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Zachania Page 18

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  The Lord Monk gazed at Talon his mind was now challenged, Talon wears the crest of Apollo but before him now the Lord Monk sensed that a harbinger of death was standing before him.

  “I sense that this time of change will bring pain and death.”

  Before Talon replied he found himself thinking about the death of his family.

  “Some of us already live in that age.” he answered quietly.

  “Come.” added Talon tapping the monks arm “let’s not speak of war; I have many things to ask you.”

  Later that day the two men sat in the temple gardens Talon made small talk about the gardens and weather before getting down to his needs.

  “I must ask some favours from you holy one, I will need a boat.”

  “This is difficult all the ports are under the army’s control there are very strict regulations on who is allowed to sail now.”

  “I need small boat is there anyone who could sell me one.”

  The Lord Monk thought silently before answering,

  “I can take you to a boat maker but I cannot give you any certainty that he will not inform the soldiers of your enquiry.”

  Talon grimaced, as he did not want any attention.

  “This would not be a good idea holy one, what I am doing here must not be known.”

  The Lord Monk gazed around the gardens for a moment.

  “How big do you need this boat?”

  “Ten foot, with one sail.”

  “Um maybe we could build it here for you.”

  “Do you have the material?”

  “Look around we have plenty of wooden buildings, it’s difficult but I feel we could do it.”

  Talon smiled.

  “Then that is what we shall do.”

  “Very well.” nodded the Lord Monk “I will comply with your wishes; your boat will be built here.”

  “How many days will this take?”

  “Ten days at most.”

  And so went about the making of Talons boat, the monks worked day and night with Talon helping them to design it and by the end of the week the boat was completed.

  It was a small boat with two sails and two rowing oars with a small roof at one end to shield Talon from the weather.

  During the last week Talon spent his time solely at the temple amidst many debates and conversations with the Lord Monk who informed Talon that he was at his disposal but he would not involve himself or the temple in anything that led to someone’s death.

  The two men grew towards each other and Talon felt slightly sorry for the Lord monk who’s loyalty was to the gods but he now felt burdened of the knowledge that time of change or war as he refused to call it by any other name was fast approaching.

  Talon tried many times to reassure him that what is being done is Apollo’s wishes but the old Lord monk preferred not to know any details, he said that he would continue as he had lived and help anybody who asked for the help of the Pangkor, he reiterated that he would keep Talon’s existence a secret but anyone who banged on his gates he would assist.

  So Talon’s journey to Zachania was now a foot, the boat was made and all the waiting was over, Talon would wait for the cover of nightfall for the monks to carry the boat to secret cove from where he would say his goodbyes and head out to sea.

  Chapter 12


  A cool breeze brushed Talon’s face as he silently rowed out to sea; he headed west hugging the coast for all the night and next day carefully studying his maps until he came across a small deserted island when he knew he was heading in the right direction.

  He checked his supply of water before deciding he had enough to get to the next island on the map.

  The second island would only take a few hours to reach so he raised his sail and set forth; in the scrolls left for him by Apollo he was told that the second island was a paradise rich in fruit and fresh water.

  When he reached the island Talon pulled the boat onto the shore and wandered inland till he reached the shelter of some trees, dawn was fast approaching so Talon laid down for some well-deserved rest.

  The hot morning sun woke Talon where he wandered further inland to find the fresh water lagoon Apollo had wrote about, it didn’t take him long to find it where he undressed and dived into its cool waters.

  Talon relaxed for a couple of hours before taking supplies of fresh water and fruit and then making his way back to his boat, Talon laid down his supplies and then picked up the map, he sat studying it where he would have to find a third and final island before reaching Zachania.

  Talon sailed all day reaching the third island just as dusk was approaching; he pulled his boat onshore and got himself a good night sleep.

  Talon woke at dawn feeling refreshed with an air of excitement about him, Zachania was now only a short sail across the open sea, he pushed the boat back into the water and set sail after a short while Talon got his first look at the fabled land, he stood up and gazed feeling slightly in awe.

  “Zachania” he whispered as the enormous cliffs rose on the horizon.

  Eagerness now set in and Talon began rowing hard, his eyes stayed fixed before him as this enormous land mass grew closer, his mind began to wander as he thought of his Grandfather

  “Is he here, will I find him, is anybody here?” he thought to himself.

  As Talon drew closer he felt overwhelmed at the enormous cliffs before him.

  “Such a magnificent land could only spawn great men and heroes” he found himself thinking.

  Talon pulled out his map and adjusted his course to the point of the map which was highlighted, he found a jagged rock which was drawn on his map so he headed for it, he rowed faster and faster thanking the sea that it was such a calm day and within a couple of hours Talon was touching the cliffs of Zachania.

  The cliffs rose from the bottom of the ocean high into the sky and Talon sighed as he touched them; strangely he felt a warmth flow through him as his hand touched the rock

  “I’m home.” Talon said.

  Still feeling in awe Talon sat back down in his boat, his map told him to sail to this point and search for an engraving set into the rock, the engraving was a skeleton where a tunnel was hid ten feet below the water.

  Slowly Talon rowed along the rocks until he found the engraving, he gathered his maps and scrolls and fastened his sword before lowering himself into the sea, one large gasp of air and Talon submerged. He swam below the surface till he found a large hole, hastily he swam inside and began pulling himself along its walls, he began to feel anxious as he was fast reaching the point where he could not hold his breath any longer, he swam more frantically until finally just as he was about to pass out he suddenly felt the sides of the tunnel widen and realised he was out of the tunnel, quickly he rose from the water and gasped loudly for breath.

  He was in total darkness as he fumbled his way to the rocks where he collapsed breathing heavily trying to fill his lungs.

  Once Talon had regained his breath he tried to compose himself, he was in complete darkness as he tried to fumble around.

  Talon sat back down knowing that this was useless he would need fire to find his way, he reached into his bag and found two flints but everything was soaking wet so he waited till he dried before ripping some material from his clothes, he then grabbed a hand of straw and wood shavings which had now dried out and began striking the flints against I each other until finally the straw ignited and Talon lit the material.

  Talon gazed up as the flame revealed that he was in an enormous cavern, he looked around noticing a fire torch so quickly he went over and lit it, then he began to explore.

  There was bits of wood and clothes everywhere this was obviously a well-used smugglers route, he walked along the cavern till he found a small tunnel where stones had been carved out, keenly he climbed the stairs and after an hour of arduous climbing he spotted light in the distance, Talon doubled his pace, he felt excited but he also felt that he had enough of this cave.

  Fresh ai
r filled Talon’s nostrils as he burst into the sunlight, he rested one arm against the rocks as he gazed down from the side of the mountain into the beautiful lush valley below, it was a paradise with waterfalls everywhere.

  The valley was filled with trees, and green grass covered everywhere “no wonder my Grandfather spoke with such pride, Zachania is magnificent” sighed Talon.

  Talon then made his way down the mountain and into the valley; the smell of the enormous pines filled his nose as he enjoyed the view. He reached a waterfall where he reached in and cupped some water and as he drank it he began to feel the strange warm feeling he felt before when he touched the cliffs, only this time it was stronger it filled his entire being with a feeling of confidence, almost a sense of invulnerability.

  Talon walked along the wilderness for a couple of hours until he reached a road when he decided he would follow it, I didn’t take very long before his attention was drawn to a noise behind him so he turned to see it was a horse drawn cart with two men steering it.

  As the horse drew closer Talon found himself feeling totally at ease with the strangers approaching, it was in stark contrast to how he had been feeling for the last few months in Kratos where every stranger had to be treated with caution, Talon made a mental note of how at ease he felt it was like a massive burden, the burden of a hunted man had been lifted from him.

  “Hello stranger can we offer you a ride.” said one of the men smiling.

  “Thank you that would be very kind of you.”

  “Nonsense jump in.”

  Talon jumped onto the back of the cart where he sat down on the hay.

  “Where are you going to?” asked the second man in a friendly tone sounding more as a topic of conversation rather than an intrusion.

  “I …. I …I am going to Zachra” replied Talon a bit hesitant as he remembered the town’s name and hoping he pronounced it correct.

  “Good so are we, do you live there?”

  Talon suddenly felt a bit wary as his habit of being allusive resurfaced, he did not want to get into a long conversation about a town he knew nothing about.

  “No I am from Zabac.” replied Talon hoping that the man would not know too much that place.

  “Zabac! You’re a long way from home my friend.”

  Talon smiled and nodded.

  “Are you from Zachra?”

  “God, No! I wouldn’t live there we are from Zula we are delivering our goods to the King.” replied the man sounding more pride in his hometown Zula rather than sounding distasteful to Zachra.

  “A King!” Talon suddenly thought “I never thought there would be a King, I must seek this King out.” Talon silently thought to himself.

  “Are you friends with the King?” Talon suddenly said.

  The stranger turned around abruptly slightly bemused at Talon’s question.

  “Everyone is friends with the King.”

  Then the other stranger turned and interrupted his companion.

  “No he means do we know him personally.”

  The other man smiled and then relaxed his voice.

  “Yes we know him very well, we are one of his merchants, one of the biggest merchants of Zac in all of Zachania, we grow it just for him just the way he likes it.” he replied as he pointed to the back of the cart where there was dozens of rolled up bails of weeds.

  Talon gazed over his shoulder and picked up a bit of the weed that had loosened from a bale; he smelt it and noticed its strong almost overwhelming smell.

  “Careful stranger you won’t find any stronger Zac anywhere.” said the man driving the cart smiling in a boastful tone to his voice.

  Talon then decided it would be best if he did not get too involved in conversation so he told the merchants he was tired and if they didn’t mind he would lay back and get some rest, the men said of course so Talon laid back and gazed up into the sky as the cart rode through the countryside.

  As he laid back he again smelt the Zac, now his attention had been drawn to it he found the smell overwhelming he had never heard of Zac before but it reminded him of an outlawed substance in Kratos called Lurchon, an intoxicating substance which people smoked which had a devastating effect of intoxication.

  Talon rested his head onto the side of the cart as he tried to take in all the scenery, he was surprised at everything, for a land that was secret or was said not to exist it was flourishing there were people and houses everywhere and countless people working in the fields that the cart rode by.

  They reached Zachra just as dusk was falling, Talon was now sitting up taking everything in, the splendour of this town took his breath away, not since the Palace lands had Talon seen such a vast civilisation, he looked at the dwellings and saw that were designed like nothing he had ever seen before, then in the distance high up on a hill he caught his first glimpse of the Palace.

  It was huge and so splendid it took Talons breath away, it was not as large as the emperor’s Palace in the Palace lands but it was close.

  When the merchants reached their destination Talon gave his thanks and said his goodbyes, he jumped from the cart and walked along the heaving streets until he found a tavern.

  Talon entered then put his bag down by a table and ordered an ale

  “Would that be a berry ale or Zac ale sir?” said the landlord.

  “Berry will be fine” replied Talon as he received his drink and paid the landlord with some Krasos, the coins of Kratos.

  “Krasos! I will have to charge you the going rate.” the landlord added because he would have to exchange them for Zachanian currency ‘Cromas’ with one of the many smugglers. Talon just nodded and then sat down where he sipped the cold drink and it tasted good, he looked around the tavern trying not to stare, he noticed that most of the people looked drunk or very relaxed, they were happy and laughing and he noticed that many of them were smoking strange looking pipes, Talon noted their faces as they exhaled the smoke, they were intoxicated.

  Suddenly the man sitting opposite poked Talon’s knee, he was very drunk looking

  “I see you have a sword with you are you in the Kings guard.”

  “No sir I am not.”

  “Then you must be in the Zachanian army.”

  “Sorry sir I am neither.” replied Talon.

  The stranger then took another drag on his pipe and coughed out loudly as he exhaled the smoke causing spit to drip onto his beard.

  “ar I love Zac.” he sighed laughing.

  Talon turned away feeling a bit sickened by this fool in front of him.

  “So you’re a gladiator?” the stranger then blurted out amidst coughs.

  Talons concentration suddenly returned to the stranger.

  “A gladiator!” Talon said alertly.

  “Yes from down the street, I won’t be upsetting you.” replied the drunken man laughing again.

  Talon stood up immediately because he knew that if his Grandfather was alive and in Zachania then it would certain that he would be with his first love the gladiator’s, Talon grabbed his bag and swiftly left the tavern.

  After asking directions Talon ran towards the school when he reached it he heard that familiar sound of men training, Talon looked around frantically trying to see his Grandfather. He gazed intently at every man but he could not see him then just as his excitement was ebbing he heard a door open and a stout oldish man exit.

  “And make sure this place is clean by my return!” he heard the man shout.

  Talon immediately recognised the voice and dropped his bag as he stood frozen to the spot, just staring at the man walking towards him, Talon’s Grandfather caught Talon’s eye then looked away before suddenly returning his gaze, his mouth dropped open it had been years since he last saw Talon but something told him who he was looking at.

  “TALON” he sighed as if looking at a ghost.

  “Grandfather.” replied Talon now with a tear welling in his eye.

  “IS IT YOU!”

  “It is me Grandfather.” replied Talon j
ust as his Grandfather picked him up and hugged him.

  “MY GRANDSON!” he shouted proudly as he held him tightly.

  “I found you, by the god’s I found you.” Talon shouted back at him.

  The two men just held each other as the years apart had meant so much to both of them, Talon then buried his head on his Grandfather’s shoulder as he lost control trying to hold back his tears of joy.

  “I have missed you so much Grandfather.”

  “You are with me now, you are with me now Talon.” he replied hugging the back of Talon’s head.

  They both hugged each other before Talon’s Grandfather led him into the door he had just come from and poured Talon a cup of ale, they sat silent for a moment just staring at each other both in disbelief and happiness.

  “You have grown into a fine man Talon.”

  Talon smiled slightly before rubbing his forehead, he would have to tell his Grandfather what had happened to their family but he choked as it was not easy to say, he grabbed his Grandfather’s hand and looked him in the eye.

  “Grandfather…………father is dead, they are all dead………murdered by the Empire”


  “They’re gone Grandfather there was nothing I could do.”

  Talons Grandfather Zalon suddenly rose to his feet, he walked away holding his head before returning to sit next to Talon.

  “Tallonus my son dead, MY FAMILY!” he shouted now angry as he threw his cup against the wall before jumping to his feet again and kicking a table high into the air.

  “TALLONUS!” he screamed in grief as he picked up a wooden chair and slammed it against the door shattering it into pieces.



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