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Zachania Page 10

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “I must show him nothing, Talon thought as he lowered his head towards the ground “I cannot give him any warning, I will have only one chance, I will attack on the C of commence.”

  Then the moment came Savarta shouted loudly the words Talon was waiting for


  Talon sprang like a Lepal cat, he stepped swiftly to the side and with devastating speed and power he brought down his wooden sword precisely onto the Golheck’s knuckles. The Golheck dropped his sword and yelled out in pain as Talon’s blow struck his hand, Talon followed the action by kicking Troy in the chest which knocked the Gladiator flying to the ground in a spinning movement, the moment he touched down Talon was upon him thrusting his sword into the Golheck’s neck.

  “Do you yield?” Talon shouted victorious.

  Savarta ran to his fighter’s aid after having witnessed Talons blistering attack.

  “Damn it!” Savarta shouted, “You have broken his hand!” he added.

  Talon apologised to Savarta and Troy.

  “He was scheduled to fight next week.” Savarta uttered as he inspected Troy’s now rapidly swollen hand.

  Talon rose to his feet as he felt the feeling that he was suddenly the focus of everyone’s attention. He noticed the look upon the other gladiator’s faces that had now gathered round “did you see that!” he heard one say to another.

  “Will it not heal in time?” Talon asked Savarta.

  “No the break is too severe.” Replied Savarta.

  “Maybe I can take his place.” Talon said.

  “Don’t be absurd!”

  “Why Savarta? I have just bested your best” Talon replied arrogantly as he knew his escape depended upon it.

  Savarta sneered at Talon as he began to wrap Troy’s hand; Talon dropped to one knee and looked at Savarta with his piercing blue eyes.

  “Savarta! I am serious, take me in his place, I will beat any man they put before me.”

  Savarta looked back down at Troy’s hand as he found himself remembering the amazing speed in which Talon had just fought. Suddenly the idea began to sound like the reasonable option.

  “But you’re not in shape.” Savarta snapped still a little angered.

  “Was he in shape.” Talon replied as he pointed to the injured Golheck.

  “You insolent Wraf!, Get me to my feet Savarta so I may teach this boy a lesson!” Troy angrily said.

  Talon paid no attention to the Golheck as he rose to his feet and persisted in asking Savarta.

  “Take me Savarta; I will not let you down.”

  “You could be killed!”

  “You know I will not!” Talon replied confidently.

  Savarta turned to look at Talon long and hard, he thought about the devastating way and ease that he had just beaten a Golheck “Yes perhaps you would better anyone.” he silently thought.

  Chapter 6

  After Talon’s brutal and vicious assault on the Golheck Troy, Savarta had agreed in theory that Talon could take the ill-fated gladiator’s place, though it would depend on the General’s permission. Savarta drew a long hard breath before entering the General’s suite.

  “Sir I would like to ask your permission to take one of your junior officers to the Kallick Town contest next week.”

  “I take it you mean young Talon when you say Junior Officer.” General Koolga replied

  “Yes Sir I Do.”

  “Don’t be absurd! Do you not think it is premature, I understand he has only been in attendance at your classes for a week or so.”

  “In normal circumstances yes sir it would be, however I have just witnessed Talon defeat one of my finest gladiators, as a result of that bout we are now one man short from the forthcoming event.”

  “One man short, how does that affect Talon, do you not have reserves.”

  “Excuse me sir if I have not made myself clear, but the man Talon has beaten has sustained injuries that rule him out of next week’s event and as it was Talon who inflicted this defeat, I feel that he is the best man to fill this man’s position.”

  General Koolga leaned back in his chair and threw down his quill.

  “I accept your dilemma Gladiator instructor, but you must be aware that Talon has a future here with the guard, it is not something I am habitual to… just contracting out my men.”

  A short and awkward silence fell between them before Savarta thought of another approach.

  “Sir have you thought of the honour it would be for you and your school, never before has a junior officer fought in the arena, and it goes without saying General, that Talon would adorn your schools colours”

  Koolga smiled at Savarta’s new approach.

  “I am well aware of the facts.”

  Excuse my forwardness Sir.” Savarta interrupted.

  Koolga leaned his head onto his hand as he gave the matter some thought, strangely he found himself beginning to grow to the idea as he thought of the glory Talon’s participation would bring to himself and his school.

  “Is he good?”

  “Sir.” Savarta asked.

  “How does he fight, will he win!” Koolga added raising his voice in authority.

  “Seldom have I seen such talent in a young man Sir, I have just witnessed him defeat a Golheck, and he swears to me that if he is permitted to fight then he will defeat any gladiator that is put before him.”

  “And you believe him!” Koolga asked laughing gently at Talon’s arrogant boast.

  “Frankly sir I do!”

  “You say he mastered a Golheck.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Koolga smiled in a proud way and slightly shook his head.

  “Young Talon never ceases to amaze me; he seems to possess a rare talent where whoever crosses his path, walks away with a very distinct impression upon them. Your request is tempting Savarta but I must refuse, I could not risk losing an officer such as Talon to a death in the arena.”

  “Sir may I be so bold as to inform you that you yourself as a General of the Empire has the power and authority to put into writing a mercy plea if Talon is defeated, there would be no death.”

  “Go on explain!” Koolga replied.

  “As you know sir, when a gladiator is bested the victor looks up to see what the overseer’s decision is, will it be life or death, you have the authority to rule life or death if Talon is defeated.”

  “This can be done?” Koolga asked loudly.

  “It is common practice Sir.”

  General Koolga rubbed his chin.

  “Then this shines a whole new light on the matter, If what you say can be done then I will give my permission, as long as it is what Talon truly wants.” Replied Koolga pointing his finger at Savarta.

  “It is Talon’s wish Sir.”

  “Then I will give you my final decision after I have made some enquiries.”

  “Yes sir.” Savarta replied as he turned to leave.

  “One more thing before you leave, do you know who will oversee at the contests?”

  “Yes sir, I believe I that General Krustov is on assignment in Kallick Town.”

  “Ah Krustov! My old friend, come to me in one hour you will have my decree then!”

  Savarta left Koolga’s office and wandered around the school grounds, it was hard not to be impressed by the grand buildings and the splendour of the Palace land guard in their immaculate uniforms.

  Savarta soon began to wonder why a man such as Talon, a man in the Palace guards, The Empire’s finest, whose future was assured, was willing to shed his blood in conflict in the arena.

  It baffled him but in his confused state he began to feel a great deal of respect for the courage that Talon possessed. This after all was a man whom quite easily would never have to get his hands dirty again yet here he is willing to risk life and limb in the arena.

  Savarta wandered over to a grassy knoll and sat beneath a four thousand-year-old yew tree.

  He leaned back and felt the sun caress his face, he could hear birds singing
and the footsteps of passing Palace guards on their way to their chores but it was Talon’s fate that Savarta’s thoughts held attention to.

  After one hour Savarta returned to the office of General Koolga,

  “Good news for you Savarta, after my enquiries to General Krustov’s whereabouts I am willing to grant your request.”

  “Thank you Sir” Savarta replied with a sigh of relief.

  “I have already written a letter to Krustov and I will trust you personally to deliver it, make sure it goes into his hand!”

  “Understood Sir!” Savarta replied.

  “There is also a letter here for Talon, giving him leave of his current duties so consequently he can commence his training forthwith; I have given him permission to lodge at your school until after the tournament.”

  “Thank you Sir, you are more than generous.” replied Savarta as Koolga waved his hand at him in a motion that he was excused.

  “And, another thing! Make sure he wears the Palace guard colours and MAKE SURE HE WINS!” added Koolga as Savarta left.

  Savarta went straight away to find Talon so to give him the good news, He was found sitting in his room. Talon had been waiting anxiously for the decision, when Savarta gave him the good news he almost jumped for joy. Savarta told Talon to pack some belongings and report to the Gladiator school by evening before leaving Talon alone.

  Talon sat back down on his bed and punched his hand in delight, his plan of escape was now a reality, once his initial joy subsided he began to feel cautious, his thoughts reminded him of his Zachanian ancestry and it unnerved him that every moment he spent in the Palace land there was a chance that his past would be discovered.

  Nevertheless he was now going to Kallick Town where he would be beyond the great wall; his scheme was working he thought.

  General Krustov, The Highest ranking General in all of Kratos sat regally in his grand office, he was busy overlooking his daily reports but he found it hard to concentrate to what was at hand as his next appointment was taking up all of his thoughts.

  Krustov’s next engagement was to play host to three wizards from the Emperors guild. Krustov along with the majority of Imperial army hated wizards, and this next meeting was one did not relish.

  The General sat mentally rehearsing what he was going to say when the wizards arrived.

  It had been six months since he last spoke to them where he was ordered to quietly recruit a secret army and assign them to the holy town of Zanlia with orders to infiltrate the community and await for further orders. The wizards had explained to Krustov that there was a growing resentment against the Emperor in Zanlia; the Generals task was to assign his men to discover the source and kill the leaders before it grew into a problem.

  Krustov had given this matter the highest importance, as the wizards were the only ones who ever got to see the Emperor; they spoke with the Emperor’s tongue.

  Krustov hated speaking to wizards, it angered him deeply in the manner in which he was treated by them, the Emperors wizards had been given total power from the Emperor to do as they wish, they were beyond any questioning by any servant or rank within the Empire, if a wizard wanted something done then there was no alternative but to follow his instruction.

  Krustov also hated their annoying habit of speaking amongst themselves in their own wizard dialect, an ancient language that only wizards seemed to know.

  When Krustov heard the door being knocked he breathed a gasp of resentment before pulling himself up to open it.

  “Welcome holy wizards of the Emperors guild.” Krustov humbly mouthed as he bowed his head in respect to them.

  The wizards entered the room without replying or even acknowledging the Generals greeting, the wizards were all dressed the same, long flowing gowns coloured only in black. Their facial hair was long and they looked old yet they moved with a youthful grace and finesse. Krustov moved back to behind his desk as he noticed that two of the wizards remained by the door, The third wizard who had a red tattoo on the side of his forehead moved closer to the General.

  “Tell us of your progress.” The wizard demanded in a low and gritty voice.

  “The army is in training holy one, it shall soon be completed and they will be ready.”

  “Be sure that they are Krustov, the Emperor wants peace in Zanlia, there will be no tolerance for failure!”

  “May I be so bold Holy one, as to ask what these rumours or uprising in Zanlia consist of, it could only help in my preparations.” Krustov asked coyly.

  “That is none of your concern General, but I will reveal to you that our crystals have foreseen unrest in Zanlia, you must obey our orders to the letter, other matters are beyond your reasoning, only the Emperor has the power see and know all.”

  General Krustov quickly lowered his eyes away from the wizard and bowed his head in a gesture of obedience, he knew all too well the severe consequences that followed a wizard’s anger, he had asked a wizard a question and that was something wizards disliked.

  “My life is to obey and serve my holy Emperor.” Krustov answered.

  As the General remained bowed he heard one of the other wizards speak in the wizard’s tongue, the first wizard turned to listen before turning back to Krustov.

  “What is your concern for a soldier in the Palace guard; we have been intercepting all correspondence entering and exiting Zanlia.”

  “You have been reading my letters!” The General suddenly snapped back slightly agitated.

  “Hold your tongue General, what we do is beyond your authority.” The wizard snapped back. “You asked your colleagues in Zanlia to give you information on a Talon of Tallasian, once again General, what are your concerns for this soldier” the wizard added.

  “He intrigues me.” Krustov replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

  “How does he intrigue you General?” the wizard suddenly demanded consciously making sure that Krustov noticed the turn in his voice

  “I met him at the Festival of Pass, he was a fine cadet and he intrigued me with his presence. He had a confidence, or self-belief that made him stand out from the rest, it left an impression on me so I wanted to find out more about his past, I gave no importance to It.” replied Krustov as he suddenly realised now why he had not received any letters lately from Zanlia.

  “And you wrote to Zanlia!” the wizard said in a tone that it was more of an accusation rather than a question.

  “Well, yes!” Krustov replied unable to fathom why the wizards were so interested.

  “Zanlia has the largest census library in all of Kratos,” the General added in self-defence.

  Abruptly the wizard moved his shoulders and leant forward slightly to look deeply into General Krustov’s eyes; it sent a shiver down the spine of the General.

  “Have I done wrong?” Krustov asked as he directed his eyes away from the wizard’s intense stare.

  “SILENCE!” the wizard growled before looking over his shoulder to one of his wizard colleagues, who in turn silently walked over and passed him a large purple crystal. The first wizard took possession of the crystal in his right hand and then turned quickly back to the General, with the speed of lightning he thrust the crystal into the face of Krustov just stopping barely before it struck his brow. General Krustov tried to move away but his body just froze, he had no control of his muscles, the wizard then raised his other hand in front of Krustov’s face as if he was pulling the thoughts out of his mind. This ritual lasted a few moments until the wizard withdrew the crystal away from the General’s face and Krustov collapsed onto the desk sweating and gasping for air.

  “How dare you use the truth crystal on me? Krustov yelled, clearly outraged at the wizards action. General Krustov was the highest-ranking soldier in the entire Empire. This action with the truth crystal was a great insult to his loyalty.

  “So I see this soldier Talon unnerves you Krustov, you suspect he has powers and you seek proof.”

  “How dare you question my loyalty? The Emperor will surely hea
r of this outrage,” Krustov shouted.

  Krustov’s rage in an instant soon turned to fear as the wizards face seemed to change immediately into the most fearsome scowl the General had ever witnessed.

  “Be silent you fool! This is a time of great caution, the Emperor has given us absolute power to fulfil our tasks, we must stop what cannot happen and you General are merely a pawn in what we want, you will complain to no one, you have only one action and that is to obey.”

  “I did not understand the size of the Emperors concern.” replied Krustov now with a feeling of terror, lowering his head as he hoped that the wizard would lower his voice with his reply. A wizards raised voice was terrifying to the beholder, it was not just the words that Krustov felt but the feelings behind them, it was like being stampeded by a group of rampaging horses, it felt like his lungs, his heart, ears and eyes were beginning to burst. Krustov tried to regain his breath.

  “You have no need to understand General.”

  Krustov cowered in his chair he genuinely felt in danger for his life; he could see the other wizards moving in snake like actions as if ready to pounce upon him.

  “You are replaceable General, just remember that.” the wizard added as if reading his thoughts.

  “Instruct me holy one.” Replied the General with his head bowed.

  “I want you and your secret army in Zanlia in fourteen days, you must travel in stealth, and once you are on the outskirts we will contact you with further orders.”

  “I give you my word as an Imperial General that these orders will be obeyed.”

  “You will give me your life if they are not.” the wizard replied giving him a sinister look

  Krustov nodded his head in understanding.

  The wizard’s voice then turned softer as he asked one last question.

  “One more thing Krustov, we wish to test the soldier Talon with the truth crystal, arrange this for us immediately.”

  “He is in the Palace lands, I will send word.”

  “See it done, we will return in seven days, have him here.”

  “Yes holy one, I understand.”

  After one more sinister look from the wizards the door shut and Krustov sighed in relief, the sweat was still upon his brow and his heart was still racing, he had never seen the wizards so obviously concerned, this matter must be of the highest importance he thought.


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