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Zachania Page 22

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  The wizard Zumal had stayed silent just studying the young man before him and as the council wondered why Talon would wish to speak with Korvak, Zumal walked closer where he circled Talon looking him up and down, Talon noticed this and turned towards him

  “Do I interest you wizard?” Talon said quietly.

  “Yes you do I have not seen this garb for hundreds of years, why do you wear it?”

  “I dress the same as my ancestors.”

  Zumal resumed his examination of Talon as the council looked on intently then swiftly the wizard reached into his garments and produced a crystal which he pointed at Talon.

  “Your truth crystal will not work on me.” Talon calmly said moving towards him looking casual and full of confidence, Zumal straightened his arm as if trying to touch Talon with it, as Talon opened his arms offering the wizard to try.

  Zumal walked closer and held the crystal just a few inches from Talon’s face, soon the wizard began to strain as Talon half smiled at him, Zumal strained harder gritting his teeth as he tried to pull the thoughts from Talon’s head but Talon easily pulled his thoughts back again. Zumal now grabbed the crystal with both hands and began to shake; the old wizard’s hair fell into his face as his arms shook violently.

  Prince Arun and the rest of the council were looking on in disbelief then as the wizards breathing became heavy, Talon suddenly growled and thrust himself forward and the wizard shot backwards dropping the crystal and colliding into the table and two other wizards exhausted with a look of terror on his face.

  Prince Arun turned angrily at Talon.

  “WHO ARE YOU!” he shouted.

  Zumal having been helped to his feet grabbed the Prince’s arm and slowly spoke between gasps of air.

  “I saw Apollo. I saw the face of Apollo!” he sighed still looking terrified.

  “Apollo!” replied the Prince now looking startled as well.

  Talon sensing the moment pulled his sword from his sheath and raised it above his head

  “Behold! …The sword of Apollo!”

  Some of the council members who were not already standing suddenly rose as they looked on speechless full of shock and awe, Prince Arun looked to his wizard for some support or for something to say but Zumal was transfixed just staring at Talon.

  “Zumal.” the Prince said nudging him.

  “ZUMAL!” added the Prince louder “Zumal could he be the one.”

  Wiping his hair away from his eyes the wizard paused for a moment.

  “He could be sire, I am not sure.” he answered quietly.

  Unhurriedly Prince Arun moved towards Talon.

  “If you are the one, the Zararhakzar then you have my obedience.”

  Bolson Heikan who was standing nearby looked like he had made up his mind as he moved towards Talon.

  “I have seen all I need to see, never have I seen a wizard humbled in such a way, whoever you are…….. You are significant.”

  As Lord Heikan finished Talon’s Grandfather stepped forward and pulled out the scroll Apollo had wrote and placed it on the table besides the wizards.

  The Prince now with his clarity of thought returning pleaded to Talon.

  “We have seen what you can do, but will you allow my wizard to observe you with the truth crystal.”

  Talon thought silently for a moment before facing the council.

  “If the council wishes this then I will comply.”

  So once again Zumal stepped forward and raised his arm holding the crystal, this time the wizard did not shake as Talon allowed him to read his thoughts then as suddenly as the experiment began it ended with Zumal lowering his arm and bowing his head as if paying reverence to Talon.

  Prince Arun stiffened as looked at his wizard’s actions.

  “The Zararhakzar” Arun sighed before walking over to kiss Talon’s hand.

  “THE ZARARHAKZAR!” Arun shouted now looking elated.

  Heikan quickly followed his Prince and kissed the back of Talon’s hand before offering the other heads of family to do likewise.

  “Zachania has waited centuries for you.” Heikan said.

  As the room broke into jubilation and congratulations, Zumal discreetly pulled Prince Arun to the side.

  “Sire we have traitors in our midst.”


  “I saw it in Talon’s mind, he knows who they are.”

  “Are you certain of this Zumal?”

  “He is sire.”

  “Then I will ask him what he knows.”


  “Yes sire.”

  “Is it true that there are traitors among us?” Arun suddenly asked causing the room to fall silent as the council swiftly paid attention.

  “Yes my Prince.” Talon then paused as looked around the room.

  “Which one of you is Korvak?” he added.

  “Korvak.” Lord Tanaga sighed shocked.

  “Korvak was expelled from the council tonight, why do you ask of Korvak, is he the traitor?” Prince Arun answered.

  “The traitors I speak of are Korvak’s wizards, the Zanlian wizards they betrayed our ancestors, they betrayed us to the Empire during the war.”

  “How do you know this?” arum asked startled.

  “That scroll on the table, it is Apollo’s dying words, read it.”

  Zumal grabbed the scroll and buried his head into it then he handed it to Lord Heikan before turning to the Prince.

  “It is true my liege, all this time and we never knew I feel I have failed you Prince.”

  “Nonsense Zumal, what shall we do.” added the Prince turning to Talon.

  “They die!” replied Talon.

  “I’ll kill them with my bare hands.” Heikan added.

  Prince Arun then interrupted.

  “Zac!” he said.

  Talon looked at him.

  “Zac, it was Korvak’s wizards who brought Zac to Zachania, this is why you burned the fields Talon.”

  “The Zac they brought was a poison, intended to kill you, you have been dying from it ever since”

  “Damn the Zac, Zachania will be better without it.” replied the Prince as he thought of his father the Kings addiction for it.

  Valsa the Kings other wizard then stepped forward remembering an ancient scripture written in the holy book of ZARZAR

  “Talon if you truly are the Zararhakzar then there is something you must do before you lead us into battle.”

  Prince Arun looked up and encouraged Valsa to explain more.

  “In the scriptures it is said that the Zararhakzar will walk hand in hand with the Jasufika, the Jasufika is Ganasis.”

  “Who is Ganasis?”

  “He is the oldest wizard in Zachania, he was also Apollo’s personal confident and wizard, he saved Zachania many times.” added Heikan.

  “But he is dead.” said Lord Zargar.

  “No he is not dead, it is said that he lives far in the west, past the western mountains and the Zachanian mists.” added Valsa.

  “It is said?” replied Arun.

  “Ganasis has not been heard of since the wars, centuries ago.” added Heikan.

  Zumal then replied,

  “Yes Ganasis disappeared centuries ago, just after the Great War; we have tried many times to find him. Many men have left and not returned but I have heard people saying he has been seen, I do not believe he is dead, I would have felt it, Talon! Will you look for him?”

  “Do we need him?” answered Talon.

  “Only Ganasis can match the Emperor’s wizards.”

  “Then if he lives I will find him.”

  The council and Talon talked into the early hours where it was decided that Talon would travel west to find Ganasis and the Prince and Lord Heikan would take care of the Korvak’s wizards.

  Talon stayed at the Palace for three days where he and Prince Arun became inseparable, spending hours talking about the future. Then one day when Talon was meditating in the royal gardens his concentration was suddenly broken by the so
und of footsteps and giggles so he quickly turned around to see the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

  “You must be Talon.” replied a voice so soft it sent shivers down Talon’s back

  “Yes, who are you?”

  “My name is Su-Maria, I am Arun’s sister and my brother doesn’t stop talking about you.”

  Talon looked up at Su-Maria and deeply into her green eyes that shined with innocence and glistened more fantastic then the finest green emeralds.

  “You’re beautiful!” Talon just said.

  The Princess began to blush as she rose up her hands to her face feeling embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry but I must rush my father awaits me.”

  Talon stood up and called out to the Princess as she walked away.

  “Can we speak again?”

  Su-Maria turned and smiled but spoke no words and for the rest of the afternoon Talon sat enjoying the sunshine just thinking of the Princess.

  The following day just after dawn Talon, his Grandfather and the Prince walked towards the Palace stables where Graval and two of his gladiator’s, Neo and Golia were waiting with a horse for Talon.

  “I should come with you Talon.” Zalon said as Talon climbed on the horse.

  “Riding through the mountains of the west is a journey for the young my friend.” Prince Arun said jest fully but sincerely to Zalon.

  “I shall see you soon Grandfather.”

  “The young! I could you ride you all into the ground.”

  “Grandfather I need you here, Korvak’s wizards must be slain and the Prince needs you” added Talon looking over at Arun.

  “Farewell Zararhakzar…may the gods return you safely to us.” added the Prince.

  The Prince and Talons Grandfather watched as the men rode off into the distance, both their faces shared the same anxiety.

  “We could lose him Zalon, his quest has many dangers.”

  “Ha!, he’ll be back.” replied Zalon to reassure the Prince and himself.

  Prince Arun turned and ushered Zalon to follow.

  “Come we have much to do.”

  “Are we going to Korvak’s castle?”

  “Not now, first we go to the border and then we will deal with Korvak.”

  It took Talon two days to cross the fabled Zachanian Mountains, he had been given maps of the secret routes but still the journey was painstakingly arduous. The men were all feeling the pace but they decided not to rest until they reached the western town of Zabac, the town under the control of the house of Zargar.

  When they reached the outskirts of the town Talon noticed that Graval was being troubled by something.

  “Graval you look like you have something on your mind, will you share it with me?”

  Graval suddenly snapped out of his thoughts.

  “It’s the mists Talon! They trouble me; no one has ever entered them and lived.”

  “Ganasis did!” replied Talon.

  “Ganasis was a wizard Talon, he had his magic to guide him and anyway we do not know that he is alive.”

  “Zumal senses that Ganasis lives Graval, and so do I, anyway you’re not frightened are you?” Talon replied changing his voice to a playful mock.

  Graval spun his head around slightly angered at Talon’s jest.

  “I am afraid of nothing!” he said proudly and with a definite tone to his voice.

  Talon laughed as Graval then realised he was being played with so along with the other men he broke into laughter.

  “It’s not the mists Talon, it’s the unknown, if I was going into battle then I know what to expect and how to prepare myself and make no mistake I would gladly die fighting by your side, but this is different, It is the not knowing what is waiting for us.” Graval added once the laughing died down.

  “Look there’s the castle.” Talon said pointing.

  “We’ll get some food and rest we all need a sleep.” added Talon realising that the journey and lack of rest was playing with the men’s minds.

  Upon reaching the castle they were welcomed and treated to a full table of food, Makros Zargar had left strict orders for his men to see that Talon received whatever he wanted and that he would join him later that evening. Talon and his men feasted on chicken and soup with freshly made bread and some of the finest ale in Zachania

  Talons gladiator Golia was a big man nearly twice as heavy as most men but even he filled himself till he could eat no more.

  “Talon if I die tomorrow then it would have been worth it just to eat this feast.” he said rubbing his belly.

  The four men laughed until they were interrupted by the sound of fast marching footsteps, Graval put down his jug of ale and quickly pulled his sword readying himself for whoever was marching towards them.

  “Relax Graval we are Zargar’s guests” Talon said grabbing the gladiators arm.

  Graval shrugged off Talon and stood in front of him.

  “Forgive me Talon but I am sworn to protect you.”

  Four senior looking soldiers then entered the room and Graval pointed his sword at them and shouted a demand.

  “Make yourself known before you approach any further!”

  The soldiers stopped dead in their tracks looking surprised as Macros Zargar dressed regally in his family’s uniform walked out into view from behind them.

  “I am Makros Zargar and you are my guests!” he said looking slightly angered at Graval’s posture.

  “Where is the Zararhakzar?” Zargar added strongly.

  “It’s ok Graval.”

  Talon said pulling Graval to the side to reveal himself.

  “It’s good to see you again Lord Zargar.” Talon said smiling as he walked towards Zargar and greeted him with an embrace.

  “You honour my castle Talon.” replied Zargar before both men sat down and Zargar poured some more ale.

  “How was your journey?”

  “Tiring but we made good time.”

  “Did you enjoy the food; I left orders to feed you the finest stocks we have.”

  “Lord Zargar your hospitality has been immense; my friends will be talking about this feast for many years.”

  “Good!” Zargar replied pleased with himself.

  Talon then poured himself another jug of ale before turning to Zargar more serious,

  “Lord Zargar tell me more of the mists, I have heard of the myths but is it true that you can spit and before the spit reaches the ground it will turn to ice.”

  “The mists, I am afraid I cannot be too much help Talon, yes they have always been there, it never moves both day and night it sits over the landscape like a blanket of death, it is so dense that once you are within then you cannot see your hand in front of your face and the cold is like nothing you could imagine.”

  “Have you ever been inside the mist Lord?”

  “Once a long time ago, but we had to turn back after a short while.”

  “Why?” interrupted Talon.

  “It was so cold it froze our horses.”

  Talon sat back as a feeling of dread crept upon him as he realised just how difficult penetrating the mists was going to be.

  “Are you having second thoughts?” Zargar added noticing the concern in Talon’s face

  “No Lord Zargar, second thoughts are for women and children, I just didn’t realise how impregnable the mists actually were.”

  “I do not envy your task my friend.”

  “Cold you say, then I will need supplies of furs.”

  “Whatever you need.”

  Lord Zargar then asked Talon to join him at the other side of the room away from his friend’s ears.

  “Talon why are you going yourself, why not send your men.”

  “The prophecy Zargar.”

  “The prophecy says the Zararhakzar walks hand in hand with Ganasis but it doesn’t say you have to find him.”

  Talon shook his head.

  “No Zargar it must be me, I will not send a man to endure something that I am not prepared to do myself, anyway I
am confident in my strengths and if a am to be called the Zararhakzar then adversity is going to be my companion for a very long time.”

  Lord Zargar looked deeply into Talons face and noticed his conviction and strength.

  “You must be the one” Zargar silently thought to his self.

  “That we will have to see” Talon suddenly snapped reading Zargar’s thoughts and causing the Lord to lean back in shock.

  “How did you know what I was thinking?” replied Zargar still amazed.

  Talon smiled before raising his jug of ale to his lips and took another sip.

  “It’s just a family trick.” he added.

  Suddenly Zargar felt a strange unease.

  “Do not worry my Lord I will not delve into your thoughts any more.” added Talon warmly.

  Zargar sighed deeply still astounded at what Talon had just done.

  “I did not realise your ability Talon, it is unnerving that a man can reach into another’s secret thoughts and read them as if they were spoken.”

  “Lord Zargar I apologise if you have been offended but I see you are a true and honest man and that needs no apology.”

  “Come now my Lord, lets enjoy the rest of this ale, tonight I am warm and comfortable I doubt I will feel the same tomorrow” added Talon smiling reminding the Lord of the mists he will set forth for in the morning.

  Back in the royal town of Zachra Prince Arun and Talon’s Grandfather Zalon was busy arranging for more soldiers to travel to the border with Kratos for fear of the Empire invading Zachania.

  The Prince was instructing his loyal General Pelkan,

  “I want you to take this letter to General Kosh and assist him sending fifty thousand soldiers to the border.”

  “Yes sire will you be coming to the border yourself.”

  “Not at the moment Pelkan, I have important things here that need my attention.”

  “Yes sire I will see to this immediately.”


  “What my liege.”

  “Take care my friend; there are many things that have yet to reveal themselves.”

  Once Pelkan left Zalon turned to the Prince.

  “I thought we were going to the border Prince.”

  “Pelkan is capable enough Zalon, anyway Korvak’s wizards need our full attention, that matter must be handled very delicately for if Korvak feels threatened then he may send his army against us.”


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