Blood Slave

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Blood Slave Page 4

by Brannan Black

  I shoved the cup at him. “Happy now?” I had to find a way out of here just as soon as I could walk.

  “A few other things you should know. I carry a cell phone that’s password protected. The door auto locks with a keypad. I change the code regularly. There aren’t any items strong enough to stake me. Feel free to watch TV or read. Though for now, you should rest.” He left without looking back.

  I huddled into the corner of the couch, pulling the blanket tighter about me. None of it made sense. Memories came clearly now, including the sex. Oh, man, the sex. I’d only imagined it that good. My thoughts swirled in endless circles but my pain started to subside.

  I closed my eyes just to rest.

  Soft voices woke me from a deep sleep. And the smell of something good cooking. My head no longer pounded and the aches had settled into the background. Until I tried to sit up. Muscles protested and joints felt hot and stiff. My head swam, so I held still for a few moments.

  My stomach growled, reminding me I needed to eat. I stood carefully and found my legs would hold me. With the blanket wrapped tightly around me, I headed for the galley kitchen. Just a row of upper and lower cabinets against the wall with a fridge, sink and stove. An island counter separated it from the rest of the living area. A couple of bar stools were tucked under the counter on the main room side.

  Another man joined Dekker in the kitchen. Where Dekker was fair haired, blue eyed and had hard masculine planes, this man was dusky and smooth, his café-au-lait skin and stunning green eyes set off by his smoothly shaved head. His smile outshone the sun and his face held that perfect line between too harsh and too feminine. He looked like a model for men’s clothes, or maybe Playgirl magazine. In short, I’d never been this close to such a gorgeous man. And I had on nothing but a blanket.

  Dekker smirked at me. “You can stop drooling and close your mouth now, pet. You’re just feeding his already oversized ego. And yes, he’s a vampire too. No, I won’t let him bite you, don’t ask.”

  “Hi darlin’. I’m Nate. We didn’t get introduced last night. Are you hungry? I’ve fixed you some chicken soup.”

  Chicken soup? It’s not like I’m a sick kid. Still, it smelled pretty good.

  Dekker jerked a thumb at his bedroom. “Nate picked up some clothes for you. Why don’t you dress first?”

  A suitcase sat on the end of his bed. My suitcase. Full of my clothes. My initial excitement cooled when I realized someone had been in my apartment! Well, at least I wouldn’t be naked in front of two very sexy men. I pulled on an old pair of sweats and baggy T-shirt.

  A bowl of soup waited for me on the counter along with a glass of water. I slid onto one of the barstools on the other side of the counter.

  Nate leaned against the counter with a big smile. “So, darlin’, Dekker tells me you’ve got a bad case of denial.” His smile could melt the heart of the Antarctic.

  I shrugged. “It makes a hell of a lot more sense to believe I’ve been drugged than bitten by a vampire.”

  “So what will it take for you to believe it, if everything you saw at that little bloodfest won’t convince you?”

  “Maybe watching you get a nice sunburn? Oh, and that Ferine guy too. I’d really like to see him fry.” All this was his fault, tricking me like that.

  Nate chuckled. “Maybe old man Dekker would be willing to take a sunbath but I avoid pain. And that hurts, darlin’.”

  I snorted. Like getting a tan would really kill them. Freaks. “So who broke into my apartment? Is Sass OK?” I looked expectantly from one to the other.

  “I found your bag at Ferine’s warehouse. It had a key.” Nate gave me that panty melting smile again. I could have sworn I heard Dekker growl softly. “Sass is your cat?”

  I nodded and sucked in more of his great soup.

  “Other than trying to slip out the door, she’s fine.” He gave Dekker a wink.

  What the hell did that mean?

  Dekker sauntered across the large room. The main area made a large rectangle with floor to ceiling and wall-to-wall windows on the same end as the kitchen. The couch I’d been sleeping on sat facing them. Waist high book shelves made a divider between it and a larger sitting area with a huge flat screen TV on the far wall. Chairs and a long couch made a cozy seating area.

  Dekker opened a door just a few feet from the TV. From the kitchen it looked like a bathroom or laundry room. He stepped in and I heard a familiar hiss, yowl and Dekker swearing. Sassafras didn’t like to be picked up.

  “Sass? You brought Sass?” My elation turned to dread when I realized that meant one thing. Dekker had no intention of letting me go. Why else bring my cat?

  A small grey fur ball streaked out of the room and under the couch. I couldn’t help but chuckle at Dekker sucking a bloodied finger.

  I caught Nate staring at me with an odd look, something like sympathy on his face. “I’ll be goin’, Dekker. Listen, darlin’, Dekker’s a good man. He’ll take care of you. Just give him a chance.”

  I scowled at him. “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. This is kidnapping, and now you’re an accomplice.”

  He sighed and leaned close. “Darlin’, Dekker’s just trying to protect you. Ferine’s a nasty piece of work. But I think you know that already. If you leave here, he’ll find you and finish what he started. Or the inner circle will see to it you have a nice accident. Either way, you’ll be dead.”

  He sounded so earnest, like he really believed my life could be in danger. He shoved off the counter and swaggered to the door Dekker held open for him. He looked just as hot from the back. But my gaze still drifted to Dekker in his formfitting blue jeans and black T-shirt. I remembered how good he’d felt tight against my naked body. Try as I might, I couldn’t deny the man still made my panties wet.

  I finished eating an unbelievable amount of soup. A few sacks and boxes sat on the counter and floor.

  “Why don’t you get that stuff put away? Nate and I put the stuff in the fridge already. Feel free to arrange things any way you want. It’s not like I use the kitchen.”

  “Right, because vampires don’t eat. But apparently they cook.” I waggled the pot of leftover soup at him.

  His lips twisted in a wry grin. “If you call opening a can and adding a few things cooking, then sure, Nate cooks. I don’t. So if you want to eat, you’ll be doing your own cooking -- and cleaning up after.”

  A quick survey showed most of the cabinets to be empty. That’s when I noticed the bowl I’d eaten out of was mine. Along with the pan Nate had cooked it in. I started digging around in the boxes and bags. All of it from my kitchen. My gut clinched and cold fingers ran up and down my spine.

  “You really aren’t going to let me go, are you?” I felt a lump rising in my throat.

  Dekker pulled out a stool and sat. “I can’t, pet. You’re my blood slave now. I didn’t want it this way, but we can’t go back.”

  I kept my back to him so he wouldn’t see the tears welling up. “So even if Ferine wasn’t after me, you’d still make me stay?”

  I heard him draw in a deep breath. “Pet, you can’t go home. You know about us now, and the inner circle won’t leave you alone even if Ferine doesn’t go after you. I can keep you safe as long as you’re here.”

  “And the price of my safety is my freedom. That’s hardly living.” I’d watched my mother go from one domineering man to another looking for safety and never finding it. Of course being certifiably crazy didn’t help. No way would I be like her. I pushed the bags aside. Unpacking them felt too much like giving up.

  “You aren’t going to put that stuff away are you?” His voice sounded sort of sad, even though his face betrayed nothing of what he felt.

  “I’m not moving in with you, Dek. I won’t be anyone’s slave.” I leaned on the counter and looked him hard in the eye. “You can’t seriously think you can just keep me against my will. And if you drug me again, I’ll…”

  He cocked a brow in challenge.

  “OK, I
don’t know what I’ll do other than hate you. I don’t for one minute believe you’re a vampire or that my life is in danger. I think you’re crazier than any of my completely nuts family. And that’s saying a lot.”

  His eyes narrowed slightly. “So if I can convince you, will you believe everything I’ve done has been to protect you?”

  I snorted. “Like drugging me so you could seduce me? Or insisting that I’m your property? Nope, not buying it.”

  He sighed heavily. “Kierra, I had no choice but to claim you as my blood slave or watch Ferine tear you apart a piece at a time, just like those mortals you saw at his warehouse. As your master, I have to provide for you. Hence, Nate brought some of your stuff. You’ll also need food and other things. So make me a list of what you need.” He came around and dug a pad and pen out of a drawer and set them in front of me.

  I glared at him with my arms crossed over my chest. I had no intention of cooperating.

  He leaned close and took my chin in his hand hard enough to hold it but not leave bruises. “If you don’t make a list, you won’t have anything to eat but canned soup. And after that runs out, you go hungry.”

  A shiver of fear ran up my back. I’d never seen this Dekker, cold, hard and without mercy. I swallowed hard and reached for the pad. He wanted a shopping list; I’d give him one. Hmm, what really expensive things would I like to eat?

  Chapter Four

  “Pet, join me on the terrace? I’d like to watch the sunrise with you.” I tossed back the first glass of whiskey and poured a second. “Please, I have something to show you. You’re welcome to some whiskey or wine if you want it.”

  The main living area went to the edge of the building, but on either side were stone-walled terraces. I chose the terrace where the sun would hit first. “I think the view from here is spectacular, don’t you?” I leaned against the rail looking over the city. The rising light filtered through the tall buildings of downtown.

  She joined me at the rail but kept a cautious distance. “Shouldn’t you be getting under cover? I thought vampires turned to ash in the sun.” Her brows drew down in confusion and perhaps a bit of concern.

  “Actually, it only burns the part that the sun hits, and we melt more than burn. Still hurts like hell and if enough surface gets roasted, it will kill us.” I shrugged. “The older a vampire gets, the more sun he can tolerate. Which is why you often saw me out before full dark.” I turned to face her with a slight smile. “I did wear a hat if you recall and kept my hands in my pockets or left my bike gloves on.” A beam of rising sunlight hit the railing. I trapped her gaze with mine and stuck my hand in it.

  “Dekker! You have porphyria. Of course you’ll burn. Now stop this.”

  She tried to grab my arm but I easily held her off with the other. “Not yet, pet. At my age, it takes awhile for the burn to start.” I gave her a wink and tried to decide if that was really concern on her face.

  “I’ll bite. Just how old are you?” Her lips drew into a line that clearly said she thought I was nuts.

  Could I trust her with the truth? If I wanted her trust, I’d have to offer some first. “I don’t share that information lightly. The older a vampire gets, the more powerful, and there’s always some young buck looking to make a name taking out an elder. I prefer to live quietly without looking over my shoulder all the time.”

  She snorted. “How could I tell anyone when you’ve got me locked up?”

  I could feel my skin start to burn but I needed a really bad burn to break through to her. She glanced at my hand and looked like she might protest. So I distracted her. “I was born in what’s now Norway. My mortal life ended in 1066 at Stamford Bridge with Harald Sigurdsson, also known as Hardrada.”

  Her face paled. “That would make you a thousand years old.”

  “Almost, yes.” I leaned forward and spoke firmly. “Very few know this, pet. I prefer it not get around.”

  “Oh. My. God. You’re a real Viking.” Now her eyes went wide.

  “That’s what history calls us. I thought of myself as a soldier, more than a pirate, which is what Viking means. We were neither as savage as older histories told or as noble as some romance stories make us out to be. As a people, we weren’t that different from the rest of Europe.”

  She snorted. “The rest of Europe didn’t terrify the known world.”

  I shrugged. “I was born at the end of that era. Christianity and the growth of kings, nations changed it all.” God damn my hand was starting to hurt like the devil.

  She looked down to see my red, swollen hand. “Dek, stop it.” She tried to shove me into the shade. I only moved enough to keep just half my hand in the sun.

  “Why are you doing this?” A look of horror and guilt flooded her face.

  “I want to make sure you understand what I am and how serious this really is. I want there to be no doubt in your mind that everything I have told you is true.”

  She gasped and turned away, looking more than a little sick. Half my hand burst open like a cooked sausage leaving a raw bloody mass behind. Yep, that’d do it. I shoved past her into my loft.

  She hurried after me. “Dekker, let me help you. We need to call an ambulance.”

  I ran cold water over my hand and all four fingers and the tip of my thumb sloughed away as muddy wet ash.

  She clapped a hand over her mouth and ran for the bathroom. It hurt almost as bad as it looked but I’d endured worse. Now I just had to make sure she couldn’t deny what she’d seen.

  “You are going to take a very good look at my hand.” I turned on the vanity lights over the sink, making the room extra bright.

  She gasped and tried to back away but I grabbed her. “It will have regenerated completely by dark. I want to make sure you remember exactly what it looks like now and that I am not faking anything.”

  When she gave me a quick nod, I gritted my teeth and laid my hand cradled in a bloody towel on the counter.

  I got the feeling she felt like puking again.

  I have to admit, it looked bad. My fingers had vanished and most of the flesh, leaving raw, bloody tendons and bone where the back of my hand used to be. Closer to my wrist it started to look just burnt. Then smooth healthy skin.

  “Touch it, turn it over. Make damn sure I’m not tricking you here.” I shoved her closer. “Now, damn it. I’m not doing this again.” Shit, it hurt. I focused to drive away the pain. Sunburns hurt worse than any other injury to a vamp.

  She sucked in a breath and hesitantly touched my charred flesh. She touched a piece of exposed bone and drew back with a grimace. Her face got even paler.

  “More,” I demanded.

  She examined my wrist and compared the length of both arms. Although in only a T-shirt, I don’t know how I could have hidden any prosthesis.

  “It’s real.” Her voice choked to a whisper. “I didn’t mean for you to hurt yourself.”

  I wrapped it back up. “If it finally convinces you, it’s worth it,” I replied softly as I turned for the bedroom. “I could use some help with my zipper.” I tugged on it but it just pulled my pants lower.

  She swallowed hard but came to assist me. I watched her face flush when she saw I wore nothing underneath. She stood there stealing glances at the door.

  “You sleep here, next to me. And you stay here until I wake, understood?” I lay back with a sigh. “Come on, I won’t bite you or try to seduce you, at least not tonight. And I’m not going to hold you down and take it either, not ever.”

  She continued to fidget. “And if I don’t?”

  I levered up on my elbow. “Even one handed I can drag you over here and I’m sure I can find something to tie you to the bed with.” I arched a brow in challenge.

  With a resigned sigh, she joined me.

  A slight noise woke me before I’d gotten fully to sleep. I could see her quite clearly in the darkened room digging through my pants, probably looking for my cell. Then she tried the locked door. I had to appreciate how carefully she ducked
behind the curtains to check the door to the terrace. Not a single ray of sunlight hit the bed.

  “Are you done stomping around? Come back to bed, I need to sleep.” I stifled a chuckle when she jumped.

  She slipped out from behind the shades and gave me a guilty shrug.

  “Wondered when you’d get around to that. Now, please, my hearing is quite good and you’re keeping me awake.”

  She let out a deep sigh and crawled back into bed. I debated vamping her to make her sleep but I’d already taken her freedom. I wouldn’t take her will, too.

  * * *

  The opening drapes pulled me from sleep. Pain and hunger surged through my consciousness. I smelled living blood, my blood slave. Sweet, hot and right there. I rolled over and pinned her down before I felt even awake. My cock throbbed and my fangs ached to be in her.

  Too soon, too soon. I dragged myself back from the edge. “Get up, now.” I didn’t have to tell her twice. She scampered into the bathroom and locked the door. I smirked at the locked door. If I wanted her, that wouldn’t stop me. But if it made her feel better…

  I could smell the fear on her. Damn. I should have let her sleep in the other room. I knew I’d wake hungry after burning myself like that. I flung off the covers and dressed.

  “It’s all right, pet, I’m awake now. Won’t hurt you. You must be hungry. Come eat.” I unlocked the bedroom door and headed for the kitchen.

  After a few minutes, she cautiously followed. “Feeling better today? Any pain or shaking?” I did my own visual inspection of her oh-so-tasty form. My cock twitched and my fangs dropped again. Tonight she’d put on a tight pair of jeans with a baggy T-shirt.

  “Fine, thanks. Want to stop that? You’re making me nervous.”

  I chuckled. “Just making sure my pet’s doing all right. You have very nice legs.”

  She glowered at me and yanked open the fridge. “I left a grocery list. If you’re intent on keeping me here, I need food.”

  I towered over her. “Watch your tone. You’re my pet, not my partner, understood?” I let my gaze bore into her with all the intimidation of my long life.


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