The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance

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The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance Page 38

by W. J. May

  She leaned forward as Devon drew towards her. She closed her eyes as Devon’s warm breath tickled her throat and face, sending her senses reeling. It felt like he was already caressing her with kisses and their lips hadn’t even touched. She licked her lips in anticipation, knowing this kiss would be different from any they had shared previously.

  Their mouths touched and the warm sensations from before erupted into an inferno inside Rae. Her fingers went straight into Devon’s hair with a need to pull him closer. She had never felt this fire before and instinct told her only Devon would be able to smolder the flames.

  Devon pushed himself off the floor to the couch and gently pushed Rae down, leaning into her but applying no weight. Neither could seem to get close enough. He unbuttoned part of Rae’s blouse, the thin material proving to be a thicker barrier than they wanted. She wondered what it would feel like to have her skin against his.

  Her hands drifted from his hair to feel the hard muscles on his chest. She caressed the taunt abdominal muscles on his stomach, enjoying the sensations as he quivered. His reaction to her touch made her feel powerful.

  Devon groaned as her fingers grazed along his rib cage. Involuntarily, her fingers curled, her nails scraping against his shirt. He pulled his lips away from Rae’s, tracing his hot tongue against her neck and collarbone.

  In the blink of an eye, something changed in Devon’s passion. His head hovered close to her neck but he didn’t touch her. Hot breath turned to cool air when Devon moved slightly away from Rae.

  “What little resistance I’ve left is going to disappear if you keep doing that.”

  “Wha—?” Rae cried softly, her fingers grabbing the belt loops of his jeans to pull him back tight against her. But it was too late. Cool air had allowed reality to crash the party.

  Devon grabbed a hold of her hands with one of his and held them tight. Bringing them to his mouth, he kissed them lightly with his soft lips. “Sweetie, this is going to lead somewhere further than I think either of us is prepared to go.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her jawline. “I don’t know what’s going on tonight, but it feels different.”

  Frustrated, Rae sighed and pulled herself up to rest on her elbows. “What’s wrong with messing around a little?”

  “Nothing. However, something weird’s going on inside of me tonight–like the volume’s just gone full blast on my feelings for you.”

  Do I tell him about Desiree’s tatù? “I don’t think anything’s wrong. We really like each other.” A twinge of guilt swept her.

  He smiled. “Is that your head or your body talking?” His kind eyes melted her frustration.

  “My heart.”

  Devon sighed and picked Rae up to cradle her in his lap. Kissing her gently on the forehead, his mouth traveled to her nose and lingered on her lips. His voice was gentle but mature. “Let’s not rush things. I—I think if something’s this good, it’s worth taking it slowly.”

  Her face grew hot, and this time not from their closeness. She pulled her hands out of his and began picking away at the pink nail polish. Her words rushed out, “I’ve got a bit of a confession to make. I kinda tried Desiree’s tatù.” She cringed, waiting for him to push her off his lap.

  He gave a low, husky laugh, his chest bouncing against her. “That’s some tatù! You’d better not try it on anyone else.” He touched the tip of her nose with a light tap of his finger.

  A moment later, he set her down on the vacant spot beside him, then stood and began pacing. “That tatù’s dangerous…What if we had slipped up?” He raked his fingers through his hair. “Y-You’re not even seventeen yet! I mean—what if things got really out of hand?” He mumbled quietly but Rae easily caught his words, “I know I’m not ready to become a father.”

  Whoa! Who’s talking about having babies? She just wanted a little action. “I wasn’t—I had no inten—”

  Devon continued as if he hadn’t heard her. “Nor am I ready to deal with the Council finding out. Think of the hatred we’d be treated with. I spent my life being taught about why tatùs shouldn’t be together. The dangers for us or—a child? As much as I loathe my thoughts, I can’t help but be paranoid that what we’re doing is selfish.”

  “Loathe?” What a stupid word. So British. She hated how he always hid behind the wall of responsibility. She frowned, suddenly itching for a fight. “Are you scared of me, Devon?” She had heard everything he said and she had a problem with almost every word.

  “Of course not.” He blinked and pulled his head back.

  “You do realize I’m a result of that selfishness you speak of?” She couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice. What a way to ruin an evening. Her hands moved demonstratively as she spoke. “I’m the result of your worst fears! Yet, you say you’re not afraid of me?” Maybe it had all been Desiree’s tatù, not our real feelings. How can he possibly desire someone he fears? “Do you believe I’m evil?”

  “You’re jokin’ right? You can’t be serious.” Devon’s brows rose. When Rae didn’t move or answer, he threw his hands up. “You know I don’t think you’re evil! You have your father’s tatù, but also your mother’s goodness and love.” He rubbed his temple. “This is totally going off topic.”

  Rae pulled herself off the couch and stood rigid in front of him, arms crossed. There were things she suddenly wanted to know Devon’s thoughts on. “This is not at all off topic! Do you think children are born evil? Or do you think evil is a result of one’s environment, or something else?”

  He jerked his hand through his hair again. “I can’t believe we are having this conversation.”

  “Answer the question, Devon!”

  “I don’t know.” He paused, as if to collect his thoughts. “I don’t think children are born evil. Maybe there’s a gene which predisposes them to want to do wrong.” He sighed. “I think if that’s true, then their environment would be what would bring out their wickedness or keep it tucked away.”

  “So, logically, if one day we got married, and decided to have children, our child would most likely be good--look at you and me! Even if there’s a hint of my father’s genes, he or she could still be a normal, happy person.” Hadn’t she spent most of last year terrified she was suddenly going to turn into her father? To simply wake up one day and have morphed into a monster overnight? What a ridiculous fear! I can’t believe I have wasted so much time being afraid of something so stupid.

  “That’s not—I don’t—how is this even a subject for us to discuss?” Devon stuttered, unable to finish a thought intelligently. It was a side of him Rae had never seen, and it scared her. Devon was always composed, always able, always in control. To see him at a loss, out of control, it was terrifying, and only served to jack up her tension and insecurity.

  “So if you don’t think I’m evil, there must be some other problem. Are you ashamed of me? Because I’m Simon Kerrigan’s spawn? Is that it?” Anger and a sinking sense of loss and betrayal warred for dominance in Rae’s heart. The previous year, Devon had been the first to tell her about her father’s terrible legacy, but he had also been the first to see her as herself, rather than Simon Kerrigan’s daughter. Or so she has thought. Now, she wasn’t sure what to think. Tears coursed down her cheeks.

  “Slow down!” Devon’s eyes grew big. He reached for one of her folded arms and grabbed her hand to hold it tight. “This is so frustrating!” He pulled her close, letting her cry, rubbing her back and begging her to calm down. Bit by bit, it worked. After a time, he hugged her a moment and then held her slightly away, his hands resting on her shoulders. “Not you, you’re not frustrating. Everything else is. You’re this awesome, amazing girl! You could have any guy, and yet you pick me.”

  Why wouldn’t she? Wasn’t it the other way around? Why did Devon like her?

  “I’m the luckiest guy! I don’t want to screw this up. I—I just can’t shake a lifetime of teaching to satisfy my physical desires.”

  Teaching? Seems more
like societal superstition to me.

  He twirled a piece of her hair between his fingers and stared absently past her. “You haven’t had it ingrained since you began school. It’s like trying to learn that fire doesn’t burn you. It’s almost instinctual to think that it’s wrong.”

  If he thinks we’re so wrong together, how could this ever be right? “Are you trying to re-start the fight?” Are you saying I’m ignorant now ‘cause I haven’t been taught? Tears rushed to her eyes again but she refused to let any of them fall.

  “No, I’m not.” He stepped back and sat on the desk, his fist pounded the top of it. “I don’t even know where this freakin’ argument came from and I never want to see you cry again.” A long, exasperated breath escaped his lips.

  Rae didn’t understand his frustration. Her point was sound. So what if I still hang onto the childhood fantasies that love can conquer all? If he wants to take things slow, fine with me. But does he have to keep saying that us being together is wrong? She had always believed that he would eventually be alright with everything, and get tired of living in secret. She had never considered what would happen after that, but she had never doubted that it would, eventually, happen. Now, she wasn’t so sure. It felt like he was blindsiding her with this, but she realized that the reality was that these feelings had been inside him all this time, but he had kept it from her. It seemed clear, no matter how much she wanted it not to be true, that these opinions of his were real and long-standing. Unless the Anna-chick has something to do with it. She clenched her jaw, forcing her thoughts to stay just that – thoughts. Letting her doubts and insecurities out into the open would only give them more power, and she knew instinctively that it would ruin any chance she and Devon had at happiness. She thought back to the previous year, when Devon had still been dating his “normal” ex-girlfriend from Roe Hampton. Devon had broken off the relationship. They had never discussed it, but Rae suspected he had done so after realizing his feelings for her. They had not started dating until the end of the year, before she left for the summer, but it showed that Devon couldn’t fight his feelings for her forever. Maybe the same could be said for this situation.

  Maybe he just needs time to see it for himself. Fighting wouldn’t solve anything. She needed to show him that they belonged together. She walked over and gave him a short tentative hug. “Truce?” For now.

  He stroked her hair. “We’ll get this sorted, both of us, together.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She forced a smile and looked up at him. “Then, I’d better get going back to my dorm. Madame Elpis’ll be starting her bedroom checks.”

  “Go, before we get caught,” he said but made no effort to push her away.

  “Alrighty, I’m going.” She sighed and kissed him once more before she reluctantly pulled away. Heading towards the door, she licked her lips to taste him one last time. In the hallway, she turned to wave at him before disappearing down the stairwell. Something had changed tonight and she knew things were going to be different between them.

  She raced back to Aumbry House, making no sound as she came in the door. No one was around. The halls were quiet. Alone on the antique marble stairs, she let her tears of frustration fall. How would things turn out, if they were two teenagers without tatùs, without the world of responsibility resting on their shoulders? She wished their lives were that simple.

  Chapter 14

  Warning Bells

  The evening of the dance, Rae ran down the hall chasing the flow of constant chatter.

  Molly stood in the bathroom, makeup done, in front of a full-length mirror straightening her gorgeous auburn hair, which now fell pin-straight on her shoulders.

  A twinge of envy shot through Rae. She twirled an unruly curl around her finger. No point in straightening her hair. It never lasted long enough. At least Molly had talked her into adding the blonde streaks into her dark mop the previous year. Rae had instantly loved it and kept up the style.

  Desiree curled wisps of her hair around her face, and stared into the other mirror. She wore torn jogging pants and a sport top. Her tatù danced as she moved her hips to the music playing on a docked iPod sitting on the counter.

  “You could go to the dance dressed in that.” Rae pointed at Desiree’s clothes and giggled. “All the guys would go crazy!”

  “She’ll make the girls of Roe Hampton insanely jealous,” Molly added.

  “It’s a tatù, not a tramp-stamp.” Desiree smiled, despite trying to sound annoyed. “I’ll stick to my simple dress.” She unplugged her curling iron. “However, according to my father, I seem to get into enough trouble without trying.”

  “Why are you guys getting ready so early?” Rae checked her watch. “It’s only five. The dance doesn’t start until eight, right?”

  “Yeah, but Maria and Haley are coming over,” Molly said. “We’re ordering pizza, and Reece’ll be here about seven. Plus, it’s going to take me an hour to do your hair so I wouldn’t have any time to get ready then.” She watched Rae in the mirror.

  “You don’t have to do my hair. I plan on just wearing it in a bun. There’s no use straightening it. You know it’ll just go curly in five seconds.”

  “Molly’s got big plans for your head tonight. She said she wants something more dramatic than last year. There’s no photos, but people talk, and I totally want to see Molly’s talent,” Desiree said. “I’ll grab a chair from my room for you.” She disappeared out the bathroom door.

  “What? Wait a minute. I think–”

  “Too late.” Molly grabbed Rae’s arm to prevent her escape. “I bought these sparkly little ponytail holders and we’re going to put some twists and braids into your hair. We’ll leave most of it down, just put the sides up and do all the little bits. It’ll look awesome. Trust me.”

  Rae let her shoulders drop and exhaled. “Fine.” She pretended to give in but was secretly ecstatic that Devon would get to see her all dolled up by Molly’s best efforts. Molly might be loud and sometimes obnoxious, but having all of her considerable talents focused on Rae was, occasionally, a plus. “As long as it won’t make you late for seeing Reece. I want to meet him before the dance. You know, make sure he’s good enough for you.”

  “He is. He’s the pie in my apple.”

  “Pardon?” Rae raised her eyebrows.

  “You know, apple pie.”

  “Molls,” she laughed, “I think you mean he’s the apple of your eye.”

  “Whatever.” Molly waved her hand. She turned as Desiree walked in with a chair. “Sit. Let’s get started.”

  Two hours later, Rae followed Desiree out of the bathroom. She had to admit Molly had outdone herself again. Her hair looked awesome, like it belonged on someone else’s head. The tiny braids and twists were going to be a pain to take out later, but the finished look was definitely worth the trouble.

  Walking down the hall, Rae had to laugh. Molly hadn’t stopped talking about Reece the entire time. Desiree and Haley wouldn’t shut up about Kraigan. The air seemed to be charged with excitement, and it had nothing to do with Molly’s tatù.

  Inside her room, Molly took charge once again. “Rae, you’ve got to get dressed. Reece’s going to be here in about fifteen minutes, and I want you downstairs with me to see him when he gets here.”

  Desiree reached inside the closet and pulled the dress bag out. She handed it to Rae with a dramatic curtsey. “Your highness.” She had a big grin on her face.

  Rae grabbed the bag out of Desiree’s hands and leaned forward to whisper, “Just remember, payback’s a bitch. I’d be keeping one eye trained on me all evening, prince-ass.”

  Desiree let out a throaty laugh. She straightened and gave Rae a light shove. Unprepared, Rae lost her balance and fell backward on the bed.

  “I’ll get you, my pretty.” Desiree pounced on top of her. Both girls rolled and play-fought, enthralled in a fit of giggles.

  “Stop it!” Molly hollered. “You guys are gonna ruin Rae’s hair and wreck her dress. None
of us has a tatù to fix that in time! Don’t make me use this.” Molly pointed her fingers at them, little sparks jumping from the tips.

  Desiree harrumphed but slid beside Rae on the bed. She and Rae leaned their backs against the wall, crossing their arms and legs simultaneously. That only brought on another bout of laughter.

  “Sorry, Molls. I promise to be good now.” Rae tried to wipe the smile off her face and raised her hand. “Scout’s honor.” It felt good to have friends like this. These were the moments Rae figured she would remember the most after she graduated.

  Molly swatted Desiree’s feet and shook a finger at her. “You’re only trouble. I finally have Rae dressing and acting ladylike, and you go encouraging her to act the silly-sausage.”

  Desiree stuck her tongue out but stopped goofing around long enough to help Molly take Rae’s dress out of the dress bag. Rae crawled off the bed and slipped into her dress.

  “We gotta go,” Molly said when Rae turned around. “It’s almost seven.” She grabbed her bag and phone. “We’ll see the rest of you at the dance.”

  “I need a pee-break before we head down,” Rae said as they passed the bathroom.

  “Hurry.” Molly checked her phone. “Reece just texted. He’s in the parking lot. I’ll let him know we’ll meet him outside Aumbry House.”

  Rae glanced up at the bathroom door frame as she slipped inside, Carter’s conspiracy theory that it had been rigged playing in her mind. Better to be safe than sorry. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Her heels clicked lightly against the marble. She stopped short when she saw herself in the mirror.

  Where a girl had been only a few minutes before, a woman now stood. Rae couldn’t believe that she was looking at herself. The dress gave Rae’s small chest curves. Its empire waist gave her legs added length and she admired the shape of her ankles and calves. She did a slow twirl, her grin turning into a full smile when she caught a glimpse of her tatù. The silver in the dress made the fairy’s wings sparkle more than usual. It felt like the wings fluttered on her skin.


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