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Zachania Page 13

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Talons mother Shirose sat weeping with her two sons, she tried to put on a brave face but the shock of what was happening and the beating of her husband she had witnessed continued to grieve her.

  One of her sons Kramos sat cradling her head whilst her other son Tols was trying to call out to his father through the wall.

  “Father, Father, can you hear me, Father, its Tols talk to me.”

  “Do you think he is ok mother.” Kramos asked.

  “Your father is a strong man, I’m sure he will be fine.”

  “Then why does he not answer me?” Tols added.

  “Father its Tols, speak to us!” the boy shouted now angry as he banged on the wall.

  “Tols, stop that, it won’t help matters.” his mother fearfully answered.

  “Why have they taken us mother, what has father done.”

  “I don’t know Tols, they mentioned Talon, that’s all I know dear.”

  Tols banged the wall one last time before walking back to his brother and mother.

  “I will kill them for this!” Tols angrily snapped in his youth’s bravado. As he finished he turned to see his mother break down, she wept inconsolably as her two boys hugged her.

  Talon woke with the midday sun burning his face, for a moment he thought he was in dream, a terrible nightmare but one look down at the ashes brought his reality flooding back to him. He sat up and just stared from a distance, he could see that there were a few guards hanging around, the thought crossed his mind to race down the hill and slit the men’s throats but after a hard swallow he knew that he would be killing the wrong men, it was not their decision and anyhow it would be crazy to come this far only to be captured now.

  “I was too late father.” he sighed remorsefully “I am sorry, I am so, so sorry.” he added wiping away a tear.

  After a while Talon rose to his feet, he realised that as he looked down at what was once his home this was probably the last time that he would ever be at this place, he wiped away another tear as he imagined how his family would have been killed, he took out his dagger and stared determined towards the ashes.

  “Father I am alone now but I have your spirit with me, I swear on my blood that I will have vengeance for you” as he finished he sliced his palm and squeezed the blood onto the ground “with my blood I swear a sacred oath to avenge thee.” he added.

  Talon’s family were left in solitary for ten days, General Krustov was ordered by the wizards via his crystal not to speak with them until they arrived, now a week and a half later they finally arrived at the Tallasian castle. Captain Grain urgently knocked on the Generals door so to give him the news.


  “Forgive the intrusion General but the Emperor’s wizards have arrived, they are on their way up here now.”

  Krustov immediately jumped up and began fastening the buttons on his uniform

  “Bring them in!” Krustov barked anxious not to leave them waiting and induce the wrath of their anger.

  “Sir, they have a wizard Grand with them.” Captain Grain added in a nervous tone.

  “Here in Kratos.” the General added shocked that a Grand, the highest order of wizards, ancient in origin was outside the Palace lands.

  Captain Grain nodded and then excused himself; the General barely had time to check himself in a mirror before his door was pushed open. The General froze as he first laid eyes on the Lord wizard Grand, he was seven feet tall and dressed all in black, Krustov noticed that his pupils were also the same colour as his garments, his face was old yet his beard was jet black, he had a very sinister looking appearance and he moved in a flowing fashion

  “Kneel before Grarlin, wizard Grand and Lord of the wizards Guild.” shouted another wizard.

  Swiftly the General dropped to his knees, slowly he raised his head, he had never met a Grand before but during his service as a soldier he had heard many tales about them, he knew that he must show him the utmost respect, next to the Emperor himself the three wizard Grand’s were the most powerful individuals in the Empire.

  “My name is Grarlin, rise to your feet General, you have done well, you have seen to your orders and performed them well, the Emperor is pleased with you.”

  “I exist to serve the Empire your highness.”

  “Where are the prisoners?”

  “They are in the dungeon; I have starved the father as I was ordered to do.”

  “Has this weakened him General?”

  “Yes your highness, he has been denied food for nine days, I stopped his rations as soon as I was ordered by your colleague through the crystal, he is ready for your interrogation.”

  “Good! And interrogate him I shall, as for you General, you will gather your men and make haste for Zanlia, I want you to personally oversee that your secret army are integrated within the Zanlian’s.”

  “Zanlia your highness.”

  Grarlin furrowed his brow and stared deeply at the General, Krustov quickly realised that he should never question a wizard or ask him to repeat himself.

  “I beg your pardon your highness, Zanlia of course.”

  “Have you received word from Zanlia General?.”

  “No your highness, due to the delicate situation in Zanlia and the fact that I am here in Tallasian I thought it more sensible not to risk correspondence across non-military ground, however I can assure you that my army is in Zanlia, I have given strict orders to two of my most trusted Generals, Sanda and Torenus, both are extremely talented in stealth my Lord.”

  Grarlin nodded his approval.

  “Then make haste to Zanlia General, carry on your orders until you hear otherwise from us.”

  “Yes your highness.”

  “Now take me to this Zachanian.”

  The General led the four wizards down to the dungeons, the General winced as he approached them as the smell, sewage and dampness filled the air. He ordered a guard to unlock Talon’s father’s cell and then excused the guard. Tallonus looked on in fear as he saw Krustov, Captain Grain, Grarlin and three further wizards enter the cell.

  “What’s happening?” he thought silently and anxiously.

  Days and days of solitude had played games with his mind, he could see that this was going to be an interrogation maybe even torture but strangely he found himself feeling relieved that he was no longer alone.

  Grarlin looked hard at the tied man, a moment later he told Krustov and Captain Grain to leave the cell, once they left Grarlin walked slowly towards his prisoner, Tallonus was manacled to the wall and could not move as the wizard Grand tore off his gag, both men stared hard into each other’s eyes, Tallonus had never seen a wizard before but he knew that this was one before him, it sent a shiver down his spine but he wanted to know why all this was happening to him.

  “I see you asking questions about us Zachanian.” Grarlin sighed breaking the silence.

  “You are wondering why, why is this happening.” added Grarlin.

  “I am not Zachanian; I work in the service of the Empire.”

  “HA!” Grarlin snapped back.

  “So the truth shall have to be pried from you Zachanian! “Grarlin snapped raising his voice. The wizard then paused for a moment as the two men looked at each other again, suddenly Grarlin spat in the face of Tallonus, He cried out as the spit burnt his face, he felt his skin bubble as if scolded by boiling water. Tallonus winced but did not cry out; he shook his head until the pain subdued, then opening his eyes he scowled deeply at the wizard.

  Grarlin eased a small smile.

  “So you have strength Zachanian, but strength has no importance here, soon you will bleed, soon you will suffer, and soon you will speak the truth, you cannot resist me” he added ominously before he reached into his gown and pulled out a truth crystal, Grarlin smiled and showed the crystal to Tallonus, he paused then closed in on the manacled man and thrust the crystal close to his eyes. Tallonus winced as he felt his thoughts being sucked from his head, he began to shake as he gritted his teeth and used all
of his own powers to resist, back and forth he felt his thoughts being drained but he concentrated pulling them back into his head. His eyes began to bulge as he shook uncontrollably, blood spilt from his ears and nose but still he resisted the crystal with all of his might. He let out a cry as he noticed Grarlin himself now beginning to shake, he shouted out as the pain grew, Grarlin was now sweating and Tallonus saw him gritting his teeth, again Tallonus screamed, he concentrated all of his thoughts on the crystal and then screamed a loud and determined cry, suddenly the crystal that Grarlin held flew from his hand and shattered into a thousand pieces, Tallonus collapsed exhausted into his manacles as Grarlin stepped back in a dizzy fashion and sighed aloud.

  When Grarlin regained his breath he wiped away the sweat from his brow, still breathless he spoke to Tallonus.

  “Never has anyone resisted a truth crystal, what are you?”

  Tallonus tried to raise his head from his chest; he managed only a couple of inches, it was clear that the wizards knew of his Zachanian ancestry. Smiling to himself he accepted that he would be put to death, from somewhere within he felt pride, “if death will become me then all I have left is to decide how I meet it” he thought to himself.

  He summoned all of his strength and raised his head so that he could look defiantly at Grarlin.

  “I am Zachanian!” he snarled proudly, as soon as the words left his mouth Tallonus thought of his father, he briefly thought of all the arguments that he had had with him over the subject of Zachania, yet here in the face of his death he proclaimed proudly who he was, Tallonus smiled as he thought of how proud his father would be if he could see him now.

  “So finally you speak the truth.” Grarlin replied “Now speak the truth of your father and son.” he added coldly thinking that he had control of him.

  Tallonus listened to Grarlin, it dawned on him that his father and son Talon must still be free; otherwise why else would this wizard be asking questions of them, he smiled to himself with relief of their freedom.

  “Both will seek you wizard, they will avenge me.”

  “Where is your son Talon?”

  Tallonus smiled again.

  “He’s in your mind wizard, he visits you every day.” he smirked.

  Grarlin stiffened at the resolve that this man before him showed.

  “Then you and your family will suffer the worst deaths imaginable.” he added in a terrifying voice.

  Tallonus tried to lash out with his feet; he just missed the wizard who jumped back quickly

  “You barter with what you don’t have wizard, we are already dead.”

  Grarlin smiled again and then raised his hand, for the next hour he used all of his magical powers and every conceivable means to torture Tallonus, he boiled his blood, he severed his hands, his eyes were ripped from his skull, he was flogged, cut, branded yet still Tallonus barely alive resisted him.

  “I am a Zachanian.” was the only answer he gave, over and over again.

  Grarlin grew more and more frustrated by the moment, he realised that Tallonus would soon be dead and in a last cry attempt he sent a guard to bring one of Tallonus’s sons.

  Tols was dragged into the room and thrown at his father’s feet; the boy broke down when he saw his father.

  “Tols, Tols it’s alright son, be strong.” Tallonus cried now showing his emotion.

  Grarlin suddenly grabbed the boy and forced him to kneel before him; he produced a sword and held it at the boy’s neck.

  “Tallonus! Tell me what I want or I shall sever his head.” screamed the exhausted wizard

  “Father.” Tols, cried in fear.

  Tallonus barely awake raised his head; he swallowed hard and used all of his strength just to speak.

  “Be strong my beautiful son, we will soon be together with the gods.” he cried in agony.

  As he finished talking he heard the swishing sound of the sword and then a thudding noise as something hit the ground, Tallonus screamed “NO!!!”

  Grarlin picked up the boy’s head and pushed it into the face of Tallonus, warm blood dripped on Tallonus’s chest.

  “You can still save your wife and other child, tell me where Talon is?” Grarlin screamed and then threw the head across the room.

  Tallonus choked as he retched, physically he felt every last ounce of strength drain from his body

  “Will you spare my wife and son?” he sighed delirious.

  “They have no importance in this, its Talon that I seek.”

  “Will you swear that they live.” Tallonus sighed.

  “They will live out their lives in a dungeon but they will not be slayed.” replied Grarlin as he grabbed Tallonus’s face and lifted his head, Tallonus nodded his head slightly.

  “That’s it Zachanian, there is no shame in saving the lives of the ones you love, now tell me where is your father?”

  Tallonus coughed out some blood that was in his mouth

  “He left years ago; I know not where he is.”

  “We made a deal Zachanian!” snapped Grarlin angered by his reply.

  “Where is he!” he shouted.

  “I can’t be sure but I would guess he would be in Zanlia, he has friends there.”

  “Good, now tell me of your son Talon.”

  “He joined the guard; I have not seen him since.”

  “Does Talon know that he is Zachanian?”


  Grarlin noticed that Tallonus was drifting in and out of consciousness, the intense pain he was in and the exhaustion had brought him to the brink of death, Grarlin grabbed his face again as if to wake him.

  “Concentrate man, did Talon know of his heritage.”

  “No, no, he joined the guard.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Grarlin slapped him hard.

  “Where would he go?”

  Tallonus coughed before slumping, Grarlin lifted his head again and then let it go it just slumped onto his chest.

  “Tallonus, Tallonus” the wizard called.

  “Tallonus, Tallonus” he repeated trying to wake him, he slapped him again and again before realising that Tallonus had nothing left, he was dying, frustrated Grarlin forcefully pushed his head against the wall before turning back to face his fellow wizards.

  “He can tell us no more.”

  “Then it seems that Talon is unaware of his roots” replied a fellow wizard.

  “That may not be true, something has made him flee the Empire” replied Grarlin.

  The three other wizards walked closer to Tallonus, one of them grabbed his face as if looking to see if there was any life left in him.

  “Never have I seen anyone resist such pain, there is more than meets the eye here Grarlin.” he said.

  “His strength was not that of a man, it was as if he had the mind of a wizard.” he added.

  “There is nothing left here” Grarlin suddenly added as he handed one of the wizards a sword.

  “Take his head.” he ordered him.

  “What of his wife and other son?” another wizard asked.

  Grarlin paused a moment.

  “Have Krustov ready them for travel, they will accompany us to the Palace lands, they may have use as time goes by.”

  Chapter 9

  Broken and ravaged with grief, Talon wandered aimlessly into the wilderness of the west, he knew from his days in the army the west was the safest haven for him. He would head for the coast to the quietness of the coastal towns, towns that were scattered along the west where only fishermen, pilgrims and monks lived.

  After a few days in the wilderness he reached the fabled forest of Deceit, the forest was surrounded by legends where the Empire and the civilians of Kratos both never ventured within, Talon remembered the stories that he heard about the forest and how beasts roamed the region and tore anyone who trespassed into the forest apart.

  Legend said that the beasts lived there in vast numbers, scavenging anything for food, never coming from the forest
but waiting alertly for anyone foolish enough to wander too close.

  Around the forest was open countryside, flat arid land where a man could be spotted from miles away, eager to avoid any passing military patrol Talon decided to walk closely to the forest, he would have to keep his eyes open for both beast and the Empire but this seemed the safest option for him.

  He knew from his days in the Empire and the studying of maps that it would take him two days to pass the forest until he reached the camouflage of the hills, Talon could not help feeling tense as he neared the dense woodlands, he noticed how eerie it felt, almost sinister.

  Looking inside he could barely see ten yards within, he consciously noticed that he could hear no birds; this made him walk a few more yards away.

  The forest looked black inside “only evil can live in such a place” he mouthed quietly to himself.

  After walking for a few hours his concentration was suddenly interrupted by the sound of horses, turning over his shoulder he saw that it was an Imperial patrol, instinctively Talon threw himself to the ground and crawled swiftly into the bushes at the beginning of the forest, slowly he lifted his head in the direction of the sound where he saw around twenty horsemen galloping furiously around the forest, he wondered if they were a passing patrol or if they were searching for him, wisely he decided it best to remain out of sight.

  After what seemed like an age Talon sighed with relief as the soldiers passed, relaxing he rose to his knees, then suddenly he heard a loud crack!, Talon paused briefly before turning quickly towards the forest where the loud noise came from, rising to his feet his first thought was that someone was there, he anxiously eyed the forest looking for any movement, then crack, a second sound was heard only this time it seemed closer.

  This time the sound was more clear, it was definitely the sound of twigs being broken underfoot, Talon froze and readied himself, he reached for dagger to prepare against any swift attack “something is there, I can sense it, I am being approached” he thought.


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