Daddy's Here

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Daddy's Here Page 19

by Lucy Wild

  Chapter 5

  Laura awoke from her nap to find a strange man towering over her bed. She looked up and frowned. She recognised him. “Awake at last,” he growled as she realised who he was. “Come on. My carriage is waiting.”

  It was the man she had encountered in the grounds. The one who had told her to call him papa as if he had any say over her whatsoever.

  “Who are you?” she asked as she sat up. “How did you get in here?”

  “I am your papa,” he replied. “And you shall wear this.” He tossed a square of thick towelling fabric towards her. “We have a long journey ahead of us and I shall not be making stops for your convenience.”

  “What is this?” she asked, holding the cloth up to the light.

  “You are an imbecile aren’t you? Do you not recognise a nappy when you see one?”

  “A nappy? You would bid me to wear a nappy? I am not an infant.”

  “That is not what I hear from your parents.”

  “That woman downstairs is not my parent.”

  He waved away her protest. “Irrelevant. Now I shall ask this one time only. Will you put that thing on yourself?”

  “I will not.”

  “Very well.” He threw her back onto the bed, pulling the blankets off and tossing them behind him. “I shall do it myself.”

  “Let go of me this instant,” she said, protesting vehemently and attempting to scramble away from him.

  “Stop your wriggling or it will be the worse for you,” he replied, grabbing her by the shoulders and dragging her back towards him. He pushed her chest down with one hand, surprising her with his sheer strength. He yanked at her nightdress with his other hand, ignoring her legs as they lashed out towards him. “By God you will be still or you will pay the price.”

  He twisted her onto her side and she caught a glimpse of his hand as it moved through the air and then she felt a solid smack on her buttocks. “Ouch!” she yelled. “Father, come and help me! He is beating me to death!”

  “Your father knows you need this,” Edward replied, spanking her again. “By the deuce, it is well overdue.”

  He continued spanking her as she struggled to free herself. She felt her buttocks burn with heat as his hand descended again and again. Soon she felt nothing but the pain which grew from embarrassing to overwhelming in under a minute as he continued to spank her until he was panting for breath. At last he stopped, looking at the tears streaming down her face, the colour in her cheeks as she glared up at him with a mixture of defiance and fear visible in her eyes. “”How could you do that to me?” she asked, tugging her nightdress back over her bare buttocks. She was so shocked by what had happened she barely knew how to react. Why had her father not come to her rescue when she called?

  “You needed that,” Edward said, picking up the square of cloth. “There will be plenty more where that came from if you do not behave. Now you will lay on your back and I will tie this in place. You will not struggle else I will make you so sore you will be unable to sit down for the entirety of the journey.”

  She looked at his face and saw there was no room for negotiation. She either did what he said or he would cause her pain. What choice did she have? Slowly she turned onto her back, wincing as her reddened buttocks touched the bed sheet.

  “Good little girl,” he said, a flicker of a smile appearing on his lips.

  Despite her discomfort, something inside Laura sparked at the thought of pleasing him. She shook the thought away, knowing she hated him more than anyone else in the world, more than her stepmother in fact.

  With little ceremony, he lifted her legs and shoved the cloth under her posterior. With one hand he yanked her left leg sideways, revealing the core of her body to him as she felt utter humiliation. He seemed not to notice the sight, his attention entirely focussed on gathering the corners of the cloth and tying them around her hips. Only when he was done did he allow her to stand up.

  She slid down the bed and stood before him, feeling the cloth thick and heavy between her legs. She went to move the knot by her right hip and he growled at her. “I warn you that if you cross me you will pay the consequences.”

  “You will be the one that pays for this,” she replied. “When father finds out what you have done.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her. “Are you so sure?”

  She watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. The writing that covered it was so small as to be barely legible but she clearly recognised her father’s signature at the bottom. “What is this?”

  “A legally binding contract that makes me your papa and you my little. Until I deem you ready, you are under my jurisdiction. I have full say over everything that happens to you. You will be punished if you disobey me and your father has agreed to my terms in full.”

  “He wouldn’t…”

  “He would and he did. Now get dressed for the day draws on and we have wasted enough time as it is.”

  “Get dressed? With you standing there watching me?”

  “You will get used to far more. Modesty is for adults. You have proved yourself a selfish brat, not an adult. As such you are not to be trusted on your own.”

  “I will not change with you in the room.”

  “Very well.” He grabbed her wrist in an insanely firm grip and dragged her over to the wardrobe, ignoring her protests. Reaching inside he pulled out the first dress he found, a light summer frock that she had not worn in years. “Let go of me,” she snapped, attempting to pull away from him.

  He turned towards her, leaning closely towards her face. “You will stand perfectly still there and not make a sound.”

  She felt utterly terrified by the sound of his voice. It was cold and yet full of anger, rage that seemed to tremble just below the surface, and heaven help anyone who was around when it erupted. Her heart pounded as he stared unblinking at her, his teeth bared just enough to make her wonder if he might bit her like a wild animal if she chose to disobey him.

  She did as he asked, standing perfectly still even after he had let go of her wrist. He pulled her nightdress up her body and off her shoulders, watching her closely as he did so.

  Fighting to keep her emotions in check, she did her best to avoid thinking about the fact she was naked in front of a virtual stranger. He did not seem to care for the sight of her though, pushing her head through the frock and sliding it down her body a moment later as if he were dressing a mannequin, not a human being.

  “We are leaving,” he said, grabbing a pair of stockings from the bottom of the wardrobe and turning for the door.

  “You might be,” she managed to say, terrified by how he might respond. “I am going nowhere. Father!”

  “So be it,” he replied, grabbing her wrist once more and dragging her from the room. She screamed for help but none came and soon she was being shoved out of the front door, wincing as her bare feet hit the gravel lining the drive. “Get in,” Edward snapped, shoving her towards the carriage.

  “I will not go with you. Father!”

  “It is too late to call for father. You should have thought of him all the times you whined and stamped your feet, all those demands and never once thinking of him. You are a brat and you are going to learn your lesson.”

  He grabbed her round the waist and shoved her into the open door of the carriage, making her wince as her arm banged into the wood. As she called for her father again, Edward climbed into the carriage after her and called out, “Drive on.”

  The wheels began to turn as Laura screamed. “You are kidnapping me. I shall see you hang at the next Assizes for this.”

  “I have the consent of your father. I have a legally binding document confirming you are my little until I say otherwise. This is not a kidnapping. This is the beginning of your treatment. You shall return here quite different, I promise you that.”

  “I demand you stop the carriage this instant.”

  “You are a whining snivelling brat who will soon learn the danger
s of speaking out of turn. You will sit there in silence whilst I read and if there is so much of a peep out of you, another smacked bottom will be the result. Do it twice and you will spend the rest of the journey with no dress at all. Am I understood?”

  She scowled at him but did not reply.

  He leaned close to her face, saying each word slowly. “When I ask a question, you reply with ‘yes sir. Am I understood?”

  “You are insane sir.”

  “By God you will pay for that disobedience.” He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, lifting her dress as she shrieked for help. Ignoring her cries, he pulled her nappy down far enough to expose her bottom. She squirmed to get away but was unable to escape his grip as he rained blows down on her buttocks. “Please,” she begged. “Please stop. I beg you.”

  “Will you answer me? Am I understood?”

  She glared up at him as he raised his hand once more. “Yes, sir,” she screamed. “Yes, sir. Now please let me go.”

  He finally loosened his grip, and she had to fight to avoid crying as she sat back on her seat, her bottom as sore as she ever thought it could be.

  “That’s better,” he said. “Now I am going to read. You are to be silent.”

  She watched him pull out a book and begin to read. His face was as stern and cold as a statue. As time passed, she became increasingly restless but whenever she shifted in her seat, his eyes flashed a silent warning towards her.

  The only way she had to keep track of the hours passing was by the light changing outside the carriage. By the time the sun began to set she found herself desperate for the toilet, the sensation of need growing over the preceding hours. She shuffled in her seat, sitting on her hands and squeezing her bare toes into fists.

  “Sit still,” he growled without looking up.

  “I need to stop for a moment.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “I need the toilet.”

  “There is no toilet out here.”

  “But I need to go.”

  “That is what the nappy is for. Let it serve its purpose until you can learn to control your bladder better. Your skills in such matters match those of your temperament.”

  “I must protest.”

  “You can protest all you like. It will make no difference to what happens next. Now, silence.”

  He returned to his book as the sun dipped below the horizon. Her desire to urinate grew ever stronger over the next hour and she winced every time they bounced through a pothole.

  Moving her thighs together, she squeeze the muscles in her legs, her desperation becoming overpowering. As they jolted over yet another rut in the road, she let out a gasp, a few drops of urine leaking out of her and soaking into the nappy. She fought with herself to prevent any more from escaping and managed a few more minutes by biting her lip so hard blood trickled onto her tongue.

  Another jolt and another leak, this one more worrying as she was barely able to make it stop. She could feel the wet warmth in the towelling cloth, the nerve endings in the skin around her core seemed more sensitive to the change than she expected was possible. She shuffled her legs ever faster until Edward finally set down his book.

  “You are moving again,” he said.

  “I must get to a toilet.”

  “Have you not gone yet? Get it over with and then stop that incessant wriggling around. It is most distracting.”

  “I cannot go in public like this.”

  “Then it shall be an interesting night’s journey for you.”

  He turned away from her and lit a candle inside the lantern that swung from the ceiling. The light it cast moved with the motion of the carriage, alternating plunging Laura into darkness and then light. As she looked across at Edward his eyes closed and by the time the light was on him again he was asleep.

  She was relieved to find him asleep as it meant she could wriggle on her seat as much as she desired. She gave a moment’s thought to slipping out of the carriage but in the darkness she knew she would soon be lost. Better to wait until morning and hopefully if he was still asleep, she could slip out and find her way home.

  Cramming her hands between her legs gave her some sense of relief. The nappy felt so bulky compared to her usual underwear, it was hard to feel herself through it and she had to continually grind her hand in place to gain the relief she needed.

  The coach rolled ever onwards and she plumbed new depths of agony of need. “I cannot last,” she said out loud but he did not stir.

  Perhaps if I sleep, she thought, it may help. She twisted her head until she could lean on the wall of the carriage. Closing her eyes, she did her best to distract herself from the pain in her bladder, thinking of home and the things she would demand from her father to make up for the treatment he had signed her up for.

  With a jolt she sat upright, confused by the sight of morning light streaming through the window. Had she slept? Sitting up, her bladder screamed for release. Opposite her the man was still asleep. Any thoughts of running were gone until she gained some form of relief from the agony passing through her body.

  The carriage bumped over rougher ground and with each jolt, another drop of urine leaked from her, soaking into the cloth until she could hold it in no longer. Even with her hand clamped between her legs, she could not stop the dripping becoming a trickle which then became a flood.

  It gushed out of her, soaking into the cloth as she let out an uncontrollable sigh of pure relief. Shame filled her mind even as the pain in her body began to ease and by the time she had finished urinating, her mind was overwhelmed by the thought of what she had just done, wetting herself in public for the first time since she was an infant.

  As the last drops left her, she moved her knees apart, trying to reduce the awful feeling of the warm wet cloth on her skin. Opposite her the man stirred as the carriage came to a halt.

  “We are here,” the man said, getting immediately to his feet and pushing open the door. “Welcome to your new home.”

  Chapter 6

  Edward felt alive for the first time in months. A real challenge, a woman in need of his unique style of education who would most definitely benefit from becoming a little more than anyone who he had taught before. As he stepped down from the carriage he looked across at Laura. She looked utterly defeated, her nappy sagging visibly even through her dress.

  It wasn’t the defeat in her eyes that pleased him so much. It was the defiance that still flared in her, waiting for a chance to emerge at the right moment. That defiance, channelled in the right way, would send her back home a completely different person. He just hoped her parents were prepared for the change.

  When he had got her into the carriage, it felt exhilarating, to have her completely in his power and yet still she looked unwilling to submit, like a caged animal who was still dangerous despite her confinement. He knew he had to play this carefully.

  He had been glad when she had called him insane, giving him the perfect opportunity to show her who was in charge. Taking her onto his lap and exposing her posterior had been all about discipline but as her curvy buttocks came into view, a thought entered his head for the first time. She looked delightful in a way none of the other littles ever had. Was her defiant manner revealing itself through her very skin? Was that even possible? He did not know the answers, he just knew the sight of her bottom made him want to do far more than just spank her.

  As he smacked her behind and watched it turn red, she screamed and squirmed and fought to escape him. Let her try, she would soon learn such defiance served little purpose. All she needed to know was that letting go of her anger would do her good, submitting to him would make her happy, though he knew she was not yet aware of that. No matter, that knowledge would come with time.

  At one point during spanking her, he caught sight of what lay between her legs and a spark of desire developed within him. From nowhere he found himself wondering what it would be like to spank her there, to make her yelp with surprise at the sensation before slidin
g fingers into her and then…

  He shook his head, forcing the thoughts away. It would never do to touch one of his littles in that way. The scandal that might ensue would end his career. Better to think only of her development, ignore the lust that had begun to whisper to him.

  He thought back to how she had looked in her bedroom. That mixture of modesty and bratty behaviour when he had stripped her. Her body with its pale skin and the perfect curve of her hips. The way her hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall. The swell of her breasts as she had fixedly remained still. It had been hard not to stare at her but he had managed, having done this so many times before made it easier.

  Holding her fighting form whilst tying the nappy in place had given him the perfect view between her legs. The swells and folds of soft pink flesh had called to him and he had the same thought he always had when starting them on their journey. What would it be like to touch her there? He never gave in to the primal thought that crossed his mind at that point. So many times a daughter of a Lord or Duke had been naked on their bed and he had been holding their squirming form whilst tying a nappy.

  The contract had given him freedom over them and he knew he could take advantage of his strength if he wanted to. But he also knew he would never do it. It would not be worth the tactile sensation of touching them for the consequences. He would lose his power over them if they lusted after him, if he gave in to his primal desires would be the worst thing he could do whilst attempting to mould them into better people.

  So he just glanced at them as he glanced at Laura, knowing he had control over her was enough. Especially as she looked so adorable with the nappy tied in place.

  On the carriage he had enjoyed seeing her discomfort, even as he had slept through part of it but he had awoken long before she realised he was alert and watching her. Whenever she looked his way he kept his eyes tightly closed but the swaying of the lantern had worked in his favour, giving him man chances to glance across at her and watch her fight with herself. She was so wilful, unwilling to let go and yet until she did he knew she was still the old Laura, the daughter they struggled with, the brat. Wetting the nappy would be the first step on a journey to becoming a decent human being, to becoming a little.


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