Full Shred: A Billionaire's Secret Baby Romance

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Full Shred: A Billionaire's Secret Baby Romance Page 32

by Adair Rymer


  I woke up to my phone vibrating like crazy. I thought it was a dream at first, not just the cell phone, but everything. Getting shot at, having sex with Arsen, none of it made any sense. It had to be a dream.

  “I'm going to destroy your fucking cell phone.” Arsen grumbled softly, in my ear. It was then I noticed that his arms were still wrapped around me.

  It wasn't a dream!

  I ran through the events of last night and made sure that no one saw us come into this motel or knew what happened. It would be devastating to my career. I felt guilty, ashamed and incredibly happy, all at once. I had just fucked my stepbrother!

  No, it was more than that.

  I had just fucked Arsen!

  My phone went off again. What the hell was going on? My mind hadn't stopped racing since I woke up. I went to get up and check, but Arsen's strong arms tightened around me. I struggled, but he was in complete control.

  “You're not going anywhere, it's not safe outside this bed,” he said sternly. “We're going to spend a few more days like this, then I'll think about letting you go.”

  That sounded amazing. I wanted to do nothing more than to forget the world and lay low in this crappy motel room with him. But fairy tales were for children.

  “If you don't let me go I think the phone might start foaming at the mouth.” I was the target of an assassination attempt. I didn't need to turn the TV on to know that I was the breaking news story. The calls weren’t going to stop.

  “I'll buy you another one.”

  “I have to at least let people know that I'm still alive.” I wasn't ever the reclusive celebrity type. If I disappeared for too long, sooner or later someone was going to track me down. And if they found me here, I'd have a lot more to answer for.

  “Be quick,” he growled, loosening his grip on me. When I started moving he clamped his arms tightly again. “Because I'm not nearly done with you yet.”

  I was glad he couldn't see the smile that gave me, although there was no hiding the shiver of taboo excitement that ran up my spine. He let me go for real and I grabbed my vibrating phone.

  “A hundred and sixty messages! And nearly half as many voice mails, not to mention how many emails and social media notifications...” I slumped against the wall and reluctantly began to scroll through them. I did not want to deal with whatever this was.

  “I'll put coffee on,” Arsen sighed, knowing as well as I did that the dream was over, at least for the moment. It was time to wake up and deal with whatever real life was going to throw at us.

  “Careful!” I blurted, seeing Arsen casually step over the broken lamp pieces. I laughed nervously at the I-got-this look he shot back at me. “I, uh, forgot that we broke the lamp.

  Arsen trashed all the pieces and stood up. “Yeah,” he said, mischievousness creeping across his face. “Let's break the bed next.”

  He lingered long enough to see my face flush with heat, then he ducked out of the room to start the coffee. He could make me quake so casually now. Every bruise and soreness felt like a badge of perverse honor. I could still feel the lingering touch of his hands on my thighs and his cock inside of me. And I loved it.

  I needed a deep breath -and probably a cold shower- before I could focus on my damn phone. The majority of the messages came from people I barely remembered, that saw me on the news and wanted to know more about what happened. I didn't bother with them, they were just looking to sell info to the tabloids. Out of all of the messages only one of them was worth listening to.

  I called my agent back right away. “Michelle, it's Val. I got your cryptic message about an 'opportunity of a lifetime'.”

  “Val? That nickname won't work.” Michelle was quick to interject.

  Arsen must've been rubbing off on me. I never used that nickname anymore, although I loved hearing it on his lips. The more he said 'Val', the more I disliked hearing 'Valentine' from everyone else.

  “It's too gender neutral. I guarantee it won't test well.” Michelle rambled on like only people who worked in entertainment could. “Here's what I'll do, I'll run it through the branding department—”

  “Michelle.” I interrupted her. My agent was brutally efficient and one of the most expensive in the industry, and probably because of that, she was extremely tactless. “You know I was nearly shot last night.”

  “Yes, yes,” she said. And I could picture her impatiently rolling her wrist in forward circles, as if to hurry that fact along. “I've been running spin control all morning. This is fantastic for PR for you! I've already had all the NDA's signed and obtained the film rights to the shooting. The script is being drafted as we speak. Your biography is easily a go-picture- 'Valentine's day' No. Just- 'Valentine.' Eh, it's a working title.”


  “Oh, before I forget! Your stepbrother, does he have an agent yet? I can squeeze him in at just under half your percentage point. Find out if he's willing to go on the talk show circuit.”

  “Michelle! Stop!” I hated talking to her first thing in the morning, she always gave me a headache. She was one of those people who talked at you until they ran out of words, then hung up if you let them. “Tell me about the opportunity.”

  “Yes, that! I got you an audition for the upcoming period drama film, Mercy Lane with Phillip Seymour. How much do you love me?”

  “What! How?” I was on the verge of hyperventilating. This was huge! It could be my 'Emma', the breakout role I needed to start doing more meaningful projects. I'd always dreamt about winning an Oscar, and with this role I might actually have a chance!

  “Don't worry about all that, that's why you have me!” Michelle told me the rest of the details and when the call ended, I found myself sitting on the bed in a daze.

  Then hysterical happiness crashed down on me, and adrenaline jolted through me like heroin. This was really happening! Between Arsen and this opportunity, I couldn't control myself, I started jumping up and down on the bed.

  Arsen came back and I jumped at him. I didn't see that he had the coffees in his hands, but fortunately he was able to throw them aside and catch me before either of us got burned. He held me a few feet off the ground with ease, I loved that he was so strong!

  “Aren’t you a little old to be jumping on the bed? Besides, I thought it was the rock stars that trashed hotel rooms”

  “I'm only twenty-three, Arsen. It's not weird yet!”

  He just looked at me for a few moments, taking in my giddy energy with a smile. “Good news?”

  “Oh, you have no idea! Ever wanted to go to L.A.?”

  “No,” Arsen didn't sound thrilled, but ultimately just shrugged it off. “Romeo might be interested, though.”

  Chapter 16



  “Stay out of trouble, Romeo.” Val scratched my dog behind his ears, closed the gate around my yard, then jogged to catch up to me.

  With the warmer weather coming in, she had started wearing less and less layers. We hadn't made it official or anything, but we were together as much as possible. I didn't know why I was playing it so slow with Val. I hadn't even kissed her yet. If she were any other girl, I'd have fucked her by now and probably moved on.

  Maybe that was why, Val brought me back from a really dark place. She deserved better than all the other girls. My new found principles hadn't stopped me from fantasizing about what it'd be like when we finally did it.

  “Why do we still walk to school when you have your dad's truck.” Val asked, struggling with her obscenely large backpack.

  I slipped behind her and squeezed her hips, “So you can fit into your prom dress.” I was joking, of course. Val had a slammin' body, that was tight in all the right places. She tried to elbow me in protest, but I was too quick. I'd smoothly taken her backpack off in the process and slugged it over my shoulder, so she wouldn't have to carry it.

  I had a bunch of bullshit reasons why we had to walk, but really it was because this way I got to sp
end a little more time with her. School was ending next month, she was headed to Julliard in NYC and I had a few wrestling and football scholarships out west as long as I passed my finals. For the first time in my life I was worried.

  What if this was the last month I'd get with Val?

  “I'm fine, thank you very much. When I get picked up, I'm going to look fantastic.” Val had become more confident in the last few months. I hadn't seen her wear a hoodie since the last night of her play, it was nice to see her not hiding anymore.

  When I get picked up...

  “Has anyone asked you?” My hands balled into fists at the thought of someone else taking her to prom. We hadn't officially changed our Facebook statuses yet, but I was planning on asking her out on prom night. She'd be the first girlfriend I ever had. And I wasn't about to let any other guy fuck that up.

  “Not yet, but I hope someone does soon. I'd hate to spend the evening alone.” Val crashed into me lightly. She was never the subtle type with hints. I always knew what was on her mind.

  “I wouldn't hold your breath, Val.” I loosened my fists. I got so heated at even the thought of someone approaching her like that. I really didn't have to worry about that, though. The other guys knew that she was off limits by now. “No one's gonna ask you.”

  Val scoffed, insulted.

  “Everyone in school knows that the only way to you, is through me. And no one's brave enough for that.” I slid a hand behind her back and pulled her into me. Then I spoke softly directly into her ear. “No one else gets to have you. You're mine now.”


  “No matter what you hear, don't come in.” I took the steaming dinner tray from the flight attendant, then clicked the privacy tab next to the door. The suited attendant looked a bit hesitant to leave so I added, “Valentine is rehearsing for an audition.”

  The man nodded and closed the door behind me. I looked around the spacious lounge compartment. Everything had a stylish white leather with black trim interior, including the casing around the crackling fireplace. I'd been to California before for a few fights, but never like this. This was my first time on a private jet.

  “Take a break and eat.” I placed the tray on a table against the wall of the cabin.

  The sun had just set on the bruised purple sky, far below that storm clouds churned and flashed in a heavy thunderstorm. And we were above it all.

  “One minute.” She was curled up on the U-shaped sofa, opposite the fireplace, reading the script for the big Hollywood audition she had coming up in a few days. Mild turbulence wiggled the chess pieces on the small coffee table in front of her. It was painted to look like a chess board, but Val only used it to hold her water bottle.

  I'd only been back in her life for a little while, but I'd come to realize that 'one minute' to Val had a way of turning into an hour, especially if she was prepping for a film. I walked up behind her, leaning on the sofa and taking her in.

  Her layered, dirty blond hair streamed over top of the shoulder rest. I bent forward, allowing the scent of her expensive conditioner to linger temptingly in my nose. My eyes traced her flawless skin past the ridge of her collar bone, then down the V-shaped hem of her sweater to the rise and fall of her pale, smooth cleavage.

  Val was too absorbed in her craft to notice me hovering over her. Through the exposed, creamy skin of her throat, I could faintly see her pulse beating. I wanted to pull her head back and run my tongue along the nook in her neck. The thought of her slightly salty taste made my cock push into the front of my jeans.

  What am I doing? I pulled away and exhaled. My abrupt movement and sound broke her attention from the script and turned it toward me.

  “Are you alright?” She breathed a little quicker when she noticed just how close I was to her.

  No, I'm not fucking alright. You're my fucking stepsister now. Being this close to her was tearing me apart. But I was her bodyguard, where else was I going to be? Was that why I came back to her, so I could destroy her?

  We'd already fucked up once in that motel room. Shit, more than once if you count the Jacuzzi. Both times we'd gotten lucky that there was no one around. I was making her careless. And that was the one thing she couldn't afford, going into the biggest role of her career.

  “If you're hungry, feel free to start without me.” Val looked me over, trying to discern the pained expression on my face.

  I eyed the wide neckline of her sweater as it slid past one of her soft shoulders, it taunted me, daring me to to take the whole garment off.

  Val had let her hair down and changed into a comfortable sweater and pajama pants for the six hour flight from Boston to LA. She only had light makeup on and was far from 'cover-ready', but that only made her look more real. I didn't care all that much for the perfect, airbrushed look, seeing her like this only made me want to fuck her more.

  “Oh, I'm fucking starving.” And despite all my good intentions about staying away from her, she was like a terminal disease to me. There was no cure for how bad I wanted Valentine. And we were alone, after all. My eyes snapped up and caught her's. “Just not for food.”

  I felt like a junkie, I just needed one more fix.

  I walked around the side of the couch and stood right in front of her. I could feel her breath on my neck. I wore a T shirt that stretched tightly across my muscled chest and showed off my tattoos.

  “I think I should get back to work.” Val unconvincingly said the words.

  I slid a hand around the back of her neck and ran my thumb along her jaw line. I saw through her flimsy protests. She wanted this as badly as I did, she just didn't want to be held accountable for it.

  “You're done working for now.” I slipped my other arm under her sweater and wrapped it around her back, pulling her closer. Her soft, full lips seemed to buzz when I grazed them against mine.

  “Arsen, I don't—” Val swallowed, but didn't try to pull away. “Maybe this isn't such a good idea.”

  “I've never been called a good idea.” My lips touched her's as they formed each word. I knew this was wrong, it was only a matter of time until whatever this was blew up in our fucking faces. But I just couldn't resist. Six years without her was too long for me to pass up a moment like this.

  I opened my mouth to warn her to stop me, but I decided against it. I didn't give a damn what she said. Her body told me what she really wanted. There was no fucking way I'd stop now.

  “Arsen...” She whispered as my tongue and teeth found the part of her neck right above the collarbone. With one quick motion, I unclasped her bra. Watching the creases in her mouth turn into a taboo smile made my cock hard enough to burst the front of my jeans.

  “We're forty thousand feet above any photographers.” I looked at her. Beneath all her glamor and glitz was a more simple beauty. It reminded me that every once and a while we could just be two people, instead of what the public saw us as. “It's like international waters up here. There's no rules. You can relax.”

  And she did. The hesitant rigidity in her muscles gave in. I dragged my fingertips down her back, then back up. This time taking the sweater and bra with me. After that we were an explosion of motion.

  Val clawed at my shirt, tearing it off. I ran my hand down her neck, stopping it her breast and squeezing. My body sank low enough to catch her other nipple in my teeth. Val tossed her head back and gasped. For a girl with such an innocent public image I knew she liked it rough.

  With a quick tug at her pajama pants, Val stood bare-assed me before me. Her designer clothes had so many useless buttons and bullshit that I had to smile at just how nice thin cotton pants were to take off. The subtle scent of her naked body gave me a heady rush, as if all of my endorphins were firing at once.

  She ran her fingers through my short black hair, pulling me into her stomach. I licked across her belly button and grazed my tongue across her lower lips, then bit into her thigh instead. Val squeaked with my tease.

  “What are you doing?” I swept all the magnetic chess
pieces and the bottle of water off the coffee table and laid Val's down on top of it.

  “Touch yourself.” I popped the button on my jeans and stood just behind where her head hung off the table. She was stretched out in a line in front of me, the crotch of my pants was a few inches from her forehead. “I want to watch.”

  Val's face flushed with heat, but she slid a hand down and did what I commanded. I leaned forward, caught her hand and sucked on two of her fingers. Now wet, I let them go. Val smiled and slowly strummed her swollen clit.

  “Like this?” Val bit her lip and pushed two fingers inside her perfect pussy. Her hips slowly gyrated as she worked her hand. It was so hot that I almost forgot to breath.

  God, did she know what she did to me?

  I couldn't wait any longer. My cock was so hard at the sight of her that it practically unzipped my pants for me. I pulled my fat cock from pants and lowered it to her lips.

  “Seriously?” Val grabbed my cock with her free hand. Standing over her head like this was a crazy angle that I'd never tried before. But I sure as hell couldn't pass up the opportunity.

  “Scared?” My mouth cracked into a mischievous grin.

  Her eyes flashed as if I'd just dared her. Without another word, she took as much of me into her mouth as she could. It was more me fucking her face than her sucking my cock. It was insane how turned on I was. She was lying naked on her back with my cock in her mouth. I wanted to burn that image into the back of my eyelids so I could see her like this every time I closed my eyes.

  Her tongue and lips worked black magic around my cock as her hand pulled and pushed me like she was sucking a Popsicle. She got me too close too fast, I pulled out with a smacking sound.


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