Ties That Bind: The Bellum Sisters 3 (paranormal erotic romance)

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Ties That Bind: The Bellum Sisters 3 (paranormal erotic romance) Page 34

by Grey, T. A.

  His head rolled to the side, his eyes slow to blink. “Do it. Kill me now. I don't want to live anymore.”

  His brother's miserable voice felt like a knife in his gut. Someone nudged his shoulder and he jerked, barely pulling his fist back in time to see Kearnyn there, an enspelled dagger held hilt-first to him. Telal slowly curled his fingers around it.

  Alrik sat up, his back resting against the wall, his head bowed.

  “Het'emu daraganu, brut'em. Het gronna hesh.”

  Telal's eyes filled with tears at his brother's heartfelt words. End me, my brother. End this pain.

  “Irran tresulu.” I can't, he replied.

  His brother looked up at him with those black, black eyes, tears swimming in their endless fathoms.

  “For me,” his brother said in Demonic.

  Telal fell to his knees, the knife gripped so hard in his hand his arm shook. Wet streaks fell down his cheeks. He kneed his way closer, then clasped his brother’s head in his hand and pressed their foreheads together. Their sweat-slicked skin kissed and years of longing and pain flowed through them both easing and tightening the hurt in his heart.

  “Alrik,” he whispered. I love you.

  He pressed the point of the dagger against his brother’s chest then let out a harsh, unsteady breath, choked with grief. He started to push but a soft hand wrapped around his wrist, stopping him.

  Blinking until tears dropped and his blurred vision cleared, he looked up into Lily’s beautiful face. Her face was wet with tears, her lashes dark from the moisture.

  “Don’t do it,” she said in a soft, unsteady voice.

  Her hand tightened over his wrist and he opened his fingers, the dagger falling to the ground with a metal clink. Staring into her deep eyes he said, “Alrik Demzui, I banish you from this kingdom from this day forth. You are never to return or else meet your death.”

  “Please kill me,” his brother pleaded in a ragged voice.

  Telal jerked himself away, unable to look at his brother, afraid he might give in to his wishes. “Get him…take him out of here.”

  A flurry of movement appeared. Faces he recognized on some level but that he didn’t quite comprehend. A soft, small hand curled around his, and when Lily stepped into his arms, he held her as close as possible.


  Three Weeks Later

  Telal set his feet onto the floor by the bed and slowly stood up. He felt so much older now. A raw pain now lived in his heart that he wasn't sure would ever go away. Yet, he knew it could be worse. Could he ever thank her enough for what she’d done? She’d saved his brother’s life, and in turn, his own in a way. Alrik was gone. Tossed out into the night and hadn’t been seen since. The questions of where was he and how was he doing tormented him. But it was for the best. His people needed him now.

  And he needed her, needed her more than he could express. And he'd tried to. He'd tried to tell her how much he loved her, how much her constant patience at his side had helped him through the experience. Yet, he hadn't been able to say more than I love you.

  It wasn't enough. Not by a long shot. Actions spoke louder than words,

  Standing, he went to the dresser and flipped through the different style of clothes in there. Most were elegant robes embroidered with gold thread and gems on the collar. The kind of shit his father used to wear. Eschewing the ridiculous garbs, he pulled on a pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt. Did he look like a king? No, and the royalty could barely disguise their disgust at his appearance but he didn’t care. He had their support in making their people an equal and just one, which started at the bottom up. Already demons ported to the earthen-realm to rediscover the “old world” as they called it. Everything should have been right in the world. But it wasn’t quite.

  Telal went back to the bed and studied the succubus who slept next to him every night. Her dark hair spilled around the pillow in wisps; her arm had flung out across the bed after he'd gotten out. His heart pulled tight with love. How could someone love so much it hurt? It seemed impossible—and completely foolish—yet all he had to do was look at her and the world seemed to stop turning. Well, at least while she was sleeping and had her mouth shut. She still had the uncanny ability to make him roll his eyes and give him a headache. But that was just a part of her, a part he accepted. It wasn't like he was perfect.

  He leaned down and kissed her bow-shaped mouth.

  “I love you.”

  She mumbled, her lips moving against his. “Looove you,” she said, then her breathing deepened again. Yeah, his chest felt like it could burst right now.

  Telal made his way outside. The fresh air breezed across him, stirring his hair. The sound of a giggle brought him to the side of the castle. He turned the corner and smiled.

  “Ah, sir, sorry about that.” Kearnyn had Rosa pushed up against the wall, his face in her neck. She blushed and hid behind his big body—not a tough feat.

  “Carry on.”

  Even with Alrik's banishment, the death of the Atal Warriors, and all of the demon guards some good had come out of it. Kearnyn had proposed to Rosa and he had Lily. He couldn’t help but wonder if this had all been necessary. Could he have done things any other way that would have resulted in a better outcome? Every day he saw Lily's death flash in his eyes, remembered holding his brother, hearing his agonizing pleas. Tears formed in his eyes and Telal shook his head to get rid of them. He was a king now; he'd better start acting like it.

  Fredrick, his new lead councilman, hurried towards him from the bailey, his yellow-blonde braid trailing behind him. “Sir, we are making great progress on rebuilding the homes. Some of the royalty though have concerns about this 'work' endeavor. They say they have no work skill, and to be perfectly frank, most don't.”

  “Then they will learn as anyone else has had to. They will contribute in one way or another to the kingdom.”

  “Very good, sir. And as for the ceremony, everything is on schedule. Celine Beaucrest has offered to do the work for Lily-err, your mate, sir.”

  “Thanks, Fredrick.” Telal left the councilman and headed off to the village.

  He found himself coming here every day. It served as a reminder of why he'd done what he did; that there had been a bigger purpose in his coming here. He stood on a small hill overlooking the village. Old homes were being replaced by stronger, stone-built ones that would keep them warmer and safer from fires and the cold. The people talked in the square which was only a square of grass the size of his office, but he had plans to improve that too. The people smiled and laughed, pointing at the houses and talking loudly, full of energy.

  A soft sound brought his head around. Lily smiled at him in a way that he learned meant she was thinking mischievous thoughts. She came up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Hey, handsome. What are you up to? Brooding like a golden knight in front of all the ladies?”

  He laughed and slipped his fingers in her hair. It was always so soft, so sweet smelling; he didn't know how she did it, but he couldn't seem to keep his hands out of it whenever she was near. “You caught me. I was just picking women out for my harem.”

  “Haha, you wish.”

  His smile died. “No, I don't. I just want you.”

  Her smile faltered, became genuine. “Me too.”

  Telal cleared his throat and took a step back, his stomach grinding with nerves. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  She eyed him with cautious eyes. “Oh? And what's that?”

  His cheeks started to burn and he looked out over the village to hide it. The sounds of hammers banging in nails and men giving orders wasn’t exactly the most romantic atmosphere but he had to get it out before he lost the nerve.

  “I want you to mate with me.” He kept his back to her, couldn't bear to see her face and what she thought, even if a part of him was dying to.

  So much time passed that he didn't even know if she still stood behind him. He turned around. “Just give me an answer, Lily.”
br />   She wasn’t even looking at him. She stared up at the sky, a small smile on her face. Her eyes drifted down to meet his and her eyes glowed with love. “I had a vision of this once, remember? I wrote to you about it. The sky was bright with pink and orange like it is right now and you looked down at me with this angry frown on your face, and then you kissed me and stole my breath away.”

  Telal’s patience steadily drained away. “I need an answer now.”

  Her chin lowered and she looked up at him. “Kiss me and you'll find your answer.”

  His chest tightened, his heart pounding as he strode towards her. He wasn't gentle as he pulled her into his arms and pressed his mouth against hers. Her lips parted on a sigh and he delved inside, conquering her mouth, making it every bit his as it was hers. Her arms came around his neck and a victory chant start to grow in his head. Her sweet mouth moved against his, her tongue sliding against his, lips pecking and kissing. Through action, he showed her what he felt.

  She pulled away but he didn't want to stop so he followed her down and kissed her some more until she was breathless and panting, her body straining against his in way that made him want to growl.

  “Yes! Yes!” she said, laughing. “I will.” His arms crushed her to him, and he picked her up, spinning her around in a circle, her giddy laughter floating over him.

  He set her down and couldn't stop grinning. Now who was the fool, he thought. “I suppose I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “For doubting your visions. They do come true after all.”

  “Only about half the time, but let's keep that in the family, okay?”


  Hand-in-hand, they looked out over the village. “You haven't been sleeping well.”

  Telal's shoulders tensed but he forced them to relax. “It'll go away.” Her thumb rubbed up and down on his hand, the touch loosening his tight muscles. Could his worry for his brother ever go away? He hoped with time.

  The crowd in the square lifted their faces and spotted him. Their faces lit up and people pointed and went scurrying into their homes. Telal was still adjusting to this, to being their king. Some still held a grudge over his ‘betrayal’. He’d explained the situation to the kingdom at length but not everyone was quick to trust him. He understood. They had a thousand years to believe things of him one way; it would take time for people to accept him in a good way.

  “Hey, look!”

  Telal followed Lily’s finger to see a crowd had gathered with baskets in their arms and they were coming up the hill to them. “What do they want?” he said stiffly.

  Lily shrugged and he glared at her as if this was somehow her fault.

  The crowd came forward and dropped to both knees in a bow. “You don't need to do that.”

  Their broad smiles unsettled him. As did the baskets in their arms. One man, older with silver hair and deep brown skin came forward. “Your highness, we bring you gifts.”

  The villagers placed their gifts at his feet and backed away their heads down, making no eye contact.


  The old man smiled showing a line of white teeth. “To thank you for your good deeds. We look forward to being a peaceful, whole kingdom once again. We thank you for your kindness.”

  “Here! Here!” the crowd chanted.

  Telal stared down at the baskets; they were filled with foods, bottled drinks, and clothing. All made by hand, he knew. These people didn't work any other way. A strange, almost awkward feeling came over him. He felt the urge to kneel down and avert his eyes from these people.

  “Thank you. Thank you all. This means so much to me.” His voice sounded thick with emotion and he cleared his throat to hide it. But it was too late and the people looked at him with pride and awe in their eyes. A blush flared across his face in an instant. It took everything in him not to turn away. Lilly's hand squeezed his and kept him strong. The tension in him released bit by bit.

  The crowd started to part. “Wait!” The crowd turned back around with wide eyes. Shit. He took a deep breath for courage. “I have asked Lily Bellum to be my mate and she has agreed. It would be my honor if you all joined us for the ceremony.”

  The people clapped and smiled, nodding enthusiastically before heading back for the village.

  “I guess it's too late to back out now,” Lily said.

  Telal glared at her. “You wouldn't dare.” She let go of his hand and ambled back towards the castle.

  “I mean, I don't know. This is somewhat sudden and you do have blue hair. What will our children look like?”

  He nearly tripped. “Children?”

  She rolled her eyes and picked up her pace. “Well sure, it's bound to happen you know. Sex makes babies after all. Or do demons hatch eggs?”

  He growled and took a hard step towards her. She squealed, her eyes bright with excitement and took off for the castle on a sprint. Pleasure, desire, and excitement flooded his blood as he chased her. He could have caught her, but seeing her dart nervous/excited glances back at him was too much fun. So he let her stay ahead and race upstairs to their bedroom. He broke inside the bedroom, slamming the door behind him and found her already tearing off her clothes.

  He cocked a brow. “Eager?”

  She nodded fast. “Very.”

  Hell, so was he. Telal pulled his shirt off then stopped as her breasts popped free of her bra. He started for her before he thought twice about it. Her breasts filled his hands in the next second, soft and yielding. She moaned and pulled down her skirt and underwear.

  “Take off your clothes.” He understood what her words meant but couldn't seem to make his hands stop touching her breasts, from feeling the puckered tips of her nipples. She slapped at his hands, breathing hard. “I said take them off.”

  That light slap helped to get his mind moving and he pulled off his clothes like he was trying to win a race. Naked, Lily leapt into his arms, mouth slanting across his, limbs wrapping around his body.

  Telal couldn't wait to have her; his cock felt like he'd been building up for her his whole life. It didn't matter that he kept her “fed” every day because she always managed to make him eager and hard.

  He flattened her against the mattress and took the tip of her breast into his mouth, rolling the hard bead around and flicking it with his tongue. Her hands dove into his hair and he got the pleasure of watching her body transform. This part he loved. The writhing of her hips, the scissoring of her legs, and the sound of her hard breathing teasing his ears. She was so lovely it hurt. Her hands pulled him to her other breast and he went, pulling that hard bud into his mouth and sucking on it.

  He touched her leg, running his hand up and down her smooth skin before passing his thumb over her sex. He touched hot, creamy wetness and groaned, delving his finger in deeper, spreading her open so he could find her bud.

  He rubbed it, gently. She went wild in his arms, panting and bucking against him. He wanted to jerk her legs open and fill her up with his cock, spend himself inside of her but he at least had to give her one orgasm first.

  He licked his way down her undulating stomach, his hands flattening against her ribs and pressing her down. Her eyes met his, wild and aroused. “Telal,” she breathed.

  He nipped at her hip then pushed her legs open, not bothering to be gentle. His mouth found her clitoris and licked around the pleasure center. He thrust a finger inside her and both of their groans filled the air. He thrust inside of her, loving how her walls enclosed around his finger, hot, wet, and squeezing. God, he wanted his cock in there so badly. It took everything in him not to ghost hump the bed as he teased her clitoris.

  He could have made it fast, could make her explode in a matter of seconds, but that wasn't fair just because of his impatience. So he built her up. Switching between slow, fluttery licks, and fast, harder ones that bowed her back off the bed. His fingers worked inside of her, pumping, then he added another one and felt her muscles twitching around him. She was going to co
me. God, his cock felt like it was about to blow right along with her.

  Her cries teased his ears, her fingernails scratched his shoulder, mussed up his hair as her body rocked and bucked under him. He danced his tongue on her faster, circling, pumped his fingers in faster and she screamed. Her tight pussy clamped around him, throbbing and pulsating with rhythmic waves that he'd die to feel around his cock right now. She screamed his name, yanked on his hair, then went limp.

  He dragged himself up her body, bringing one of her legs over his elbow, then he thrust inside. A harsh groan left him. Her muscles still twitched and squeezed around him. Her channel felt even hotter, even wetter now from her orgasm. He pumped inside of her, filling her with his cock until she wrapped her arms around him and panted in his ear. Nothing had ever been so perfect in his whole life.

  He closed his eyes and gave her everything he had, and she took all of it. Meeting him thrust for thrust. She trembled harder, faster as she came onto another climax. He was right there with her, his balls pulled heavy and tight, his cock swelling, and his rhythm faltering.

  Her scream sent him over. Her pussy started its delicious, erotic ministrations. Gripping and squeezing, coaxing and pumping around his cock until he couldn't hold it in anymore. He shoved himself inside on her quieting scream and shouted as his cock jerked, spurting hot and long inside her. She wrung everything from him, pulling pleasure from deep within his body.

  He felt like he was coming down from a high. Drifting somewhere in space. His lips found hers and whispered words of love were shared.

  He started to pull out but her sweet sex stroked his cock, so he thrust back in. His cock started to harden again, her soft breaths turned to soft moans. Then he was taking her again, riding them both up and up until their sweaty bodies clung together in a release that blinded him.


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