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Zachania Page 34

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Ganasis grabbed his arm and made him face the valley again.

  “Don’t turn away Talon, confront it and find a way to accept it.”

  Slowly Talon sat down and faced the valley again and closed his eyes, he raised both hands up to his temples and soon he had a picture of the past enter his mind, he saw thousands of men screaming in agony as the Empire laughed and tortured them then suddenly Talon dropped his arms and opened his eyes.

  “I feel the Empire!” he snapped which shocked Ganasis who quickly joined Talon and looked in the direction that Talon was looking, Ganasis closed his eyes and concentrated

  “I can’t feel them Talon”

  “They are there.” added Talon

  Ganasis looked at Talon still shocked at what he was saying and confused at how Talon could feel them but he couldn’t.

  “How are you doing this Talon, how can your powers reach further than mine” he said fascinated and cautious.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Talon reaching out for the old man.

  Ganasis looked at Talon and studied his face.

  “Apollo has blessed you Talon; I can feel him so strongly in you.” Ganasis then paused,

  “There is greatness in you, now I know it” he added still looking but now with a look of awe in his eyes.

  “I hope so Ganasis, for all our sakes I hope so.”

  Ganasis then quickly rose and ushered Talon to join him as he made his way over to another hill where he quickly began climbing it. Talon looked on at the old wizard’s energy as he began to fall behind scrambling over the mountains rocky face.

  “Ganasis! Where do you find your energy from?” complained Talon.

  Ganasis turned and laughed at Talon struggling over the rocks.

  “Ha! You should have seen me a few hundred years ago, I could run the length of Zachania without drawing breath!” he boasted as Talon joined him and knelt down beside him breathless.

  “Well I am a mere mortal Ganasis and I get tired, and out of breath my friend” Talon joked back. Ganasis smiled and sat down next to Talon where he put an arm around him.

  “I’m sorry my friend but I am feeling excited at seeing the Talisman again.”

  Talon looked at Ganasis when he heard him say Talisman.

  “It’s up there.” added Ganasis pointing.

  “Close your eyes Talon and focus over there, can you feel it.”

  Talon did as Ganasis asked.

  “I can feel something Ganasis but I can’t explain it, it’s like a force which is beating like a heart.” Talon said opening his eyes again and making Ganasis smile.

  “I feel it too, the force is still strong, come I want to see it again.”

  Talon gave a slight smile and then rose with Ganasis.

  “Let us go.” Talon added excited by the thought of seeing the Talisman but not excited about struggling over more rocks. Once again Talon fell behind as Ganasis almost ran over the rocks and after a couple of hours of hard climbing Talon joined Ganasis on a ledge where he found the wizard smiling and cleaning the dirt of off the Talisman. As Talon reached him he noticed himself feeling warmth coming from the strange looking Talisman, Ganasis noticed Talon.

  “Can you feel it?” he asked smiling almost in a proud way.

  Talon knelt down next to him and held out his hand above it.

  “It’s like warmth coming from it.”

  “Yes.” Ganasis said before looking into the sky.

  “The power has not faded! Apollo your word was truthful.” he then shouted.

  Ganasis finished cleaning it before carefully placing it back in its resting place.

  “Ganasis! Talon where have you been!” asked King Arun standing amongst some soldiers and seeing Talon and Ganasis return to the camp covered in mud and dust. The soldiers that had been speaking with the King all suddenly looked up as they heard the name Talon.

  “Talon!” one of them said quietly to another mentioning the name of the man they had all heard of who entered Korvak’s castle and killed two wizards, and the name that was now a meaning for fear and conviction. Talon noticed the men’s attraction in him as they lowered their heads and so did Ganasis.

  “Sire we had a few things to do.” replied the wizard.

  “Come! Come and see the men, these are fine warriors Ganasis” added the King outstretching his arms. Ganasis greeted the nearest man and questioned him as if testing him

  “What will you do in the war which will soon be upon us” asked Ganasis in a very strong voice.

  The soldier froze for a moment as he looked at the King, an action that only seemed to anger the old wizard.

  “Answer the question! Don’t look at your King; tell me what will you do?”

  The soldier straightened and then replied loudly.

  “I will obey my orders sir!”

  “What else!” Ganasis demanded moving his face closer to the soldier.

  “WHAT ELSE!” he repeated raising his voice.

  “I will kill Imperial soldier’s sir!”

  Ganasis then moved his face even closer till their noses almost touched and spoke again but this time slower and almost in a growl.

  “What else?”

  The soldier searched his mind for an answer to please Ganasis, then suddenly he scowled his face and moved closer himself now touching noses and replied in the same determined growl that Ganasis had asked him in.

  “I will win.”

  Ganasis stared into the soldier’s eyes for a moment before breaking into a smile and moving his head away.

  “Excellent! They are well schooled sire” Ganasis said patting the soldier on the cheek and turning his attention back to the King.

  King Arun thanked his soldiers before walking away with Talon and Ganasis back into the main tent where he sat down and poured them some water.

  “Ganasis” Talon said, “did you see that when the King said my name?” he added.

  “I saw fear Talon! The soldiers fear you, but do not concern yourself with it; it is good that they do.”

  “Ganasis I do not want the soldiers to fear me, not like that; I felt the fear within them strong and intense.”

  “Don’t worry Talon, it’s only natural, let them get to know you then you will feel something different in them, at the moment all they know of you is the Zararhakzar and the man who mercilessly killed two wizards!”

  “Mercilessly Ganasis.”

  “Argh its soldiers talk! What do you think they say when they’re in their taverns or gathered together, Talon kindly killed the wizards! You slit their throats and barely batted an eyelid, what do you expect?”

  “You sound like your saying what I did was wrong” added Talon only for Ganasis to turn angrily at him.

  “What you did was right!” Ganasis snapped before turning to the King and ending the conversation with Talon. And asking the King how the rest of his army travelling from Zachra was progressing.

  “They are scheduled to arrive sometime in the morrow, probably in the afternoon Ganasis.”

  “Good! Me and Talon will be going into the valley at first light.”

  The next morning Talon and Ganasis left the camp at first light and headed straight for the valley, the two men stayed close to the rocks as Talon once again sensed the feeling of death.

  “Ganasis this place is hideous” he said as he walked across the scattered bones and dried blood that had stained the rocks.

  “Ganasis how far shall we venture?”

  “As far as we can” answered Ganasis himself treading carefully to avoid treading on the thousands of fossilised broken bones that still after all these centuries littered the ground.

  They carefully ventured on into the depths of the dry barren valley bombarded by the blistering sun as it reached its highest point of the day.

  “Let’s rest.” Ganasis said passing Talon some water.

  “How much further Ganasis?”

  “Not far now Talon, Kratos is near us now.”

  “Ganasis we must
take care that we are not seen” added Talon reminding the wizard that the Empire would soon be close.

  “We will go to that cliff, it looks like we could climb it and from there we will get a good view of Kratos and the Empire.” replied Ganasis pointing.

  Talon nodded in agreement as the two men set forth for the cliff, when they reached it Ganasis led the way and the two men climbed until they could see beyond the valley and down into Kratos where They got a good view of the Empires camps and numerous huts scattered around, Talon noted the blockade but there was no sight of any massive army build-up.

  “Ganasis it looks so peaceful.”

  “The armies are here Talon; probably back over the hills out of sight.”

  Talon then noticed Ganasis concentrating.

  “What’s wrong Ganasis do you feel anything.”

  “No! I feel no wizardry or magic.”

  “Good!” Talon said before looking back down at the valley.

  “We will smash them into the ground when we will attack.” Talon added sounding confident.

  “Don’t be too confident young Talon, your eyes could be deceiving you, they are here training and readying themselves.”

  “But I see nothing Ganasis.”

  “Talon the Empire would not leave this place unguarded you know that!”

  Talon took check of himself and his enthusiasms and nodded back that he agreed with Ganasis who was now looking around at the ledge that they were seated on.

  “I think we could camp here tonight Talon.”

  “We’re not going back to camp Ganasis.”

  “No I want to stay here for a while.”

  Ganasis was correct about the Empires armies, two miles away behind the hills there were one hundred and seventy-five thousand Imperial soldiers camped and in a state of full alert. The wizard Grand Grarlin was with them and he was awaiting the arrival of one of his fellow Lords in the wizard’s guild, he was waiting for Jestika an evil and ruthless wizard who was scheduled to arrive the next morning. Grarlin had asked the wizard to join him to help him decide what to do about the strange occurrences that had been happening especially in Zanlia. Grarlin was seated in his tent advising some Generals when totally unexpected and ahead of schedule Jestika strode in

  “Grarlin.” he growled before Grarlin excused the Generals quickly.

  “You’re early Jestika.”

  “I made good time.”

  “You came from Kallick Town?” asked Grarlin.

  “How are things there?” he added.

  “Many whispers, the word that war is coming is on everyone’s lips, why Grarlin have you summoned me.”

  Grarlin then explained to his fellow wizard what had been happening.

  “We knew of this Talon of Tallasian and his escaping from us was something we should not have allowed, now with what’s happening in Zanlia I would say there is a strong feeling of resentment for us, I fear the prophecy could be coming true Grarlin, the emperor is very concerned.”

  Grarlin agreed with Jestika by nodding his head.

  “Zanlia is being taken care of but it is Zachania that concerns me more, I feel we should attack but such a decision should be very carefully thought upon.”

  “You are right to show caution Grarlin, the last time we attacked that land cost us thousands of life and now with our wizards dead there we have no way of knowing what to expect.”

  The two wizards spoke through the night where it was decided that they would venture to the border in the morning and see if they could sense anything.

  As morning broke Talon was still sleeping huddled up close to the rocks for some shelter while Ganasis had been meditating throughout the night, Talon suddenly woke from the sound of movement as Ganasis suddenly snapped out of his trance.

  “Ganasis.” Talon said wiping his eyes.

  “Talon wake up, we are in danger.”

  “What!” Talon snapped waking quickly.

  “Evil is approaching us.”

  Talon sat up and joined Ganasis looking down the cliff.

  “Where Ganasis? I don’t see anything.”

  Ganasis looked from side to side frantically looking for something.

  “I can’t see Talon but it is approaching.”

  Talon joined Ganasis anxiously looking below.

  “THERE!” Ganasis suddenly said pointing.

  Talon winced trying to get a better view in the distance

  “It looks like two men.” Talon added.

  “Wizards!” Ganasis sighed back moments later.

  Talon remained silent remembering all he had heard about the ruthlessness and power of the Empires wizards.

  “Damn! They are sure to sense me Talon.” Ganasis said looking very uncomfortable.

  “What shall we do Ganasis?”

  Ganasis looked around at the ledge.

  “We must make sure they do not see us.”

  Grarlin and Jestika stopped at the blockade at the entrance of the valley where Grarlin looked around strangely as if he smelt something.

  “There is something strange here Jestika.”

  “I feel it too Grarlin, the valley has a strong presence.”

  “No it’s not the valley, it’s something else.” Grarlin replied squinting his eyes as he surveyed the valley.

  “I was standing here yesterday and I never felt this” Grarlin said as he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate.

  “I can feel something, someone, it’s a feeling I have not felt for centuries, but there is another presence I feel, power is strong, I feel immense strength.”

  Talon and Ganasis were still hiding on the ledge looking down at the wizards below.

  “Ganasis they are looking at everything, do you think they sense you.”

  “This should not have happened.” Ganasis said cursing himself.

  Talon then pulled himself closer.

  “Ganasis, they are alone, we could climb down and slit their throats.”

  Ganasis looked back at Talon contemplating his tempting proposal.

  “Well” asked Talon impatiently.

  Ganasis looked harder at the wizards ignoring Talon for a moment.

  “Its Grarlin.” he sighed.

  “That’s Grarlin Ganasis.”

  “Yes it is he.”

  Talon then began to get up.

  “Then he dies! We have to kill him Ganasis.”

  Ganasis forcefully pulled Talon back down beside himself.

  “Control yourself, he is too powerful.”

  “Let’s find out how powerful he is” Talon snapped back looking full of hate and speaking with a stern and determined voice. Talon then grabbed his sword and got to his feet again but before he could begin climbing down he was distracted by Grarlin raising his arms up into the sky.

  “What’s he doing Ganasis?”

  “Come here!” Ganasis barked screwing up his face at Talon’s rashness.

  “He is making a spell.” the wizard added.

  Talon then noticed the ground begin to shake so he quickly retreated with Ganasis to the rock face to avoid the falling rocks above them then looked back down into the valley at Grarlin and saw the ground in front of the evil wizard begin to crack and open, Talon gasped suddenly mesmerised at the power of the evil Empire wizard.

  “LOOK!” Ganasis snapped making Talon focus on what he was pointing at, they looked below where it looked like there was a thick brown liquid oozing from the large cracks until it clearly became obvious that the brown ooze was alive.

  “ANTS! ANTS! Its ants! Talon.”

  Talon leaned over the ledge to get a better view.

  “Ganasis millions upon millions” he replied returning to the wizard by the rock face.

  The two men stayed hidden where they soon noticed that the whole valley looked like it was alive as billions of ants began making their way in the direction of Zachania.

  “Ganasis what can we do?”

  “Nothing Talon, I can do nothing, I have no spells or artefacts with m

  “Ganasis they will march into Zachania and onto the King.”

  Ganasis shook his head.

  “They will not be able to pass the Talisman.”

  Talon looked down below and felt awestruck at the vast magic that Grarlin had conjured.

  “Ganasis, Grarlin is leaving.” Talon said as he looked at Grarlin and Jestika turn away and begin to walk back to their camp.

  The two men sat on the ledge for another couple of hours where the ants continued pouring out of the cracks in the ground covering everywhere as far as the eye could see. Talon noticed Ganasis looking upwards and realised that he was planning something.

  “What are you looking for?” asked Talon.

  “We have to seal the cracks and stop these ants from escaping the underworld.”

  “How Ganasis?”

  Ganasis looked back up again at the mountain.

  “Rock slide!”

  Ganasis then began climbing followed by Talon until they reached the top and Ganasis began to push a large boulder.

  “Talon assist me.” the wizard strained.

  Talon rushed to his side and began pushing with all of his might.

  “PUSH! Talon! PUSH!” Ganasis shouted

  “It’s moving!” Talon shouted back.

  Then as both men strained the boulder moved and began crashing down the mountain, soon the boulder created a massive landslide and thousands of other rocks joined the momentum crashing down. Talon moved to get a better view as the rocks smashed into the valley below and after the dust cleared Talon and Ganasis smiled as they saw the massive wreckage of stones had filled the breaches.

  “It’s worked!” Talon shouted.

  “We did it.” Ganasis replied punching the air.

  Talons joy did not last however as he turned his attention back to the billions of ants that were still covering the valley below.

  “We’re have to wait here.” Ganasis suddenly said solemnly.

  “What! What for”

  “For the ants to die.”

  “Are you insane Ganasis, can’t you use some magic, we could be here for days.”

  “Talon I told you before I have nothing with me that could deal with such a spell, what else can we do, we can’t go down there we would be eaten alive.”

  Talon picked cursed and picked up a rock and threw it down into the valley.


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