
Home > Other > Repercussions > Page 16
Repercussions Page 16

by Dominique Mondesir

  "We have incoming!"

  "Ah," said Dre. "I wondered when the heroes would appear."


  "Move your feet!" Phoenix said, trying to get comfortable in his chair.

  "Where the fuck am I meant to move them to?" Plowstow replied.

  "I don't know, just not near me."

  "Move your feet," Saoirse said softly.

  "Look! There ain't much room in this ship, if you can even call it that, to move. Y'all will just have to put up with it," Plowstow said, crossing his arms.

  "What is that smell?" Phoenix asked, pinching his nose. "Is that you? When was the last time you took a shower?"

  "It ain't been that long," Plowstow mumbled.

  "Since water touched your skin," Phoenix said taking a sniff of the air. "You smell like unwashed underwear mixed with rotten eggs. Fuck, man! My eyes are watering. How long do we have to be in here--"

  "Your foot's still touching me," Saoirse said softly.

  "It ain't."

  "Your foot is still touching me," Saoirse repeated.

  "There ain't anywhere to--"

  "I suggest you move it."

  "Where would you suggest I move it to?" Plowstow asked, hands raised in the air, with an indignant look on his face.

  "I don't care where you move it. Just move it."

  "Look, we're all cramped, and it's hot, and it doesn't smell too nice in here," Phoenix said, sending a quick glance Plowstow's way. "But let's try and--"

  "Move your fucking foot now! Or I will hack it off, force feed it to you toe by toe, then shove my foot up your ass so you know what feet taste like from both ends!" Saoirse yelled, spittle flying from her mouth and covering her two crewmates.

  Phoenix and Plowstow huddled in the corner as far away from her as they could get. With the lack of space, it didn't amount to much, but they would take any distance from her that they could get.

  Saoirse's chest rose and fell as she clenched and unclenched her fists. Her nostrils flared, and she pinched the bridge of her nose as a small sigh escaped her lips.

  The silence in the small cabin stretched out as Phoenix scratched the back of his head, and Plowstow hugged his feet as close to him as he could.

  "Err..." Phoenix said with a grimace. "Well, this is fucking awkward."

  "I just...don't like feet, okay?" Saoirse said with a shrug.

  "No, we got that. Trust me, we got that," Phoenix replied.

  Saoirse fixed her gaze on the corner of the cabin, arms folded over her chest. Plowstow pinched Phoenix and gave him a look that he couldn't quite read. The Orcian moved his eyebrows up and down in some sort of unreadable Morse code. Phoenix shook his head in return, as confusion crossed his face.

  "What are you trying to say?" asked Phoenix.


  "How are my two most favourite people doing? And Plowstow?" said a small screen at the front of the cabin, with L's face on it.

  Three squashed, sweaty, unhappy faces stared back at her.

  "That good, huh?"

  "L, how long do we have to be in this thing for?" Phoenix asked, looking around the cramped cabin. Exposed wires hung from metal panelling, and metal frames that reminded Phoenix of the back of a rally car criss-crossed more than one section of the cabin.

  "Not long, not long at all. We are now in orbit and approaching Dre's ship as we speak. Sindee is escorting us and will provide covering fire. I must say, I'm excited to see how this all plays out. I can't wait to see how my new toy does. It's so new that you three shall be my first test subjects."

  "Test subjects," Phoenix and Plowstow said.

  "Did I say test subjects?" L asked innocently.

  "Yes! Yes you did, woman," Plowstow said, pushing his way towards the front of the cabin. "You tested this before, right?"

  "Err... Well...when you say tested... What do you mean, exactly?"

  "I fucking mean that this thing had someone in it before that survived the launch!"

  "Oh, you mean testing testing," said L. "With real live subjects? Then no--"


  "But--but, Plowstow--all the flight simulations we tested passed, for the most part, so I'm more than confident that the process shouldn't be an issue or cause you undue stress."

  "For the most part?" Phoenix repeated with a raised eyebrow.

  "Relax, handsome, that's just a figure of speech. Really, there's nothing to worry about!"

  The trio rocked from side to side, as something unseen hit the PH1.

  "L, what was that?" Saoirse asked.

  "Nothing, Midnight, nothing to worry about at all," L said quickly.

  "L, I'm making my way back to the bridge," Saoirse said, getting up from her cramped position.

  L waved her hands in a panic as sirens went off in the background. "Midnight! You stay where you are. You can't leave the hatch anyway, I've sealed it for launch and the override codes are on the bridge. Now, all of you shut up. Buckle up, and I'll be back shortly."

  Phoenix tried to swallow the feeling of dread that tried to crawl up from his stomach as the screen with L's face on it went blank.


  Lady Sindee Fren sat nestled in her captain's chair, her back straight and her arms resting on the armrests on either side of her. She swept her gaze over the bridge as her men ran back and forth between their stations. No voice was raised in a shout or a panic. The room had a calm, tranquil feel to it, despite the hubbub.

  The crew had experienced this feeling many times before. The moments before an oncoming battle. The moments before one faced victory or death. It heightened the nerves, made the senses sharp.

  Sindee nodded her head at her crew as a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. They were good people. Most of them had been with her for nearly a decade, though some just a handful of years. In that time, short or long, they had proven their worth to her, time and time again.

  As Sindee looked at the viewing screen, she knew that they would have to prove it all over again today.

  "Andana, enlarge the image on the screen," Sindee said softly.

  The image on the viewing screen multiplied till it showed the ships ahead of them more clearly. Light fighters clustered in groups of five, with single destroyers scattered here and there.

  "My lady, they appear to be smarter than we thought," Andana said, her red pupils standing out against jet-black irises.

  "They do indeed."

  "In the current formation that they are in, dealing with them will be more of an annoyance than if they came at us full force," Andana said, folding her light red hands behind her short stocky frame. "It will also make the PH1's job of reaching the starship that much harder."

  "Is that a disapproving tone I hear, first mate?"

  Andana bit her bottom lip as she shuffled her feet back and forth. "It is not my place to inform you on the...people you decide to keep company with--"

  "Although you do on many occasions, so out with it. What seems to be the problem now?" Sindee said with a wave of her hand.

  "It's just that...he called me an imp, my lady! Said that I reminded him of one, although he did add that I was the most beautiful imp he had ever seen. If he weren't a vital part of this mission, then I would have hospitalised the arrogant fuc--" Andana shook her head and clenched her fists. "And to top it all off, he pulls a red flower out of his coat and says that my complexion can only be compared to its beauty!"

  Sindee lowered her head slightly as she covered her mouth with her hand. She tried her best to hold in the chuckle that was forming at the pit of her stomach.

  "And this--" Sindee squeaked, before clearing her throat and tapping on her chest. "And this person that has offended you would be?"

  "The captain of that damn ship!" Andana said, pointing to the viewing screen. "I'm sorry for my language, my lady, but he so infuriates me!"

  "Yes, he does have that quality. But I am afraid we still need him for this mission to be a success. After this is over, we shall talk more on the issue. In th
e meantime, full speed ahead! Message the other ships to wait on my command. Let us show them all how mighty the Fren name is!"

  "All hands to their stations," Andana's voice boomed out across the ship.

  The viewing screen showed their enemy. They had yet to move. As Sindee's fleet approached through the blackness of space, neither party fired upon the other.

  "This is a message to all parties, hold fire until told otherwise. I repeat, hold fire until told otherwise," Andana said, looking back towards Sindee.

  Sindee gave her first mate a slight nod before turning her attention back to the viewing screen. Sweat trailed down her spine to the small of her back, and her fingers tapped nervously along the armrest of her chair. Breathing deeply in and out, she closed her eyes before allowing a small smile to grace her lips.

  "Andana, broadcast me to the whole fleet," Sindee said, rising to her feet. Andana gave her a small nod, and she closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts.

  "The task we face today is not an easy one. Yes, we have faced worse odds, but never has the outcome been so dire. The task has never been more important. In case you have forgotten, we fight for the lives of billions of people who call Rue home.

  "They have normal lives just like yours. They also have mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, friends and lovers. They didn't ask to be part of this feud. Some are children, who know no better. It is them we fight for."

  Sindee clenched her fists as she took another deep breath.

  "It is for them we must win this. So if your courage fails you in this battle, remember what you must push on for!" she said, walking back to her chair and sitting back down. "Remember why you are a part of this fleet! You are all the children of the family of Fren, and it has been a great pleasure to serve with each and every one of you. But now I must ask for your service once more. On my mark," Sindee said, leaning forward in her chair as the ships drew closer.

  She could feel the room hold its breath as the ships drew closer and closer. She licked her lips as her targets appeared close enough to touch.


  The ship's lasers shot from its bowels and laced across three light fighters, blowing them to bits in an instant. The cluster of ships belonging to the enemy broke apart and began to move as one.

  "Have the fleet break apart! Two-ship formation. Have them work in teams, each ship watching the other's back," Sindee said.

  Andana relayed the information as Sindee watched the battle commence. Her ships ducked and dodged as they blew the enemy to bits. Although small in number, her men were battle tested. They knew each other's movements and flight patterns like the backs of their hands.

  "We've lost Tank!" Andana said, her hands gripping the metal bar in front of her.

  "Who was his partner?"

  "Fez. He's taking a pounding, two destroyers on his tail. Bank left, bank left! No," Andana said, her head dropping to her chest.

  "Do not lose heart. Nearly half their fleet is already destroyed. Tell the fleet to keep ranks tight, and don't take undue risks. These undisciplined scum are no match for us."

  Two destroyers appeared on their tail, the same pair that had taken out Fez. They dived and swooped over each other, taking pot shots at the ship.

  Sindee smiled; she knew what game they were attempting to play. She was too seasoned to fall for such an easy trap.

  "Andana, do not engage."

  "But, my lady, they murdered Fez."

  "Do not let emotion cloud your judgment." Sindee locked eyes with Andana. "We were born better than that. They wish us to engage, to give chase, so we separate from our backup and get drawn into their trap. No, leave them be. Instead target the light fighters up ahead. Show them how we avenge our dead!"


  "Dre, we are getting hit from all sides. If this continues, the weapon will not be ready to fire in time."

  Dre had not moved a muscle since he delivered his ultimatum. His crew ran back and forth as they yelled their frustration to one another. Their constant yapping didn't help the pounding that was behind his eyes.

  Covering his face with one hand, he breathed in and out slowly. There was only one thing he was concerned about.

  "What does it matter if we lose a few ships?" he asked.

  "It matters because once that fleet is done cutting through our ships, then they will turn their attention to us. The mission will be for nought if we don't do something!"

  Dre shook his head.

  "Do not let our brothers die for nothing!"

  The room grew still and the air took on the feel of an oncoming storm. Silence spread across the bridge, choking all sound.

  Dre slowly lowered his hand and looked to the one who had spoken.

  The person in question was his second in command, a short, fat, angry blue ball of fuzz that had shared a cell with him. Dre had never learnt his real name, and he had never learnt Dre's. Things like names died in Dredar. Each locked eyes with the other; neither backed down.

  "They died for the cause. They died because they were already dead. All of us are condemned men! All of us are here for one cause and one cause only," Dre said, waving a hand at the viewing screen.

  "Then do not let their suffering go to waste," Blue said.

  "They suffered what we all suffered. Loss, pain, humiliation, the right to live and dream. They knew their fate, as I know mine. But it seems, Blue, that you do not know yours," Dre said.


  "Nothing. That's what you are. That's what we all are. I offered you your freedom, to strike at those that took it from us. To hurt the one that wouldn't allow us safe passage when he was breaking free from the chains that bound us," Dre said, looking around the bridge. "Their suffering didn't go to waste."

  The crew looked at one another, as no one spoke. Blue shook his head and walked up to Dre. He stood in front of him, and spread his arms out wide. "If we do not survive, then Phoenix Jones shall never know what his future entails."

  "Then release the bots," said Dre.

  The small screen in the cabin flickered back on and L's face reappeared before them. "How are my merry passengers doing?"

  "Girl! When do we get started?" Plowstow demanded.

  "L, what was that--" Phoenix was cut off as the PH1 shook again. The lights inside of the cabin flickered on and off, and all three inhabitants glared nervously at one another.

  "Don't worry about that," L said with a smile "Just concentrate on the soothing tones of my voice, and everything will be all right."

  "L," Phoenix growled.

  "Fine, Phoenix, we are being attacked as we speak. Is that what you want to hear?" L said, her hair turning light red. "Because if it is, then you're welcome. But seeing as that information isn't much help to you, right now, I suggest you zip it and allow me to do my job."

  Plowstow sent a smirk Phoenix's way. Phoenix met it with a scowl that made it quickly disappear. Phoenix pinched the bridge of his nose as he exhaled through his mouth.

  "If you need help--"

  "Midnight, we have already been through this. The best place for all of you is where you are now," L said, giving them all a stern stare. "We are approaching the target as we speak. When we get close enough to the starship, I shall open hatch one and release the Impaler!"

  Three blank stares were sent L's way.

  "What?" L asked.

  "Err...the Impaler?" Phoenix asked.

  "Yes, that's what the small ship that you're on is called."

  "Doesn't it just embed itself into an enemy ship?"

  "Argh!" L said throwing her hands in the air. "How boring does that sound? It's all about branding, Phoenix. Branding and buzz-words. When I shout, 'Release the Impaler!' how awesome does that sound?"

  "Pretty awesome," Plowstow said, trying not to smirk.

  "You see," L said, pointing at Plowstow through the screen. "The name Impaler strikes fear and foreboding into the hearts of our enemies."

  "You've been reading that book I brought from Earth about marketin
g and strategy--"

  "And how to harness your inner warrior," L said, throwing punches in the air.

  Phoenix let out a sigh and simply shook his head.

  "ETA in less than five minutes. Buckle up, this ride is going to be wild."


  "We have the last two ships on the run, my lady!" Andana said.

  The battle had gone better than Sindee had expected. Her fleet had cut through Dre's men like a descending star through a planet's atmosphere. Yes, they had lost three ships, but against forty, they had done well.

  Sindee knew the men--prisoners--she was facing had little battle experience, and even less on such a large scale as this.

  Her fleet's movements had been precise, coordinated and tactical. Yet something still bothered her. It itched at the base of her skull. Things never went so smoothly in war, and she would be a fool to believe that they would now.

  "Lock onto their movements and pin them in," Andana yelled to a supporting ship on their right through the holocom.

  The ship cut across the path of the fleeing vessels and sprayed fire across their bow. Metal crumpled under the onslaught, and the two ships exploded into pieces.

  A cheer erupted across the bridge as the last of Dre's ships were destroyed.

  Lady Sindee Fren sat with her back straight and a slight frown on her face. Am I just being paranoid? No. While the less experienced members of the crew jumped and whooped, the longest serving ones, who had seen the most violence and bled the most, remained solemn.

  Worried expressions graced more than a few faces.

  Andana turned to face her and raised an eyebrow. Sindee gave her a small nod, as Andana bit her bottom lip.

  "Quit your hollering!" Andana commanded, turning back to address the other crew members. "You think this war is over because you destroyed a few ships? Well, what about that big fucker out there?" she said, pointing to the starship on the viewing screen.

  "But there are so many of us!" said a fresh-faced member of the bridge crew. "Even taking into account its size, if we all concentrate our fire onto a single point, it won't stand a chance. We've got this, we can relax." He elbowed his crew mates who stood around him.


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