The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance

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The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance Page 31

by W. J. May

  “What’s Emo?” Molly asked, scratching her head.

  Alecia laughed. “My mom’s totally lame. Instead of saying Goth, she says Emo. She’s so old-fashioned.”

  “What can you do?” Desiree asked. “Not about your mom but your ability, I mean.”

  “It’s kinda complicated.” Alecia began cracking her knuckles. “In basic terms, I can scan a body for weaknesses – like a disease or a break or something that’s off. I’m still trying to figure it all out. I hope when I graduate I can get a job working for the military or at the triage in a hospital.”

  “That’s a pretty impressive talent.” Rae was dying to reach out and touch Alecia’s shoulder to get a better understanding of the tatù but shoved her hands in her pocket instead. I’m not my father. I can wait and ask.

  Alecia stepped back toward the couch, but Molly had slipped in behind her to see the tatù closer. Alecia stumbled over Molly’s foot and fell sideways, crashing into Rae’s hip as she threw her hands out to avoid falling face first into the ground.

  Rae shivered as the new tatù absorbed into her veins and core. I didn’t do that. A pang of guilt swept through her even as she tried to reason that wishing for the tatù hadn’t made Alecia stumble.

  “I’m so sorry,” Alecia said, her eyes huge with fear. “I-I didn’t mean to bump into you. I’m really sorry.”

  She’s scared I’m like my father. Rae gave her a sympathetic smile. Guess I’m not the only one who worries about that still. “I’m fine. But I think I just picked up your tatù. Are you okay?”

  “Sorry about that,” Molly said to Alecia then scurried over to Rae. “Try it on me.” Molly grabbed Rae’s hand and pressed it against her forearm. “I broke my left arm when I was seven. Can you tell?”

  “Ask Alecia to try it on you. It’s not my tatù.” Even as she said the words Rae pressed her brows together and, totally absorbed with the new ability, focused on Molly’s bones. She quickly let go of Molly’s arm and tried to hide a shudder. That’s gross. She watched silently as Alecia explained how her ability worked. Rae knew already. Like a probed camera pushing through Molly’s arm, Rae had watched three layers of skin peel aside without actually moving. A thick red hose had passed through her tunnel of vision along with some kind of thin layer of shiny, creamy white stretchy stuff. A bit of pinkish red that reminded Rae of roast beef and then something hard and white with a thin zigzag line on it. Bone.

  “There’s still a faint line where it’s healed but the bone at that part is actually stronger now than the rest.” Alecia smiled. Her ability obviously got her excited. “Rae, you’re not squeamish, are you?” Alecia rubbed her hands together. “It takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s really not that bad. It took me like six or seven months to figure out how it worked. My aunt thought I was psycho when I asked her how she hurt her leg. She had this bad bump.” Alecia laughed, her whole face lighting up. “It happened like a month before, but the bruise had done something to her bone, and she didn’t even know it. Freaked her out when she went for a checkup and her doctor found it. A piece of the bone had chipped, and her muscle was starting to grow around the little piece. She said she’d been complaining about it being sore but she just figured it was arthritis or something.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you just copied my ability when I stumbled. Can you work it now, like, could you tell on Molly?”

  Rae nodded. “How’d you cover up – when your aunt asked?” Totally fascinating.

  Alecia shrugged. “I just made up some lame excuse like I’d remembered the bruise and wondered how she was doing. Then I pretended to be surprised when she came over, and told me that she needed surgery to fix it.”

  “I bet she thinks you’re a Saint,” Desiree said.

  “Or, she’s totally freaked out by you,” Molly added. “And won’t come near you, your parents or your house again.”

  Alecia said nothing, just chewed her lip.

  Rae punched Molly in the arm. “Molls – again?”

  Alecia sighed. “I don’t know all the medical stuff yet, but it’s totally fascinating to see how the body functions. I’m putting pieces together to figure out how stuff works. As long as I can keep my grades up, I want to get into pre-med. Then no one will freak out on me.”

  “Ignore Molly, Alecia. She’s got a habit of saying stuff that most people don’t even think of. She’s –”

  Madame Elpis barged into the Games Room, saving Molly from the verbal lashing Rae had been about to give her.

  “Ladies!” Madame Elpis cawed. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Can I assume you’ve all introduced yourselves?” She held her clipboard tight under her arm.

  The newbies fell silent and nodded their heads. Rae smiled inwardly, recalling the feeling of meeting Madame Elpis for the first time.

  “Yes, Madame Elpis,” Molly said, using her I’m-talking-to-a-teacher voice. “I was about to ask if they wanted to go for lunch.”

  “Good! You girls are hard to catch up with. I was looking everywhere. Devon suggested I check back here.” She pulled the clipboard out and made a few marks. “Desiree and Alecia are on your floor. Help them carry up their cases.” She turned and headed out of the room.

  Guess happy-in-love-Elpis left with the summer holidays.

  “What’s her tatù?” Desiree whispered. “The woman’s like a hawk.”

  Rae and Molly burst out laughing.

  “It’s a magpie--a crow,” Rae said.

  “And she suits it to a tee,” Molly giggled.

  “Hey, did you hear Madame Daisy Elpis is dating Professor Lockheed’s brother, Donald?” Rae tried to keep a straight face, preparing for the joke, then shook her head in disappointed disbelief when nobody laughed. Does no one in this blasted country watch Disney cartoons? Come on!

  Chapter 5


  Several hours later, Rae stood watching her friends try to make a decision.

  “Can someone please make up their minds, and choose a movie?” Molly paced back and forth on the sidewalk, her shadow long against the setting sun behind her. “We’ve been standing outside the theatre for twenty minutes now.” Molly stomped her foot. “I want popcorn!”

  “Why don’t you pick? Tomorrow is your birthday.” Julian offered.

  “Phew,” Devon mumbled. “Sounds good to me.”

  “That’s very nice of you to remember my birthday.” Molly stopped moving. “Seems like, at this school, we only remember our sixteenth, the big tatù one. No one seems to care about the others.” She pouted momentarily before her face brightened. “How about the Bond flick? I hear the new double-oh-seven is the best by far. So hot.”

  Rae pretended to tie her shoelace until she saw the dark outline of Devon’s shadow. She straightened and fell into step with him, sharing a sly grin. They purchased their tickets, then bought snacks and headed into the semi-dark theatre.

  Still taking her time, getting a straw and napkins, Rae made sure she and Devon were the last to enter the row, getting the seats closest to the aisle.

  “Hey, did you hear there’s a new guy coming this term?” Nicholas asked.

  “New guy?” Molly sat up straighter, raising her eyebrows. “Is he cute? What’s his tatù?” She paused, her chin dropping as she stared down her nose at Nicholas. “Or is he like thirteen years old?”

  “Sixteen actually,” Nicholas said. “Turned last January. I heard he was living at some orphanage or boys’ home. Has no idea who his parents are and bam! Birthday comes along, and he’s got super powers out of nowhere. I heard Carter stepped in and got the guy into Guilder.”

  “You’re jokin’!” Desiree’s beautiful large eyes grew bigger, noticeable even in the semi-darkness.

  “Poor soul.” Molly shook Nicholas’s shoulder. “Now, is he cute?”

  “As cute as me?” Nicholas tapped his chest. “I don’t know what the guy looks like. He gets in tonight or tomorrow. I think his name’s Kevin or something.” He shook his head at Molly, slow
and deliberate.

  “It’s Kraigan.” Devon stuck his drink into the cup holder.

  “Pardon, mate?” Nicholas said.

  “The new guy’s name isn’t Kevin. It’s Kraigan.” He glanced at Rae then quickly dropped his gaze. Rae did the same. It was almost like a game, and only they knew they were playing.

  “Sounds mysterious,” Desiree sighed, “and a bit romantic. The lost, powerless orphan whose fortunes are changed when he’s found and given his birthright. He could be the hero who saves the day.”

  Nicholas tossed popcorn at Desiree’s head. “That’s cheesy.” They all laughed.

  The lights dimmed. Everyone turned in their seats to watch the screen. Devon rested his elbow on the armrest and let his hand fall beside Rae’s. She entwined two of her fingers with his. The heat from his hand awakened delicious warmth inside of her.

  Wish we were alone in here. Just you and me. She realized a second too late she had sent the thought straight to Devon. He gave a slight cough and quietly spoke behind the hand he had used to cover his mouth. Only by mimicking his tatù was Rae able to hear him.

  “Me, too. However, this isn’t a bad second place option. No one can hear us. You’re the only one who can do the heightened hearing like me and besides, they’re all into the previews.”

  What’re you doing tomorrow?

  “I have to go to the Academy for a certified training session and then do something for the Privy Council. I leave early in the morning, but I’ll be back the day after.”

  I just got here, and you have to leave? Rae heard the whining in her thoughts and winced. She kept the next thought inside her head only. Barely any communication this summer and now he’s off without even telling me till now?

  “I know it sucks, but I have to go. You’ll be busy with Molls and the first day of school. I bet you won’t even miss me.”

  Rae wished he could stay so they could hang out. Wouldn’t a cool girlfriend be fine with it? Just promise you’ll tell me all the neat stuff you get to do, and I won’t complain that you’re gone.

  Devon chuckled and tried to cover it with a cough. “Deal. Plus, I don’t think I’d like to be on your bad side--look what happened to Lanford.”

  Rae tried to smile. She had ended the previous year almost being killed by the one adult she trusted above all others. Then, the one person she had been almost certain was the bad guy, had been the one to, rather conveniently, save her. Who am I supposed to trust? Or be leery of? She sighed. This year she needed to be less paranoid. She wanted to just focus on having fun, and school stuff. Not so easily done. She still had bad dreams of the whole Carter-Lanford thing from the previous year, but she had an awesome tatù that could protect her, right? I need to stop rehashing last year and just move forward.

  All too soon, the movie ended, and they were back at Guilder. The guys goofed around as they walked from the parking lot to their dorms. Nicholas found an American football in the backseat of Devon’s car and tossed it around to the furthest guy from him. The girls walked in between, pretending to be monkeys in the middle, none of them really trying to catch the ball.

  Just before reaching Aumbry House, Rae stopped short and slapped her forehead. “Shoot! I left my purse in your car, Devon. Can I have your keys to grab it?”

  “Don’t give her the keys, Dev,” Nicholas hollered. “She’ll go and drive on the wrong side of the road.”

  “It’s the right side,” Rae corrected.

  “Sorry, but Nic’s got a point. It is a new car, and I don’t know you that well.” Devon grinned, his dimple showing. “I’d better walk with you.” Rae turned to hide a smile, and using her cheetah tatù, raced Devon back to the parking lot.

  She tapped the car first. “I won!”

  Laughing, he unlocked the door for her. “I let you win.”

  “Whatever.” Rae bent forward to grab her perfectly misplaced purse. She stood and turned just as Devon reached in to press his lips against hers. His mouth felt cool against hers, but together, they created a brilliant fire. Their lips met again as their bodies melted together. When Devon slowly pulled away, it felt like only seconds had passed. Rae tried to catch her breath as she fought to focus.

  “We’d better head back before someone sends a search party.” Devon gently traced his thumb over her lips.

  “Search party?” Rae stared into Devon’s eyes, wishing she could read the thoughts behind them.

  “Rae, we’ve been out here for, like, fifteen minutes. Getting your purse should take maybe five.”

  That long? We barely kissed. “Oh.” That’s it? That’s all I can come up with?

  “I really do have to head out early tomorrow so I’d better try and get some sleep. After tasting your lips, it’s going to take me a long time to calm down and get some shut-eye. Come on, sweetie.” Devon dropped his arm around her shoulders as he guided her towards the dorms.

  Rae glanced up at the main building as they headed back. She could have sworn she saw the shadow of a figure in a window. When she looked again, only a ruffling curtain caught her eye. Weird. Must be the breeze through the window. She shrugged it off and concentrated on enjoying the warmth of Devon’s arm around her.

  For Molly’s birthday, Rae bought a marble cake and loaded it with pink icing, silver ribbons, and a silver lightning bolt in the middle. Shortly after sunrise, she banged on Molly’s door and hollered, “Molly! I know you’re in there!”

  She giggled when Molly cursed and mumbled, “Go away!”

  “Come on, Molls,” she sang, “I’ve got pre-sents for youuu.”

  “Presents?” The door opened instantly. Molly’s hair stuck out everywhere, and she had drool dried on her cheek.

  “Happy birthday!” Rae walked into the room and set the cake on the desk. Laughing, she turned and handed her friend the Burberry gift bag she had carefully hidden until now.

  Molly rubbed her hand against her mouth. Rae watched her eyebrows come together as she looked down to see the dried paste on her fingers. “Crap! I drooled again. I mean, it’s toothpaste.” She grabbed her toiletry bag and turned to Rae. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” She ran into the bathroom. “I can’t believe school starts tomorrow!” she hollered down the hall.

  Rae glanced around Molly’s room. A picture pinned to the corkboard above the desk caught her eye. She stepped forward to have a closer look. Molly. With a very handsome guy.

  “He’s nice on the eyes.” She said to herself. The photo showed a distinguished-looking, dirty blonde-haired guy in an expensive striped suit.

  “That’s Reece.” Molly came back into the room, face freshly washed, and a few strands of hair wildly waving from the pony-tail that had escaped.

  “He’s coming tonight to take me to dinner.” Molly dipped her finger into the cake’s icing and put it in her mouth. “Mmm…Can you cut me a piece of cake? It’s delicious. Wait -- Presents! What’s in the Burberry bag?” Sucking the frosting off her finger, she proceeded to pull the plaid tissue out with her free hand.

  Rae laughed when Molly squealed in delight.

  “I love, love, LOVE this raincoat. It’s nearly impossible to find the new pink in the check pattern. How’d you get it? Wait. Is it a knockoff?” She checked parts of the coat Rae would never even have known existed had she not watched.. Molly stomped her feet excitedly. “Legit! Totally legit!” The coat floated in the air as Molly brought it up to pull her arms through the sleeves over her pajamas. “It fits perfectly.” She checked the gift bag again. “Wait. Did you get me the matching umbrella?” More squeals. “No way! This is too cool. My mom’s going to be so jealous.” The umbrella was pulled out, held against the coat’s material. But her fingers froze just before they pressed the button. “I’d open the umbrella to check it out, but I don’t want any bad luck following me this year.”

  “Don’t be silly. There’s no such thing as bad luck.” Rae grabbed the umbrella from Molly’s hand and popped it open. She stood under it, twirling it so the
plaid made lines as it spun around.

  “You’re crazy.” Molly laughed and grabbed a large slice of cake with her fingers. “Of all of us, you’re the one who doesn’t need any bad luck.”

  “Whatever, silly. There’s no such thing.” Rae stopped twirling. “You’ll be proud of me. I bought one for myself as well.”

  Molly gasped in mock adoration. “You grow up so fast!” Their composure dissolved into a fit of giggles that became an impromptu pillow fight. Rae thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the morning.

  Desiree, Rae, and Molly sat outside on the grass, basking in the sun. The sky was azure without a cloud in sight. It felt like summer might stay a little longer. Their first day of classes had just finished without a hitch and the campus now teamed with life. Rae watched students walking, playing and hanging about. She checked her watch. Devon had said he should be back sometime today. She could not wait to see him. It had only been a few days, but it felt like forever.

  “Desiree, you didn’t get a chance to use your tatù in class this morning. I bet Carter purposely skipped over you. Can you show us how it works?” Molly lay on her back, resting on her elbows.

  “Sure,” Desiree sat up and looked around. She pointed towards the football bleachers. “See that guy and girl over there? I know the girl’s from Roe Hampton. Watch and observe.”

  Rae, laying on her stomach, had to lift her head to see the students. The boy and girl sat about two feet apart, books separating the two of them. They were both looking down when Rae saw the boy’s head pop up. He reached his hand towards the girl, who shifted closer to him, instinctively. They sat that way for several moments, so close to kissing but somehow pausing. It felt like watching a first kiss in a movie. Desiree’s voice broke Rae’s gaze.

  “I can’t force interest if there isn’t any. If two people who hate each other are in a room, I can’t get them to start making out; but I can play a bit of a mind game with them. Mainly it just confuses them, or they wonder how they ever felt that way later on. Those kids over there have pretty fresh feelings so I’m not going to push them.” Desiree let out a sigh of longing as she pulled her gorgeous black hair away from her skin. “The downfall, or sometimes good part, is that I get all their emotions running through me.” She stood, using Rae for balance. “Gotta clear my head. Be back in a bit.”


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