."

  "When you put it like that..." The princess laughed.

  "Plus, you have an enemy that is threatening to blow the city off the surface of the planet. Sooo...there's that."

  "What are you planning to do about it?" she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Phoenix placed his hand on his chest as mock horror crossed his face. "Me? Do something? I don't know what rumours you've been listening to, miss, but I am nothing more than a handsome rogue outlaw looking for his next thrill."

  The princess tilted her head to the side and her smile grew larger.

  "I'm going to talk to your father, to see if I can get him to back out of the Council agreement. Even if it's temporary--we just need some time to breathe."

  "I don't think you'll find any help there. He's...different. The loss of my sisters affected him more than I thought it would. It's at least worth a try, to see if you can change his mind, but I am not hopeful. In the meantime, I'll try my best to get my people organised and allocate resources where they should go."

  "You see," Phoenix smiled, "you're already talking like a leader."

  The princess placed her hands around his neck and brought Phoenix's face down to hers. Her lips felt soft and sweet. She smelled like flowers on an autumn breeze.

  For the briefest of moments, all his troubles went away, till a yell from the corridor up ahead brought him back to reality.

  "I'd better be going," Phoenix said, pulling away.

  "Thank you for giving me a life worth living," she said as she walked away.


  The yelling and cursing grew louder with each step Phoenix took. He could now hear crashing; unseen objects were being thrown around.

  Phoenix lowered his head and closed his eyes. Be gentle... remember what he has lost.

  "Where is it? Where is it!" echoed the unmistakable tones of the king.

  "My lord, I don't know what it is you need or want," said a frightened voice.

  "You are all useless! Why do I have any of you around?"

  Phoenix stopped in front of a set of coal black double doors, twelve feet tall, which stood out in stark contrast against the white marble floor.

  "My lord, we must leave this place at once. The Eye has targeted the city, but I doubt anywhere is safe on this planet anymore. I advise the best course of action is to retreat by ship and regroup."

  When the going gets tough, huh? thought Phoenix as he stood before the doors.

  "Leave? Fucking leave!" shouted the king. "You want me to abandon them?"

  "My lord," came the soft reply, "there is nothing left to abandon."

  "Get out."

  A heavy thud struck the door, shaking the dust off the frame. It opened to reveal a thin-looking man dressed in a red tunic. His hawk nose pointed in Phoenix's direction as he rushed forward.

  "And you are?" he asked.

  Phoenix ignored him as he walked past, but was stopped as he felt something tug at his arm. Turning his attention to his arm, he saw a clawed hand clamped around it. He allowed his gaze to travel all the way up the arm to its owner, whom he raised an eyebrow to.

  "I asked you a question!"

  Eyebrow still raised, Phoenix looked down at the offending hand and back up to its owner.

  "Do you know who I am?"

  Phoenix's eyebrows knotted together and his eyes narrowed.

  "Well, do you?"

  "If I've said it once, I'll say it again. Anyone who asks that question isn't anyone for me to be concerned about," Phoenix said.

  "How dare you!" said Hawk Nose, taking a sharp intake of breath. "I am the advisor to the king. I will have you know that--"

  Phoenix shook his head and took a step forward before finding himself halted yet again. "Always some fucking idiot."

  "What was that? What was that! How dare you talk to me like that!" said the advisor. "I'll have you show some respect yet. Guards--"

  Phoenix's hand shot out like a piston and grabbed the advisor by the throat. He lifted the man off his feet and brought him close, so they were eye to eye. The advisor's ragged breath washed over Phoenix.

  "Listen to me carefully now, fuck-face. I have enough power in this right hand to pop your head like a zit. But I'm not going to do that. Do you want to know why?"

  The advisor did his best to shake his head from side to side.

  "It's because I'm feeling in a forgiving mood. I just had a kiss with a beautiful woman, and I believe one good turn deserves another. Now, I'm going to let go, turn around and walk out of your life forever. I suggest you do the same, if you value your life. Understood?"

  Phoenix received a gargled response that he took for a yes.

  He released his grip and turned his back on the advisor, closing the door behind him.

  Phoenix stepped into the dimly lit room.

  Look at the size of this place.

  The room was half the size of a football field and just as wide. Cushions lay scattered about in corners, and the odd rug was dotted about. Phoenix passed animal heads mounted on walls as he continued walking. He looked right to left, but there was no sign of the king anywhere.

  His ears picked up a faint noise up ahead, halfway between a cry and a strangled shout.

  His feet carried him to where he needed to be, although his heart told him to turn around. He found the king sitting in a corner, playing with children's toys. He moved a wooden animal back and forth along the floor, muttering to himself. His clothes were a patchwork of food stains and God knew what else.

  Phoenix pressed his hand to his head as a sigh escaped his lips. Squatting down, so they were level, he said, "What are you doing?"

  The king pushed the toy animal back and forth in front of him, uttering a small laugh as he shook his head. Phoenix went to grab hold of his hand, but it was slapped away.

  "I once watched my two little girls fight over this toy for hours," the king said. "They each had their own, but one always wanted what the other had, even if it was identical."

  "What are you doing?" Phoenix said.

  "They were my crowning achievement, you know. Stronger than me, smarter than both me and their mother combined. There wasn't anything that they couldn't do. Yes, they fought like demons, but it only made them stronger. They would have been such fine rulers. The eldest leading the way with the second as her right hand," said the king. "My darling girls," he mourned, burying his head in his hands.

  "What are you doing?"

  The silence stretched out between both men. Neither spoke. Slowly, the king lifted his head and looked at Phoenix with red-rimmed eyes. His lips pulled back in a snarl, and he squeezed the toy in his hand until it broke.

  "What the fuck do y
ou want me to do? Huh? Tell me what would you have me do, O great one? Just what?"

  "I would have you lead."

  "Ha!" the king said, throwing the remains of the toy away.

  "Your people need a strong leader, right now. One that can accept the mistakes of the past and move forward. It's not too late," Phoenix said. "It's not too late to make up for the mistakes of the past. Show your people that you care, that you will lead them through this time of trouble and strife, and they will love you for it forever."

  "Why would I do that?" the king asked, puzzled.

  "Because they are your people."

  The king threw his head back and laughed as tears streamed down his face. "You think I give a fuck what happens to those people out there?" he said, waving his hand at the door. "You think I care about those peasants, those lowborn scum?"

  "What about the members of the royal family? Your youngest daughter?"

  "Did you not hear me the first time? Everyone can burn," the king said through gritted teeth. "Those who are smart enough and wealthy enough shall be able to escape, offworld, by ship. The rest deserve their fates."

  Phoenix leapt forward and grabbed the king by the front of his stained shirt. Phoenix held his breath as the king's foul body odour washed over him. He looked into a pair of eyes that held no remaining hope. They were empty pits of bottomless darkness. He pushed the king to the floor and rose to his feet.

  He shook his head before turning for the door.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "What I do best," Phoenix said, pausing with his hand on the door handle. "Fuck shit up."


  Phoenix looked around at the faces of Sindee's men and his crew in the small groundsman's hut.

  Everyone was accounted for, apart from Freyan. He still hadn't shown up. Phoenix wasn't worried; he understood that the Bloodless One needed space. He just hoped that they could resolve their issues before he found himself in another battle for his life.

  A holographic image above the table showed the orbit of Rue, and the planets and stars around it.

  "How come we are using this small-ass hut when we have an empty palace? Didn't you see the families and staff fleeing for their lives?" Plowstow asked, gesturing with his hands.

  "We are here because...we're here," Phoenix said, giving him a shrug.

  "Great explanation. If you ask me--"

  "No one did."

  "They were the smart ones. Not like the rest of us fools, staying behind trying to save a planet when the people don't want our help. I mean, come on, now. Is there really any point to all of this?"

  "So you don't see a point to saving billions of lives?" Saoirse asked, crossing her arms. "You don't see the honour in fighting the good fight? The courage it takes to step up, when all others have deserted the path? Songs will be written about the heroic deed we do here today. Our names shall go down in history because we stayed and fought."

  "Yeah, yeah, I hear all that," Plowstow said, raising his hands. "But... I like being alive."

  Saoirse exhaled heavily through her nose as she turned her back on the Orcian.

  "You know, Plowstow, I didn't realise before, but you're a bit of a dick," L said, tapping her finger against her lips.

  Phoenix snorted, as a hurt look crossed Plowstow's face. "You only just realised!" Phoenix said. "The blind, deaf and dumb know that Plowstow's a dick."

  "Hmm, I thought better of you, Plowstow. I really did," L said.

  "Now I feel like a dick, because I care about the crew's well-being."

  "Don't you always?" Saoirse said.

  "No... I like me," Plowstow replied.

  "Surprising," Phoenix and Saoirse muttered.

  "It ain't his fault, sis," Kai said. "He's got issues."

  "I do not!"

  Sindee slammed her hand down on the table, halting the bickering. "How have you people survived this long?" she asked, looking around the room.

  "You'd be surprised. We all have endearing qualities that, slotted together, make the perfect team," L said with a smile.

  Sindee shook her head as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Can we continue?"

  "What have your men found?" Saoirse asked.

  "It doesn't look good, if I'm honest."

  "When is it ever?" Plowstow moaned.

  "Dre and his crew are located just off the planet's moon. Destroying the starship shouldn't be a problem. What will be a problem are the ships that surround the starship. They appear to be his guard against any sudden attacks," Sindee said, pointing to a few spots on the image the holocom projected.

  "How many ships are we talking about?" Phoenix asked.

  "Thirty light fighters and ten destroyers."

  "Is that it?" Plowstow laughed, slapping his knee. "Y'all had me worried there for a minute. Your force should easily take care of that, right?"


  "Why is it never fucking easy?" Plowstow grumbled, covering his eyes.

  "As you all know, the Council doesn't want to involve themselves with this matter. So we won't be getting help on that front. But because of that, the Frens' hands are also tied. I could only bring a small fleet, if you can even call it that, to investigate what's going on here."

  "How small?" Phoenix asked.

  "Ten destroyers."

  "Fuck me!" Plowstow said.

  Everyone made the same calculations in silence. If they were the same conclusions that Phoenix reached, then all answers equalled to fucked, with a decimal point of super fucked.

  Phoenix placed his hands on the table and looked across to Saoirse. Her hard stare and firm lip give him her thoughts on the matter. Phoenix lowered his head and tried to foresee a future where everyone would survive the upcoming battle.

  He couldn't.

  "Does the king or any of the royal family have any ships we can use?" Phoenix asked.

  "All planetside ships are long gone. Once Dre delivered his ultimatum, anyone in possession of a ship left," Sindee said.

  "You mean we are the only people left on this rock with ships," said Plowstow. "I think the best thing that we can do is sell seats to the highest bidder and--"

  Phoenix and Saoirse cut him off with a look that made him take a step back. As he went to open his mouth again, Phoenix shook his head and pointed to the Orcian's seat.

  "Look, these people may not want our help. They may not have asked for our help...but leaving them to a fate they know nothing about will give us all sleepless nights for the rest of our lives. So the only thing we can do is fight. Fight for what's right. Fight for what's good," Phoenix said, looking around the room. "That's the only thing we can do."

  "We're going to fucking die, ain't we?" Plowstow said, dropping his head into his hands

  "Phoenix," L said, raising her hand. "I have an idea."

  "My point still stands," the Orcian muttered.


  Dre hadn't moved since he last spoke through the holocom. His fists were clenched, his chin was down. He could hear movement all around him, but it sounded far away. He had tuned it out because it was irrelevant. All he wanted to hear was his family's laughter as he took their hands and walked them through the markets.

  They were poor. Most of the city was. But they had something that credits couldn't buy. Love.

  The joy he got from just being around them was...inexpressible. Now all that had been taken away. Snatched from his grasp. He hadn't done anything wrong. He had never stolen, even though many had for their hungry families, yet fate had cursed him--singled him out--for no reason at all.

  "Dre? Dre. Dre!"

  He could hear his name being called from what seemed like miles away. Shouts of "Daddy!" seeped from his dreams into his waking moments. He welcomed their cries, he welcomed sleep. To dream about them, touch them, kiss them...

  It brought a smile to his face whenever his wife told him off for spoiling them. But his response was always, "I have been away for so long, dear. How can I not shower the people I love
with the wealth I feel in my heart?"

  Then before he knew it, he was awake again.

  He cursed every moment he wasn't in the land of dreams. He cursed every moment he was alive.

  Every time the voices spoke of ending it, of taking his life, he would close his eyes till he was strong again.

  Don't you want to see them?

  Don't you miss their touch, their love, their kisses?

  Of course he did, but he still had work to do.

  "Dre!" someone said, shaking his shoulders.

  He opened his heavy-lidded eyes and looked into the speaker's soul. "What?'

  "The men," said the speaker softly, "want to know what will happen if the king doesn't bow down to your demands."

  Dre looked to his left and right and saw that all eyes were on him. Men lifted and moved boxes and items around, but they did it with the slow, laboured movements of people not wanting to miss what was said.

  Dre nodded his head and lifted his chin to the ceiling.

  "If our demands are not met," he said, loud enough so his voice carried, "then we shall destroy the planet and move on to the next planet that is waiting to enter into the fold of the Council. Then on to the next one, and the next. Remember, we are but a small piece in a bigger game being played here."

  Dre took the picture from his breast pocket and rested it on his open palm. It depicted a happy time. It brought a smile to his face as he brought it to his lips and kissed it lightly.

  "We are but a small piece! Remember that. Our goal has always been Phoenix Jones. You offered your lives to me, for this cause, because when he left you in Dredar, he had already taken them from you. He killed you in that prison! And I offered you a chance to do worse to him.

  "Believe in me, and everything that you ever dreamed of will come true."

  Dre kissed the picture once more and returned it to its place of rest. He patted his breast pocket as a smile descended on his lips.


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