Sugary Sweets (A Taste of Love Series Book 2)

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Sugary Sweets (A Taste of Love Series Book 2) Page 11

by A. M. Willard

  With ease, I tread lightly down the stairs towards my husband and the aroma of food. My belly grumbles and I can’t wait to dig into my feast. When I enter the room, Hatcher lets out a whistle causing me to throw up my hand and act as I’m twirling around. “You look gorgeous as ever Babe; come sit and eat.”

  “Thank you, and don’t mind if I do… Thanks again for making this,” I say as I sit and scoot back to get comfortable. Hatcher hands me my plate which I’ve learned to balance on my new body. It’s not a huge shelf yet, but in time it will be perfect for holding stuff. “So I think we are ready for this grand event in a few days. We will need to go to the store tomorrow and pick up everything. Morgan and Natasha have a few decorations they said they want to hang.”

  “That’s fine, write me a list and I’ll pick it all up tomorrow before I head home. I’ve got to work in the city for a few hours and then I am all yours.”

  “Oh, then can you take me to the bakery tomorrow while you work?”

  “I can, but I don’t want you doing too much. After I pick you up, it’s store and home for you.”

  “Yes, Captain…”

  We enjoy our dinner and watch a little reality TV which I’ve come to love. Now, stop judging me, I can’t help it.

  “Hey lover boy, come on let’s go upstairs,” I say, nudging Hatcher in the arm while wiggling my eyebrows at him.

  “Lead the way hot momma,” he says as he helps me up and grabs my death traps for me.

  I limp towards the bathroom to freshen up and take one last look at myself before I head back out. Hatcher has already discarded his clothing, standing before me in just his black boxer briefs. I allow my eyes to travel down the length of his body and back up again. He steps forward and stands inches away from my face, raising his hand and gently brushing it across the side of my face. I melt into his touch as if it’s the first time he’s ever laid a hand on me. Every nerve ending within my body comes to life. Just as he steps away I feel empty, like someone has stolen my life line from me. I turn my head to the side and watch him enter our master bath. I move across the carpeted floor close to our bed so I can position my crutches against the wall. After I safely slide up in bed, I lie on my side facing the door. I prop my head up with my arm while adjusting the material of my gown. I try to make the girls look their best while I hike the one side of silk up my thigh to show a little skin. The sound of the door opening alerts me to look up and towards my husband. His simple smile shows me that he’s missed this and I’m not talking about just the sexual activity – I’m talking about the intimacy of us. The romance, the need to feel each other, the passion that rocks both of our worlds. It’s the now that I need, and want. He prowls over to the side of the bed, never breaking contact with my eyes. As he climbs up and towards me, I brace myself for the heat that only he can deliver. This man caused me to fall in love with him, even though I never wanted it – I wouldn’t change a thing between us.

  Gently, Hatcher touches me, sending a wave of shivers through me. He runs his hand up and down my side starting from my face and following to the bare skin showing on my thigh. A hand reaches back up, bracing my face into his as he pulls himself closer to me. In a blink, his mouth is on mine like he needs it to breathe. His kiss starts slow but within seconds it becomes feverish. A flood of emotions starts to run its course and I roll onto my back, positioning myself so the leg is out of the way. He doesn’t break contact as we pour our souls into this kiss. I rise up to get closer, taking what I need from him as a hand travels down his back, gripping his hips to bring him flush against me. Even though I’m still fully clothed I can feel the heat radiating from his half naked body. I free him from his briefs, only breaking apart so he can remove my gown and toss it over my head to the floor. As soon as I reveal my naked body to him, Hatcher leans down and places kisses up and down the length of my body. I hiccup on a breath until he comes back up and claims my mouth as his once again. His hands move my arms up and above my head, clasping them together. Hatcher removes one of his hands, positioning my good leg up and around his hips. It’s just enough to allow him to enter me slowly. He stops just for a brief moment, pulling back to gauge my reaction before continuing. “I’m okay,” I whisper in his ear before I bury my face in the crook of his neck. The scent of him, us, and the feelings of us together fuel me to grip the skin on his back. I dig my nails in, pulling him as close to me as I can. It’s different, it’s like I’ve never felt him before. I can feel my body climbing toward that climax as he thrusts in and out. As I get closer, Hatcher covers my mouth with his, sealing both of our experiences together at once. Slowly, I unwrap my leg from him, allowing it to fall to the side as I come down from the thrill.

  We lie curled up in each other’s arms, trying to catch our breaths from the flood of ecstasy we both just experienced. It wasn’t fast, nor was it slow – it was us and perfect for our first encounter since the accident.

  “That was perfect, Hatcher, but next time I think me and my belly need to be on their sides for this.”

  “Yes, you are perfect and I’ll take you up on that offer for sideways sex any day of the week,” he says, nibbling my shoulder and causing me to laugh. I’m not sure how long we just lay here, him talking to me and Madison. It’s surreal to think about it all, but I’m happy. My mind wanders to Frankie and how she’s been distant since the accident. Before we’d talk several times a day, but now I’m lucky if she calls a few times a week. A part of me wants to jump on the next flight and check on her, but in my current condition I’m not flight ready. Maybe tomorrow at the bakery I can get the scoop from Morgan.

  “Is Brody coming Saturday?” I ask as I haven’t heard otherwise.

  “He is, and he might have a plus one. Is that okay?”

  “A plus one? What the hell are you talking about? Frankie is in New York, so who is this person?”

  “Actually, I haven’t met her yet, but he’s been on a few dates with her. I don’t know, he asked me yesterday to make sure it wasn’t going to be weird and all.”

  “Oh it will be weird, but I’ll have to accept that our best friends are blind at love.”

  “Look at you being all adult,” he says with a smile. I never thought about the fact that Brody, nor Frankie, would find someone else. But if they live in different states and fight what they have, it’s bound to happen. I just can’t wrap my head around it all. I’ll need to take baby steps with this.

  “Do you think they will ever wake up, Hatcher?”

  “I don’t know, Zara. All I know is he’s my best friend and trying to make the best of it. So in the end I have to support him, just like you have to support her choices.”

  “I know, but wouldn’t it be better to just lock them in one of the walk ins at the bakery?”

  “No, because I know from prior experience it’s hard to perform well while freezing,” he states and I remember the time I was getting a box from the freezer last year and Hatcher walked in. It didn’t start out well, but apparently my hard nipples standing at attention from the cold turned him on. Not to mention all the attitude I was giving him. “Don’t you dare tell Morgan about the freezer, she will blow her lid at that one.”

  “Mum is the word.”

  “Good,” I say as I turn to give him a kiss good-night. I’m tired and my mind is starting to take off to places I don’t need to fret about right now. Tomorrow I’ll deal with Frankie, and find some big girl panties to deal with Brody and the new girl.

  Chapter 16

  The morning started out slow as I’m more tired than normal, and not to mention a little sore from the prior evening’s activity. Hatcher was perfect as always and made sure I had my breakfast before he helped me get out of the house and to the car. Traffic sucks on the drive to the city and it reminds me of why I hate driving. We stop at the light right by the park near the bakery and I send a text to Morgan, alerting her that we are at the curb. I don’t want Hatcher to have to find parking and then follow me so I set it up so she would meet m
e with curb side service. I mean, I have all my crap; the death traps and my rolling machine of fun. I now come with a lot of extra shit to stroll around with. I knew I would be okay with just the cart today, but Hatcher insisted that I bring the crutches. Men… They have no idea the power us ladies have. I gently smiled at him and agreed to use them all.

  Morgan and I enter the bakery and the smells of sugar, vanilla, and all things heaven hit me like a category five hurricane. God, I missed this smell… I didn’t realize just how much until today. I apply brakes to my cart, causing Morgan to stop and look at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, change of plans… Take those awful things to the office and meet me at our booth for a morning treat. I need sugar and I need it stat,” I say, with the most serious face I can find. I feel like if I don’t get a cupcake or two now, I might turn into a monster. Jaime appears quickly at the table with an armful of tasty treats. Once she positions them in front of me, she reaches in for a hug. I quickly allow her this moment, but I have no time to waste as I need frosting and sugar. I start to peel the wrapper away from the vanilla cake that’s loaded with a strawberry cream as Morgan joins me with two cups of coffee.

  “How’re you feeling?” she asks, causing me to answer through a mouth full of cupcake. “Great, actually. I’m getting my energy back, and don’t hurt as bad.”

  “That’s good, have you guys gone to look at cars yet? What’s the insurance company saying?”

  “My car’s totaled of course, and Hatcher wants to make sure I’m able to drive when we go to search for one. He says he plans to give me a few options, but I get to pick from them. Who knows what he is thinking.” I shrug it off and grab a cinnamon twist just as I finish the cupcake.

  “You’re going to go into a sugar overload today, you know that, right?”

  “Most likely, but I can’t help it. I didn’t realize how much I missed this place until I walked in.”

  “I know, it’s crazy how you get used to the smells and then bang, you enter and it hits you like a million bricks at once. That’s how it is every morning for me when I open.”

  “How’s business? Are you doing okay with me not here? I’m hoping to be back soon,” I say quickly, in order to enjoy another bite.

  “We’ve been busy, but we’ve managed. I can’t wait until you return, I miss having you around.”

  “I know. I need normal back in my life. I think the longer I stay at home, the burbs are sucking me into the little trap they have.”

  “I can only imagine. How’s the party planning, anything I can help with?”

  “No, you have enough to do and are already handling the gender reveal stuff. Which by the way, how’s that going?”

  “Great and no, I will not tell you.”

  “Fine, but can you tell me if you’ve heard from Frankie?”

  “I chatted with her last night for a few, what about you?”

  “No, she’s avoiding me like the plague. She hasn’t spoken to me much since the accident,” I say, trying to shrug it off.

  “You know, you scared the shit out of us all, Zara. I know we haven’t talked about it, but I thought you were dead. I’ve never seen anything like that, and the fact that I couldn’t get to you…” she trails off and it hits me that she hasn’t talked to me about it.

  “I’m sorry, Morgan,” I say and she raises her head to look at me. I notice the tears building up in her eyes before she speaks again. “You know, Jayden and I were fixing to walk out when we heard this God awful noise. It sounded like the building was falling above us… I never thought when we ran outside that I’d witness what I did. Jayden tried to get you out, but you were stuck and wouldn’t move. Zara, I saw our lives flash before me without you in it. All I could think was that my stupid dream killed you, that I was going to have to break Hatcher’s heart when I called him. That we were never going to see you, or your daughter. I couldn’t function.” She’s speaking through her tears. “Come here,” I say, signaling the seat next to me. I turn sideways in the seat and open my arms to hold her. For the life of me, I don’t know how she’s kept this bottled up all this time. It never dawned on me to bring it up, knowing Morgan would when she was ready. Guess today she was ready.

  “I love you Morgan, like the sister I’ve never had. You girls, this place, Hatcher, and Madison are my world. I promise to never scare you like that again.”

  “Who’s Madison?”

  “Oh, keep this between us. We’ve picked Madison Ivy James for our daughter’s name. Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful, and perfect in every way, Zara,” she exclaims, embracing me again for another hug.

  “Excuse me, but can a third person join this party, or what?” I hear Natasha say as she plops down across from us.

  “Hello to you, too, how ya been?” I ask.

  “Perfect actually, and I’m sorry I haven’t been out to see you, but between court, Diesel, and life it’s been nuts.”

  “It’s okay, I mean I wouldn’t want to travel to the burbs after work either. You look great, by the way,” I say as I look at Natasha trying to figure out what’s different.

  “Did you do something different to your hair?” I ask but not sure if that’s it.

  “I had it cut some, but I think you’re just seeing me happy for once.”

  I agree that’s it, and bask in the fact that most of us are truly happy. It’s crazy how I got lost in my own world these past few weeks and how things have changed. It’s like I’ve been given a chance at a new outlook on life, and how precious it all is. I know while we were in New York I had a glance at what I have with Hatcher, but is it wrong that I want us all to have the same?

  “How’s Cassidy?”

  “She’s spoiled rotten and I swear that little girl has me wrapped around her pinky,” Natasha says and I watch as she grins from ear to ear when she speaks of her. “She’s coming this weekend, isn’t she? I can’t wait to see her again.”

  “Yes, she’s coming with us and she’s talked non-stop about it all week long now.”

  “Hey ladies,” I hear and look up to see Jayden standing at the end of the booth. He leans down and kisses Morgan quickly and offers me a sincere smile. “How you doing, Zara?”

  “Hi Jayden, and I’m doing great thank you. Join us for a little while if you can.”

  “I’d love to, but I just came to pick up the office treats and back to work I go,” he says as Morgan stands to embrace him in a hug. “I’ll be right back, let me help Jayden.” Morgan rushes off to the counter with Jayden in tow. I laugh at the two of them, as they are perfect for each other.

  “So, Natasha, have you talked to Frankie?”

  “Just this morning, why?”

  “Oh… Really? Did she say anything like she’s upset with me, or something?”

  “No, I know she was headed to some big shoot she’s trying to finish up, but that’s it.”

  “Okay, well I find this very odd. She’s talked to you guys but is ignoring me. I thought when we left New York we were on good terms. I guess not.”

  “I wouldn’t stress over it; you know how she is. I mean you called her out for her bullshit, and she knows it. She needs to regroup and figure it all out. Plus, I think she’s been a little stressed and doesn’t want to bother you with it.”

  “Why the hell not? I’m her best friend and she knows I’m always available for her,” I say rather loudly and notice a few of the customers turn their heads in our direction.

  “You know how she is, Zara. I mean with the accident and everything, the last thing any of us wanted to do was cause you any stress. Hell, Morgan is just now getting over her nightmares from the accident.” Natasha stops as she realizes that I wasn’t meant to know about this. I let it go, but she knows from my eyes that I hear her perfectly clear. I’ll deal with Morgan later, right now I need to get some work done. Morgan and I have paperwork and talk on the new place that needs to be hashed out before I leave today. Jayden waves his goodbye to us both, an
d at the same time Natasha stands. She walks over, leaning down to embrace me in a Natasha style hug. Which is one armed, and light. It’s her version of affection for us, and I wouldn’t take it any other way. Morgan plops back down with a stack of papers, notebook, and two pens for us.

  “Now, you ready to work or want to goof off some more?”

  “Bring it, I’m ready to get this going. Show me what you’ve done.”

  Morgan begins to explain all the designs, saying she had a construction company take a look at the place. “They’ve gone through and showed us where we can add new walls and what walls have to stay for the structural effect of the place. I’ve figured that we will need at least three full-time people to man the front, between you and myself in the back. Jaime thought it would be a good idea to do the majority of the baking at the new place, while she can handle the bagels, muffins and stuff here for the morning crowd. I’ve had Hatcher run over numbers and it looks like we can either upgrade the delivery van or just trade it in for a new one. What do you think?” Morgan questions.

  “I’m fine with either. I mean, the big pile of junk out back needs to be replaced, if we have the funds I say get a new one. Might as well go big or go home, right?”


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