Megan Disgraced

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Megan Disgraced Page 16

by Viktor Redreich

  He tossed her down on the bed and pounced on top of her, burying his face into her neck and kissing her ravenously; she ran her hands all over his back, letting her nails trail over the fabric of his shirt, and, let him ravish her like he was the first man who had ever laid hands on her in her life. Which, of course, he was.

  She knew that turned him on, knowing that she had never been with another man as long as she had lived; that she had chosen him, out of everyone on the planet, chosen him to give herself to. There was something erotic about it to her, too, promising her body to him for as long as she was alive and knowing that he would do everything that he could to take care of it. And, another night, she might have let him just take this body as he desired. But tonight? Well, tonight, she felt like being the one in charge.

  Rolling on top of him, Megan planted her hands on his chest and felt the rush of his heart beneath her fingers. Slowly, taking her sweet-ass time, she began to unbutton his shirt, skimming her fingertips over the bare skin as she exposed it, watching the way his face reacted to her touch. She could already feel him swelling to hardness against her hip, and she wriggled against him playfully, letting him know that she was getting there, and that he just had to give her the time she wanted to use him as she desired.

  "I’m so wet for you right now," she breathed in his ear, knowing that he loved it when she talked dirty to him – he groaned, let his hands roam down to her ass, sinking his fingers in roughly and pushing her against him. His touch was enough to convince her not to wait a moment longer – she reached down, undid his pants, and took his beautiful cock into her hand, turning on him so that she was facing towards his feet and could get a good look at his whole length.

  "Enjoying the view?" She asked him playfully, perking up her butt towards him so she could tease him with her bare-shaven pussy and its honeyed wetness.

  "Get on top of me," he ordered her, grabbing her hips and pushing her forward. And, without further ado, she slowly lowered herself all the way down on top of him.

  "Ah," she moaned theatrically, tipping her head back and letting her longer hair trail against the small of her back. He felt so good inside of her, it didn’t take much of her acting talent to play up the delicious sensation as he thrust up into her. But still, she had found that playing this role served to turn her on more than anything else in the world.

  She gripped hold of his legs and used the leverage to begin to ride him, going hard and fast as she pushed back against him, letting her hips roll this way and that on top of him – she could hear his breathing growing more labored behind her as he bounced her hips up and down on top of him, but she wanted to drive him totally crazy.

  "Yes, use my pussy," she gasped, and she shot a look over her shoulder to make sure that he had heard her. She knew that it made him wild to hear her demand he take her like that, and, sure enough, moments later, he was holding her steady as he drove himself roughly up and into her, filling her, taking her, her entire body trembling as he pounded deep inside of her.

  "Pull my hair," she groaned, and he ran his hand up her back and wound his fingers around her hair, tugging it hard, so that her back was arched to maintain her position on top of him. The tension that wracked her whole body was more than she could take for a moment, and she moved her hand between her legs, fingers on her clit, so that she could find some relief from the agonizing need that was rising up inside of her.

  "Yeah, touch yourself," he ordered her, his voice low and hungry. "Play with yourself. I want you to cum while you ride me, Megan..."

  And soon, at the sound of him speaking her name, she found that she was edging closer and closer to what she needed. Gone were the days of those encounters that she had waited and prayed for, when she’d simply taken what he would offer her and didn’t ask for a second more. Now, she got to make the rules just the way he did. She got to enjoy his body the way he enjoyed hers.

  When she came, she cried out, loud enough that she knew that anyone in the condo would have been able to hear her. And, for the briefest moment, she remembered that version of herself that had slept next door and listened to Dravid with other women, the one who had dreamed of a relationship like this but always put it down to impossibility. But now? Now, she was that woman. She had claimed it for herself. Claimed him for herself, just the same way that she let him claim her...

  Her pussy clenched roughly around his cock, and she froze on the spot as he gripped hold of her tight, fingers pressed into her skin so hard that she was sure that he would leave marks. In fact, she hoped he would – they would be the reminder that she needed that this had really happened.

  He came, deep inside her, his seed filling her up at once, and she took a moment just to congratulate herself – to tell herself that yes, this had really happened, that yes, she belonged to him, and she belonged to him alone. By the time that he had gently lifted her from his cock and laid her on the covers beside him, her face was painted with a warm, wishful contentment. He kissed her on the tip of her nose, and smoothed her messy hair back from her face.

  "What are you thinking about?” He asked, and she shook her head. Too much for her to put into words right now, especially given the exhaustion that had taken her post-orgasm, not to mention the slight fuzz in the back of her head from the remaining tipsiness from earlier in the evening.

  "Nothing," she murmured, and she kissed him on the mouth, as she felt the slickness of his seed between her legs. There was nothing more intimate to her than knowing that he wanted to fill her in that way, and she savored every second of it.

  "I love you," he told her, and she smiled and nestled against him.

  "I love you, too," she replied, and he wrapped his arms around her – and soon enough, she felt sleep come for her, and she drifted off to the sound of his heartbeat in his chest. Slow, steady, and utterly soothing.

  Megan woke the next morning to the sound of eggs spitting on the stove, and the smell of fresh-brewed coffee filling the condo; her eyes flickered open slowly, and she saw the rush of the warm morning light filling the room. For a moment, she panicked – wait, didn’t she have to work today? But then she remembered, it was her day off. And she lay back in bed and smiled and closed her eyes, and promised herself that she was going to spend as much of this day in bed as she possibly could. Preferably with Dravid right beside her.

  A few minutes later, Dravid appeared in the doorway with a tray heaving with food. He smiled when he saw that he was awake, and came over to lay the tray on the bedside table.

  "Breakfast in bed?" She remarked, as she rubbed her eyes and came to. "You spoil me, you know."

  "Well, somebody has to," he replied, and he planted a kiss on her forehead and climbed back under the covers with her. She leaned up against him, and he looped his arms around her as she reached for her breakfast.

  "I suppose I should tidy up my shoes and my dress," she sighed playfully. "But that reminds me a little too much of when I used to work for you."

  "Nothing to worry about," he assured her, kissing her temple lightly. "It can wait right now."

  "Hmm, where’s the houseproud guy who hired me?” She teased lightly, as she took a sip of the black coffee that he had made for her. She closed her eyes for a moment to let the flavor spread over her tongue – God, it was delicious.

  "I guess he’s just happy to have you around," He replied. "No matter if my house goes to ruin in the meantime."

  She laughed.

  "I don’t think we’re quite at ruin yet," she pointed out. "Besides, you know you can always hire another maid, don’t you?”

  "I could," he agreed. "But I doubt that she’d do as good a job as you."

  "Maybe I could train them," she suggested. "You go find me another homeless girl, and I’ll show her the ropes around here, alright?"

  "Alright," he laughed. "But I’m not sure that it’s the most effective form of recruitment..."

  "Maybe that’s what I should be getting into," she teased. "Training maids for guys who need he
lp keeping their lives together."

  "I’ll have you know that I’m perfectly capable of doing that," he replied with a chuckle, and she turned around so that she could kiss him on the mouth.

  "Yes, of course you are," she agreed lightly. "Because I’m part of it now, remember?"

  "You’re really not going to let me argue on this, are you?" He remarked, and she shook her head and smiled up at him.

  "I’m really not," she replied, and she began to tuck into the food he’d brought her. And, as she watched the sun rising beyond the window, filling the sky with a beautiful bright clearness, she smiled. This wasn’t the life that she could have imagined for herself a mere six months ago – but she could see that it was the life she deserved. And right now, all she could think about was how grateful she was to the man beside her that he had shown her how sweet her life could really be.

  Author's Note

  My Beautiful Sexy Readers,

  * * *

  This book is unlike any I’ve ever written.

  * * *

  My books are usually hardcore fuckfests from the very first paragraph. This book has no sex until half-way through.

  * * *

  It’s also a lot more sober than many of my other books, dealing with the serious issues of homelessness, abuse, and loneliness.

  * * *

  Megan was so far below Dravid’s social status that there was no way--not in a million years--he’d ever have considered dating her. If he hadn’t found her when he did, she’d probably have died in the sewer, her rotting corpse gnawed upon by rats and her bones left for the dogs.

  * * *

  Who wants to date something like that?

  * * *

  The only reason he paid attention to her was because he felt bad for her.

  * * *

  Megan was a charity case. Dravid’s attempt at doing something good in the world.

  * * *

  Eventually though, he couldn’t help himself. The moment she got cleaned up and fleshed out, his big ol’ dick sprang into action and he ended up fucking her.

  * * *

  Guys all want one thing, right?

  * * *

  What a creep. Picking a girl up off the streets, cleaning her up, and turning her into his personal fucktoy.

  * * *

  Using her when he wanted to, and tossing her aside when he got bored of her.

  * * *

  And... when she’d finally had enough of being used and ran away… the creep went after her!

  * * *

  He could have just let her go, but no, he missed having a warm hole waiting for him at home to shove his meatstick into whenever he felt the urge.

  * * *

  Dravid was just using Megan to satisfy his selfish desires.

  * * *

  What do you think? Was Dravid the bad guy in this story, or was he an innocent man doing the best he could?

  * * *

  I’d love to hear from you. Let me know your thoughts.

  * * *



  Excerpt from the book Amber Stigmatized

  by Viktor Redreich

  Amber lay on her back in her bed, eyes glazed over with desire. Unlike so many other college students, she wasn’t bored, lazily scrolling through some feed. Though her eyes were open, she wasn’t looking at anything. She’d only just begun touching herself for Daddy. There was so much more he needed her to do, but she could already feel the cummies growing.

  A year ago, she’d never even had cummies in her entire life.

  Her breath catching in her throat, Amber skimmed her fingers over her face, feeling the gentle ridge of her brows and the bridge of her snub nose. She caressed the outline of her lips, which tingled under her touch.

  Her phone gave off a soft sound, a little whir reminiscent of soft exhalation. Still with her fingers tracing over her lips, she picked up her phone, hovering it over her face to read the message.

  Daddy had texted her, like he had been ever since she’d returned to the dorm she shared, thankfully, with no one.

  Run your fingertips down your neck, over your collarbone and towards your breasts.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she breathed, knowing he couldn’t hear her but also knowing he would feel it through the undeniable connection they shared.

  Amber obeyed her Daddy, trailing her index and middle fingers from her lips to the point of her chin, down the slope to the hollow of her throat and her collarbone. She paused there, because he hadn’t said to actually touch her boobies. She skimmed her fingers back up to her lips and then down again, taking her time, letting the sensations glide through her body.

  Almost as if he knew she was ready for more, Daddy texted her again. Amber read the message with a smile and touched her fingertips to her tongue to moisten them with her saliva. She touched her nipple with her wet fingers, mouthing Daddy’s instructions while going through them.

  Pinch your nipples at the areola, tug your fingers up their length, pulling and stretching the taut skin on your perky breasts.

  Her nerves sparkled with growing intensity, small shocks of pleasure radiating from her boobies as she toyed with her nipples. She switched hands, pulled and caressed her other nipple, always keeping one hand free to pick up her phone and read the next text from Daddy.

  Another message, more instructions.

  Amber ran her hands down her body, leaving her wet nipples to cool and stiffen. She tried to feel the subtle bumps of each rib in her ribcage, bringing her fingers together over her middle, parting them again to stroke the outsides of her smooth thighs. Her hip bone protruded. She caressed over it with one hand and finally reached her inner thighs. Again she stopped, though she ached to continue, her body crying out for more. Her kitty was right there, so close she could feel the heat radiating from it.

  Don’t touch it, teacup. It’s not time yet.

  “Daddy,” she moaned, a soft protest more than an actual argument. What Daddy wanted was what was best for her. She would always do what he told her to.

  His next text came a second later, letting her know precisely what she could do. She jumped on the chance to do something, her fingertips traveling long her inner thighs, over her smooth mound. Daddy liked it when she shaved, and she loved how silky she felt. Amber rubbed on either side of the top of her slit, feeling the heat radiating from it. Her wet juices covered her lips. She squirmed her hips, felt her slippery lips sliding together, generating more sparks, adding to the heat that she already felt.

  A little cry escaped her throat. Amber was unable to resist the temptation any longer. She took her labia between her thumb and forefinger, rubbing up and down the whole length of her slit. At first, she rubbed them together, and then she spread her lips apart and took one and rubbed it on its own, fascinated by the difference in texture from inside and outside.

  Her inner muscles trembled and she squirmed again in delicious frustration.

  “I’m doing it, Daddy,” she moaned. She pinched her folds, pulling on them, stretching out her skin while rubbing. Her knuckle brushed over her clitty, a teasing feather tickle that had her tossing her head.

  Daddy texted again. Amber moved her hand right away, guilty, wondering if he suspected her of trying to get away with something he hadn’t given her permission to do. Beneath the guilt though, she was smiling. She could be so naughty sometimes. He was the one who had encouraged her to be like this, the one who introduced her to all these things that felt so good.

  You’re my good girl, Amber, my eager little plaything. Daddy’s filthy, naughty slut. I bet you want to play with your clit right now, don’t you?

  Amber shivered with a mixture of excitement and guilt. He had known. He always knew. She was his toy to play with. She belonged to him, so of course he would know. He could do anything he wanted to her.

  He could tell her to stop touching herself right then and leave her lying in bed breathless and dripping with her own juices. He did that sometimes. At fi
rst, she hadn’t listened, but she now knew it was so much better to obey. Waiting made her cummies so much better.

  She hoped he wouldn’t make her wait this time. She really didn’t think she could.

  My good little girl can rub herself now. Put your finger in your wetness first, then drag a line all the way up to your button. Make sure it’s nice and slippery for Daddy.

  “Yes,” she gasped. She plunged her index finger inside herself right away, her swollen and trembling inner walls grabbing at her fingertip. Somehow, she managed to resist the temptation to move her finger around inside herself. She slid her fingertip up towards her swollen nub, drawing a line of wetness through her sensitive lips.

  She found her throbbing button, the little spot inside her that could do such magical things, and started to rub herself. Her hips bucked, a convulsion of pleasure that had her back arching and her head tossing back. She felt moans beginning to bubble up from her throat and grabbed her phone to record a voice clip of herself. Her eyes would hardly stay open at that point as she rubbed and moaned, rocking her hips against her hand. It was lucky then that she spent a lot of time on the phone with Daddy doing things for him. She knew exactly where to press the recording button without looking at the screen.


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