Jay's Lucky Baby - A Secret Baby Romance

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Jay's Lucky Baby - A Secret Baby Romance Page 67

by Layla Valentine

  While she knew we were going to Paris, then backpacking across Europe, she had no idea what was in store for her at the end of that trip. I knew it was a bit soon, but I planned to ask her to marry me once I got Martha’s permission. I had a feeling the old lady would be hard to convince, especially at the thought of giving up her girl in such a big way, but I was also sure that I’d be able to win her over.

  If there had ever been a story of true love, the time Ella and I had spent together would certainly qualify. Hell, it’d been love at first sight, and while I knew she would be surprised as hell when I popped the question, I knew she’d say yes. It would be the perfect punctuation mark to the end of our trip.

  We’d plan our wedding with her ma, I’d take her to meet my parents, and it would be like one of those fairy tale endings. I wasn’t usually one to be such a sap, but since I’d met my little bird, I’d been a changed man. Though I could never take back the cons I’d already worked, I knew the road ahead of me was on the straight and narrow.

  Ella jolted beside me in her seat, clutching her stomach with a vaguely nauseous expression.

  “Just a bit of turbulence, baby,” I murmured.

  She smiled, lifting up the armrest between us and resting against my side.

  “I could just do with eating something. I hope they bring a snack cart or something around,” she said, eyes widening as she spotted a flight attendant making her way towards us.

  “Excuse me! Miss! Do you have pickles? I would kill for some pickles,” she asked urgently, leaning across me.

  The flight attendant considered her request with a quirked brow, and while I thought it rather odd myself, I was going to see to it that my baby had all she wanted.

  “You heard the lady, bring us all the pickles you got!” I commanded.

  The flight attendant rolled her eyes, and Ella buried her face against my shoulder, laughing melodically. I brushed a hand through her hair, noticing that my girl seemed particularly radiant that afternoon. I attributed it to the excitement brewing in her gut. I mean, it wasn’t to say that Ella wasn’t always radiant, but she seemed to almost be glowing.

  I was drawn from my thoughts when the flight attendant brought a tray full of dill pickle spears. Ella was obviously delighted, grabbing the tray and pulling it into her lap. She balanced it there precariously, gobbling down the sour spears as quick as you please.

  If I’d expected her to eat like a little bird, I’d been dead wrong. She was eating like she hadn’t seen food in a good year or so. I smirked to myself, and though the way she was going at the goods was something short of ladylike, I certainly wasn’t about to point it out.

  We had the rest of our lives to be prim and proper, if we so chose. I sure wasn’t about to choose that lifestyle, and at this rate, it looked like my princess would feel the same. I made a mental note of just how much she seemed to like those damn pickles, wondering if they made all-you-can-eat pickle buffets. Sure, it wouldn’t be your typical wedding catering, but we were anything but your typical couple.

  As soon as she finished the last pickle, Ella burped loudly, patting herself on the stomach. In that moment, all I could think was just how much I loved that crazy woman. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her, and I certainly couldn’t wait to see her surprised expression when I popped the question.

  This was gonna be the trip of a lifetime.


  I hoped I wasn’t being horribly obvious, but from the looks of things, Joey didn’t have a clue. I only hoped I could keep it that way until the end of the trip. Of course, he didn’t know the little things that my mom would have picked up on immediately. For example, how I hadn’t touched a pickle since third grade, or how under normal circumstances, I would be begging for a drink by now.

  I couldn’t help the subtle touches to my stomach, a sense of wonder washing over me every time I pressed my fingertips to the flat plane of my abdomen. It wouldn’t be flat much longer; that much was for sure.

  Before you come to any conclusions, no, I hadn’t been sleeping around with anyone besides the man at my side. I had no doubt that the life growing inside of me was his. While I knew it was soon, and I would have to tell him before long, I wanted to at least make the trip to London before I made my confession.

  We’d not been as careful as we should have been, and I’d forgotten to bring my birth control on the cruise. You couldn’t really blame me; I never would have expected to fall in love while on a company trip to Rio.

  I also never expected to get pregnant at such a young age, but…well, here we were.

  I knew if I told Joey now, he’d be waiting on me hand and food for the duration of the trip. He already did that well enough, but I didn’t want him to think I needed to be completely bedridden before we even got to Paris. After all, I wasn’t very far along.

  I was unsure if my mom would be thrilled or furious when she found out, or perhaps a mix of both. I planned to tell both her and Joey about the pregnancy once we had made it to London, if I hadn’t cracked and told Joey before then. I knew my mom would be upset that I’d kept it from her, but as it stood, I liked having this secret bit of knowledge, something that was truly mine, to share only when I was ready.

  The plane gave another little quake, and I felt a rush of queasiness wash over me. I bolted out of my seat, lunging past Joey and the other passengers to rush to the bathroom. Fortunately, there wasn’t a line, though I could have done without the smell inside the confined area. It only served to heighten my nausea until suddenly I was spilling my guts out. I heard a knock on the door and tried to quiet myself down.

  “Birdie, are you okay? Those pickles go down the wrong way? I can see how, the way you were scarfing them down,” Joey asked through the door.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute,” I called out, another wave of nausea washing over me.

  It seemed like an eternity before I escaped the hell that was the airplane bathroom, but Joey was waiting for me with a concerned expression as I emerged. There was something different about him, as of recently. He seemed more concerned than ever, protecting me even more than he had when we had first met on the cruise. If I had ever questioned his adoration for me, that sensation fell away with just how much he worried himself over me.

  “My sweet little birdie,” he murmured, drawing me into his arms and kissing me on the forehead.

  He guided me back to our seats, and I shifted back into my place beside the window. He watched me carefully, obvious concern in his gaze. It only further cemented my decision to wait to tell him the news; if he doted on me this much in normal circumstances, I knew he’d drive himself crazy if he knew that his future son or daughter was growing inside of me.

  It was nice to have the attention, but this trip wasn’t just about me. It was about our future together. I didn’t want to go from zero to fifty by telling him he’d knocked me up, though it seemed I would have little choice before long. I knew he would be thrilled, as family meant so much to him, and I was certain that we would be the best parents any baby could ask for. I’d be the kind of cool mom who let them invite their friends over on a school night, or paid their tuition to art school.

  Okay, maybe I was projecting a bit. All the same, I knew the little life inside of me would be showered with love from all directions. While I knew my mother would be more difficult to win over, she was the last thing on my mind in that moment.

  All I knew was that Joey would be the best father a kid could ask for, and the best husband a woman could want, if he someday decided to pop the question. Until then, we had our whole lives ahead of us, as well as a new life to complete our family.

  This was going to be the trip of a lifetime.

  The End

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