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Page 45

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “I tell you now!…..and I will say this only once!…my Grandson will not take matters into his own hands, he was asked to conquer the south-west and that is exactly what he will do. We have no proof that he is marching or even thinking about attacking Tallasian, you sit here Tanaga comfortable and question my Grandsons integrity, he is in the battlefield spilling blood and back home his kin spill words of his loyalty”

  “ZALON!” the King then snapped which sobered the Lord immediately.

  “Remember you are a member of the council now, where is your reserve?” the King added which made Zalon nod an apology before he sat back down.

  Lord Tanaga was still not convinced, he had listened to Lord Zalon rant at the council but he still did not feel that the question had been answered, showing hesitation he rose and spoke again trying sound calm.

  “what I am saying is can we take the risk, we have lost contact with one of our commanders in the field…….a commander who is very young and ambitious and does not have much experience in leading men into battle.”

  “Choose your words carefully Tanaga, my son Kraal is also with Lord Talon” Lord Heikan suddenly interrupted.

  Lord Tanaga paused for a moment as he took in the very tense atmosphere that was building; he looked at Heikan and Zalon and then lost his own patience.

  “I am just going to say my thoughts out loud, I do not share the same faith that he will stop at the coast, through my experience I have learned that young men can sometimes be too eager to please, we have no word whatsoever what Talon is doing, if we sit here and do nothing then this could escalate into a calamitous mistake.”

  Lord Zalon suddenly burst into rage at what Tanaga had just said; he jumped to his feet and turned threateningly towards the Lord.

  “HOW DARE YOU!, how dare you question my family’s obedience and loyalty to this council, do not dare and that goes for any man in this room to question my family’s honour.”

  “GENTLEMEN!” King Arun then snapped as Tanaga also rose from his seat looking as if he was going to confront Zalon, the tense atmosphere was now at breaking point as both men looked certain to trade blows but just as the situation looked like it was going to the point of no return everyone’s attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of a chair crashing against a wall, they turned quickly to see that Ganasis with a fierce scowl upon his face was now standing and was walking angrily between Tanaga and Zalon.

  “BOTH OF YOU BE SEATED!…….remember you are both Lords of the Kingdom of Zachania, SILENCE NOW!…. And you Lord Zalon will not throw down challenges to another member of this council, do you understand me, NEVER AGAIN make challenges amongst this group of men. while there is still breath in me I will not stand by and watch two leaders from two great houses squabble and argue like women and children” the wizard shouted clearly expressing his rage at what he had been witness to.

  Lord Tanaga and Lord Zalon composed themselves and then sat down amidst the sighs and frayed patience from the rest of the council. King Arun waited a moment before sighing deep at the disbelief at what he had just seen.

  “Thank you Ganasis, now Lord Tanaga did you challenge the honour of Lord Zalon’s family.”

  “Mine too.” barked Heikan only for the King to give him a sneering look to be quiet.

  “No sire I did not, I merely aired my concerns, Lord Talon is young and I was just pointing this out, his ability as a warrior was not questioned.”

  “Thank you Lord Tanaga.” King Arun snapped back before turning his attention Zalon.

  “Did you hear that Lord Zalon, no one is trying to insult your family, do you understand?”

  “Yes sire, and I apologise to the council, and I apologise especially to you Lord Tanaga.”

  “Thank you, now can we continue this council meeting” replied the King as the tense atmosphere suddenly returned to normal.

  “Do we have to my liege, I was enjoying that.” Lord Heikan snapped back clearly showing everyone his amusement.

  King Arun smiled and shook his head and sighed out loud.

  “Please, Ganasis help, arr get this meeting started again will you.” he uttered jovially.

  Ganasis, nodded back to his King and then cleared his throat loudly before speaking

  “I will speak with Lord Heikan later and see if we can get some more information on his son and Lord Talon, now I want to talk about our proposed advance to the north, it is time my Lords for us to begin plans for an attack on Zanlia.”

  “Zanlia must be our priority, the Zanlian’s are our cousins from birth right.” added the King who’s attention was interrupted by a soldier entering the room, The King called the soldier over who then leaned down and whispered in the King’s ear.

  “Bring him to us.” replied the King after hearing what the soldier had to say, Ganasis leaned into the King and asked him what that was all about.

  “It seems we have a visitor from Zanlia.” replied the King raising his voice so all the council could hear.

  Moments later a dark haired man entered accompanied by two Zachanian guards, he was dressed like a rich merchant with the finest silks and long black cape and walked with an air of importance.

  “The King of Zachania.” Ganasis said pointing to Arun introducing him.

  The stranger bowed his head elegantly and then lowered himself onto one knee still managing to look proud and important.

  “Who are you?” asked the King noticing the gentlemen’s decorum at waiting to be asked a question by the King before speaking.

  “My name is OSLA VANLINE FALKAN, I am a merchant Lord from Zanlia sire.” he replied rising to his feet.

  “Falkan……I know that name…… were friends with General Pelkan, you was his contact in the Zanlian resistance.” added the King where he then asked Falkan to sit at the table.

  “Yes sire, Pelkan was my friend also.” Falkan replied taking off his cape and sitting down.

  “Why have you come to us?” Ganasis suddenly asked only for Falkan to swallow hard before answering.

  “Sire I bring grave news from Zanlia.”

  “Go on” Ganasis said.

  “I have come here to warn you, the Empire have amassed a formidable army together, I have never seen so many soldiers before, the hills around Zanlia are swamped with Imperial soldiers….I have also heard that they are preparing to march south to confront you.”

  A silence fell over the room as the members of the council contemplated just what they had heard.

  “How formidable” asked the King?

  Falkan gazed amongst the Lords for a moment before answering with his voice that showed his fear and worries.

  “Nearly one million Imperial guards.”

  “One million soldiers!” Lord Krazmos sighed.

  “How did you know we were here Falkan? How did you know we have attacked Kratos?” Ganasis then asked changing the subject.

  “Everyone knows! Your victory at Death valley is on everyone’s lips.”

  “Then how did you manage to reach us here? You have just said there a million soldiers between us and Zanlia.” Ganasis pressed which had the effect of making Falkan smile.

  “Amongst other things I am a smuggler, I have been slipping past the Empire for years; I used the secret routes through the Zanlian Mountains.”

  “Times must be difficult in Zanlia.” King Arun then asked.

  “Sire, we live in daily fear for our life’s, every male is under curfew, only the women may leave our homes and daily we hear of people disappearing, at night everywhere is silent, occasionally we hear screams from men being tortured.”

  “Do the Zanlian’s sympathise with your cousins the Zachanian’s?” asked Lord Tanaga.

  “Many of us do and already did, but as the days pass and the cruelty the Zanlian’s are experiencing, more and more are looking to your cause.”

  “All of Kratos should know how the Empire is treating the Zanlian’s.” Lord Heikan snapped clearly showing his anger.

  “Falkan you s
aid earlier that you heard the Empire are preparing to march south, do you know when?” asked Ganasis.

  “Nothing certain, but their advance looked imminent when I left, they could have left already for all I know.”

  “Then we have no time to waste sire.” Heikan said sternly which made the King nod and bite his bottom lip.

  “Will you be staying with us Falkan?”

  “No sire, I must return to my people, besides I can give you more assistance from Zanlia.”

  “Very well, we have much to discuss, please excuse us but I must ask you leave the room now.”

  “Of course sire.”

  “If you would Falkan, could you remain in the camp until we finish our meeting; there is more I wish to discuss with you.”

  “Very well” replied Falkan as he left the room accompanied by the two guards who had brought him in.

  King Arun waited for Falkan to leave before raising his eyebrows and speaking to the council.

  “Gentleman, it seems that our hand has been forced, what say you?”

  “Our ditch is now completed Sire, it will not stop the Empire but it will slow them down.”

  “Are you saying we hold Ganasis, we wait for them to attack?”

  “It is an option sire; we choose the ground and make them fight on our terms.”

  “How many men do we have?” Arun asked Ganasis.

  “You have four hundred and twenty thousand men on the Kratos side of Death Valley sire, Lord Zargar has eighty thousand of his men here at Fort Arun and Lord Heikan has fifty thousand men in Vilsillius and across the south coast.”

  “I can have more men here within a few days sire.” Heikan added.

  “First Lord Heikan I want your men to return from Vilsillius, I also want you to send word to Talon and have him return here immediately.”

  “Understood my liege. My men will want to be part of this battle.”

  “Now this war begins.” Ganasis added.

  Fear of the awesome army the Empire was sending travelled quickly amongst the Zachanian warriors. The initial feeling of enthusiasm quickly vanished and was replaced with the stark reality of what they were soon to be up against.

  Two days had now passed since Falkan delivered his message to the council, the Zachanian armies were now on full alert, and Lord Heikan had sent envoys to Vilsillius and envoys to find his son and Lord Talon. The King had also sent scouts north to get information on where the Empire’s army was, the scouts returned telling the King that the Empire could be at the Zachanian war front by noon tomorrow.

  Ganasis and King Arun were all that remained at Fort Arun as the rest of the council Lords had travelled through Death Valley to supervise the King’s order, to prepare the army’s for battle.

  “Heikan’s men should be here this evening Arun.”

  “Yes I read the note, forty thousand men Ganasis, is there still no word from Talon?”

  “No Arun, we have still not found him” replied Ganasis before he banged the table with his large fist showing his frustration.

  “Damn it….this is when we need him most, no one knows the Empire as Talon does.” added Ganasis saying his thoughts out loud.

  King Arun sat silently at the wizard’s remark; the King looked like he was focused on something and deep in thought.

  “Arun!” Ganasis snapped.

  “Sorry Ganasis, my thoughts were wandering.”

  “I was just saying where the damn is Talon.”

  “I am sure he will be making haste to return Ganasis.” answered the King though without conviction.

  “I should have given him a crystal, then we could have reached him.”

  “He will be here Ganasis, try to relax, word will reach him somehow”

  Ganasis stiffened his posture before leaning closer to the King; Arun looked at the wizard and saw his demeanour change,

  “No my King, relax is the one thing I cannot afford to do, the Empire approaches us with awesome might and haste. Grarlin is also sure to be with them, and his cunning and guile matches my own, relaxing is the one luxury I must not indulge.”

  Arun half smiled and nodded to his friend as he saw his concerns.

  “We have taken every precaution possible Ganasis, we have chosen the best ground, our ditch has been dug, our soldiers are ready and prepared to fight to the death, I can’t see anything we have overlooked.”

  “What worries me Arun is we do not know how the Empire will attack; only Talon with his experience of the Empire will know this.”

  “But you have fought the Empire countless times in the past.”

  “Arun that was centuries ago, shall I make plans on the strategies they used then, what if they have changed, what if they use a strategy I have not encountered before, it is my task to know these things and I feel unsure. I hate feeling unsure, damn it I am too old to feel unsure.” replied Ganasis surprising the King at his show of frustration.

  “Ganasis, then we make the best of what we know, what else is there for us to do, we have a powerful army of strong proud and honourable Zachanian warriors, ready to use every ounce of strength to prevail, this battle comes and it comes now, we must do everything we can to win.”

  After conquering the south-west, Talon had already turned his warriors around and was heading back to Zachania when he was intercepted by the King’s envoys who explained to him what was happening at Death Valley. Talon gave his soldiers the order to march as fast as they could while he and Kraal would ride on ahead, they had been galloping since dawn and their horses were now beginning to feel the strain.

  “Talon my horse grows weary.” shouted Kraal as he galloped next to Talon and the two envoys that had been sent to find them, Talon looked across and saw that Kraal’s horse was tiring so he pulled his own horse till it broke into a trot, Talon then saw a small brook and he pointed to it.

  “Let’s take a short rest and let the horses drink.” he added as they stopped by the brook and Talon dismounted.

  “My body aches Lord Talon.” sighed Kraal.

  Talon looked around at the landscape before replying.

  “Vilsillius is to the west of us, we should reach Death Valley by nightfall Kraal.”

  “Talon my horse cannot take much more of this, he is bursting his heart out.” added Kraal as he looked over at his horse that was now coughing and gasping to get its breath.

  Talon seeing this walked over and stroked the horse, he looked at the horse in the eyes and then placed his hand on the horses head, Talon then closed his eyes and concentrated.

  “You will ride like the wind my friend……your body will not tire…your legs will not grow weary….the wind….the wind…you will ride like the wind” Talon thought silently as he passed his thoughts to the horse, Kraal’s horse then flicked its head up and kicked out its back legs in a show of energy.

  “What did you do?” Kraal gasped in amazement.

  Talon smiled as he began to stroke the other horses passing them his thoughts also.

  “Come now we head for the King.” he said sternly once he had finished.

  General Krustov accompanied by his fellow General’s Sanda and Torrenus felt confident as they rode amongst the vast army stretching across the horizon for as far as the eye could see, they were now entering the province of Death Valley.

  “Sir the scouts return.” one of Krustov’s captains reported.

  “What word do they bring?” replied Krustov.

  “The Zachanian’s are dug in and waiting for us, they have also taken the high ground sir.”

  General Krustov listened but did not reply as he saw that Grarlin and his fellow wizard Jestika had now joined him, he saw that Grarlin had heard the scouts report so he waited for the wizard to instruct.

  “How long will it take us to reach the enemy?” Grarlin asked the captain who seemed to cower at the thought of replying to a wizard.

  “Your highness, we could be upon them by nightfall.”

  “Shall we use the blanket of night for our att
ack?” Krustov then asked the wizard.

  “No I want the Zachanian’s to see what they are up against, we attack at first light, let them see the Empires might before we crush them from existence, I want to see their fear, I want to smell their cowardice as they look upon the full glory of the Empire.”

  Behind the Zachanian front lines the Lords were busy going over preparations with Ganasis and King Arun.

  “Sire I have two hundred thousand warriors of my army coming here from Zachania, they will be here sometime tomorrow.” Lord Heikan informed the King.

  “My army is on their way too my liege, one hundred and seventy thousand men.” added Lord Tanaga.

  “Is there still no word from Talon Ganasis?”

  “No sire nothing.”

  General Kanyan then asked the King a question.

  “Sire you promised me more supplies of arrows, I am yet to receive them, my men are in position but if we run out of arrows they will be useless.”

  The King then reached across the table and fumbled through some paperwork until he found the note he was looking for.

  “Here, the order arrived yesterday, sorry General but I have been busy.”

  “That is understood my King, I will see to their collection.”

  “How many archers do we have in position?” asked Ganasis.

  “We have fifty thousand facing the north and a further fifty thousand surrounding the hills that flank the northern approach, they will be our first counter against the Empires attack Ganasis.”

  King Arun then rose to his feet and took off his sword, the Lords wondered what he was doing as the King then placed it onto the table.

  “My brave and distinguished Lords, this here is a Zachanian sword……it was made from Zachanian steel and crafted by Zachanian craftsmen, this is a symbol of our great race….it is a symbol of our pride and courage……a symbol of our honour and resolve….a resolve where we refuse to be ruled over….we all know what task lays before us, we all knew that this path would bring its difficulty………but I say let them come to us…..let them come to us and see how powerful this Zachanian sword is when it is wielded by a Zachanian warrior………..I say let them come to us and see what we are like in the face of adversity………..let them come to us and feel our might, gentlemen let us celebrate today for tomorrow we will be too busy soiling the earth with Imperial blood…………Victory!……..absolute victory!”


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