Office Play
Page 5
Michael pulled her up so that she was sitting on his lap.
"I believe we won't be doing that again?" he asked. She shook her head emphatically, not trusting her voice. One hand reached down between her legs and slid fingers around the wetness that had dripped out during the spanking.
"This is mine now." Two fingers slid roughly into her pussy.
"And this is mine." Another finger slid into her ass, making her arch and wince. "And you won't touch them anymore unless I tell you to."
“Yes sir,” Diane nodded and bucked her hips, trying to get more from the fingers which were teasing her. He smiled as he watched her responsive, bucking body, impaled on his fingers.
"Time to go upstairs."
Michael stood and flipped her over his shoulder, causing her to squeal. As he began moving up the stairs he gave her ass a quick slap every couple of steps.
On arrival in the bedroom, Michael tossed her down onto the bed, causing her pinkened ass to bounce painfully and she yelped. He smiled and lay on the bed next to her.
"Here" with a chuckle, "I'd like to see you do some of the work."
A hesitant look, uncertainty, and then she jumped forward, eager to continue her explorations in the bedroom. With mouth and fingers, she traversed his body, finding the parts that made him moan. Laying her body completely on top of his, and spreading out her arms and legs, she was amused to see the size difference between them.
It was intoxicating to watch her small light hands stroking the muscles of his dark body, reveling in the kinky hair she encountered on his chest, legs and head. Leaning down for a kiss, his arms finally started to wrap around her, pulling her body in close to his, her breasts flattening out on his heavily muscled chest, and her legs spreading over his hips. Pulling back and positioning her body over his dick, she began the very slow descent. It was much harder to work his dick in by herself, trying to force herself down despite the soreness she was still encountering. As she worked the head into her sore pussy, hands on his chest for balance, his hands were behind his head, watching her with a bemused expression on his face. There was the distinct feeling that he was getting a lot of amusement out of her grimaces and continued efforts.
After working the first few inches in, it wasn't as hard, and she began slowly sliding her body up and down his dick, teasing herself with the hard shaft. Pleasure filled eyes blinked at the man who was watching her ride his pole, the expression on his face almost made it possible to believe that he was an outside observer, just watching her pleasure herself rather than participating in the act. And in a way, he wasn't participating, it was almost as though she was masturbating, it was just that the dick in her happened to be attached to a man. The thought made her even wetter, and she began sliding more quickly, moaning as she kneaded his chest muscles with her hands, faster and faster she slid, and she began adding in a little rubbing motion every time she bottomed out, rubbing her clit against his groin.
Riding up and down, she pushed the big tool in and out of her, forgetting herself, she began to rub and caress her own breasts, pinching her nipples. With her head thrown back, her breasts thrust out and pinched, and the enticing swing of her hips as she rode him, it was an erotic display that Michael enjoyed immensely. Riding out to orgasm, Diane started crying out his name.
As her orgasm caused her pussy to flex and pulse around his dick, Michael grabbed her by her hips and quickly turned her over onto her back, without ever leaving her spasming pussy. When she was on her back, still crying out and moaning her completion, he began pumping his hips, spearing her over and over again with his dick, she screamed her pleasure as the renewed motion sent her on a higher wave of orgasm. He whispered her name in her hair as he drove home for his own finish, his cock spasming inside of her once again, her pussy massaging and milking him, almost pulling the spurts of cum from his body.
When he pulled out of her, he scooped their combined juices from her pussy with his finger and brought it to her lips. Obediently Diane opened her mouth and took the offering, remembering the promise of his words earlier that week. The taste of them was sexy in her mouth.
Sometime that night, Michael rolled away, and Diane awoke with his movement; she rolled over herself, putting her arm around his waist and snuggling close. It was just as intimate as the night before when they had slept in the exact opposite position.
In the morning, Michael seemed to know that she was much too sore to continue any activities involving insertion. Instead, after breakfast, he gently laid her down on the kitchen table and began to lick and fondle her, and finally began to eat her out. It came as no surprise, to her anyway, that he was the most skilled man who had ever put his head between her legs. Michael enjoyed pleasuring her with his tongue, watching her arch and shiver at his tongue's touch. His soft tongue seemed to sooth away all the soreness that had been compiled and endured over the weekend. When she finally came, it was gently and wonderful for all that.
Afterwards, he sent her home, reminding her that she was not to touch herself unless he directed it so... it didn't matter. Soaking in the bathtub that night she recognized that she was much too sore to think of doing that to herself. Even if the thought of him doing it to her made her get a little wet.
That night she went to bed content even though she was alone, and she wondered what the next week would bring.
Chapter 4
Monday morning, Michael's greeting included a caress of Diane's very sore breast, he smiled at her when she winced but didn't voice a complaint.
"Come see me in my office in a few minutes." She nodded, finished what she was doing and came in.
More smiling at her obvious trepidation, "Don't worry little girl, I knew you wouldn't be up to anything too strong today, I just want to start getting something ready for this weekend." His smile became a grin. "Come over and bend over the desk."
Apparently the empty desk which she had been tied to last week was going to be a permanent fixture in his office, Diane bent over carefully, leaving her ass positioned high in the air. Deftly, experienced hands flipped her skirt up, a lubricated butt plug was slowly pushed into place. It hurt, but because her ass wasn't as sore as the rest of her, things definitely weren't as bad as they could have been… and after reflecting on things for a moment, she decided that the preparation before this weekend wouldn't be bad at all. Getting his dick into her pussy had been pretty difficult in and of itself, trying to work it into her much smaller hole without anything leading up to it wasn't an attractive thought. Once the butt plug was securely in place she was dismissed from her office to go back to work.
However, work wasn't exactly easy today. Everything distracted her, the soreness in her muscles, the fullness (and discomfort from sitting on the butt plug) in her ass, the constant knowing looks she was getting from Juan, or Michael's occasional forays in and out of his office. Tuesday passed in pretty much the same way, both days she did much less work than she normally got done. At the end of the day on Tuesday Michael warned her that she needed to get her performance back together, and took her over his knee for 10 warning spanks and told her that next time it would be 20.
Wednesday morning she came in determined to do better… however, along with the butt plug, Michael slipped a dildo into her pussy as well during what had become almost a morning ritual. Apparently, he wasn't going to make it easy for her to bring her performance back up… after several days of almost no sexual activity she was feeling very horny, and not in the least bit sore. Still, she was determined not to give him an excuse to spank her at the end of the day. Despite the distractions, she worked much better all morning. After lunch time Diane was confident in her abilities to make up for the work that she hadn't gotten done the two previous days. Unfortunately, she didn't know that Michael was planning on a rougher weekend for her. The work he'd given her for the week wasn't really all that important (not that she was aware of that) because he wanted her to fall behind. Last weekend had been an introduction to the pleasure, this we
ekend would be an introduction more to the punishments that she could expect whenever she couldn't meet standards. He'd become quite attached to her, but if she was going to truly have a relationship with him they both needed to know how far they could go together.
About 15 minutes after lunch, Diane was working harder than usual - determined to catch up - when the dildo in her pussy came alive. She jumped at the unexpected vibrations and then bit her lip in pleasure. About five minutes later the dildo abruptly stopped and she realized that she had been just sitting there, doing nothing while it buzzed. It occurred to her that this was a ploy of Michael's to see that she had not finished all her work at the end of the day. Furiously, she began working again, and when the plug in her ass started buzzing 10 minutes later she tried to work through it. When it went off again, she had to re-do a lot of the work that she had just tried to do. Gritting her teeth she worked through the afternoon, and through the buzzing.
Only one other time did she get distracted… about an hour before the end of the day Juan came into the main room and began working on something at his desk. It wasn't all that unusual, although he was only there about once every couple of weeks. A couple minutes after he sat down to work both her ass and pussy started buzzing, but it was on a much lower vibration that it had been all day. It wouldn't have been as distracting except that she was now worried that Juan would notice something was going on. Every couple of minutes the vibrations kicked up to a higher level, causing her to wiggle in her seat. Juan was looking at her out of the corner of his eye, she bit her lip and stopped wiggling. A few minutes later it was a short moan that caused him to look at her, when the vibrations finally kicked up to their highest level she stopped even noticing that he was watching, and clutched her seat and clenched her teeth to keep the noise level down while she came.
She panted as she came back down to earth, and moaned again as she realized she only had 15 minutes left to finish her work. Thankfully, no more interruptions came. The amount of work done was more than it had been either of the previous days, but still not as good as it should have been. Sighing with resignation, she entered Michael's office. Even though he'd engineered the reason she hadn't gotten all her work done, she was sure that he wouldn't care to hear that as an excuse. Twenty spanks that day, with the warning that if she didn't improve, not only would she get thirty tomorrow, but she'd have to finish all the work on Friday or else this weekend would be used as an example to her of why she needed to get her work done promptly.
On her way out the door he also reminded her that she was not to play with herself. That night was pure torture. Finally totally recovered from the last weekend, she was dying to touch herself. Instead she took a cold shower and watched a Schindler's List. It definitely killed her sex drive for the night.
Thursday was more torture. It was just her and Michael in the office, which meant much less embarrassment from being watched by Juan, but it also meant that she was craving even more attention from Michael. Especially because Michael had added something new today, rather than just putting in her butt plug and dildo, he'd undressed her completely, and tied a soft silken rope around her, with knots going straight down her back and front and several encircling her body. One loosely around her neck, one above and below her breasts, and one across her hips. The end of the rope went through her pussy lips and ass cheeks, knotted above her clit and pressing it tightly. Her clothes were back on over all of it, but she was acutely aware of what was hidden beneath. All day, whenever she sat or moved, there was rough pressure on her clit from the knot, it rubbed her… it barely mattered if one of the vibrators went off, she was distracted already.
Three orgasms that day. Three orgasms, thirty spanks, and the announcement that Friday night she would be punished for her poor performance… of course she still had the opportunity to keep Saturday pleasant if she finished her work tomorrow. Right, she gritted her teeth, the vast opportunity. Not only would Juan be working tomorrow, she was sure that Michael would find some reason for Juan to stay in the office. And although she certainly couldn't think of anything else Michael could possibly put on her body to distract her, that was no reason to feel assured that he wouldn't be able to think of anything to do to her.
That night she considered playing with herself, but she wasn't totally sure that Michael wouldn't be able to somehow tell. Constantly reminding herself that the orgasms she'd had while playing with herself had just made things worse helped her a little bit. Wondering what kind of punishment he had in mind for this weekend didn't. To take her mind off things she began touching her ass with her own fingers, wondering how she was ever going to fit something as big as his dick into that small hole, even though she'd adjusted to the butt plugs, he had kept all of them thinner at the base than his dick was, and they weren't nearly as long. Three of her fingers fit in easily though, which was encouraging. Maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad…
She ended up being up for half the night perusing porn sights online. Looking at girls pushing impossibly sized dildos and "monster cocks" up their asses meant that she should probably be able to get Michael's dick in hers. After all, he was big, but he wasn't that big compared to what she was looking at right now, it might hurt, but at least she know that he wasn't trying something impossible. Then came the bondage and BDSM sites. There were definitely things she had never considered - although she did see some pictures of the kind of rope bondage Michael had put her in. It apparently came from Japan. The rows and rows of toys she found for sale made her a little nervous, both about Friday and the upcoming weekend. Who knew what kind of stock Michael had, just the toys she had already become acquainted with put her collection to shame - all she had was a dildo, a vibrator and some massage oils.
At 2am she realized that she needed to get sleep, especially if she was going to make up for the work lost. Being in bed didn't necessarily help though, she tossed and turned for at least an hour. Imagination could be such a dangerous thing.
Friday was torture. Juan was in the office, and took plenty of opportunities to look her over and smirk. Michael had taken her jacket in the morning, and all she had was her very sheer (and unfortunately one of her tighter) blouses, underneath which was the rope, tied in the same way. The rope at least wasn't clearly visible, but Michael had also removed her bra and attached two nipple clamps, which meant that her nipples were poking through. He did tell her that she needed to take rotate having them on or off every 20 minutes so as not to injure herself, but she wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom to do it. Instead, every twenty minutes Juan got a free view of her reaching into her blouse to clip or unclip her own nipples. The clamps weren't tight at all, really just a steady pressure, but by the afternoon it also meant that she was rubbing her breasts every time she took them off, because even with the light pressure her nipples were getting sore. Gritting her teeth, she hoped Juan enjoyed the show.
Surprisingly, Michael hadn't turned the vibrators on too often. Maybe he was just busy. Or maybe he knew that he didn't really need to, she was having to waste time moving the clamps, plus the fact that her nipples became more and more distracting every minute. In the afternoon, that changed some. The vibrators turned on for a couple very long periods of time, but in very low settings. Always enough that she could at least hide her arousal from Juan, even if it distracted her mentally.
By four o'clock the situation was hopeless. There was only an hour left, and there was no way she was going to finish in time. The vibrators had been on for 45 minutes and she was starting to sweat with her need for release.
Michael walked into the room, circled her desk and began looking over the work that had been done and the work that still needed to be done. Slow smile at her pleading face.
"You can't finish this in time," he stated. She shook her head. "Then this weekend, you're going to have to be punished." Startled look at Michael, surprised that he would speak so freely in front of Juan… who apparently didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He was watching them with an al
most expressionless face. Diane looked back at Michael, unsettled. Michael looked back at her sternly.
"Kneel. You’re obviously embarrassed about Juan being here so your punishment can start now."
Slowly, mortified humiliation, she knelt. He tied her wrists together around her back, unbuttoning her shirt and pushing it off of her shoulders so that she was topless, her nipples hard and pink from having the clamps on them all day. Diane closed her eyes to Juan's hot stare.
"Open your eyes." Pleading filled them as she stared up at Michael. He had unzipped his pants and his semi-hard dick was in front of her. Resignation… and submission. Diane opened her mouth and engulfed his dick, sucking slowly, teasing with her tongue as it grew. Feeling Juan's eyes watch her every move. It occurred to her that she didn’t have to do what Michael was telling her to… but she wanted to. Following his orders even when he pushed her boundaries turned her on. Juan’s eyes on them started to feel kind of sexy, she hoped he was enjoying the show. As Michael’s dick filled her mouth he began moving back and forth, hands deftly releasing her hair so his fingers could entangle themselves in her curls. Everything was moving much more quickly than she was used to, he was already starting to pump in and out of her throat.
"I'll start our weekend now." Pumping. "You see, I used to have girls in and out of the office all the time. Wives or girlfriends of friends and their acquaintances who needed a little discipline. You noticed the women who used to come in here… since you've proved to be so willing to replace them for me, I haven't had them coming in. You've been such a good girl, except for this week, but that's to be expected. I just have some questions which you need to answer."
Big eyes stared up at him, full of her own questions, her tongue lashing against his cock.