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Taboo Page 7

by Hilary Storm

  He moves fast to position himself, making the first thrust inside me exquisite. He’s everything I’ve always wanted in a man, yet my mind haunts me even in this very moment. He’s not Noah.

  He never will be. So why does he feel so right and Noah seems like everything I should steer clear of?

  “Kali, you’re tight as fuck. Are you clenching down on my dick?” I realize my mind has me tense when I need to be focused on Levi. Releasing my muscles allows him to thrust deep this time. “Ah fuck. That’s it. Let me in.” He grips my hair, pulling my head back before he moans into my neck.

  He claws and grips my body while he fucks me against the wall. I feel him everywhere and with that he makes me forget about Noah. He consumes me and takes me places I’ve never been when my body begins to shiver and explode into an orgasm so strong that I have no choice but to scream in pain and pleasure at the same time.

  He doesn’t stop thrusting even when I become so sensitive that I’m trying to pull away from him. His moaning becomes like a growl when he reaches his own orgasm as he pulls out and sends his cum all over the shower wall beside us. “Fuck, you make me crazy. I needed that this morning.” He runs his hand through his crazy hair, allowing the water to tame the mess on top of his head.

  “You don’t exactly make me calm.” He smiles an ornery grin before he hits me back with his banter.

  “Maybe I like you crazy.” This is how we are. He’s fun and always playful. He’s exactly what I need in my life. He’s not out to fuck with my mind or cause me to feel inadequate about my shortcomings. Levi has always made me feel like I deserve to be happy. Even when he tried to get me to forget about Noah and move on with my life, his intentions were to make me realize that I need to respect myself enough to know Noah doesn’t dictate my happiness.

  “Maybe I like you crazy.”

  “Nah, you love my crazy. You think it’s sexy.” He’s right. I’m beginning to love his crazy and I sure as hell think it’s sexy.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Look at that ass.” Levi steps close behind me, pulling me against his hips as I’m bent over wiping a table clean.

  “Stop. I told you to keep it professional at the club. I don’t need you distracting me.” He releases me with a giant grin on his face.

  “Always so serious. I love that I know the relaxed Kali.”

  “Away from here you can be like that, but when I’m at work I need you to respect that I’m busy.”

  “Oh I know. I just couldn’t resist that ass of yours.”

  “Well, thank you. I think.” I grab the tray of empty glasses and turn to look at him. “I get off in an hour. What time will you be done?”

  “I’m here till midnight. Are you going to hang around here or head to the house?” He shifts into his serious protective Levi.

  “I’ll head to your house and take a shower. I’ll be there when you get home and maybe we can start where we left off this morning.” His eyes light up and I can’t help but match his smile. He makes me feel amazing and I want to spend time with him.

  “How do you feel about going for a run in the morning before work? Or maybe some grocery shopping?”

  “I’m in. We also should go check out some houses. I told Noah I’d find a place to stay soon. You can stay with me until you get your place. Or if you decide to never leave, I’d be fine with that too.” His smile says everything and in this moment, I don’t see anything wrong with seeing where this relationship goes.

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s see how everything goes. I’ll see you later tonight.” I take the last tray to the kitchen and clock out. Mike already told me how great I was doing and said I could leave once the last table was cleared.

  Levi follows me out to his truck, just like I thought he would. He also kisses me as hard as I hoped he would. “Now see, out here it’s okay. In fact, I want you to grope me and act like you can’t keep your hands off me.”

  “I think I can handle that.” He pulls me against his chest for a hug just before some commotion disturbs us back at the club entrance. “Looks like I need to help at the door. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  He doesn’t leave me until I’m in the truck so he can close the door. Levi has a way of making me feel safe and I love that about him. It’s something I never knew I was missing until he showed me what it feels like.

  I look down at the clock on my drive home and realize it’s been exactly a week from right now that I was at Levi’s house for the party, seeing Noah for the first time in years. My nerves were all over the place, but I’m glad I took the chance and went. The curiosity was killing me. It’s amazing how everything can change in just a few days.

  I park as close to the house as I can and rush inside once I get there. I guess that has become a habit lately with the asshole neighbor living next door.

  Once the door is locked again, I take a deep breath and flip on a few lights. The house is quiet, so I hit the remote, sending music through the speakers and begin to move freely around the house. I’ve done everything I can to make sure nothing is out of place in Noah’s house. I don’t need him to have any reasons to get pissed when he returns.

  My plan is to be out of here by then, but something tells me he’d hold a grudge for years if I do anything even in the slightest to irritate him.

  I’m wiping down the bar when I hear the front door slam. I rush to see who it is only to come face to face with Noah in the living room. “Don’t mind me. Please continue to move around the house in that slutty little outfit of yours. I happen to like watching you.”

  “You were watching me? What the hell, Noah?” I move to check all the curtains before he has a chance to respond.

  “Sue me.” He starts up the stairs without another word and my heart beats so hard I can feel throughout my body.

  Why does he still have the power to do this to me? He’s an asshole.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Those fucking shorts should be outlawed in public. Her ass cheeks are out to tease the world and torture me to fucking death. I take the stairs two at a time and don’t hear any noise behind me, not that I’d stop from stripping if she did follow.

  I’ve been driving for four days trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, only to return with a more chaotic mind than when I left. Kali is my weakness; she always has been. The one thing I did figure out on my soul-searching trip is that I regret not giving in to her sooner. It’s always been Kali. I’ve dated women for years and every single one of them had to endure my critical comparison to Kali. And every single one of them came up short.

  I hear Levi’s bedroom door close just before I start taking a piss. She’s hiding from me. I don’t blame her. But sadly, that door being closed isn’t going to stop what I’m about to say to her.

  Pulling the old photo album from the top of my closet and a new t-shirt from a hanger, I leave my room on a mission to talk to her. I give her the courtesy of a knock before I open the door. She’s surprised.

  “I didn’t say you could come in.”

  “Yeah, you see; it’s my house so I don’t have to be invited.” I feel like a dick for saying that, but it’s what slips out before I have the chance to stop it.

  “What do you want, Noah?” She’s irritated with me.

  “Thought you should see something. We can either do this in here or you can meet me back downstairs.” She scans the bed before she responds.

  “Downstairs.” I let my eyes move over the bed and then back to the uncomfortable look on her face before I turn around and leave the room. She fucks Levi in that bed, of course she doesn’t feel relaxed having me in that room.

  I’m in the kitchen pouring myself a drink when she makes an appearance. She’s now wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, I’m sure in an attempt to keep me from making any moves on her. Little does she know there’s not a thing she could put on that would cause me to not be attracted to her.

  I open the
photo album and turn my back to it as she sits down at the bar. “This is why I’ve struggled with what we have between us. Do you see what your mom made me after my father left her?” I listen to her turn page after page of the scrapbook that has haunted me for years.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I see that she’s engrossed with each page. “Noah, I had no idea my mom sent you this.”

  “She sent a new section every year. I added to that book until she stopped sending me pages.”

  “Jesus. No wonder you’ve fought this. She put the word sister on every page.”

  “I know she did.” She looks up from the album before she gets to the end.

  “We aren’t blood related Noah. What I’ve felt for you all these years goes deeper than that. I’ve loved you by choice, not by some fate of nature that we’re related and I’m forced into respecting you. I loved you because you understood me. You made me feel like I belonged somewhere.” Tears fill her eyes and it takes everything in me not to go around the bar and dry them like I have in the past.

  “I’ve always loved you. But it was never enough for you.” I drink my whiskey and watch her finish the album while she fights the tears threatening to slide down her face. “Thank you for showing me this.” And before I can speak around the lump in my throat, she’s walked out of the room and is running up the stairs.

  I pour myself another glass and contemplate how I’m supposed to react to her. No matter how many times I’ve tried to deny what I’ve felt over the years, she’s always there lingering in the background torturing my mind. I throw the last swig of my drink back and decide to go for what’s mine.

  This time I take the stairs one at a time, playing in my head exactly what I’m going to say when I open her door. I should feel guilty coming at her like I have been now that she’s playing around with Levi, but we all know that isn’t real.

  Standing next to the closed door, I can hear water running. She’s in the shower; I can’t think of a better time to tell her how I feel. She failed to lock the door. That’s something she’ll learn to do if she wants to keep me out.

  I can see her naked silhouette behind the rough glass door. Her head is tilted back while she lets the water soak into her long hair. Her tits move just slightly as she runs her fingers through her hair. I could watch her like this all day, but I’m not going to miss this opportunity. Kicking my shoes off, I slide the door open and step in. It takes her a second to see me and just like I thought she’d do, she screams before she tries to cover herself.

  I pull her hands into mine to calm her. “Stop. I’m just here to talk.” Her breathing is heavy and her eyes search me, trying to understand what I’m doing. I brush the hair off her cheek and lick my lips before I say one word. The water continues to drench my shirt and jeans.

  “I’ve always loved you too.” The lump in my throat seems to be growing the more I talk. “You’ve been more than enough for me. But the truth is, I’m afraid I’ll ruin you.” I rub my thumb over her lower lip when she starts to say something. “Kali, it’s what I do. You deserve better than me, yet here I am fighting against everything I’ve told myself for years.”

  “Noah,” she whispers against my fingers. Her grip on my jeans tightens and for a second I imagine ripping my clothes off and fucking her right here in Levi’s shower. Her face is tormented as she fights whatever is fucking with her mind and I know I need to leave this shower. I may be a giant dick, but this is even beyond my capabilities.

  “Take your time finding a place. You can stay here as long as you need to. I’ll keep my distance, unless you come to me for more.” She doesn’t release her grip on me even when I drop my hands to my sides. She grips tighter, pulling me toward her.

  I slide a hand behind her neck and pull her face toward mine. My kiss is soft and gentle. I know if I let this go any further, she’ll hate herself for doing anything while she’s still connected to Levi. I need to let her have time to figure things out for herself. If she decides she wants him, I’ll have to learn to live with it, but at least now she knows how I feel.

  I step out of the shower and pull a towel from the rack. I even pull off my jeans so I don’t track footsteps through the house. If Levi sees my wet tracks trailing through his room, he’s liable to kill me in my sleep. If the tables were turned, that’s exactly what I’d do.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I see Noah’s truck in the driveway when I pull up to the house and my mind instantly goes into a panic wondering what he’s said to Kali. He hasn’t been exactly welcoming to her, so I hope he hasn’t said anything tonight to contradict me telling her she’s welcome to stay with us.

  The house is quiet when I step inside until I hear a glass being set down in the kitchen. When I turn the corner, Noah is standing behind the bar, pouring two glasses of whiskey. “Have a drink with me.”

  “What’s the occasion?” I drop my stuff on the table and take a stool at the bar, watching him closely as I try to figure out where his head is.

  “Do I need a special occasion to drink with my best friend of fifteen years?”

  “Thought you were going to be gone for a week.” He hands me one of the glasses and leans back against the cabinet, facing me while he slowly sips the whiskey from the glass.

  “I drove for four days, then decided I was ready to be home.” I follow his lead and sip the drink, eyeing him over the rim.

  “Four days of driving. It’s been a while since you’ve pulled that stunt.” I know him. He only drives like that when it involves Kali. He uses the road as his thinking time, only in the past it was for two days at a time.

  “Yeah, I guess it has.” His voice becomes lower when I hear footsteps behind me. I don’t look back to see Kali, I know it’s her by the look on his face.

  She sits next to me, not saying a word while she watches Noah turn and pull out a bottle of tequila. “I think it’s time we all have a shot together.” His eyes lock on hers while he pours the first shot, then he doesn’t make eye contact with her again. I can tell he’s up to something and I’m half tempted to beat his ass just for what my mind is concocting as a possible scenario of his intentions.

  “To fucking off in the past, fucking for fun in the present, and fucking up in the future.” He lifts his shot glass and holds it over the bar as he waits for us to both join him. I raise mine and she slowly follows, both of us looking at him like he’s a mental case ready to blow.

  “That’s a lot of fucking, my dear friend.”

  “You should relate to that,” he shoots back quickly, pouring us all another shot.

  “Noah, what are you doing?” Her voice is low, almost like she’s scared to poke the crazy that’s lingering in the room.

  “Can’t a guy just have a few drinks with his friends?” He hands her the shot glass again, both glaring imaginary daggers into each other’s eyes before she takes it.

  “One more and I’m going to go shower the trashy whores off me,” I speak up, interrupting their intense zoned in behavior. There’s obviously something going on between these two and even though I’m finding myself falling for Kali, I won’t be a barbarian and push her to feel the same for me when I know how she’s felt about Noah her entire life. She has to fall for me because I’m the better option, not out of guilt.

  “Kali, why don’t you do the honors this time? What are we toasting to?” Noah puts her on the spot and I watch her shift in her seat while she thinks about a toast. My eyes fall to her long braided hair, still damp from her shower.

  “To taking it one day at a time.” I watch him smirk and lift his glass, so I follow. This one didn’t taste as smooth as the other one, but it might be me choking on the thoughts swirling around in my head.

  “I’m headed up to shower.” She turns toward me and surprises me with a soft kiss. I let my tongue slide over hers a few times before I pull back and look her in the eyes. “I’ll be back down in a few.” Her smile allows me to leave her with a confidence that she’s still feelin
g me, even though I’m not pushing.

  “Sounds great.” She gives me one last kiss before I leave the two of them alone. I decide I need to hurry my ass up and show back up as the usual Levi and leave this tired asshole upstairs.


  Noah is playing games even though he said he’d leave me alone unless I approached him. I can tell Levi caught on to his shenanigans and I know I’ll need to tell him everything soon. He deserves the truth from me and I can only hope he doesn’t hate me for what has happened the past few days.

  “Was that little show for me?” Noah’s irritation is obvious by the sound of his voice.

  “It wasn’t a show, Noah. You know I’ve been spending time with Levi lately. He’s actually really nice to me.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that.”

  “Don’t be like that. You have to give me time to process all of this.” I stand with the intention of going upstairs to escape his rude demeanor when he moves around the bar to meet me.

  “Tell me. Do you think he could still taste my kiss on these sexy lips of yours?” He rubs his thumb over my bottom lip, wiping away any moisture Levi left behind.

  “What makes you think I didn’t scrub my lips once you left?” He squints his eyes before he responds with a mischievous grin on his face.

  “Because we both know you slid two fingers in that pussy of yours and thought of me while you were left wanting the real thing.”

  “Is this you keeping your distance? Because to me it feels like you’re coming at me from all angles.” He puts his hand down at his side and allows his eyes to brush over my face. I can almost feel him as he takes all my features in.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous and you have no idea. That alone makes you dangerous.” I don’t respond to him; that’s what he wants from me. He’s making it very clear that he won’t be giving me my space to figure things out. He’s going to be very aggressively torturing me until I either give in to him or leave so he can’t get to me.


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