Pleasant Valley Bears: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Pleasant Valley Shifters)

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Pleasant Valley Bears: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Pleasant Valley Shifters) Page 18

by Marlie Monroe

  George frowned. “What do you want me to say? That I’m sorry? Well, I am. I’m sorry I’m an old fool who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.”

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  George shrugged. “It’s the best I’ve got right now.”

  “All right. Apology accepted.” Stuart hugged his uncle and patted him on the back. “Come on in, but play nice.”

  “You have my word.” George walked in ahead of Stuart.

  Stuart pointed toward the dining room. “There’s food spread out on the table if you’re hungry. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

  “Thank you. I think I will.” George headed off in search of sustenance.

  Stuart walked over to the couch and claimed a seat in front of the television to catch up on the election coverage. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Lila pace behind the couch, glance at the TV, and then pace back over to the dining room to mingle. She went back and forth. Just watching her wore him out. The next time she passed by him, he reached out and grabbed her, and pulled her down onto his lap. “Settle down and keep me company.”

  She scowled and looked around them. “We have company.”

  “So we do.” He kissed her chin. “I’m not asking you to strip and give me a lap dance. Just sit here by my side and watch the results. The reports should start rolling in any time now.”

  Quinn raced over and flopped down on the opposite side of the couch with a huge slice of pie. “These desserts are the bomb.”

  Lila shook her head. “I’m glad you like them. Just try to eat something besides sugar before we go home.”

  “About that,” Quinn said. “If it’s all right with you, I’d like to stay over at Justin’s tonight. His parents got him a new game I want to try.”

  “Yeah, okay. That’s fine with me as long as it’s okay with Justin’s parents.”

  “They don’t care.” Quinn stuffed his last hunk of pie into his mouth. “I’m going to get some more of this before the rest disappears.”

  Stuart waited until Quinn was out of range and whispered in her ear. “Want to have a sleepover tonight?”

  “As if you have to ask.” She grinned. “I’ll drive Quinn over to Justin’s and then I’ll be all yours for the rest of the night.”

  “Want to send all these people home now and get to the fun parts of the night?” Stuart wiggled his eyebrows.

  “No.” Lila shook her head. “The fun part of the night can wait until after we find out the election results.”

  “Party pooper.” Stuart smacked a quick kiss on her lips.

  Rick came over and claimed the chair next to Stuart. “Hey man. How you doing? You getting anxious?”

  Stuart shook his head. “Nah. I’m not worried.”

  “Good. Good. I’m sure you’ve got this in the bag.” Rick waved at someone. A minute later his wife Sophie came over carrying the babies.

  She handed them over and sat on the arm of the chair. “Hey Stuart. Lila. If I haven’t already said so, thanks for inviting us over. The steaks were great and I definitely needed a reason to wear something other than sweatpants for a change. Other than the grocery store, this is the first time we’ve been out of the house since the babies were born.”

  “I’m glad you guys could make it,” Stuart said. “Tell Toby he needs to come see me when that fancy new job of his lets him have some time off.”

  Sophie nodded. “I will the next time we see him. He’s been as busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest lately.”

  “Who’s Toby?” Lila asked.

  “My little brother,” Rick answered.

  “Ah. Gotcha.” Lila hopped off Stuart’s lap and crouched in front of Rick to coo at the babies. “You guys are so cute. Yes, you are.”

  Stuart laughed at the silly faces she was making and glanced at the television. The results scrolled across the screen. He blinked and looked again just to be sure. Then he launched off the couch and threw his hands up in the air. “Yes! I’m still the sheriff!”

  Their friends and family clapped and shouted their congratulations. Lila stood and threw her arms around him. “Congratulations honey!”

  He tugged her close with one arm, kissed her forehead, and buried his nose in her hair. “Thanks.” He dropped his voice. “Now we can move on to the real celebration, right?”

  Rick burst out laughing. “I think that’s our cue to hit the road.” He stood and bounced the baby. “It was nice meeting you, Lila. Good luck keeping this guy in line.” He smacked Stuart on the shoulder. “Congrats buddy. Enjoy your celebration.”

  Lila’s face turned red. “Good to meet you guys too. Don’t be strangers, okay? I’d love to see more of those babies. They’re so sweet when they’re little.”

  “I heard that,” Quinn said, coming up behind her. He hugged her from behind. “Are you saying I’m not sweet anymore?”

  “You can be very sweet.” Lila turned and embraced her son. “Especially when you want something.”

  “Ha ha.” Quinn wiggled out of her arms. “I called Justin to make sure it was okay if I stayed over, and his mom said she would come and get me. She’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  “Okay. Make sure you have your things together before she gets here.” Lila walked off with Quinn to help him gather up what little he’d brought with him earlier in the day.

  Stuart walked Rick, Sophie, and the twins to the door. He opened the screen door and stepped aside to let his friends out. “You guys drive safe.”

  Aaron and Andrew strode up to him with their jackets in their hands. Aaron spoke. “We have to go, too, boss. We’re due on shift soon.”

  “All right, guys. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow. Thanks for coming.”

  “Thanks for the grub,” Andrew said. “And congrats again on your win.” The guys walked out toward their shared cruiser.

  George followed behind the guys. He stopped in front of Stuart. “I’m going to head home too and leave you to your privacy. I just wanted to say congrats again and let you know how proud of you I am. I knew you had it in you, boy.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He shifted restlessly. “So, how’s about you bring your lady with you to dinner this Sunday and give an old man a second chance to get to know his new niece? I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  “I’ll have to check with Lila, but I’d like that.”

  George nodded. “All right. Just let me know.”

  “I will.” Stuart pulled his uncle into an awkward hug. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Didn’t want to be anywhere else, boy. You have a good evening and enjoy your celebration.” With a smirk and a wink, George strolled by Stuart and went out the door.

  With a laugh at the old man’s teasing, Stuart went to close the front door and saw a little blue car pull up in front of the house. It took him a moment to place the vehicle. When he did, he turned and hollered for Lila. “Justin’s mom is here for Quinn.”

  Lila came out of the dining room, with Quinn trailing behind her. “That was quick.”

  Quinn shrugged and slung his backpack over his shoulder. “Small town. It doesn’t take long to get anywhere around here.”

  “I guess that’s true.” Lila gave Quinn a quick, one-armed hug and kissed his forehead. “You mind your manners and be home in time for lunch tomorrow. Call me if you need a ride home, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I hear you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He glanced at Stuart and then ducked his head. “Congrats on your win, man. That’s pretty cool. Even if it means you’re a cop for another four years.”

  “Thank you, Quinn. Have fun at Justin’s house.”

  Stuart resisted the urge to reach out and ruffle his bright blue hair. They weren’t close enough yet for that kind of familiarity, but he had no doubt they would get there with time. He had enough patience to wait Quinn out and enough stubbornness to keep trying until the kid realized he was there for the lo
ng haul.

  Quinn kissed his mom and ran out the door with a backward wave. Stuart shut the door and pulled Lila into his arms. “Looks like I have you all to myself.”

  Lila wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. “Seems so. Now that you’ve got me, whatever do you plan on doing with me, Sheriff?”

  “Talk is cheap.” He swooped down, lifted her off her feet, and carried her toward the bedroom. “I’d much rather show you.”

  About Bear Tenacity

  Never get between a bear and his honey.

  A new beginning...

  Zoe Redman has a bright future ahead of her as the new kindergarten teacher at Pleasant Valley Elementary school. After a rough start in life, things are finally looking up for her. They only get better when a sexy shifter takes an interest in her.

  A chance encounter...

  The moment Toby Gideon meets Zoe, he knows he’s found his mate. The curvy blonde is smart, gorgeous, and as sweet as honey. All it takes is one taste of her lips to cement his determination to claim the plus-sized beauty for his own.

  An unbreakable bond...

  Life is sweet until a deadly foe makes his presence known in grisly fashion. Toby vows to protect Zoe no matter the cost, but even the most diligent bear can't foresee everything. When Zoe's abducted, Toby will stop at nothing to rescue his mate—even if it means risking his own life to save hers.

  Bear Tenacity

  Pleasant Valley Shifters

  Marlie Monroe

  Chapter One

  Thursday was shaping up to be the best day of the week for Toby Gideon. He got to pick his niece and nephew up from elementary school, spoil them rotten for a couple of hours until their surprise party was set up and all their little buddies arrived, and then finish up the evening stuffed full of grilled meat and cake while surrounded by friends and family. It didn't get much better than good food and family as far as he was concerned.

  He followed his sister-in-law’s instructions on where to park and entered the building through the main entrance. He was a little early, but figured that could be a good thing. He’d just sign the twins out and avoid the evening rush of buses and parents picking up their kids.

  A glance around the bright interior revealed a huge display of children’s fall-themed artwork on the wall to his left and the main office doorway directly to his right. Despite having attended Pleasant Valley Elementary, he wasn’t familiar with this building. It was fairly new, having been built around five or six years earlier after part of the old school’s roof collapsed during a bad storm.

  He made his way into the office, spoke with the receptionist, and signed the kids out. After securing directions, he headed toward their classroom with a little extra bounce in his step. He adored the twins and couldn’t wait to see their little faces light up when all their friends and family shouted “surprise” later. They were going to be thrilled with the party.

  However, before he could get them to the main event, he had to play it cool and keep them busy until five o’clock—which gave him around two hours to keep them occupied.

  He found the right room without any trouble and peeked through the door to see the kids sitting on a colorful rug in a semicircle around the teacher, who appeared to be reading them a story. Not wanting to interrupt story time, he pulled out his phone and glanced down at the screen. School ended in fifteen minutes.

  When he glanced back up, the teacher was closing the book and talking to the children. Pleased with the good timing, he rapped on the door and opened it without waiting for a response. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m here to pick up Claire and Chris.”

  He inhaled and froze as a bewitching aroma circled around him and directed his attention to the woman at the center of the room. She smelled of wild honeysuckle, succulent berries, and pure female musk.

  “Uncle Toby!” The twins jumped up off the floor, ran over to him, and threw their little arms around his legs. “Hi Uncle Toby!”

  The impact drew his focus away from the teacher and onto the birthday boy and girl. Toby smiled down at them and ruffled Chris’s shaggy brown hair. “Hey! There’s my birthday boy and girl! Why don’t you go get your things together so we can get out of here?”

  “Okay.” They scampered off toward the cubbies at the back of the room to collect their belongings.

  The teacher clapped her hands. “That’s a good idea. Why don’t you all go and gather your things and then bring them back to the carpet. It’s almost time to go home.”

  The children shouted and cheered and scrambled after Chris and Claire. Their exuberance amused Toby. What he wouldn’t give to have half that much energy these days.

  The hot blonde teacher strode toward Toby with a smile. “Hi. I’m Zoe Redman. You’re Chris and Claire’s uncle?”

  “Yes. I’m Toby Gideon. I’m their dad’s brother.” Dying for an excuse to touch her, he held out his hand.

  She took the bait and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you. Chris and Claire are a pleasure to teach. They’re great kids.”

  The instant their skin touched, a bolt of electricity shot up his arm. Startled by the shock, he barely heard the first part of what she’d said. He just pumped her hand up and down and kept smiling, while his heart raced and the beast inside him stirred and clawed to break free. He marveled at the softness of her skin and how dainty her hand looked within his own.

  One of Zoe’s eyebrows lifted and the corners of her full lips tilted up higher. She glanced down at their hands and then back up at him. Only then did he realize he’d been shaking her hand for a lot longer than necessary. A rush of embarrassment flooded through him. He released his grip on her and shrugged. “Sorry.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. You’re cute.”

  A little thrill shot through Toby. She thought he was cute. Before he could return the compliment, Chris and Claire tackled his legs again. He stumbled back under their combined weight and had to right his balance. “Whoa there. You guys are getting so big.”

  “I’m going to be the biggest boy ever,” Chris said, lifting his arms over his head. “Even bigger than Daddy.”

  “Nuh-uh,” Claire said. “I’m going to be the biggest boy ever.”

  Chris scowled. “You’re not a boy, stupid.”

  “I can be if I want. Mama said I can be anything I want.” Claire stuck her tongue out at her brother.

  “All right you two. No name-calling.” Toby squatted down and talked to them at their level. “How would you both like to go see a movie with me? I’ll even spring for popcorn and ice cream since it’s your birthday.”

  “Yeah!” Chris answered.

  “Woo-hoo!” Claire hollered. “Ice cream’s my favorite.”

  Toby stood back up. He looked around for the kids’ teacher and found her on her knees in the center of the other youngsters. Any chance he had of speaking with her appeared to be over. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Redman,” he called over the loud din of excited children.

  She glanced up and waved. “You too, Mr. Gideon.”

  If he stared at her a little longer than appropriate, he couldn’t help himself. She was beautiful, curvy in all the right places, and had a smile that lit up the room. Not to mention she smelled like the sweetest thing on earth. The timing sucked, and he didn’t know the first thing about her, but he was pretty damn sure he was looking at his mate.

  Chris and Claire tugged at each of his arms. “Uncle Toby! Let’s go.”

  He dragged his gaze away from their teacher through sheer force of will and looked down at his niece and nephew. “All right. Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”

  He walked them out and pulled the door closed behind them. “Who wants to see a cartoon?”

  “I do.” Chris raised his hand.

  “I do.” Claire jumped up and down.

  Toby chuckled. He had the cutest niece and nephew in the world. “Okay then. That’s what we’ll do.”

  He looked up and clashed gazes with the over
ly-muscular bald man standing a few feet down the hallway. Toby looked the man over, from the top of shiny head to his scuffed boots and wasn't impressed. The man—Geoff, according to the name stitched across the chest of the light blue work shirt—glared before turning away and pushing an industrial-size dust-mop up the hall. Toby could smell the anger and frustration rolling off the guy in waves. Apparently someone was having a bad day.

  Blowing off the janitor's dirty look, he led the kids outside into the crisp fall air and buckled them into the booster seats he’d borrowed from his brother’s SUV. The drive across town to the theater was uneventful. Toby asked the kids about their day and listened to them chatter about birthday pancakes and everything they’d done in school. Once they arrived, he led them inside and bought tickets. They bounced and wiggled around and around his legs while the three of them were waiting in line at the concession stand, and then shouted their requests when it was their turn at the register.

  The kids carried their ice cream treats, while Toby carried a bucket of popcorn and their drinks into the dim, nearly vacant theater. There were only two other people in the room, a woman and a young boy sitting in the very front. Movie previews were already playing on the screen. “Where do you guys want to sit?”

  “I want to sit in the back,” Chris said.

  “I want to sit close to the screen,” Claire said.

  “How about somewhere in the middle?” Toby asked, hoping they would compromise.

  “Okay.” Claire skipped ahead, with Chris hot on her heels.

  Toby followed along behind them, amused by their antics. They claimed three seats in the center of the middle row and sat down. Toby put each of their drinks in the appropriate cup holder and settled back with the popcorn in his lap.

  The movie started and the kids quieted down. Animated animals frolicked across the screen and sang one song after another. Other than a couple of bathroom breaks for the twins, Toby had a lot of time to sit in the dark and think about his life and Zoe Redman. The more he mulled over his reaction to her, the more convinced he became that she was his mate. Something about her intrigued him and called to his basic instincts. There was something different about her. Something that piqued his interest and made his bear sit up and take notice.


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