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Zachania Page 25

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “No! But I have thought of the consequences if we don’t.”

  “It could lead to civil war” added the Prince slightly patronising which caused Zumal to walk over and whisper in his ear.

  “Sire forgive me but Ganasis has much experience with these matters.”

  “And I don’t!” snapped back Arun causing Ganasis to turn sympathetically to him and then walk over where he knelt beside so as to speak quietly.

  “My Prince I knew your ancestors, I know the blood which flows through these veins” he said grabbing Arun’s arm.

  “Your kin were wise courageous warriors, and they were also blessed with good judgment, I see you have inherited this as you have not rushed in and attacked. This was the right decision, you have humbled yourself or injured yourself by taking this man’s impertinence and not reacting with fury, and for this I respect you but now we are all here and the game is at foot, it is now time Prince Arun for you to reach into your soul and the spirits of your ancestors and rouse the warrior within you.”

  Added Ganasis looking deeply into Arun’s eyes who in turn looked across at Zumal who nodded back showing that he agreed with Ganasis.

  “So be it, send news we attack at dawn.”

  “IT’S ABOUT BLOODY TIME!” Heikan roared jumping from his chair ready to leave the tent.

  “Lord Heikan!” Ganasis called out stopping him in his tracks.

  “Remind your men that it is Zachanian’s we fight tomorrow, quell their appetite for blood and make sure they show benevolence.”

  “If a man comes at me with an axe then I will kill him first before he injures me, that is the way of the battlefield.” replied Heikan.

  “In the morn I will weave a mist to hide our advance this way we can try to keep casualties to a minimum.” added Ganasis.

  “Heikan! It’s their surrender we seek not their blood” ordered the Prince as Heikan walked out the tent.

  Once Heikan had left Ganasis turned to speak with Zumal as Talon’s Grandfather poured some ale.

  “What of the border Zumal?”

  “So far the border is secure, we have doubled the strength of our armies there, we are being discreet but we are ready.”

  “Do you feel they will attack Prince Arun?” asked Ganasis turning to the Prince.

  “We can only go on what we have seen and heard and surely the Empire placing so many legions on our border can only mean they have one intention.”

  “What is the Kings say on these matters?” replied Ganasis which caused the Prince to hesitate for a moment.

  “The King is not well Ganasis; his mind is on other things.”

  Ganasis frowned deeply and gazed at all the other men in the room before returning a steely look back at the Prince.

  “Then he must abdicate!” snapped Ganasis.

  “I will not ask my father to do that.” replied Arun.

  Ganasis softened his scowl and replied in a softer tone of voice.

  “My dear Prince what will soon be upon us will change everything in Zachania. At the moment everything is quiet and there is excitement in the air, but believe me the atmosphere will change when thousands are slain and hundreds upon hundreds of Zachanian men are being butchered and injured at our border. There will be dissent amongst the wives and the children, there will be confusion and there will be panic and fear! Zachania must be led by a strong man, someone who will inspire his people, and someone who fights with his soldiers beside the Zararhakzar defending the rights of his subjects; if the King remains silent then by reputation he will hinder you. When people fear that the war is going against us and believe me at times this will happen, then they will seek the King, they will seek to undermine you, we cannot allow this to happen, if we are to win this war that we are about to fight, then Zachania must be cohesive.”

  The Prince looked long and hard at Ganasis knowing what he was listening to was right, his father the King had lost all of his will to live. Weakened from his addiction to Zac and now old and frail, he looked a very sorry example indeed but it was his father, and Arun loved him dearly. Hopefully the Prince thought now that the Zac was destroyed and the council was about to make a decree outlawing it, then maybe his father might regain his strength. But things were happening very quickly now and would Zachania have the time to wait. Prince Arun looked over towards Talon who was joking with his Grandfather sharing a jug of ale

  “I wish I had Talon’s strength.” the Prince said silently to himself.

  Chapter 16

  As the early morning sun shined over Heikan’s encampment Talon was woken by the sound of horses so he quickly leaned over and pushed his Grandfather to wake up.

  “Grandfather, wake Heikan has come for us.”

  Zalon yawned loudly then cursed the ale he had drunk till late into the night toasting his Grandson’s return.

  “Argh damn ale! Must get my head together; fetch me a pale of water Talon?”

  Talon did as his Grandfather asked and fetched him the water where Zalon poured the bucket over his head giving himself an instant tonic.

  “Is this day a good day Talon, or one we will wish to forget.”

  “The wizards must be slain Grandfather, there crimes cannot go unpunished.”

  “I know that son but Zachanian against Zachanian, it leaves a bad taste.”

  “Grandfather you called me son?”

  Zalon still wiping the water from his face and hair looked at Talon proudly.

  “You are my son, the son I always wanted and I want you to know that whatever happens today, fighting by your side will be the proudest day of my life.”

  Talon smiled back at his Grandfather and noted a softer side to him which the old gladiator seldom showed.

  “Come Grandfather today we begin, today we take our first step to freedom.”

  Outside the tent, soldiers were busy readying themselves, Talon and his Grandfather walked outside where horses were galloping across the lines taking different orders back and forth.

  In the next tent Prince Arun and Lord Heikan were already in discussion and the Prince welcomed them as they entered the tent.

  “Talon good you’re here we are just finalising a few details.”

  A soldier handed Talon a hot cup of soup and he joined the Prince and Heikan at the table.

  “Ganasis is preparing a mist spell, then Heikan will attack the entrance to the castle, I have five legions ready to attack the other walls as soon as it begins.” said the Prince proudly just as Ganasis entered the tent.

  “Talon you will ride with me and Heikan’s soldiers on the assault of the entrance, I want the sword of Apollo leading the attack.”

  Talon agreed with Ganasis with a nod.

  The men then left the tent where they put their weapons on and mounted their horse’s in preparation of the battle, Talon noticed Ganasis riding off heading for a nearby hill.

  “Ganasis leaves to weave his mist.” Zalon remarked.

  “He is quite a man Grandfather.”

  “From what I have seen so far I like! You can’t help be impressed by his directness.”

  Talon then turned his horse as Lord Heikan rode over with his trusted warrior Kinlan.

  “Are you ready Talon?”


  “Then ride by my side.”

  “With pride, Lord Heikan.”

  Talon and Heikan rode off followed by Zalon, Kinlan and Graval; they rode slowly through the soldiers as if parading themselves to the sounds of cheers and applause.

  Once they got the front, Lord Heikan signalled the advance toward Korvak’s castle, they would meet Ganasis at a previously prepared place and after a short while Heikan’s soldiers were primed waiting and ready just south of the castle with Prince Arun’s men waiting at the north. Heikan and Talon sat on their horses admiring the mist that Ganasis had conjured up

  “It’s perfect.” Heikan gleamed as Kinlan rode up to them.

  “My Lord, the Prince is in position and ready.”

ord Heikan turned his horse and looked at his warriors.

  “Sound the attack.”

  “LONG LIVE LORD HEIKAN!” Kinlan shouted as he dug his heels into his horse and ordered the soldiers into battle. Slowly and not making too much noise the army advanced, they rode at half pace towards the entrance to Korvak’s castle where they would destroy the large wooden gate with a tree that had been cut down so as to use as a battering ram.

  The first soldiers to reach the castle drew out there bows and began a volley of arrows over the walls into the castle; they could hear the shouts and confusion of Korvak’s men as they shouted that they being attacked.

  As Talon, Heikan and Ganasis reached the gate they were pleased to see that the soldiers were already ramming the gate with the tree. Talon and Heikan were ushered off of their horses and protected by soldiers carrying large shields as Korvak’s men were now on the walls fighting back and firing their arrows into the soldiers below.

  Heikan noticed that his men were taking casualties so he ran out of the protective blanket of shields to his men ramming the gate and grabbed a hold of the tree with them.

  “PUSH!” Heikan shouted as he strained with them.

  “Did you forget me?” Talon said as he joined on Heikan’s shoulder.

  Then there was aloud splintering noise as the gate shattered, Heikan’s men cheered as they gave it one more push and the gate broke in two. The soldiers ran into the castle led by Heikan and Talon where Talon saw a row of Korvak warriors waiting with their bows, thinking quick Talon pulled Heikan to the side where he found the shelter of a cart.

  In their keenness Heikan’s warriors ran straight into the volley of arrows, they fell in their dozens. There was a short pause as Heikan’s men now being led by Kinlan and Zalon prepared another assault only this time they entered with their shields held high to shield them from the arrows, but still Korvak’s men attacked and still Heikan’s men fell, but by now Kinlan had ordered everyone to attack and by sheer volume of warriors, they over ran the bowmen.

  Swords were drawn and Korvak’s soldiers were slain in all directions, Talon was fighting himself but he carefully tried to injure and not kill Korvak’s men.

  Talon and Heikan with a few warriors began making their way to the tower where they knew Lord Korvak and the wizards would be, as they approached it Talon noticed that Korvak’s men were beaten behind them and were laying down their arms in surrender. He then saw Prince Arun and his soldiers who had entered the castle from the north.

  “The battle is won.” Heikan beamed proudly to Talon.

  Lord Heikan’s men soon turned on the tower door where it was smashed off its hinges then Kinlan with a few warriors led the way into the tower followed by Talon and Heikan, there were a few guards still loyal to Korvak who tried to fight but Kinlan and his warriors killed them quickly and before long Kinlan smashed down the door where behind it hid Korvak, his two sons, and the wizards of Zanlia.

  “How dare you attack my castle!” Korvak shouted at Kinlan.

  “If I was you I’d plead for your life.” Kinlan replied just before Heikan entered through .where the smashed door once stood and pulled his man to the side.

  “HEIKAN! You treacherous leech!” Korvak shouted.

  Heikan pulled his sword and advanced menacingly towards his fellow Lord.

  “Heikan!” Talon shouted.

  Lord Heikan stopped in his tracks and frowned obviously disappointed that he was made to stop but he obeyed Talon’s order.

  Korvak looked confused as he saw Heikan being ordered by this stranger.

  “Who are you?” he said angrily.

  Graval who had now entered the room answered for Talon.

  “HE IS THE ZARARHAKZAR!” he shouted loudly and proudly.

  “You’re just a boy.” Korvak replied.

  Talon just smiled before looking over and snarling at the wizards who were cowering.

  “I have come for you wizards of Zanlia” he said with grit in his voice which made the wizards cower even more.

  “So you are responsible for this attack?” Korvak added only now pulling his sword

  Talon turned back to the Lord.

  “Are you so eager to die?” replied Talon looking at Korvak’s sword.

  “Then fight me man to man.” Korvak added but with no conviction in his voice.

  Graval walked forward to Talon’s shoulder.

  “Let me Talon.” he said.

  “No Graval this is my duty.” answered Talon as he pulled Graval back.

  Talon then advanced towards Lord Korvak where both men swords drawn circled each other.

  “I am going to cut out your heart.” Korvak said just before he swung wildly at Talon which Talon moved almost effortlessly out of the way of. Talon then swung his own sword which caught Korvak just above the elbow severing the Lords arm off, both sword and arm dropped to the ground as Korvak screamed in agony, Talon walked over and grabbed his hair and then raised his sword ready to strike.

  “Do you yield?” Talon shouted at him.

  Korvak was in too much pain to answer as he howled holding what was left of his arm trying to stop the blood which was gushing out, but from somewhere he found strength to rise to his feet where he spat at Talon.

  “Kill me!” he yelled in a defiant tone.

  Talon raised his sword above his head and was just about to strike when Ganasis entered the room and screamed at him.

  “TALON ,NO!”

  Talon stopped and backed away from the Lord who once again dropped to his knees howling in pain.

  “You do not want Korvak’s blood on your hands Talon.” added Ganasis placing a hand on Talon’s sword arm lowering it.

  The wizards of Zanlia seemed to freeze in fear as they saw Ganasis arrive; Ganasis felt their shock and fear and looked at them with a smile on his face.

  “I have waited a long time for this day.” he said.

  “Ganasis” one of them sighed as if in disbelief.

  “Yes Ganasis it is I, returned from that living hell you put me in and returned to see your doom.”

  As Ganasis finished talking Talon nodded at Kinlan who then with Graval grabbed hold of the wizards and forced them to their knees. Talon and Ganasis then walked over and stood in front of them.

  “Show them the sword.” Ganasis said to Talon who paraded the sword before them making them both wince in fear.

  “Now tell everyone what you told me all those years ago” Ganasis snapped.

  “Ganasis please show mercy.”

  “Mercy like you showed me, tell them all what you told me or Talon will bring his sword down upon your necks.”

  Both wizards knew that Ganasis wanted them to confess their crimes and they were not stupid enough to admit them as it would surely mark their deaths so they both bowed their heads and remained silent.

  Ganasis waited till he turned to Talon and nodded to him where Talon brought down his sword and thrust it into one of the wizard’s chest straight in the heart killing him immediately. The room fell into sighs at what they had just seen, the death of a wizard by the hands of a mortal, the remaining wizard cried out in fear at the sight of his companion falling to the floor.

  “Now speak wretched traitor, speak your crimes and maybe you will be spared, or you can join him on the cold stone floor.” yelled Ganasis.

  “Yes, yes I betrayed Apollo and Zachania, yes I did it.”

  Prince Arun who had entered the room silently and had been watching the proceedings suddenly ran forward and spat at the wizard.

  “TRAITOR!” the Prince shouted.

  Ganasis then moved forward and placed a hand upon the wizard’s head and began to read his thoughts then after a few moments Ganasis scowled and pushed the wizards head.

  “Zac! It was given to you by Grarlin, it was supposed to kill us, and together you conspired to kill every living Zachanian.”

  The Prince turned to Talon.

  “Zac” he murmured only for Talon to nod silently back to him

  Ganasis then turned to Talon and the Prince.

  “It is more dire than expected, this thing still speaks with Grarlin through crystals, the Empire will be aware of all this.”

  Ganasis then turned back to the wizard.

  “Is Grarlin aware of this attack.” he snapped.

  The wizard nodded saying that he was.

  “Then Grarlin will be disappointed when you can speak to him no more, kill this thing Talon!” Ganasis answered to him before turning to Talon.

  Talon raised his sword and quickly ended the wizard’s life.

  Kaan Korvak was still on the floor holding his severed arm in pain and was now being aided by his sons but he was shocked at what he had just heard and saw, Prince Arun walked slowly over to him and Korvak looked up fearing that he was also about to die.

  “Spare my sons.” he asked the Prince.

  “Korvak you violated the sanctity of the council and refused a request from royalty, your title of Lord is revoked and both you and your sons will accompany me to Zachra where you will be thrown in the dungeons for your crimes.”

  Graval and Kinlan then ordered some soldiers to take Korvak and his sons away.

  Prince Arun then walked over to Talon who was cleaning the blood from his sword

  “Talon I give you Korvak’s castle and all of his possessions.” he said placing his hand on Talon’s shoulder, Talon placed his hand on top of Arun’s hand and replied,

  “Sire I cannot accept.” he said softly.

  “Take it!” snapped Ganasis.

  Talon shook his head.

  “I decline let my Grandfather take it.”

  Prince Arun looked confused but complied with Talon’s wishes.

  “If that is what you wish Talon but why do you not want this yourself, you will become a Lord of one of the great families of Zachania.”

  Again Talon shook his head only this time he smiled.

  “My path will take me in a different direction sire, and I must give my loyalty to all Zachanian’s, having my own army will distance me from the other houses.”

  Prince Arun called over Zalon.

  “I decree that from this day forth the land of Zafra and the house of Korvak will be known as the house of Lord Zalon.”


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