Mortal Sin
Page 38
Sean slid next to her and handed her a cup of hot coffee. He wore sweatpants and no shirt. She was bundled in her warmest pajamas and had a blanket.
She tilted her head back to kiss him. “I could get used to this pampering.”
“Go right ahead.” Sean returned her kiss.
She sighed. “Patrick is coming back tomorrow.”
She frowned and stared at her coffee.
“Lucy, talk to me.”
“He’s my brother.”
“Really? And he’s my partner.”
“Exactly … what?”
She leaned forward and put her mug on the table, then turned around and straddled Sean’s lap. She kissed him passionately, her hands on his chest. He responded by pulling her close to him, his hands moving up the back of her pajama top, his rough palms on her bare skin.
She broke the kiss a minute later, flushed and smiling. “That’s what.”
It took Sean a minute, but then he got it. Sort of. “You don’t want your brother to know we’re sleeping together?”
“I think that’ll be hard to hide, considering that Dillon and Kate know that I spent all week here. It’s just that—I really want to do this right.”
“I thought I was doing it right,” Sean said with a sexy grin, his hands moving down her pajama bottoms.
She rolled her eyes, then laughed when he tickled her.
“I love to hear you laugh, Lucy. You don’t do it enough.”
“Then you’ll have something to shoot for, won’t you?”
“You want to go slow. I understand.”
“Not too slow. But I can’t just move in here, and not only because Patrick is living here. Though that is one reason. You’re getting your new office off the ground, and already you’re delayed because the last two weeks you were handling my mess.”
Sean frowned. “That wasn’t your mess. If you think for a minute that I didn’t want—”
She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I know this business is important to you. To prove to your brother you can do it, but even more to prove it to yourself. I not only respect that, I understand it. I feel like I have to constantly prove to my family that I’ve grown up, that I am capable of making my own decisions, that I am stronger than they give me credit for. They’ve been shielding me for a long time, trying to protect me, and I love them for it, but I am finally getting my own life. I have the FBI interview in three weeks. That’s about me, not Dillon or Patrick or any of my family. I have to succeed or fail on my own merits.”
“You’ll succeed.” Sean ran his fingers along her cheek.
She kissed him, her chest swelling with his confidence in her. “So I want you to focus on your business, and I’m going to focus on my interview. If everything goes as planned, I’ll be at Quantico before the end of the year. That’s twenty-one weeks of training, and—”
“Shh.” He put a finger to her lips. “I understand. Lucy, I’m not going anywhere. You’re the best thing that has happened to me. You make me a better person. I want you in my life, but I understand about taking it a step at a time. Step one.” He kissed her. “We learned that we like each other.” He smiled. “Step two.” He unbuttoned the top button of her pajamas. “We discovered that we are attracted to each other.” He unbuttoned the next button. “Very attracted.”
His fingers skimmed down her bare chest to the third button, which he undid.
“Step three.” He undid the fourth and final button. “We have fun together. You have a life important to you. I have a life important to me. Those lives are compatible.” He kissed first one breast, then the other. Lucy drew in her breath and held it.
“Step four,” Sean said, his voice gruff, “we are extremely compatible in bed.”
“We’re not in bed,” Lucy whispered.
“No, we’re not. We need to go to step five.”
“Which is?”
“How compatible are we on the couch?” He smiled and kissed her, and she leaned against him, her now-bare chest pressed firmly against his.
“I hope we pass,” she whispered in his ear.
“I believe in second chances.” He held her face in his hands and she stared at him, feeling the deep affection pouring from him to her. Her heart skipped a beat.
Was this love?
She didn’t dare hope, not now, not this soon. But her heart opened to the possibilities of what a life with Sean might be like.
“Lucy,” he said, “I’m willing to take as many steps as necessary with you. We are good together. I know it, you know it. So if some of the steps take longer than others, I’m okay with that. Like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”
She swallowed her emotions, fearing she’d start crying because Sean was the best thing to happen to her. “I’m so happy you’re in my life,” she said. She kissed him. Again. Held her lips to his and smiled.
“Now,” she said, leaning back, “let’s take advantage of our last day here alone. We’re on step four, right?”
Sean shook his head. “We can go back to step four, if you want to make sure we got it right, but we’re on step five. The couch.”
“Right,” she said slipping off her pajama top. “Just how compatible are we on the couch?”
“I’ll venture a guess and say very compatible. But I might need to test that theory and go back and forth between step four and step five. Just to make sure.”
Sean held Lucy close as he kissed her, his hands on her body, unable to stop moving, almost in disbelief that he had this incredible woman in his life. That she was his. That they might very well have a long future together.
That’s what he wanted, and so did Lucy. She was just not quite ready to admit it. But he hoped to convince Lucy in time that she wanted the same thing.
And then, they’d start on her happily ever after.
Read on for an excerpt from
by Allison Brennan
Published by Ballantine Books
As the cold wind whipped around her, FBI agent Suzanne Madeaux lifted the corner of the yellow crime-scene tarp covering the dead girl and swore under her breath.
Jane Doe was somewhere between sixteen and nineteen, her blond hair streaked with pink highlights. The teenager’s party dress was also pink, and Suzanne absently wondered if she’d changed her highlights to match her outfit. There was no outward sign of sexual assault or an apparent cause of death. Still, there was no doubt that this was another victim of the killer Suzanne had been chasing through the five boroughs of New York City.
Jane Doe wore only one shoe.
Dropping the tarp, Suzanne surveyed the scene, trying in vain to keep her long blond hair out of her face. The relentless wind howled across the cracked, weed-infested parking lot of the abandoned warehouse in Brooklyn. It had also felled a couple of trees nearby; small branches and sticks skittered across the pavement. The wind most likely had destroyed any evidence not inside Jane Doe’s body.
Though the body didn’t appear to be intentionally hidden, waist-high weeds and a small building that had once housed a generator or dumpsters concealed her from any passerby’s cursory glance. Suzanne stepped away from the squat structure and looked across the Upper Bay. The tiny Gowanus Bay was to her right, the New Jersey skyline to the west. At night, it might be kind of pretty out here with the city lights across the water, if it wasn’t so friggin’ cold.
A plainclothes NYPD cop approached with a half-smile that Suzanne wouldn’t call friendly. “If it ain’t Mad Dog Madeaux. We heard this was one of yours.”
Suzanne rolled her eyes. Even with her eyes closed, she’d recognize Joey Hicks by his grating, intentionally exaggerated New York accent.
“No secret,” she said, making notes to avoid conversation. Hicks wasn’t much older than her. Physically fit, he probably thought he was good-looking, considering the swagger. She supposed he had some appeal, but the cocky “all Feds are assh
oles” attitude he displayed the first time they’d met on a murder case had him on her permanent shit list.
She looked around for his partner, but didn’t see Vic Panetta. She’d much rather deal with the senior detective, who she liked. “Who found the body?” Suzanne asked.
“Security guard.”
“What’s his story?”
“Found her on his morning rounds, about five-thirty.”
It was eleven now. “Why hasn’t the body been taken to the morgue?”
“No wagon available. Coroner is on the way. Another hour, they say. NYPD doesn’t have the resources you Feds do.”
She ignored the slight. “What was the guard doing last night? Does he patrol more than one building?”
“Yeah.” Hicks looked at his notes. Though Suzanne didn’t like him, he was a decent cop. “He clocked in at four in the morning, leaves at four in the afternoon. Rotates between vacant properties throughout Sunset Park and around the bay. Says he doesn’t stick to a specific schedule ’cause vandals watch for that.”
“What about the night guard?”
“Night is either Larry Thompson or Ron Bruzzini. According to the guard, Bruzzini is a slacker.”
“I need their contact information.” She hesitated, then—remembering her boss’s command to be nicer to the NYPD—she added, “I appreciate your help.”
“Did Hell freeze over since the last time we worked a case?” Hicks laughed. “I’ll get Panetta, I’m sure he’ll want to at least make a show of fighting for jurisdiction.” He left, still grinning.
Suzanne ignored Hicks. There were no jurisdictional issues—after the third similar murder, an FBI-NYPD task force had been formed. Her supervisor was administratively in charge, and she was the FBI point person on the case. Panetta was the senior ranking NYPD detective.
Tired of her hair flying in her face, Suzanne pulled a Yankees cap from her pocket and stuffed under it as much of her thick, tangled mess as possible. She finished writing down her observations and the few facts she knew in her small notepad.
This victim, the fourth, was the first found in Brooklyn. Victim number one had been killed on the south side of the Bronx, ironically overlooking Riker’s Island. The second victim had been discovered up in Harlem on a street popular with squatters and the party crowd because every building was boarded up. The third victim—the one who brought the attention of the FBI to the serial murders—had been killed in Manhattanville, near Columbia University.
Other than the one missing shoe and age of the victims—all adult females under twenty-five—the only other commonality was location: they’d been killed near an abandoned building with evidence of a recent party.
“Secret” parties were nothing new. Some were relatively innocent with heavy drinking, dance music, and recreational drugs, while others were far more wild. Raves in the United States started in Brooklyn in the abandoned underground railroad tunnels, and while they still existed, they’d peaked in popularity a while back. The new fad was sex parties with heavy drinking and hardcore drugs. Music and dancing was a precursor to multipartner anonymous sex. Even before these murders, there had been several drug-related deaths. If the pattern held true, evidence inside this warehouse would show this Jane Doe had participated in the latter type of party, which Detective Panetta called “extreme raves.”
The press had dubbed the killer “The Cinderella Strangler” when someone in the know had leaked the missing shoe detail to the press. It may not have been a cop—there were dozens of people working any one crime scene—but most likely it had come from inside the NYPD. The press didn’t seem to care that the victims weren’t strangled—they were asphyxiated. “The Cinderella Asphyxiator” just didn’t sound as good on the eleven o’clock news.
Suzanne had sent a memo to all the private security companies in the five boroughs asking them to be more proactive in shutting down the rampant parties at abandoned sites, but it was like spitting in the wind. Though only two of the first three victims were college students, she’d contacted local colleges and high schools to warn students that there was a killer targeting young women at these parties. Unfortunately, Suzanne suspected getting through the invincible it-won’t-happen-to-me mentality of young people was next to impossible. She could almost hear their justification. We won’t go out alone. We won’t leave with a stranger. We won’t drink too much. Excuses for every day of the week, but when it was life or death Suzanne didn’t understand why they couldn’t party in the relatively safe dorms and frat houses. Those venues had their own problems, but they likely didn’t have a serial killer trolling their halls.
She looked up and waved to Vic Panetta as he strode over. She liked the wiry Italian. He was her exact height, five foot nine, and wore a new wool coat, charcoal gray to match his full head of hair. “Hi Vic,” she said as he approached. “New coat?”
He deadpanned her. “Christmas present from my wife.”
“It’s very nice.”
“It’s cost too much money for a label no one can see,” he grumbled. He gestured at the tarp. “We photographed the area, then placed the tarp over the body so we don’t lose any more evidence.”
“Well, the way this wind has been going nonstop for three days, I think we already lost it.”
“You take a look?”
“You noted the missing shoe.”
“Could be under the body.”
“You think?”
“Nah.” He shook his head, then pulled his phone from his coat pocket. “Good news, coroner is on the way, ETA ten minutes.”
About time, Suzanne thought but didn’t say out loud. “Hicks said you were talking to the security guard who found the body?”
“Yeah, he’s former NYPD—permanent disability, works three days a week. Takes his job seriously. Got an earful about the night shift.”
“Anything I need to know?”
“He suspects Ronald Bruzzini of being bought off. Too much cash in the guy’s wallet, but no proof.”
“Your guy knew about the parties?”
Panetta shook his head. “Not until after the fact, and he didn’t work nights. He thinks Bruzzini looks the other way. Finds evidence of all kinds of parties nearly every week. Hicks and I will follow up on Bruzzini and the other night guard.”
“So you think this was one of your extreme raves?” she teased.
He rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated breath. “And then some. They did some cleaning up inside, but left the garbage on the other side of the building. The wind sent it all over kingdom come. The crime scene unit is working inside and out, but contamination is a huge problem. We’re printing the place, but getting anything useable—”
“I know. A couple hundred stoned kids, a complete mess, limited resources. If you need our lab, let me know.”
“Will do.”
The NYPD had a decent crime lab, and because it was local Suzanne preferred to keep evidence here. Because Panetta was a well-respected, well-liked, twenty-two-year veteran, he worked the system well and most of the time could get results faster than if Suzanne shipped evidence to Quantico.
“The press is going to be all over this,” Panetta mumbled.
“No comment.” She never spoke to the press—not after her diatribe five years ago during a missing child case. That had landed her on the evening news and in front of the Office of Professional Responsibility. Further, she’d been left with the moniker “Mad Dog Madeaux.”
“We got a lot of nothing,” Panetta said.
There was extensive physical evidence on all of the victims’ bodies, but not anything they could use to track the killer. The first three victims had multiple sex partners within twenty-four hours of their death, but none of the DNA left behind brought up an ID in the system. They had evidence of eight different males on the first three victims, but none were the same suggesting the killer went to extraordinary lengths to avoid
leaving DNA on his victims, and possibly didn’t have consensual or nonconsensual sex. Because of the multiple sex partners and the nature of these extreme parties, the coroner could not determine either way whether the victims had been raped by their killer.
Not having conclusive evidence as to the motive of the killer made profiling him that much harder. A sexual sadist had a different profile than, for example, a man who killed prostitutes because he thought they were whores. Serial killers who raped or tortured their victims would have a different profile than those who didn’t sexually molest their victims. The task force couldn’t even pinpoint whether the killer was one of the party-goers, or whether he waited nearby for a lone female to attack.
Whatever was used to suffocate the victim was taken by the killer—along with one shoe—and their bodies weren’t moved. The coroner was also sure that the victims had died while standing, which suggests that the killer held on to the girls as long as it took for them to die—three to five minutes.
Panetta said, “By the way, this one didn’t die last night.”
“I didn’t inspect the body that closely.”
“The day guard only works Wednesday through Friday. He doubts that the other day guy does much more than a slapdash inspection of the properties. Our Jane Doe might of been here as early as Friday night.”
“Our ex-cop walked through here on Friday afternoon and she wasn’t here then.”
“And you don’t think he’s the killer?” She was only half-joking.
“I don’t think so, but I’ll check him out anyway. I did take a long look at the body, and rigor is already broken. She’s probably been here more than thirty-six hours. The coroner should be able to give us a range.”
“I’ll leave the forensics in your capable hands. I need her identity ASAP, and in the meantime I’ll review the other three victims and re-interview friends. Someone knows something. I’m getting damn pissed at these bratty college kids who zip their lips because they don’t want to get in trouble for illegal drugs and parties, but don’t seem to care that a killer is hunting on their turf.”