Clutch (Custom Culture)

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Clutch (Custom Culture) Page 16

by Oliver, Tess

  I wrapped my arms around his massive arm and hugged it tightly. “Jason is always pissed these days. I think he’s unhappy with his personal life, and he’s taking it out on everyone else. You may have noticed that his girlfriend is a charmless, stick-up-the-ass bitch.”

  A smile dented his cheek. “I might have noticed.” The smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. “Jason told me your parents don’t want me anywhere near you.”

  “Fuck them.”

  “Yeah,” he said with little conviction.

  I pressed my face against his arm. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  He paused and a nervous flutter went through my stomach. “I was hoping you would.”

  The ugly, scorched remnants of the bizarre night met us at the top of his driveway. His house stood lonely and sad on the otherwise empty lot. We climbed out of the car and walked inside. Clutch turned on some music and plopped down hard on the couch.

  “I can still taste the smoke. I need some water,” I said. “Do you want a glass?”

  He nodded almost imperceptibly. I walked into the kitchen and filled two glasses with water and returned to the living room. The music vibrated off the walls. Clutch’s ridiculously long legs stretched out across the floor, and he stared at the wall. I’d seen him excited, angry, in pain and everything in between, but this was the heart-wrenching look of defeat on his face, a face I knew better than my own. I drank the water and swallowed back the pain brought on by seeing him look so incredibly sad.

  I handed him some water. He finished it quickly, and I placed the glasses on the coffee table. I sat on my knees facing him. His profile looked as if an artist had chiseled it out of stone. “Jason will get over the car. And my parents could never say anything that would change my opinion of you.”

  His face dropped and he looked down at his hands. His knuckles were red and raw from the fire. I took hold of his hand, lifted it to my mouth, and pressed my lips against his burned skin. I lowered his hand to his lap and pushed long strands of blond hair back behind his ear. My lips caressed his temple and then his ear and then his stubble covered chin. He sat perfectly still as I kissed his neck and his shoulder. I crawled around and straddled his lap. I took hold of his face and lifted it. It was a face that had invaded most of my daydreams. It was a face that always took my breath away, no matter what mood he was in, even now in the terrible darkness that seemed to have taken hold of him. His long, dark lashes fluttered down as I kissed his eyebrow and nose.

  I kissed his mouth lightly. His eyes were still closed. “There has never been anyone but you, Clutch. I still remember the day when I realized that I wanted you and no one else.” His blue eyes lifted and I smiled as I kissed his chin. “You and Jason had picked me up from school. A lady’s car was stuck in the middle of the road. She looked terrified as the traffic swooshed past her.” I picked up his hand and kissed his palm. “You’d been telling Jason about rebuilding some motor, and you pulled over and held up your giant hand to stop the cars. You walked over, helped the lady into her car and pushed the stalled car to the side of the road. Then you got back in your car and started up the conversation about the motor. What you’d done was no big deal to you, but no one else had taken the time to help her. I remember watching you from the back seat with those same big hands gripping the steering wheel, and all I could think was someday I want those massive arms to hold me. I knew nothing bad could happen to me wrapped in those unbelievable arms.” I kissed him again and his arms circled me. He held me with a crushing force that nearly swept the breath from me, and yet, I wanted him to hold me tighter.

  Chapter 22


  Jasmine came up next to me as I crossed the lawn to the sidewalk. “You’re always hoofing it these days. What happened? Did your mom’s car break down?”

  “Nope. She doesn’t ever let me use it anymore. She seems to think I can get into even more trouble with a car. Fortunately, I don’t mind walking, but I want to find a job and I’m kind of limited without transportation.” After I’d spent the entire night with Clutch, my mom had stopped talking to me completely. But I was in such a state of bliss about being with him, I couldn’t have cared less. In fact, it was less stressful not talking to her. She had no idea who I was seeing, and I didn’t need to cause Clutch anymore grief by telling her. I’d decided it was none of her damn business, or my dad’s, or Jason’s, for that matter.

  Jasmine took hold of my arm and pulled me toward the parking lot. “Well, I’ve got a car today. Let’s go hang out at the taco stand. We never get to talk anymore.”

  “I don’t know, Jaz, Adam and his buddies will be there. And if he’s there, then I’m sure his new girlfriend, Chelsea, will be there. She really hates me. They all do.”

  Jasmine stopped and put her hands on her hips. “Taylor Flinn, since when do you give a shit what those dorks think?” She looked pleadingly at me. “I want to hear about that guy from Alaska. Kiley said you were seeing him on the sly. Come on, please.”

  “Fine, for a little while, but you’re going to be disappointed because we are just friends. He might have even gone back up north again.”

  We trudged along to the parking lot. “Well, you’re up to something. I can see it in the way you walk.”

  I laughed. “Jeez, you sound like my mom.” I held back a smile thinking about what I had been up to, but I had no intention of telling Jasmine about Clutch. She’d teased me about my crush on him mercilessly for the past two years, and while it seemed natural that I would want to gloat about it to her, I really didn’t care if she knew. And everything was so new that I still felt on shaky ground when it came to Clutch. Now that I’d left myself wide open and vulnerable, it seemed one strong breeze could push me over to heartbreak. I’d wanted Clutch for so long it was all still just too unreal for me to believe.

  As usual, half the student body was parked at the taco stand. Adam’s tall head stood up across the way, and Chelsea’s blonde hair sparkled beneath her blue head band. I followed behind Jasmine reluctantly, and while most people had grown bored of the Taylor and Adam saga, Adam’s crew of snobby friends had not. They all turned to look at me as we crossed the lot to the order window.

  Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Here we are at the last quarter of high school, and they still act like they’re in elementary school. Just ignore them.”

  “I usually do.” My phone buzzed and I slid it out of the pocket of my shorts. It was just a text but even his short messages made my heart fly ahead of its usual pace.

  “I’m going to the hospital to visit Rett. Want to go?”

  “Yes,” I wrote back immediately.

  “Where are you at?”

  “I’m at the taco stand.”

  “Perfect. I’m hungry and Barrett was whining about the hospital food. Be there in fifteen.”

  “Who was that?” Jasmine asked. “Whoever it was, it sure turned your frown upside down fast.” She grabbed my arm. “Was it the fisherman?”

  “No. I told you I’m not seeing him.”

  She looked disappointed.

  “Sorry not to be able to provide you with tawdry details of my dating life. What about you, Jaz? What happened to that older guy from work?”

  She waved off the question. “Turns out he was only interested in one thing.” Her attention had turned back to the parking lot, and she seemed to be searching for someone. Just then a motorcycle pulled into the lot and she nearly danced with excitement.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “That is my new honey. He’s my neighbor’s cousin.”

  “See and you wanted to hear about my life while you had all sorts of goodies stored up to tell me.”

  She leaned toward me. “He’s so fucking hot, and he’s all man. My mom is pissed as hell of course, but I don’t care. I’m crazy about him.”

  He stretched up tall in his leathers as he
stepped off his bike, but as he took off his helmet the layers of hotness disappeared. His head was shaved clean and he had tattoos across his bare scalp. He made Gus look like the boy next door.

  Jasmine held her breath as he walked toward us.

  “Gee, I can’t imagine why your mom would be pissed.”

  Our school mates stared with wide open mouths as he approached us. Jasmine turned to me. “I hope you don’t mind that I invited him.”

  “Actually, it works out fine. I’ve got a friend picking me up in a few minutes. I’m just going to get a drink and wait for him.”

  Jasmine turned to me. “Him?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Her new friend had reached us. “Rick, this is my friend, Taylor.”

  “Hey, Rick. Well, I’m heading to the order window. It was nice meeting you.” I was relieved to have a reason to leave, and since Jasmine was now occupied, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

  Adam and his judgmental crew were sitting along the tables near the order window. I ignored their glares and got into line. I heard Chelsea’s distinctive snicker. I’d heard it before in the hallway at school and it had reminded me of a hyena.

  “Rumor has it, no one has asked her to the prom. Skanks don’t usually attend, you know.” Chelsea sneered in my direction but once again I ignored her.

  “Is that true, Flinn?” One of Adam’s football friends asked. “I’d take you. I’ll bet you’re a whole lot of fun up in the hotel room after the prom.”

  “Nah, she’s not that much fun. She’s pretty selfish when it comes to sex.” Adam chimed in next, and his words felt like nails in my back. Laughter roared around his table.

  The line was moving at a snail’s pace, and I considered just ditching the drink idea. But if I left, they would know they’d gotten to me. So I stood my ground and reminded myself that they were idiots. Adam was the biggest douche of all. Obviously, the break up had shattered his ego a lot more than he’d let on.

  “Hey,” Clutch texted, “I’m almost there. Get in line. Four fish tacos and two chicken.”

  “I’m in line but hurry.”

  A text came right back. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just hurry and get me out of here.”

  I’d moved up several spaces but not out of earshot of the barrage of insults being fired at me from Adam’s table. Chelsea seemed to be taking extra pleasure in attacking me. I had no idea why since she’d already landed Adam, and I had nothing more to do with him.

  “Her parents should send her back to the east coast. Maybe she could still get a prom date over there.”

  They were quite focused on prom, a senior event that had never even crossed my mind. From what I’d heard, they’d even decided on a corny disco theme. I couldn’t imagine anything more boring.

  For a moment, they fell silent and I was relieved. There was just one person in front of me.

  I ordered and scooted over to the pick-up line, which was even closer to the table of clowns, but they seemed to have run out of ammo. I made a point of staring at the pick-up window to avoid any eye contact with them, but then something hit my back and they erupted in laughter again.

  “Ah, come on,” Adam’s friend said, “I thought a quarter would at least get me a blow job.”

  His comment had now gotten the attention of other people in line and everyone turned to stare at me. I’d always had a reputation for being wild, but I’d never done anything to be deemed a slut. My eyes ached as I blinked back tears.

  I recognized Adam’s laugh behind me. “Hey, Taylor, here comes that big dude you have a crush on. Maybe you should ask him to the prom.” Everyone laughed. “I’m sure he’d jump at the chance.”

  I looked back across the lot. The crowd milling in front of the taco stand parted and everyone stared as Clutch walked through. He was always an amazing and imposing sight to see, and it seemed even the tables and umbrellas scooted over to let him through. But he didn’t notice the people gawking and staring. His gaze found me, and instantly, I felt like I was standing alone. Suddenly, all the harsh, ugly words meant nothing at all. Everything about the man stole my breath away. My heart raced as he neared, and Adam’s table fell noticeably silent behind me.

  Clutch smiled down at me but then seemed to sense my distress. “Everything all right?”

  I glanced at Adam’s table. He looked as if he’d just been stung in the ass by a wasp. “It is now,” I said quietly.

  They called our number and Clutch grabbed the bag of food. We headed back to the truck. Most of the conversations stopped abruptly as we walked back through. I caught a glimpse of Jasmine and her new friend. She looked even more shocked than Adam. Clutch still took no notice of the disruption he’d caused with his arrival.

  I was relieved to reach his truck. He placed the food on the hood and went to unlock my door but then stopped. He turned around and took hold of my face and lifted it up toward his mouth. Then he leaned down and kissed me. “I confess, I’ve been thinking about nothing else but those plump lips of yours all day.”

  I reached up and slid my arms around his neck and kissed him back. “And I’ve been thinking about nothing but those arms around me all day.”

  He smiled down at me. “Then I guess neither of us got much accomplished.” His eyes drifted down to the neckline of my blouse and then his dark lashes lifted. “I think we should stop by my house on the way to the hospital. I’ve got some things to tend to before we go see Barrett.” Discretely, his hand reached up between us and he slid his thumb over the fabric stretched across my breast. I sucked in a breath.

  I licked my lip. “Sounds important. We should definitely stop home.”

  We climbed into the truck, and I tucked myself tightly against him. I glanced out the window toward the taco stand. Adam’s harsh glare shot daggers at me across the parking lot. I’d just endured some of the meanest words anyone had ever spit at me, and while they’d come from people I’d grown up with, people I’d spent years going to school with, none of it mattered. The only person that mattered to me was the person sitting next to me. He was the only person who could truly hurt me. For a second I closed my eyes and then opened them again. He was still there, all six foot plus of him with his long blond hair, strong chin, and the confidence of a man in charge of the world. I took hold of his rock hard arm and wondered if he realized just how easily he could crush my heart.

  Chapter 23


  Once again I found myself driving like a man on fire through the crowded streets of Los Angeles, clutching the steering wheel so hard it nearly crumbled in my hands. I had no shred of control left when it came to Taylor. The tacos that had sounded so good on the way to the taco stand had lost all their appeal once I’d tasted Taylor’s lips again. Now my hunger had an entirely different focus. I knew once I’d allowed myself the pleasure of touching her that I would not be able to stop wanting her and I’d been right.

  My tires chirped as they hit the driveway at a ridiculous speed. I turned off the car, and we hurried inside. The house was hot and stuffy, but opening windows would have taken too much time and effort.

  I grabbed Taylor and held her arms tightly as I kissed her hard and deep. Her fingers clutched the fabric of my shirt as if she needed to hold onto something to keep her balance. This time I was the one that needed to slow down, but it seemed impossible.

  My hands moved to the buttons on her blouse. Her hands reached to the bottom of my shirt and we parted mouths just long enough for me to slide my t-shirt off over my head. She pulled her lips from mine and looked up at me, and I swallowed a sharp breath.

  My hand reached up and I pressed my palm against her cheek. “If you only knew how hard it has been for me to deny myself these past few years. It’s been torture.”

  “I think I have some idea.” She took hold of my wrist and placed my palm over her heart. It st
uttered wildly beneath my touch. Then she leaned closer and pressed her mouth against the bare skin of my chest. Her tongue and lips trailed down my abdomen to the top of my jeans. Her fingers deftly opened up my fly and she pushed my pants to the floor. A groan caught in my throat as she took hold of me and traced the hard tip with her tongue. She straightened and stepped away from me. She licked her bottom lips and stared at me. “You take my breath away, James Mason.”

  Then she slid the open blouse off her smooth brown shoulders and slid her shorts and panties to the ground. She was flawless, and as many times as I’d imagined her naked, nothing had compared to the real thing.

  She reached back and pulled the ribbon she had tied in her hair. Her copper hair cascaded around her shoulders. A sly, sultry smile tipped up her plump lips as she held the ribbon up to me. “Come on, Viking, you’ll never need to deny yourself again.”

  My heart slammed back and forth against my ribs as I took the ribbon from her hand. Taylor was wild and passionate in every aspect of life, just as I’d expected. Even though she was completely naked and just handed me her ribbon with a pleading, hungry look in her eyes, she sat demurely, almost shyly, on the bed.

  I stared down at her, and every fantasy I’d ever had about having Taylor naked beneath me raced through my head. I motioned for her to lie back on the bed. Her perfect, full breasts rose and fell as her breaths came quicker and shorter. I could not stop looking at her, stretched-out, supple and aching for me to touch her. I balled the ribbon up in my fist.

  “Turn on your stomach.” The words cracked out of my throat.

  She hesitated but only for a second. I leaned down and lightly bit her round bottom. She half giggled-half squealed in pleasure. I straddled her legs, not allowing the full force of my weight to rest on her. I ran my mouth along her side and then across her shoulders. Her thin body shivered beneath me. I reached up and tied one end of the ribbon loosely around her wrist. I pulled it through the rod iron railing of my bed and then I tied her other wrist.


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