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Zachania Page 41

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “And I for one do not want to go and tell the men that because of a few markings on a wall they will have to get up and find somewhere else to rest.” added Kinlan.

  Talon shook his head as he could feel that they were making a mistake camping here but he was being pressurised by Heikan and Kinlan and could also see the sense in what they were saying.

  Talon it is only markings.” added Heikan.

  After a short pause Talon walked over and reached out for a swig of Heikan’s ale.

  “Alright then, but Kinlan send an order for the men to respect this land, tell them no digging and not to destroy anything.”

  Kinlan looked at Talon and then Heikan in a bemused way before Heikan gave him a nod to carry out Talon’s request. Kinlan then walked out into the night’s air feeling that Talon was making a big fuss over nothing.

  “How do I ask the men to respect the ground, they will think I have gone mad” he cursed as he walked off. Kinlan walked a few paces then stopped as saw some soldiers who were drinking ale, he joined the men and was just about to tell them of Talon’s request when he heard what they were talking about. They were speaking about how they could not wait to kill the Imperial soldiers, Kinlan swallowed and then decided he would not tell anyone of Talon’s command, these were brave and violent men and he did not want to inform them that their leaders are worried about a few markings on some walls.

  “It’s only ancient symbols anyway.” he said to himself .

  When Kinlan re-joined Talon and Heikan, Lord Heikan asked if he had relayed the request, sheepishly he replied that he had, before he lay down next to Heikan. Kinlan then gazed across at Talon and saw that he had already fallen asleep.

  “Get some rest Kinlan, we march at first light.” Heikan said to him.

  Outside the ruins in the grounds, most of the soldiers had eaten and were now setting down for a good night’s rest but two soldiers who were on sentry duty were trying to pass the time playing the card game ‘JONEK’.

  “That’s another five pieces of Cromas you owe me.”

  “Double or nothing” replied the losing soldier.

  “What’s the point, you never pay me anyway.”

  “Are you accusing me of dishonouring my debts?”

  “When have you ever paid me, last week you said you would pay and here we are and you still owe me from that game of Jonek.”

  “How can I pay you when we have been marching, I said I will pay you when I have some money, what is it you want me to do, do you want the clothes from my back” he replied now angry as he began to take off his battle vest so that he could throw it at his companion.

  “Here do you want my boots as well.”

  “Now you’re talking stupid, just forget it, and get back to your post.”

  “You accused me of not paying my debts, here take my boots and take this as well” the furious soldier snapped back as he threw his boots and then took out his sword and thrust it into the ground next to him.

  “Did you hear that?” said the first soldier as his colleague stabbed the ground with his sword.

  “Hear what.”

  “I don’t know, it sound like a screech as you struck the ground.”

  “I heard nothing, only your accusations.” the accused soldier snapped.

  “Get dressed man and get back to your post, if captain Junal hears what we are doing we will be lynched” his companion replied as he walked off towards the next hill.

  Talon was suddenly woken by a strange and eerie sensation, he quickly sat up where he saw a large shadow standing in front of him, Talon rubbed his eyes and then froze as a cold and chilling feeling came over him.

  “Who are you?” Talon asked.

  The shadow moved closer where Talon felt the cold pass over his feet, he moved his feet which made the shadow stop.

  “Why have you awoken us ………… why have you disturbed us?” said the shadow in a low pitched voice which sounded terrifying.

  “That was not our intention.” Talon replied, almost a plea.

  “YOU WILL DIE! ……….. ALL OF YOU WILL DIE!” the shadow then screamed.

  “No wait, we did not mean you no disrespect.” added Talon just before a gut wrenching scream was heard from outside in the grounds.

  “What have you done?” Talon shouted.

  “DIE!” replied the shadow as more screams of terror and bedlam could be heard from outside which woke Heikan and Kinlan up.

  “What the damn is that!” shouted Heikan seeing the shadow and retreating to get his sword.

  “I ORDER YOU TO STOP.” Talon sternly said as he walked towards the shadow, only for the shadow to begin laughing and the screams outside increase, Talon then raised his sword.

  “By the sword of Apollo I send you back to the ground whence you came from.” he shouted as he swung his sword into the shadow, Talon then flinched as he saw that nothing had happened to the shadow, he felt himself stiffen.

  “By the gods, what is it?” shouted Kinlan who was shielding Heikan against a wall.

  Talon swung his sword again at the laughing shadow which seemed to gloat more with every scream that was happening outside.

  Then suddenly just as Talon’s sword passed through the shadows head he saw the shadow begin to lose its shape.

  “NO!” shouted the shadow before it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared.

  “What was that?” Heikan yelled.

  “Has it gone” he added still anxiously.

  “Evil spirits, we must leave this place now!” replied Talon grabbing his belongings,

  “Come we must go” he shouted as he helped Heikan grab his saddle, they then run from the building out into the chaos that had been going on outside, Kinlan shouted out to his men who moments earlier had been fighting shadows and dying, there was confusion and panic everywhere.


  What soon followed was frenzy of soldiers running from the cursed burial grounds.

  “Are we clear?” asked Heikan after the men had retreated to the nearby hills, Talon stopped running and turned to see the army was clear.

  “I believe so Heikan.”

  “By the gods, what was that place… I could feel the breath of death upon me” replied Heikan still clearly shaken as he tried to regain his breath.

  Talon sat down and breathed deeply, all around him soldiers were gathering and sitting down panting.

  “We should not have camped there Heikan, thank the gods we still live” he sighed breathlessly.

  After a short moment of silence Kinlan who had gone off to speak with his captains returned.

  “My Lord, so far there are twenty two deaths reported.” he said which made Heikan curse with anger at his stupidity from not listening to Talon’s request.

  “Be thankful that it wasn’t ten times that number.” sighed Talon who then quickly rose to his feet and pulled Kinlan to one side, Talon looked back to see if Heikan was looking and when he saw that the Lord was not he struck Kinlan across the face with the back of his knuckles.

  “Do not ever take what I say for granted again!” Talon mouthed coldly to Kinlan.

  “I deserved that Talon … I was wrong and good men died” Kinlan replied as he raised a hand to wipe away some blood from his lip.

  Talon then took Kinlan by the arm and looked into his eyes.

  “You lied to me and Lord Heikan, if Heikan knew this he would be outraged.”

  “I will tell him immediately Lord Talon.”

  “No you will not, keep this between us but I want your word that you will never lie to him again.” replied Talon in a tone of voice so resolute it sent shivers down Kinlan’s spine.

  Kinlan then wiped away some blood from his mouth and held out his hand for Talon to shake it.

  “On my blood I swear it.” he answered with conviction.

  When morning broke Talon was woken by the sound of Lord Heikan ordering some of his captains, Talon noticed that there was something diffe
rent about the Lord, last night when they went to sleep Heikan was anxious and confused but as a new day dawned he could now see a completely different person before him.

  Heikan was dressed and looked wide awake, he could see him joking with the soldiers and for all to see there was a radiance of enthusiasm coming from him.

  “Talon you are awake, are you ready for today’s march my friend.” Heikan said as he smiled, Talon nodded back but felt slightly confused until it dawned on him what Heikan was doing.

  What happened last night was an embarrassment for the Lord Heikan, for him it was over and he would not speak of the matter again, his soldiers were given no explanations, and they would just have to deal with it by themselves, Heikan had lost lives without facing the Empire, that to him was an act of shame so Heikan just shut out what happened last night, forget it and move on was Heikan’s way.

  “We have two days of marching Talon, then we commence battle.” he added looking proud.

  Talon once again smiled and thought to himself,

  “A battle that cannot come soon enough, Heikan may have rid the thoughts from his head but I doubt his soldiers will forget what has passed so easily, to some what happened last night will haunt them for the rest of their lives.”

  After two days of marching south, the Zachanian’s reached the outskirts of the huge trading town of Vilsillius. As the army marched through the dwellings that lined the route to the towns centre they came across hundreds of residents who ran away fearful as this unfamiliar and powerful army advanced.

  “Are we close Talon?” asked Heikan noticing the build-up of dwellings.

  “Not long, maybe a hour.” replied Talon looking around at the hundreds of people who were looking on bewildered.

  “Our arrival will not be a surprise.” added Heikan commenting on all of the people.

  Kinlan who had earlier led a scouting party into the city then returned and pulled his horse beside Talon’s.

  “We have spotted the Empires barracks my Lord.”

  “Good, where is it?” asked Heikan.

  “In that direction my Lord, just beyond that hill.” replied Kinlan pointing.

  Lord Heikan then raised his arm and the legions behind him came to a halt.

  “We will waste no time then, we confront them now.” he said turning back to face Kinlan, Heikan then kicked his heels into his horse and headed in the direction of the barracks along with Talon, Kinlan, his son Kraal and forty of his personnel guard until they reached a hill. They dismounted their horses and walked over to get a better look hidden by the trees of the hill that overlooked the barracks.

  “At a guess I would say they number between five to seven thousand.” Talon said to Heikan.

  “At least.” added Kinlan.

  Lord Heikan nodded and then looked around at the surrounding land.

  “I say we attack them there and over there.” he said as pointed to the spots.

  Talon looked at where the Lord had pointed and agreed with him.

  “Agreed, I would also place archers behind that hill over there, they would be out of sight but their arrows will reach the compound.” added Talon.

  Heikan looked at the place that Talon had mentioned and smiled as an intense feeling of excitement came over him and he grew in confidence that a swift victory could be won.

  “Kinlan did you hear Lord Talon?”

  “Yes sir, I will place five hundred archers behind that hill.”

  “Good make it a thousand.” added Heikan.

  “Understood my Lord.” replied Kinlan before walking off with Kraal to rendezvous with the advancing army.

  “Victory here will not take long my friend, whoever placed this barracks here did not give thought of an attack.” Talon said turning to Heikan.

  “You will be impressed by my warriors Talon.” replied Heikan proudly only for Talon to turn to him with a look of reassurance.

  “I was impressed with your army at Korvak’s castle, they are a tribute to you Heikan” replied Talon just as heard the sound of the army manoeuvring into positions behind him. Talon then ran over to Kinlan who was busy ordering the archers into their positions.

  “Kinlan tell your archers to light their arrows, I want to set the barracks on fire” he shouted before he ran over to Heikan who was still on the overlooking hill.

  Moments later one of Heikan’s captains walked over and reported to Heikan

  “All the men are in positions sir.”

  Moments later Talon heard the swishing noise as hundreds of arrows were unleashed towards the barracks, as the arrows hit the wooden roofs they quickly began to smoulder. Then smoke rose and the barracks began to burst into flames, Talon could see the Imperial soldiers rushing around as they tried frantically to extinguish the fires while others were trying to find shelter from the savage onslaught that rained down upon them, they were shouting and trying to organise themselves but with the relentless barrage of arrows they were dropping in their dozens.

  Lord Heikan licked his lips as he gazed down at the carnage that his Zachanian archers were causing, Talon was also keenly viewing the massacre seeing the Imperial soldiers trying to escape from the arrows and fires.

  “Now Heikan, they are leaving the barracks, now order the attack.” he shouted.

  Lord Heikan turned towards his captains and drew his sword into the air.

  “ATTACK!” he shouted pointing his sword at the barracks.

  Then immediately as the scream was heard, ten thousand Zachanian warriors rushed towards the compound.

  “LONG LIVE LORD HEIKAN!” they screamed as they charged towards the Imperial soldiers who now desperately were trying to form ranks to withstand the oncoming onslaught.

  “Go my beauties.” Heikan said proudly as he watched the attack and then pulled Talon by the arm.

  “Witness this Talon” Heikan added as he knew what was about to happen and Talon looked on keenly as he saw the first two thousand warriors suddenly draw to a halt about fifty paces from the Imperial soldiers who were still confused at the speed and the savagery of the attack that had just happened to them. Talon then saw Heikan’s warriors reach for their belts and take out the Klafboz, the ancient throwing weapon into their hands, the Zachanian’s then took turns in throwing them at the soldiers, the sight of hundreds of Klafboz’s whizzing through the air made Heikan burst with pride.

  “Just one scratch from the Klafboz and their dead!” Heikan shouted.

  Within moments Talon saw with his own eyes just how true Heikan’s words really were as the Imperial soldiers fell in their hundreds, this continued in a relentless fashion until the Zachanian’s parted to make way for a legion of archers, once again the Imperial soldiers were fired upon. Hundreds of poison tipped arrows were unleashed upon them. Talon gave a slight sigh of relief as he could see the battle was almost over, the Empires soldiers had been massacred in their thousands from Heikan’s brutal, cunning and ruthless warriors.

  As Talon gazed down at the massacre he found himself wondering if this battle had been too cruel. He looked across at Heikan who was licking his lips at the bloodthirsty display before him, Talon noticed that what was left of the Imperial soldiers were now holding their hands and begging for mercy.

  “Heikan, the battle is won, give those men the option to surrender.” Talon snapped grabbing the Lords arm.

  Heikan turned to face Talon and then ordered for Kinlan to relay the order to cease firing, Kinlan then rode down the hill and through the archers who were standing primed with their arrows pointed at the soldiers, Kinlan stopped about twenty paces from the few dozen soldiers who had survived.

  “Lord Heikan from the House of Heikan of the royal realm of Zachania salutes the bravery you have shown today. From this admiration he offers you brave few the chance to surrender, you will be spared death and become prisoners of Zachania, I will give you a few moments to give me your answer.” he shouted before returning back to the archers who were still aiming their bows at them.

  Kinlan waited a few moments before gazing up at Heikan who nodded for him to continue, Kinlan rode back towards the soldiers and looked at them for a sign at what they wanted to do. Kinlan raised his eyebrows at the soldiers but was met with only sneers, he once again looked up to hill at Talon and Heikan, Heikan looked across at Talon who remained silent so Heikan pointed his sword at Kinlan and then at the soldiers to signal that there time was up.

  “The time has come for you to give me your answer” Kinlan then shouted at the soldiers before he turned to the archers and ordered them to take aim and then once again turned to face the Imperial soldiers who were now embracing each other and saying their goodbyes.

  Kinlan’s head dropped in disappointment and anger over these foolish soldiers courage, he hesitated for one more moment hoping to hear the words or surrender, then still with his head bowed he raised his arm, the archers pulled hard on their bows, then Kinlan swallowed and dropped his arm, over five hundred arrows were fired at the soldiers, moments later amongst a few screams they were all dead.

  As the screams subsided, a strange silence fell over the battlefield, Lord Heikan had achieved his victory, a victory with not a single Zachanian life lost yet the battle had left a bitter taste for him,

  “They were given a choice Talon.” Heikan suddenly said breaking the silence and trying to justify what he had just witnessed.

  “They were brave men Heikan ….. They chose death rather than live as our prisoners”

  Replied Talon also with remorse in his voice

  Talon then bit his lip and patted Heikan on the back.

  “Come! Vilsillius awaits us.” he said before walking down the hill into the Zachanian warriors who were now collecting their Klafboz’s which littered the ground. Talon then sent a party to search the barracks for any survivors and loot any Imperial documents, before long Heikan’s mighty army were back on the path towards the centre of the town.

  Talon, Heikan, Kinlan and Kraal were once again at the front of the army, word had quickly spread about the Zachanian victory and townsfolk were running away from them now. Heikan’s army had tasted blood and they were all eager to bring this day to a close with total control over Vilsillius.


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