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TYCE 3 Page 9

by Shareef Jaudon

  Plan B

  “What the fuck jus’ happened in there?”

  Mr. Childress and I stood outside in the parking lot after court was over. I couldn’t believe the punk ass judge denied her bail! This was her first offense! Granted it was a big one, but still…it was her first offense! Mr. Childress put his black brief case on the trunk of his Audi.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that before. It was almost like a witch hunt in there. I’ll draw up a motion to reconsider bail based on medical purposes. It’s a long shot but it might work. Mean while I’ll start preparing the case for trial. I’ll go pick up the discovery now and get right on it. Don’t worry Mr. Adkins. I’ll get her out.”

  I shook my head back and forth slowly, hearing and not hearing the words coming out of his mouth. I knew he did all he could do in there and it wasn’t his fault the judge denied bail.

  “Somethin’ doesn’t add up. This whole case is bull shit! Somebody is pullin’ some strings behind the curtains.” I looked him in the eye.

  Mr. Childress leaned up against his car. “Is there anyone that would have a grudge against Angelique? Any enemies she may have that you can think of?”

  I folded my arms. “Naw, I can’t think of anybody off hand.”

  “Ok, well if you think of someone let me know and I’ll have my team investigate.”

  “I’ll do that. Oh, and let me know when you get that discovery and when you file that motion.”

  Mr. Childress shook my hand, “I sure will Mr. Adkins, and don’t worry. This is what you pay me for and I’m at my best when things are at their worst. Any lawyer can win an easy case. I specialize in the difficult ones.”

  The left tail light blinker winked repeatedly at me as I watched the black Audi exit the parking lot. I was mad as hell, but I had to keep my emotions in check. I missed Angelique terribly. I was worried to death about her being locked up in that jail with all those thug ass bitches. I knew my girl wasn’t a punk by any means, but health wise she was still weak and needed time to recover properly. It was too soon for her to be tussling with some grimy ass career criminal chick. The one thing I chose not to dwell on was the possible prison sentence that she could get. If the trial went anything like the hearing today, then Angelique was screwed. I took a deep breath as I looked at the depressing building that housed the love of my life.

  Fuck this shit!

  My woman didn’t belong in jail!

  I’m Tyce muthafuckin’ Adkins!

  If they wouldn’t let her out…then I would break her out!

  Family Meeting

  Pamela’s living room resembled something straight out of Martha Stewart’s home magazine. Flowers of all kinds sat in colorful vases throughout her quaint abode. She preferred the comforts of nature as opposed to modernistic decorations. The only technical additions were the flat screen T.V and the blue ray disc player sitting on a high stand against the green accent wall. A recent picture of me hung over the gas fire place along with an old picture of her in a police uniform.

  Me, Sway, Sabrina, Bree and Gloria all sat in her family room sipping fresh squeezed lemonade made from a tree in the back yard. I called this family meeting to discuss my plan for springing Angelique from jail. These were the people I knew I could count on and trust. I told everyone to meet at six p.m. but to my surprise they all showed up early.

  “So, what’s on your mind son?” Gloria crossed her legs in lady like fashion.

  Sway chimed in. “Yeah Tyce wasup?”

  I looked around the room at all of the familiar faces staring back at me.

  “I’ma bust Angelique outta jail.” I calmly took a sip of my cold drink.

  No one said anything at first. They all continued to stare at me and then exchanged looks with one another. Thanks to Pamela and me, everybody knew the situation and what happened in the courtroom the other morning.

  “Are you serious?” Bree leaned her elbows on her knees.

  “Yep.” I sat my tall glass down on the wood

  coffee table.

  “Damn nigga, that’s some major muthafuckin’ love right there. Oh, my fault. Excuse me Pamela and you too Gloria.” Sway apologized for cussing.

  Gloria chuckled lightly, “No problem sweetie, I was thinking the exact same thing, although I wouldn’t say it out loud.”

  “Is it lookin’ that bad for Angelique?” Sabrina’s eyes widened.

  “So far yeah. I gotta feelin’ someone wants her to stay in there for a long time. She was set up from the gate and whoever did it is pullin’ some strings to make sure she doesn’t get out. So the only choice I have is to go get her myself.”

  I leaned back on the micro suede couch drying my hands from the sweating glass on my jeans.

  “I need to know if ya’ll are with me on this. Will you help me bring my baby home?”

  Gloria spoke first, “Son, I’m with you one hundred percent.”

  Bree spoke next. “I’m all in Tyce. Whatever you need me to do jus’ say the word and it’s done.”

  Sway followed her. “If it was Ranae I’d do the same thing, so you know I gotchu on this. Let’s get buck on these bitch ass niggas! Damn my bad Pamela and you too Gloria. Shit, I keep cussin’. I don’t mean to. I’m jus’ amped up!”

  Sabrina busted out laughing at Sway’s language mishaps before she smothered her giggles and responded.

  “You’re my brother and I consider Angelique to be my sister, so count me in.”

  The last one to answer my question was Pamela. She quietly sat in the easy chair taking in the scene.

  She gave me a beautiful smile. “So what’s your plan son?”

  Day Five

  I was just getting to know Mesha when she unexpectedly got released. Her mother, who she didn’t want to call, got wind of her arrest and bailed her out. Mesha was all geeked up to be leaving and wished me well on my case. I had to admit I was kinda sad to see her go, but at the same time I was happy for her. She was a cool girl…a little misguided, but cool. So as it turned out I had a cell all to myself. That peaceful solitude lasted only seven hours before the thick steel door opened up to let my new cell mate in.

  I opened my eyes when I heard the keys jingling outside the door. A light always shined in the tiny room even at night, so I had a fairly clear view of the doorway from my lower bunk.

  “You aint gotta fuckin’ push me!” She stiffened her posture and glared at the short female deputy.

  “Jus’ hurry up and get your skinny ass in there. I don’t have all night!” The deputy shot back.

  “Bitch you jus’ mad cuz you shaped like a fuckin’ snowman! You need to get you some Slim Fast real fast. You fat gravy sippin’ bitch!”

  The plump deputy’s face turned a little red from embarrassment and she shoved the feisty chick hard in the back sending her flying into the small room.

  “Just for that comment. I’ll make sure you skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow. Wouldn’t want you getting fat while you’re in here.”

  “FUCK YOU BITCH!!” She turned around and flashed her middle finger at the deputy.

  Seconds later the door slammed shut locking me and the angry black woman inside together. It had to be at least two o’clock in the morning and I was not in the mood for this shit. As she turned around slowly my eyes narrowed in on her pretty face. My mental rolodex started spinning cuz I swear I’d seen this chick somewhere before. Suddenly it clicked in my mind and before I could put a halt to my tongue I blurted out.


  “What?” She looked down at me.

  “Is your name Tasha?” I pointed my finger at her.

  She walked toward me. “Yes, and who the fuck is askin’?”

  I saw the exact moment she recognized me in her eyes and then I saw the exact moment when she remembered how much she hated me.

  “Well well well, if it aint lil’ late night McVisit. Last time I saw you was when you rudely interrupted my hot tub time with Omar lookin’ for Tyce’s fine ass. How’
d that work out for ya?”

  She asked sarcastically as she flashed an evil smile down at me.

  I continued to lay on my bunk, “Oh it worked out jus’ fine. My nigga is still alive and well and yours is, ahhhhhh dead right?”

  Tasha shot daggers at me with her eyes. “Fuck Omar. He was weak anyway. That’s why he got clipped. Now Tyce-he’s a man a bitch can sink her nails into. Now that I’m back in town I plan on doin’ jus’ that. Do you know where I can find him? I got somethin’ I wanna talk to him about. It’s an emergency.”

  She poked her bottom lip out at me making fun of my past predicament.

  “I know exactly where he is and he wouldn’t want yo ass even if your pussy popped out gold coins. Now put your shit on the top bunk and go to sleep. If you snore I’ma kick ya ass through your shoulder blades.”

  “Bitch, you aint kickin’ shit up in here. You can’t tell me when to go to bed. Are you crazy bitch?”

  Tasha tossed her toiletries and sheet on the top bunk and stepped back. I was careful not to take my eyes off her irate ass, however I knew she was a scary ass bitch that would have a hard time wrestling a gnat.

  “You know what Tasha? I am crazy. I’m crazy as a muthafucka and you might wanna consider this shit before you flash out. I whooped ass when I was outside these walls. Now that I’m inside these walls I really don’t give a fuck. Don’t make me prove it.”

  She sucked her teeth, “Whatever tramp.”

  “Yeah what the fuck ever.” I responded nonchalantly.

  This was going to be a long night. Of all the people in the world to share a confined space with I had to be stuck with this neck rolling hoe. What the fuck did I do to deserve this?

  My Man

  “May I speak with District Attorney Seals please?” Dallas cleared her throat softly.

  “Yes ma’am. Can you hold please?” The court clerk responded politely.

  Dallas sighed slightly. “Sure I’ll hold.”

  After a brief delay Mr. Seals picked up the phone in his fifth floor corner office. Sitting behind his huge messy desk he reclined in his office chair with a huge smile on his freckled cheeks.

  “How’s my little girl?” He tried to sound sexy.

  She’s doin’ jus’ fine baby and how are you? I hope you’re not working too hard.”

  “You know, the less I try to work the more I have to do.” He chuckled lightly.

  “I know how that is.” Dallas agreed. “Soooo, not to jump right into business, but how’s our little prisoner doin’ these days?”

  The D.A. put his feet up on his desk and looked out of the huge window at the view of the bustling city.

  “Well, I made sure she didn’t get bail thanks to the information you provided about her controversial past. When the judge heard about that he denied bail immediately that was pure genius baby doll.”

  “I gotta hand it to you Mr. Seals. You know how to smooth talk a judge. You’re definitely in the right profession.” Dallas stroked his ego a little.

  Mr. Seals smiled again as the compliment went straight to his head.

  “Do you have my money?” He placed the end of an ink pen between his teeth.

  “Of course I do. I don’t stall out when it comes to an agreement. I put the money in a storage unit. The key is in your mailbox in an envelope along with the address and unit number.”

  Mr. Seals clapped his hands together. “Great, that’s good news. Now I can finally get my boat!”

  “I’m glad I could help make your dream of being a sailor come true. So what comes next after this?”

  He continued to gnaw on his pen. “Well, she will sit in jail until the trial. With the current evidence combined with her disturbing past I’m confident I can get her locked up for at least five to ten years.”

  Dallas felt a rush of excitement speed through her body as she heard the good news.

  “And you’re sure she’s not going to get bail?”

  “Trust me baby doll, there’s no way she’s getting bail. The judge on the case owes me a few favors that I plan on cashing in.”

  “Good, that makes me happy. Well, Mr. D.A, I don’t wanna keep you yapping on the phone all day so I’ll let you get back to work.”

  “It was such a pleasure doing business with you.” He said sincerely.

  “The pleasure was all mine. Take care.”

  Dallas hung up the phone and could no longer contain the energy bouncing around in her body. She did a happy dance in the middle of the room wearing a pink bra and panty set. Now there was nothing standing between her and her man. She was willing to do anything to win Tyce’s trust back. Dallas was ready for a one on one relationship. She was even thrilled at being a mother for the first time. Ever since she was a teenager she always wanted a little baby girl.

  Hold On Baby

  I was sitting in the living room watching Khari sleep in her swing with a plate of cold bourbon chicken and white rice on my lap. Twenty minutes ago I warmed up the plate Carmela fixed for me and now it was sitting on my thigh untouched. The only thing I had an appetite for was Angelique and Jell-O, so I walked my plate into the kitchen exchanging it for two cups of sweet red stuff.

  I had a lot on my mind and as usual Jell-O was my food for thought. I had the plan formed for Angelique’s break out, but something was still bothering me. Just like the lawyer said, I’d gone thru a list of possible enemies she could have and one name came to mind over all the rest. Only one person would have motive to do something as sinister as this.

  Apart of me didn’t want to believe it. I mean could she really be that evil? Could she really be that conniving? I grabbed another cup and put a spoonful in my mouth continuing my thoughts. No matter how I tried to spin it, the end conclusion was the same. All signs pointed to Dallas as the puppeteer behind the scenes. She had to have help, shit like this couldn’t be done alone.

  I really wasn’t tripping about getting Angelique out of prison. There was no doubt in my mind that I would be successful. Everyday a little piece of my soul died knowing my love was locked away suffering like an impounded animal. I did what I could from the outside to make her comfortable. I put money on her books so she could at least eat a little better. I wanted so bad to see her but I forced myself to stay away. I couldn’t risk getting arrested by the deputies there. I had no way of knowing how deep the set up went and me being out the way would seal Angelique’s fate for sure.

  I had important work to do, which started first thing tomorrow morning. For now I watched our daughter dream in her cozy swing. There was no way I was going to let someone take my child’s mother away.

  Hold on baby, I’m coming.

  Rise and Grind

  I beat the alarm clock the next morning arising at 4:45 a.m. I normally slept in boxers or shorts with no shirt but the huge bed seemed cold without Angelique there, so I put on a pair of thin cotton pajama pants with a wife beater to keep warm before going to bed. My morning would be busy because I had a number of things to do, including getting Khari dressed and dropping her off at Gloria’s house. I asked her to watch her while I handled my business and she enthusiastically agreed.

  That was the job I needed her to do in this bold plan I had. Taking care of her granddaughter was the most important part of all this. I knew I could trust her and she would take care of my baby girl like she was her own. I didn’t have to pack much because Gloria had everything she needed and then some at her house already. I chose not to ask Carmela to keep Khari because that wasn’t in her job description, plus I felt that responsibility would be better left to her own flesh and blood.

  Two short hours later I was knocking on Gloria’s front door with a sleeping baby in my arms. Gloria answered the door in her turquoise robe and matching slippers with a silk flower print scarf covering her head.

  “Hey baby. Good morning.” She yawned.

  “Morning mom. You ready for this lil’ munchkin?” I kissed Gloria’s smooth cheek.

  “You can bet your last dollar
I’m ready. We gon’ have tons of fun. Don’t you worry Tyce I’ll take good care of her.”

  “I know you will mom. Let me know if you need anything ok?”

  Gloria sucked her teeth. “Boy I won’t need nothin’ when it comes to her. What I do need is for you to be careful.”

  Gloria looked at me lovingly, giving me that motherly stare.

  “Ahhhh, come on now…I got this.” I smiled down at her.

  I placed Khari in her open arms, gave both of them one last kiss on the cheek and left. Gloria waved to me as I pulled off from the curb. The second destination was Pamela’s house and that’s where I was headed. The sun was barely in the sky, but I was smashing full speed ahead with my illegal agenda, ‘and who said niggas don’t get up early?’

  About a half hour later, Pamela and I sat at her kitchen table discussing the info she’d attained for me over the past couple of days.


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