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TYCE 3 Page 18

by Shareef Jaudon

  “But you wouldn’t know anything about that either would you?” I quizzed.

  “Nope.” She answered blankly. “Now let’s switch topics to somethin’ more interestin’. How ‘bout we talk about you and me.”

  I picked up my fork and gently stabbed the crusty fish.

  “What are you doin’ tomorrow afternoon?”

  “Ummm nothin’ much jus’ doin’ some shoppin’ then I’m meeting some investors for a beauty salon I’m opening next year…why?”

  “I want you to meet me for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant. I have a surprise for you.”

  Her eyes lit up with anticipation. Dallas just loved surprises.

  “What is it?!” She grabbed my wrist.

  “I have no clue why you’re askin’ me this cuz I have no plans on spillin’ the beans.

  You’ll jus’ have to wait until tomorrow to find out. Will you be there?”

  “Hell yeah I’ll be there! What time?”

  “Meet me there at noon.”

  “I’ll be there with no panties on jus’ in case you wanna reenact our love scene!”


  The next afternoon couldn’t come fast enough! Last night while eating dinner with Tyce I almost gagged when he mentioned my alter ego Raine. I had to admit I was caught off guard. How did he find out? Who told him she was me? Then when he told me about Mr. Seals I damn near pissed on myself! I didn’t want to seem too interested or seem too disinterested. I had to play it cool but not too cool. So I casually denied everything. I knew he knew I was lying but he didn’t press me and I didn’t confirm his suspicions. That’s all I hoped they were was suspicions.

  The truth was it didn’t matter when or how he found out. He obviously knew when he showed up last night but he still stayed for dinner even though he’d already eaten and on top of that, he had a big surprise for me. My guess was that he somehow understood why I did what I did and he forgave me. I hoped that was the case as I pulled up to the restaurant at exactly noon to meet the love of my life.

  The parking lot was crowded at this busy lunch hour so I had to park way in the back behind the building. I gave myself one last look in the visor mirror reapplying a fresh coat of berry lip gloss. I wore a red second skin cat suit that hugged my body like a smedium shirt on Fat Albert. I looked ravishing. I was a super sexy version of Little Red Riding Hood right down to my matching stilettos.

  Today was extra hot; a fact that the beaming sun confirmed as I got out my car and stood up. Several cars drove by slowly trying to find a parking spot in the back like me. I waited for them to pass before I stepped out into the open but what I saw in the distance stopped me in my tracks. Six police cars swooped into the lot from the street. I watched as they sped through the paved aisles heading toward my location. I paused to watch the action but my intrigue transformed into fear as the flashing cars came to a screeching halt right in front of me. Officer upon officer jumped out pointing their guns at me!

  “GET ON THE GROUND FACE DOWN!!!” The man closest to me screamed. His back up steadied themselves aiming their weapons at my head.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on?!” I shouted back.


  I knew better than to challenge them again and decided against my wishes to dirty up my $900 dollar outfit and lay face down on the filthy parking lot. As soon as my stomach made contact with the asphalt, my hands were cuffed behind my back while the remaining officers buzzed around my car like bumble bees. The rude forceful officer retrieved my keys from my purse tossing them to another officer who hurriedly opened my trunk.

  I couldn’t see what was inside nor did I have any idea what they were looking for. I was in complete shock as my brain tried to unscramble the mystery as to why I was in this embarrassing predicament in the first fucking place!

  “Damn it’s him! It’s really him!”

  The officer in front of my trunk took a few steps back.

  “What the fuck is he talkin’ ‘bout?”

  I shouted to know one in particular. I was completely flabbergasted not to mention scared out of my mind.

  “Dallas Mitchell, you’re under arrest for the murder of District Attorney Nicholas Seals.”

  The arresting officer picked me up by my narrow biceps and walked me over to my open trunk. My mouth dropped right down to my feet as I seen the pale lifeless body of the D.A. laying neatly in the trunk of my Audi!

  “What the fuck! I didn’t kill him! You gotta believe me! You got the wrong person; I don’t know how he got in my car! There must be some kinda mistake! I didn’t murder anybody!”

  The tall black officer started to read me my rights but I swear he was speaking another language cuz I didn’t understand a word he was saying to me. I could see his lips moving but my mind wasn’t registering the words. It was like I was in a foggy dream…or rather a foggy nightmare.

  A nosey crowd started to gather around the scene. Dozens of people stood watching as I was shoved in the back of a patrol car like a common criminal. Hot tears flowed down my cheeks making the astonished faces of the onlookers blurry in my vision. In a moment of visual clarity,

  I noticed my arch enemy Angelique standing in the back of the crowd grinning like her cheekswere being stretched apart in opposite directions.

  “You fuckin’ bitch.” I muttered to her even though she couldn’t hear me. “YOU FUCKIN’ DIRTY BITCH!!!” I screamed behind the glass window.

  I wanted so bad to break these metal handcuffs and beat the living shit out of her. But I was trapped in the cramped back seat of a police car and could only use my voice to attack her.


  Angelique continued to smile at me then she gave me the middle finger and disappeared behind a tall fat man who was watching the fiasco with bulged eyeballs. I couldn’t believe what just happened…then the reality of the situation hit me like a cold Chicago wind. Angelique had set me up and worst part about it was Tyce knew all along. My heart ached in my chest. My head was pounding. My skin was on fire and my soul was crushed like an empty soda can. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me. I thought he loved me. I thought he loved me…

  Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Ice Cold

  The look on that bitch’s face was priceless. I knew I was taking a chance with my own freedom by coming down there but I had to do it. There was no way in hell I was missing that. I wanted to be front row when her world came tumbling down around her and I wanted her to know that I was the bitch responsible.

  She must have been out of her fucking mind if she thought I was going to take what she did to me lying down. Oh hell no. I’m not the bitch you want play with! You step on my toe; I’ll break your foot. You spit in my face; I’ll drown you. You pull a knife on me; I’ll pull out a gun. You frame me for drugs; I’ll frame your ass for murder!

  I killed that faggot ass D.A.! When Tyce broke me out of jail not only was I physically free but I now had the opportunity to handle my business. I spent countless hours plotting on what I was going to do if and when I got out. I knew the D.A. was crooked, shit he had to be in on it. But the mastermind behind all this shit I knew was punk ass Dallas. While Tyce was busy doing his thing; I was busy doing my thing and now it was all over.

  Did she actually think she was going to get me locked up and slide in my spot next to Tyce? Come on now, where they do that at? I’m Angelique Dupree, Tyce’s right hand woman, Khari’s mama, and the baddest bitch on the west coast! That anti smart ass bitch aint got shit on me…but her downfall was that she thought she did.

  It Is What It Is

  Five empty Jell-O-cups, two empty bags of Skittles and a half full glass of Gatorade crowded my kitchen table as I sat thinking in the chair. Angelique being the woman she was knew I had mixed feelings about Dallas being set up so she left me alone to sort through them. I couldn’t be mad at her; after all I did lose the bet.

  On the ride home
from Gloria’s, we talked about the Dallas situation. She bet me that if I confronted her about her being Raine, she would lie to my face. I on the other hand thought she would fess up once she was eye to eye with me. The deal was if she lied then I would help Angelique set her up but if she told the truth then we would just leave her alone and let her hang herself. I was hoping she would come clean so I could remove the body from her trunk after I left her house. It took me almost an hour to get his heavy ass in there and not be seen doing it. However to my disappointment she fed me fish and lies for dinner, not a smart move.

  Angelique was confident that Dallas would lie to me cuz as she put it, “Dallas was a fake ass bitch!” I guess she was right. I still felt bad about it, but hey you do dirt you get dirt…period. When you try and fuck people over you’re really fucking yourself.

  This is the game we play. There are no rules to this shit only winners and losers and one thing I know about me…is that I hate losing. I had to give it to my baby; she really knew how to get revenge on a muthafucka.

  That shit turned me on.

  Sexual Healing

  By the next night I’d digested the events and was at peace with what happened. After all, Dallas did try and take away the love of my life and the mother of my daughter. So fuck it. Now I was moving on to bigger and wetter things.

  Being that it had been ages since me and Angelique had explored each other sexually, I was as horny as a virgin walking around the Play Boy mansion. My better half felt the same way I did. But neither one of us wanted to do the same ole thing; we craved something exciting to reignite our fucking fire.

  So with that in mind, I decided to dig up the number of my favorite flirtatious waitress. I just hoped Kayla wasn’t busy tonight. I got the green light from Angelique after dinner; she was all geeked up over the expected threesome. When Kayla called me back to let me know she was down, Angelique immediately jumped in the shower to shave her legs and vaginal area.

  “Is she pretty Tyce?” She yelled over the noise of the running water.

  I was in the bathroom with her cleaning out my ears with Qu-Tips. I had to do a few finishing touches myself before we got it in. Angelique didn’t know this and I would never tell her…but I secretly jacked off in the shower a few hours ago. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t take the chance of busting my nut prematurely. I may know how to please a woman but shit, I’m only human and I haven’t had sex in months! I wasn’t going to be the one leaving the party early; I was going to cum last!

  I finally responded to her question, “Yes she’s pretty. She’s also a thick chick with a sexy smile.”

  “How’s her body?” She shouted again.

  “She got big ass titties, a great ass, thick thighs, and a nice set of full lips. You’re gonna love her.”

  “Oooohhhh, I love thick women. I’m gonna wear her out! You better get ready baby cuz I’m ‘bout to fuck the shit outta you and her. I don’t want you cumin’ to quick, not that you have that problem, but it has been awhile since you got ya’ dick wet and now you ‘bout to have double trouble.” She laughed as she washed her feet.

  I smiled to myself in the mirror cuz she had no idea what I did earlier.

  “Woman I stay ready so I aint gotta get ready.”

  Two hours later Khari was fast asleep in her crib while Angelique, me and Kayla were sweating up the sheets in our bedroom. All three of us were naked feasting on the legs, breasts, and thighs that were spread all over the bed like a table at KFC. I had my hands behind my head while the two of them simultaneously sucked my dick. It was a sight for sore eyes. It was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. Angelique was on the right and

  Kayla was on the left…both of them bobbed and weaved slowly putting a spit shine on my nine inch pole. That shit felt so good. Lucky for me I was nowhere near my climax, so I could relax and enjoy the moment.

  Angelique flipped the script on me and began riding my dick slowly grinding her wet center into my mid section. Kayla took that opportunity to rest her pussy on my face. She parked her ass on my forehead facing Angelique. They took that face to face opportunity to passionately kiss each other while both of them rode me at the same time. Kayla’s pussy tasted like honey and the juices drizzled down my chin. She was dripping like a faucet and hissing like a snake.

  “How does she taste baby?” Angelique rubbed my stomach.

  Kayla raised her pussy off my lips for a second so I could answer the question.

  “She tastes good baby. How does that dick feel?”

  “It feels hard and warm and it tastes like a caramel candy cane.” She sped up her motions a bit.

  Kayla chimed in, “I’m lovin’ this shit. I’m so glad I came over. I aint never done no shit like this, this shit is the shit!”

  “Well welcome to the sex club Kayla.” Angelique gripped Kayla’s tittie gently with her teeth sucking softly.

  She started bouncing up a down on my shaft while Kayla made mini circles with her hips all around my mouth. I was getting worked out from both ends. It was time to stop getting fucked and start fucking. I was going to show both of them how good a well placed dick could feel. I slid out from underneath Kayla’s hood and grabbed a much needed breath of fresh air. I began round two by flipping Kayla on her stomach. I pushed her legs open using my knees. I felt Angelique’s hands slide along either side of my waist from behind. Her delicate hands found my throbbing cock then she gently slid an ultra thin Magnum condom onto her dick.

  “Now you can fuck her baby.” She whispered in my ear.

  Kayla wiggled her fat ass in my face teasing me.

  “Come on daddy this pussy is gettin’ cold.”

  Angelique used her right hand to guide me into Kayla’s vacant pussy. That shit turned me on even more. Once I was inside the warm wet tunnel, I began to glide and slide my dick along her slick walls. I worked my hips deep swaying up and down smashing my pelvis into her soft ass. I felt Angelique’s hands massage my ass as she helped me work Kayla over.

  “That’s it baby go deep in that sexy bitch. Make her cum baby.” Angelique instructed sexily.

  For all the niggas out there that haven’t experienced your woman helping you fuck another woman…you don’t know what you’re missing! Like our guest said, that shit is the shit!

  Kayla’s face was buried in the pillow so I couldn’t hear what she said at first.

  “I’m a sqrrruuuuerrr.” She moaned.

  “You’re a what?” I asked still grinding my hips.

  She shifted her head to the side placing her cheek on the pillow to uncover her buried mouth.

  “I said I’ma a squirter and you’re ‘bout to make me gush!”

  Of all the women I’d slept with, I never encountered a squirter before. This was new territory for me and I was loving it. Angelique suddenly dashed off running to the bathroom.

  I turned around, “Where you goin’?”

  “To get some towels! We’re gonna need em cuz she’s ‘bout to blow!”

  “Don’t stop Tyce, keep goin’ baby! Keep goin’! I’m ‘bout to cummmmm!”

  Little beads of sweat formed on her upper back. I felt her inner walls clench around my dick. I thought a dam burst as fluid came rushing out. I suddenly backed up. Angelique came back just in time. She had a handful of bath towels with her. Like a member of a pit crew, Angelique jacked up Kayla’s lower body quickly sliding towels beneath her pussy in one quick motion. Kayla helped her out by rising up slightly off the mattress. Angelique did the moisture absorbing maneuver just in the nick of time because seconds later the flood came. I watched in pleasant shock as a strong stream of fluid came spewing out of her pussy like a small waterfall.

  “Oh shit! Oh shit! Fuck ahhhh huhhh mmmm mmmm shit sssshhhh, that shit feels so good!”

  Angelique’s eyes were big and so were mine as we watched a woman turn into a human geyser!

  “Wow.” Angelique watched in amazement.

  Even though the room was dark the moon light shining in through th
e window provided more than enough light to witness the water works. Kayla lay there exhausted; my guess was she was dehydrated.

  After the liquid explosion was over, all three of us continued to sexually explore each other. Angelique made sure to keep dry towels nearby just in case the faucet came on again.

  I made love to Angelique like it was the last time I ever would. Kayla assisted me in various ways. While I had Angelique on her back, Kayla kissed her breasts. While Angelique rode me with her breast close to my chest, Kayla licked her ass like a chocolate ice cream cone. And when Angelique finally came, Kayla put her mouth on both of us and happily cleaned up the sexy mess.

  Now that’s what I call a good time.

  After we were finished, it took a good ten minutes before all of us were breathing normal again. I was in the middle with Kayla on my left and Angelique to my right. Everyone was enjoying the afterglow of great mind blowing sex when Kayla broke the sweet silence.

  “Oh my God that was awesome. That was the best sex I ever had. Hey. Whatever happened to that girl you were with at the restaurant? Wasn’t she your other girlfriend, I mean wasn’t she a part ya’ll relationship?”

  Angelique answered her, “Sweetie she’s gone.”

  “Oh. Ummm well since she’s no longer here do you guys think I could take her place? I don’t mind sharing a man, especially a man like Tyce.” She turned and winked at me.


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