Megan Disgraced

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Megan Disgraced Page 9

by Viktor Redreich

  "Can you keep it down?" He hissed to her, and Stacey let out another cry of pleasure, specifically, he knew, to annoy him. Megan grabbed hold of her thighs, her movements jerky and a little out-of-control, as though she couldn’t hold in her want for this other woman. Her tongue was extended, lapping at her hungrily, as though this was all she could imagine wanting in the world. Dravid’s eyes were fixed on her, fixed on Megan, going down on his fuck-buddy like she had been starved for days. And he quickly turned away before he could get distracted any further, because, if he looked on that scene for a second longer, he was going to have to get involved.

  Lifting the phone to his ear once more, he smoothly picked up where he had left off with the man on the other end of the line.

  "Sorry about that," he told him. "Where were we?”

  He managed to just about keep his cool for the rest of the conversation, even though it took every single ounce of control to do that – he sat down in the chair next to his desk, and swivelled it so that he could watch the two women as they played with each other, fixing his gaze on them as he sealed this deal. If anything, he was sure that it made him a little more focused, because he could only manage to come out with what he totally had to. His brain was full of the sight of them, of Stacey grinding on Megan’s face, and he wished he could have been a little closer, maybe even the one to thrust her mouth against Stacey’s eager, silky little pussy...

  Stacey tipped her head back and let out a low, guttural groan as she reached what had to be her orgasm; Megan didn’t move her mouth from her pussy, as though she was determined to feast on as much of it as she could while she had the chance. Every movement that Megan made, it seemed urgent, hungry, as though this was all that she could imagine doing in the world. As though kneeling between this girl’s legs and going down on her was the only sustenance that she needed. Was that the same way that she thought about Dravid, too? He had to know.

  "Well, thanks for your time," Dravid told the man on the other end of the line warmly, as he gripped his cock through his pants to try and restrain some of the tension that was threatening to take him over. "Looking forward to working with you on this, alright?"

  "Alright," the man replied. "I’ll have the contracts sent over by the end of the day."

  Dravid hung up before he could say another word; he couldn’t handle just watching a moment longer. He got to his feet, strode over to them, but by the time that he arrived there, Stacey had already wrapped herself in a towel and was running a brush through her hair. Megan had sat back on her heels and was gazing at the other woman like she couldn’t believe that any of that had actually happened.

  "How did the call go, baby?" Stacey asked sweetly, as though she hadn’t just ridden the face of Dravid’s maid until she came in his bathroom.

  "We got the contract," He replied, and she clapped her hands together delightedly, throwing her arms around him and planting a kiss on his cheek.

  "Oh, that’s wonderful news!” She exclaimed. "I told you that you didn’t need me. Those guys would have had no idea what to do with a woman, anyway."

  "Or two of them," Dravid muttered, glancing down at Megan, who had reached for her towel and wrapped it around herself carefully, covering up her slim, delicate body. Dravid couldn’t help but notice how much she seemed to have filled out compared to the state she was in when she had arrived at his place a few weeks before; gone were those

  "Let’s go out to dinner and celebrate," he suggested. If he spent much longer in the house with the two of them alone, he could hardly be held responsible for his actions, and he didn’t want to do anything that he didn’t have time to think through first.

  "What about Megan?" Stacey replied with a pout, gesturing to the other woman, who was perched on the edge of the bath and looking up at the two of them expectantly. Her mouth, Dravid noticed, was so sweet and full, glistening with Stacey’s wetness. He wanted to dip his head down and kiss her, to taste it from her mouth, to know that they had both shared Stacey like that. But he had to keep his head in the game. And that meant not giving in to his want for Megan quite so soon, not when his head was clouded with the arousal that came with seeing the two women acting out a lush lesbian porno right in his bathroom in front of him.

  "Well, she can come to, of course," he replied, and Stacey beamed widely.

  "Oh, yes," she answered, and she got to her feet. "Can we have some time to get ready? I think I left a few clothes here, and some make-up..."

  "Take all the time you want," he replied, and Stacey shooed him from the bedroom and took her time getting the two of them ready. Dravid poured himself a drink and called his favorite Thai place to make sure that they had a table ready for him, and waited for the two women to come back out of the bedroom.

  And when they did, he couldn’t help but grin. Stacey looked as amazing as ever – she was a beautiful woman, and she knew just how to dress herself to make sure that all eyes in any room were on her at any given time. But Megan? Well, Megan came as something of a surprise.

  She was wearing this beautiful forest-green dress that clung to her newly-curvy body as though it had been made for her. Her short hair had been carefully brushed to one side, and her striking eyes outlined with liner. She was wearing a dark red lip, one that looked almost vampiric in its seductive nature, and a pair of heels that lifted her ass up and curbed it back so temptingly that Dravid could hardly take his eyes off of it.

  "What do you think?" Stacey asked, doing a twirl – Megan followed her lead, giggling as she tried to keep her balance in the heels.

  "I think you both look amazing," Dravid replied, as he got to his feet. "And I think that I’m the luckiest guy in the city right now."

  Chapter 12

  Lick the underside

  "I thought we were going out to dinner?" Megan asked nervously, but Stacey shook her head and caught Megan’s hand.

  "This is much more fun," she assured her. "Trust me."

  And Megan decided, for the time being, at least, that she would do just that.

  Dravid had talked about taking them to his favorite restaurant, but Stacey had sweet-talked her way into getting him to take them all to this fancy cocktail lounge that Stacey happened to love. Megan had already been nervous about going to dinner, but the thought of going somewhere so fancy, somewhere she might have to dance and drink and order her own cocktails? Yeah, that was more than she had been ready to sign up for.

  But Stacey swept her inside the cocktail lounge like she belonged there, and Megan tried her best to keep up with her. Stacey hadn’t sent her wrong so far, and she trusted that the other woman knew just what would work for her. She needed to trust her. And maybe, just maybe, it would be enough to get Dravid looking at her the way that he looked at Stacey already.

  They were led straight to a private booth – well, maybe straight was the wrong word, since Megan was wobbling so badly on the heels that Stacey had given her. She was trying to be cool and calm and collected, but how was she meant to walk around when she had three-inch stilettos stabbing into the ground every time she took a step? She had considered asking for something a little more sensible, but then she had realized that she would be able to look Dravid in the eye from her newly-acquired height, and she decided to stick it out for now.

  "So, what do you think of this place?" Stacey asked, leaning her head playfully on Megan’s shoulder as though she could sense her nerves and was doing her best to calm her down.

  "It’s beautiful," Megan replied, and she meant it. She had never thought that she would ever get inside somewhere like this. She might have been out in the gutter behind this sort of place, hoping that they threw out enough in the way of bar snacks for her to gnaw on to keep her from starving the whole night through.

  But inside? Inside, it was way better.

  It was set out in a number of layers, different areas at different levels of elevation; they were on the highest, at a small, low dark wood table that seemed reserved for only the most exclusive of thei
r clients. A dancefloor lay below them, framed by a bar that was being tended by a handful of attractive men and women. The lights were low, and the place was packed by people who had clearly come out to be seen by this city. To let people lay eyes on them, because they felt like they deserved that attention. And who was she to argue with any of that? Tonight, at least, she was one of them – one of the people who wanted to be seen for a change, as opposed to hoping that she faded into the background and vanished from view.

  A waiter came to take their order – everyone else below them seemed to have to go to the bar to get their drinks, but they were the exception. Megan stumbled over her words, and Stacey giggled and guided her into ordering the same kind of wine as she did. Megan couldn’t remember the last time she had had a drink, or even if she had been allowed to touch alcohol before. There was so much in terms of life experience that she had missed out on, because she had just been fighting so hard to stay alive. But now, it seemed like she finally had the chance to make up for all that lost time, and she intended to do just that.

  The wine arrived, and Megan took a sip – she winced at first, surprised by the sourness of it, but a moment later, the acidity cleared and she was left with this bright, fruity flavor on her tongue.

  "Pretty good, right?" Stacey asked, and Dravid grinned at Megan.

  "I should hope so, given how much they’re charging for it," he remarked, and Megan laughed. It felt good to spend time with him properly, not as his maid, but just as his… his friend? Was that what the two of them were to one another? She didn’t know for sure. The way he had looked at her when she had emerged from that bathroom was burned into her brain, and she couldn’t forget the need that had flashed through his eyes at that moment.

  She only drank half a glass of the wine before Stacey grabbed her hand and pulled her on to the dancefloor. Megan could feel herself wobbling in her heels even more than before, and she tried to keep her cool as she stumbled down the stairs after her.

  "I can’t dance!” She shouted to Stacey over the music, but Stacey waved her hand dismissively.

  "There’s no such thing," she replied firmly. "Here, let me show you how..."

  As Stacey arranged Megan’s hands on her body, Megan glanced up to see Dravid watching the two of them from his spot far above them. She couldn’t make out the look on his face, but she was sure that he was looking at her with the same need that he had when they had been at the house. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking, but she could feel that little rush of confidence, that rush that made her body feel like it was on the brink of bursting into flames. She was surprised that she had any energy in her, after what the afternoon had taken from her so far, but his eyes on them was enough to inject her with everything she needed to keep going.

  "Kiss me," Stacey breathed in her ear, bringing Megan back to the woman in front of her, and Megan did as she was told at once. Kissing Stacey was something she could already feel herself getting addicted to. There was something so sexy to Megan about finding a reflection of her body in this other woman, knowing that she got slick between her thighs when she was hot and ready to go just the way Megan did. Stacey parted her lips with her tongue and sank her mouth against Megan’s, kissing her deeply as the two of them swayed along with the music. Stacey had been right – if this was all that dancing was, then nobody had any excuse not to be good at it.

  Megan, tentatively at first, began to move her hands over Stacey’s body. She was surprised at how soft the other woman was, when she had been so hard and commanding before, how easily she gave under Megan’s touch. She didn’t hear her moan, but she felt it, the sound traveling against her mouth and down through her body, the vibrations aching every inch of her from top to bottom until there was nothing she could do but kiss her harder. It wasn’t going to be enough to sate the want rising up inside of her, but if she kissed Stacey, really kissed her, maybe she could distract herself from it for long enough that it would rise to consume her whole body.

  As the music seemed to grow louder, ringing in Megan’s ears, she forgot that there was anyone else around them at all. Her hands were roaming, down to Stacey’s ass, sinking her fingers in to the shape of her beneath her dress. God, she felt good. Had women always felt this good? Did she feel this good to the people she allowed to touch her? She had so many questions, but Stacey’s kiss wasn’t answering any of them – only making them burn harder and brighter inside of her. She needed more than just her, she was sure of that. But was she ready to take on someone else?

  Stacey moved her mouth to Megan’s neck, and Megan felt her knees beginning to get weak underneath her. Intellectually, she remember that there were people around her, but they didn’t matter. If they saw this, saw her lust, they would understand why she had forgotten about them. How could she remember a thing outside of this, the warmth of a pair of lips on her skin?

  She knew that there were people around them, but it was hard to care when all she could think about was the sheer power of being wanted like this, of being taken in this way – she could still taste the sweet potion of Stacey’s pussy against her lips, and she already wanted to try it again. Show Stacey that she could do it all over again, but better this time. That she was sure she could improve her skills and make it so that Stacey would never crave for another woman’s touch again...

  Megan let out a moan as she grabbed hold of Stacey’s backside, pushing her against her body so that she would feel the shape of her through her dress. The whole room could have been staring at her in that moment and she would have found it hard to give much of a damn. She just wanted this girl. She needed her.

  Her sexual desire was unlocked and undone and she was ready now, ready now to share it with whoever would allow her to give it to them.

  She wasn’t sure how long the two of them were dancing together like that, holding on to one another as though they were the only things keeping them afloat in this sea full of bodies. Stacey kissed her again, parting her lips with her tongue, going slow and deep as though she wanted to taste every inch of her. Megan couldn’t take it any longer. She moved her hands up Stacey’s waist, cupping her breasts through her dress, wanting nothing more than to grip and massage them roughly, to see how Stacey would react to this touch, or this one, or this one.

  "I think you’re getting a little too hot for your own good," Stacey murmured in her ear playfully. "Maybe I could take you home again? We could cool off?"

  Megan lifted her head, turned to look at where Dravid was still watching the two of them. There was a grin on his face, as though he liked what he saw, and Megan felt another rush of need pulse through her. She was drunk on it, tipsy for the two of them, on knowing that the two of them wanted her so badly.

  "Let’s go home," she agreed, even though they had only just arrived there. Stacey waved Dravid down to join them and, just a few moments later, they had been bundled back into a car and guided back to his apartment once more.

  "You girls put on quite a show back there," Dravid remarked, and his voice had a rough, gravelly edge to it as they came back through the door. Megan recognized it at once – it was the same voice she had heard him use when he had been talking to Stacey, when the two of them had been hooking up in this very living room. She marveled at the sound of it again, now, here – that meant that he wanted her, right? Her pussy was aching, almost painful with need, but she would have spent the whole night ignoring it if it meant that she could please him. This was where this had all started, anyway – with her desire to show him that she could do anything that he wanted or needed her to. And she wasn’t going to forget that anytime soon.

  "Oh, really?" Stacey flirted back at him, sliding up to him and sliding her hand down to his package, gripping his cock where it had started to swell beneath his slacks.

  "Really," he replied, and he kissed her neck as Megan watched them. It felt like her vision was starting to get a little blurry around the edges, almost like tunnel vision, as though they were the only people in the whole world who c
ould have mattered to her in that moment. Dravid’s tongue played on Stacey’s lips as Stacey massaged his erection through the fabric of his pants, and Megan stood there, not sure what she was meant to do but knowing that she wanted to do something.

  Stacey glanced over at her, shot her a flirtatious grin, and beckoned her to join them.

  "You want me to show you how to make him cum, Megan?” She asked her, and it was clear that the words were meant to be a tease to Dravid as much as to Megan. Megan nodded, her words long-since having abandoned her. She had nothing left in her but her want now, and any boundaries that she might have been clinging on to had long-since vanished.

  "Get down on your knees," Stacey ordered her, and Megan sank to the ground at once, not taking her eyes off the couple above her as she did so. They looked so good together, so natural, as though this was just what was meant to be.

  A moment later, Stacey pulled back, and she moved to join Megan on the ground in front of Dravid. She moved with such grace, as though she knew just what she wanted to do and just how to do it. Slowly, she began to unzip Dravid’s pants, slipping her hand beneath his zipper and under his boxers until she drew his erection into her hand properly.

  "Here," she murmured, and she took Megan’s hand and placed it over her own. "Stroke it. Like this, you see?"

  Megan did as she was told, nothing but the will to obey left in her now – she couldn’t get over how magnificent his cock was up close like this, how perfect and long and hard it seemed in front of her. And she had been at least part of the reason that he was so swollen right now. To be wanted by a woman was one thing, she had discovered, but to be wanted by a man was quite something else – something else that she could get used to, if this was anything to go by.


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