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Taboo Page 2

by Hilary Storm

  I dip my fingers deep into the brunette. Pulling her moisture out and leaving it all over her, I let my fingers slide up and down the crack of her ass.

  She arches her back and tilts her ass to give me the best view of her in all her glory. So pink inside, so perfectly waxed on the outside. There's nothing prettier than that right there.

  Lowering my face, I begin to taste where my dick will be sliding very soon.

  I use my hands to lift her hips and spread her open, right before I tongue fuck her. My teeth grip her clit and tug, causing her to scream out as my teeth slide over her clit until it slips from my grip.

  Glancing up as I make long strides with my tongue, I catch a glimpse of Kali moving out of the closet. I let my head turn to fully see her face and it's full of disgust. She's slow stepping toward the door trying to leave without a sound, but I need to make a point.

  I move quickly toward the door, meeting her just as she reaches it. Her eyes won't meet mine. Her breathing is heavy and her chest is practically bursting out of her shirt. I'm not sure if it's her heart beating, her being turned on, or a combination of both.

  She reaches for the knob and I raise my hand over her head to secure the door closed. She's facing it now, head lowered. My naked body gravitates toward her as I try my hardest not to smash her against the cold door and grind on that beautiful body. My dick is reaching for her. Our breaths begin to come simultaneously and I close my eyes before I say these words.

  "Why is my sister trying to watch me fuck?" My voice is deep. Grumbly and breathy.

  "I'm not your sister."

  "Would your mom agree?" She doesn't respond but lowers her head even further. Her hand slides behind her and over the skin that's screaming to touch her. So close to the dick that's practically begging for her. I want this touch. I want to feel her grip, her nails to leave marks so I'll have the memory of her being there. But I can't.

  "Kali. You used to refer to me as your brother. Stay the fuck out of my bedroom."

  "Or what? You know I'm not the only one feeling like this." She turns to face me. Looking close into my soul, too fucking close to the depths of my thoughts as she moves me closer to her. My naked body is touching hers. Her hips against mine, I lower my forehead to hers and share her air for a few moments of breathing. My arm is still holding the door above her head, but I can't get enough air like this. I'm suffocating.

  I pull my eyes away from hers and back away. Her touch is instantly missed.

  "Kali, you'd just be another piece of ass. I'd rather not have to live with the fact that I fucked someone I called my sister."

  "We aren't even related."

  "Family isn't defined by blood. I will never fuck you."

  "I miss you, Noah." I miss you too. I can't say this to her, I need her to leave before my internal strength gives in to what I really want.

  "Kali. You need to get the fuck out of my house. I don't want you to come back. Just like I told you years ago, this will never happen." Dropping my hand from the door, I turn and walk my naked ass away from her. I'm thinking being naked isn't probably the best way to have that conversation. God damn it. I should've just thrown her out when I saw her in my bedroom at first. But I had to go and try to prove a fucking point that she needs to stay away from me.... And then I end up plastered up against her body, wanting to be deep inside her.

  "Yeah, I remember.... It's taboo. Off limits, against the rules. Take care, Noah." The sound of the door closing stops me in my steps, she's gone again. I see the three women on my bed, licking and fucking as if I weren’t even missing from their equation. How is it I was able to tune this out when I was with her? This is every man's dream. Every man but me.

  "Get the fuck out."

  Chapter Three


  This night will never end. I finally kicked everyone out of my house; well, everyone except the whore with Levi. The sounds of fucking coming from his room are my last straw.

  I grab my sweat pants and put on my running shoes. Hopefully a run will help me get rid of some of this aggression. To be honest, I should've fucked those women. I should've fucked them so hard that I had no choice but to sleep.

  I hear Levi bringing it home just as I close the door. Someone got special treatment tonight; he's not usually the type to give out multiple moments worth screaming over. I know this from years of being near his fucking ass while he gives no fucks about who is in his vicinity. When he wants to fuck... he fucks.

  The streets are dark and the air is heavy. The weight on my shoulders is making me move slower than normal. Why the fuck does she insist on coming near me? Yes, it's taboo. Yes, she's off limits. Yes, that's disgusting to fall in love with someone you know as a sister. I'll always love her, but I can't handle her near me. My mind and heart aren't on the same page when it comes to Kali. I can't let my dick break the tie because I know where that’ll end.

  She couldn't grow up fat and ugly... no she's fucking sexy and sadly, doesn't even know it. I've stopped myself many times right before a slip of telling her just how beautiful she is. I've replayed one specific moment from high school no less than a million times.

  She was broken. Some dickhead boyfriend of hers was fucking a cheerleader whore after a game. She was in her car crying in the parking lot when I walked by, so I stopped to check on her. She wrapped her arms around me and cried into my chest. I held her through her tears, not caring who was watching. I remember her relaxing when my hand slid down her back. She held me tighter, almost like she didn't want to let me go. I let the night air wrap us until there wasn't a single person left in the parking lot.

  She finally pushed away from me just slightly, not wanting to look me in the eye; she kept her head lowered. Using my fingers to lift her face and my thumbs to dry her remaining tears, I moved her face until it was lined up with mine.

  Time froze. My morals and my give a fucks went out the window as I stood and held her. I could see her thinking and she was struggling with what was happening more than I was. Her tongue sliding over her lip was the last test on my restraint. Leaning forward, I let our lips meet. It was slow at first, like we were making sure we weren't going to be zapped straight to hell for what was happening between us. Our tongues met even more shyly, then it was like a craving passion overtook us both. I couldn't get deep enough into her mouth, into her arms, into her space. I wanted to be everywhere and I couldn't get there fast enough.

  My hands moved under her shirt; she slid her hands under mine. We knew each other so well, but this was us exploring each other for the very first time. Her skin was so soft and I hate that I can practically feel it on my fingers right now.

  I stop running, gasping for air and fighting for a breath so hard that I have to bend and place my hands on my knees. The sweat from my head rolls down my face and over my eyes so I decide to walk what's left of my path back to my front door. Thinking about that night. Thinking about how I'm still to this day thankful I stopped that from going where I wanted it to. How she held on tight hoping for more and listening to her tears again as I knew I was breaking her even more than that dickhead she was seeing.

  The next day was brutal. Word got out that we had that moment in the parking lot. That dickhead was trying to justify his actions to everyone, so he went public with a phone picture of Kali and me. Luckily it was just me holding her and we were able to keep the truly private moment exactly that.

  Stepping into my kitchen, I smell coffee. I'm gonna need coffee to get through this day. Levi doesn't drink it, so I'm sure it's his whore that's actually up and around. I don't feel like dealing with the awkwardness of meeting whoever it is in the kitchen, so I grab a cup and pour quickly. I hear the door to the pantry just as I finish topping off my cup.

  I grab a hand towel from the drawer and turn, hoping to escape without being talked to. My grip tightens on my cup when I see her. She's wearing a black t-shirt of Levi's. She may or may not be wearing underwear underneath. Her hair is so fucked. She has 'fucked all
night' hair. It hits me in that moment that it was her screams keeping me up. It was her in the bed that was slamming into the wall of my bedroom all goddamn night.

  My squeeze is no match for the coffee cup in my hand as it shatters in my grip. Hot coffee explodes all down my body and all over the floor.

  "FUCK." My skin screams in pain as the liquid runs through my clothes. I rip my pants down and my shirt off, trying to keep the heat of the coffee from burning me even further. It's so fucking hot.

  "DAMN IT!"

  "Shit, Noah. Are you ok?"

  "Fuck no." She wets a towel and starts patting down my knees and thighs. She's kneeling in front of me when Levi enters the room.

  "What's all the yelling?"

  "The fucking coffee cup broke."

  "Shit, man, I'm sorry."

  "Shut the fuck up. I want you out of my fucking house now. You need to grow up and get your own damn place."

  "Whoa. I didn't pour coffee on you, asshole."

  "No, but you have done nothing but fuck shit up since you moved in." She stands and moves away from me, kicking my pants over my tennis shoes, which only pisses me off even more.

  "Is this because I fucked Kali?"

  "Don't fucking say that to me again. You can fuck her all you want. Apparently, she has no respect and doesn't have a problem fucking your nasty ass."

  "Noah, stop." She steps forward with hesitation.

  "Fuck off, Kali. You shouldn't even be here."

  "Look, I'll let you talk how you want to me, but leave Kali out of this." Levi interrupts and only sends me into a deeper rage about this entire situation.

  "Oh, now you act like you respect her. How many years have I heard how much you'd like to fuck that ass of hers? About her goddamn tits? This is a girl that was once a sister to me, you fucking dick."

  "What does it matter? You threw me out last night. You. Threw. Me. Out. Before you fucked your own whores. I'm leaving. I'm not going to put up with this shit from you, Noah. I can fuck who I want. I can be who I want. You want nothing to do with me, remember?" She's stomping out of the kitchen when Levi steps closer to me.

  "Look, I can tell you fucking love her. I shouldn't have taken her to bed, but I won't apologize for it. Because it's making you see red right now. Maybe now you'll fucking quit worrying what everyone thinks and grab that one thing you're missing in life." Kali is fumbling with her things as she walks back in. Her clothes are twisted as she tries to straighten them. Levi stops her and brushes the loose piece of hair out of her face and I have to look away for a brief second before I find myself watching again.

  "I had a great time last night. Let me know when you want to do it again." His words are deep, with that smooth way he talks to women he's trying to reel in for a fuck. She leans into his hug and kisses his lips with a quick peck. What in the fuck am I watching?

  I watch them both leave out the door and I torture myself even further by moving to the window and following them down the driveway. I finally see her going to that piece of shit Jeep that's parked in my spot. I should've fuckin known that was hers.

  She gets in and starts up the engine. I can see him lean in for another kiss, so I turn to walk away. Walk the fuck away before I kill this mother fucker. He has no fucking right to her lips. To her body. To touch her where I want to be touching. I swear I'll gut him if he even thinks this will ever happen again.

  I hear the door slam just as I enter the living room. He's in the kitchen running water before I meet him again.

  "Levi, get the fuck out of my house."

  "Noah, cool your shit. I have to find a place first."

  "That's just it, you've been told so many fucking times and you're not even looking."

  "I'll look today."

  "You're fucking right you will. I want you out by tonight."

  "I can't find a place in one day. I need at least a week."

  "You have three fucking days."

  "I could always go stay at Kali's for a few days."

  His words make me irate. I can't stop myself from the urge to dive across the gap between us and grab him by the neck. My fingers are squeezing his neck when he punches me in the side and now it's fucking on. I'm filled with so much rage that I can't see clearly. It's as if it's all a blur and I'm just acting on chaos and insanity. We both keep landing hits that are meant to hurt badly.

  I finally get some leverage and get him in a choke hold. My arms have him locked so fucking tight and his fingers scrape my forearm when he tries to get me to release. I squeeze tighter. What the fuck has happened to me in the last twelve hours?

  He elbows me in the ribs and I finally let go.

  "What the fuck?" He's gasping and trying to catch his breath and I watch him with barely any regard.

  "I'm fucking done, Levi. I warned you. Don't you ever touch her again."

  "Aw but see, Noah. You have no claim on her." He's bent holding his knees as he looks up at me, speaking through big breaths. "That's on you."

  "The fuck I don't. Levi, I swear to you... I will cut you from your ass to your throat if you so much as touch her." I slam him into the wall, forcing him to stand and face me. We look eye to eye for a few seconds before he gives me a slight nod of acceptance.

  I push off of him and begin to walk to my room. His words hit me as I turn the corner.

  "Noah, when are you going to fucking do something about her? I've watched you live unhappily for years." I keep walking. He has no idea what he's talking about.

  Chapter Four


  I should've known not to go over there last night. I miss him. He was my person. He was the one I went to when my life got complicated and he always knew what to say. It's been years since I've seen him and I just wanted to make sure he was all right. I mean I've heard he's very successful, and by the looks of his house, he's doing well for himself, but I needed to see it for myself. Maybe I had some slight hope he would be happy to see me. Hell, maybe even missing me too.

  The revenge sex was probably uncalled for, but I didn't want to go home alone after the shit I saw him do last night. He obviously has no respect for me and doesn't want me in his life. Levi just happened to be saying goodbye to the last guest from the party last night when I walked out of Noah's room. His arms felt nice. He made me feel like I was the sexiest woman alive and honestly for a moment, I believed him. He rocked my world with those position changes all night long. I feel like I've been fucked thoroughly. It's been a while since that's happened and it was long overdue, yet I feel like shit for doing it.

  What's Noah's deal? He was so disgusted by me being there this morning that he got pissed at Levi for even touching me.

  Stopping at a red light, I catch a glimpse of myself in the rear view. Nothing like the drive of shame in an open Jeep. I glance over and see the guy in the car next to me looking me up and down. I don't get a very good look at him because he starts to roll down his window and tries to talk to me.

  "Hey." I try to ignore him, but he knows I can hear him without the top on.

  "Hey, I'm talking to you." I turn up the radio in hopes of drowning out his voice just as the light turns green. We both move forward and he starts to pace me. I speed up in hopes of losing him, but he does the same. The next light is red too, so we have to stop again. He's a determined asshole.

  "Bitch, I'm talking to you." He's getting louder. The song ends just as he begins to yell again.

  "Look at me or I'm gonna teach you how to look at me when I fuck you again."

  I slide on my sunglasses and try to hide the fact that my heart is racing out of control and my skin is crawling in dark memories. I know that voice now.

  The light turns green and I slam on the gas pedal. Knowing he'll follow my actions, I hit the brakes quickly, making a quick left turn without slowing down very much. My Jeep begins to feel a little light on the left side as I make the turn and I immediately regret making this decision.

  Time begins to stand still as my world starts to tumble
. I'm trying to hold the wheel as the Jeep begins to slide. I’m jerked all to hell when I hit something and the Jeep topples over and over until it finally comes to a stop on the driver’s side.

  Reaching for my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, I pray to God that he doesn't try to get me. I unlatch my seatbelt and fall into the door, trembling as I try to think about where I am. I can't feel any pain through my heart racing as I hit redial on the last number called.


  "You miss me already?"

  "Levi, I need you. Please hurry."

  "Where are you?"

  "Corner of First and Oak Tree."

  "Are you hurt?"

  "I don't think so. He's after me. I wrecked my Jeep."

  "On my way. Stay on the phone with me, Kali."

  "Please hurry."

  "Who is after you, Kali?"

  "Just.... Levi. Please fucking hurry. I can't talk about it right now."

  "Kali, fucking tell me what I need to know before I get there."

  "I hear a car. I can't talk right now."

  "Damn it. I'm hurrying. Did you call 911?"


  "Fuck, Kali. Are you sure you're not hurt?" He's yelling. I know it's because he’s scared for me, but I can't take it. My adrenaline is in overdrive and I'm terrified as hell out here.

  "I'm fine."

  "Is anyone in there?" I hear a woman from outside the Jeep.

  "Yes, I'm in here." She comes around until she can see me.

  "I'm calling 911, they'll be here very soon."

  "Thank you." Levi starts to talk to me again.

  "Who was that?"

  "A woman is here."

  "911, we need help. A lady has flipped her Jeep and I see fluid running all over the ground. Please hurry." I can hear her voice getting quieter as she talks to the dispatcher. "Shit, Levi. There's fluid leaking from the Jeep."

  "I'm almost there. Can you get out?"


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