Slenderbone (Paranormal First Time Erotica)

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Slenderbone (Paranormal First Time Erotica) Page 1

by Gregor Daniels


  Published by Gregor Daniels for Kindle

  Copyright 2012 Gregor Daniels

  For ADULTS Only

  "Watch out, you're going to get Slenderboned!"

  I ignored Alexia's ridicule for the moment, not at all sharing her concerns or beliefs in the existence of such a supernatural being. It was a transformed kids' story at most, a version of the familiar monster under the bed. Only, in the stories that were spread around town, the monster's motivations were more adult in nature.

  "Whatever," I shrugged it off, staying close to my friend as we walked through the campus, avoiding fast-moving bikes and keeping our jackets closed tightly in the chilly, October air. "It's just some spook story."

  "That's what they all say," Alexia laughed, "until they get to meet him. Then they aren't so sure of it."

  Whether the story of Slenderbone was true or not remained a mystery. Even if my friend believed in such fairytales, I was apprehensive to recognize such a ridiculous story as fact.

  The legend is the sort of tale that only those who believed in Santa would consider taking as truth. Slenderbone was a supernatural being, or just some disturbed man, I wasn't sure. The stories all differed on his appearance and nature, even giving him special powers in some mentions.

  Regardless, most accounts depicted him as a really tall man, almost unnaturally so. Not only was he a head above most professional basketball players, but his arms were typically said to be inhumanly long, reaching down almost to his knees. Still, besides the strange details, he was said to have the appearance of a man wearing a suit and tie.

  But, by far the most creepy aspect of the folklore was the fact that he was described as not having a face. He had the skeletal structure of a human being for his head, but where a pair of eyes were was completely sealed shut. No lips. No ears. No discernable features that humanized his presence.

  Slenderbone was by all accounts a figment of the imagination, a scare story for the girls in town to lose their virginity. As they all said, if a girl didn't have sex before college, she was going to get a visit from this strange being that walked in the shadows, and only appeared at night when no one was around. They were going to get Slenderboned.

  "That stuff sounds like glorified rape, Alex," I said. "Some man coming to take your virginity against your will. I can't believe in such stuff like that. Whoever he is, he needs to be put in jail for starting such a story."

  "And what makes you think that it was this one person who started a story?" My friend turned to me. "Hundreds of girls have seen him, Jaime. Outside of their shower, in the bushes at night, peering in through the window, Slenderbone is more than just a legend."

  I merely snorted.

  "And besides, it's not my virginity we're talking about here. It's yours."

  We remained silent as we took the steps up into Douglas Hall and up a flight of stairs for our next class, Psychology. Just before the entrance to the classroom, I heard a couple of girls talking to one another. I should have ignored their voices as mixed background noise, but the subject of the conversation grabbed my attention.

  "I don't know Becky," one of them said. "I think I saw him again last night, looking through my window." She was visibly distraught.

  "It's okay," the other soothed her fears. "He isn't going to harm you. He's merely there to warn you about what's coming."

  The other girl shook her head, perhaps not believing her friend. "No," she whimpered. "I don't want him to. It can't happen like this."

  I must have been standing too close, listening in on their discussion, because both of them turned and looked at me.

  "What do you want?" The girl that was apparently Becky asked me.

  I didn't respond, and headed into the classroom, thinking about what the distraught girl had said, but mostly blowing it off as my imagination getting a better hole of me.

  "Nice try," I said to Alexia as we sat down. "No matter what you do to get me to believe that crazy shit, I'm not going to."

  "What are you talking about now?"

  "Those girls," I said, pointing to the couple of classmates that just entered. "Planting them there so I would hear their conversation was smart on your part, but I'm still not going to believe it."

  "You're really not going to change your mind, are you?" Alexia asked. "I've been trying to warn you, Jamie, but if you don't accept the facts and find a boy soon, you'll see for yourself."

  "Oh yeah, and what's going to happen if I don't?"

  Alexia smiled, and turned to face the instructor who had just entered and set down his things.

  "I don't even know those girls, and I sure as hell didn't tell them stand there, talking."



  Tom paced back and forth, pausing for a moment to look at Stacy, before looking away and off into the distance. The clouds were accumulating on the horizon, perhaps a sign of rain with the shifting weather patterns and abrupt temperature changes.

  "I don't know," he sighed. "Everything is different now." He looked back at the girl who stood with him in the frame.

  "Please," she said, taking two steps closer as Alexia zoomed in on the couple. "Please stay just a little longer."

  Tom nuzzled against the girl for a brief moment, before pulling away and turning from the camera. "It's just not the same. I don't know if we can be together."

  The blond girl had a glimmer in her eyes, perhaps the onset of tears forming on her bottom eyelids. It was an act that had made her a prime candidate for the part in the first place.

  "Stay," she begged, grabbing onto the shoulders of the male lead. "Just for tonight. I won't tell anyone."

  The sudden willingness of the girl had Tom considering second thoughts about leaving his first love interest behind.

  "Alright," he said, looking down into the eyes of his former crush. "Just for tonight." One of his hands pulled a few strands of hair from the girl's face. "Your eyes are so beautiful."


  Alexia pulled the viewfinder from her face, pressing a button on the side to stop recording. "Not bad Tom, and some great tears there Stacy."

  The blonde girl nodded, wiping the liquid from her eyes.

  "Alright, that's enough for today. Tom, you have my number right?"

  Granite Wasps was a low-budget student film for Alexia, an assignment for one of her classes. The story was fairly basic, about a guy who goes off to college and returns home, finding that things aren't as they used to be, and that former friends have become increasingly distant in his absence. The projected length is only about forty minutes long, with Alexia doing most of the writing and directing. I've been helping on some of the shots, doing camerawork and makeup whenever needed.

  The project has become somewhat loosely organized lately, with Alexia wanting to do shooting days less and less. This was the first time in two weeks that we've worked on it. The actors and myself have had no problems working on it for free, but my friend seems to have become disinterested in the project. Whether she was just tired with the story, or legitimately too busy to show up on scheduled shoots, I have no idea.

  As the sun started to set, we packed up everything and stowed the camera and materials in the back of Alexia's car. The two leads were supposed to do a kiss during this encounter in the gazebo, but recent script changes had moved the scene to a different location.

  I asked Alexia what the title meant when the movie was just starting to get into production. After all, Granite Wasps isn't something that I felt sparked interest to see the thing. It sounded like a generic monster movie. Indestructible wasps attacking a neighborhood, or something. It was a joke
which Alexia didn't like very much, and promptly defended her decision on the title, saying it felt like it was the right name for the movie. I didn't take it any farther.

  On the way back, after dropping off Tom and Stacy, we were heading back to the university apartments. Alexia and I both lived in the same building, but on different floors. As childhood friends, we had anticipated to get the same room, and were disappointed when that wasn't the case. Now, looking over at my friend who was becoming increasingly pale as the night looked over us, and the car's headlights illuminated the road ahead, I was recently feeling relieved.

  "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at the ghastly face of my friend behind the wheel, and the wide eyes which rarely blinked. Her arms visibly shivered.

  "It's cold," she muttered.

  "Well, turn the heat on, silly," I said, cranking the knobs on the console and feeling the warmth coming through the vents.

  Alexia didn't say anything. It was something which had become increasingly common. Sometimes, she seemed normal, like the cheery girl that I had grown up with. On other occasions, like right now, she was distant and quiet, almost of a polar opposite of her usual self.

  With midterm tests coming up, I could understand the stress. Hell, I had an exam to study for when I got back to my room. But, there was something else going on with Alexia. School tests didn't do this to a girl; she had a lot else on her mind.

  About a mile away from the campus, with eyes searching across into the blurred shapes of trees and signs that passed our car, I swore I saw something in the bushes, just off the side of the highway. Maybe my eyes were deceiving me, but it looked like a figure, a man standing along the tree line. I could barely make out his shoulders and arms in the moonlight, reflecting off of the black of his wardrobe. Regardless, it made him difficult to see. His head and lower body were obscured by shadows and branches. But, I just ignored it as a trick of my eyes and wild imagination, seeing things that weren't actually there.

  When I looked back, twisting my head against the passenger side window, and watching my breath appear on the cold glass, I couldn't see him anymore.

  "Did you see something?" Alexia asked, starting a conversation for the first time since we had entered the car. Her voice was still soft and flat.

  "No," I shook my head. "I thought I did, but it must have been a tree, or a branch or something."

  We didn't say anything else on the way back.


  "How did the shoot go?"

  "It was okay, I guess," I sighed. "I don't think this movie is going to be very good, and Alexia is starting to lose interest in it, but we got some more done."

  "How much more do you have left?"

  "Oh," I pondered for a moment. "There's still the finale to do, which I have no idea where we're going to shoot at. We still have to do some college scenes with Tom, and some old high school flashbacks. It wouldn't be too long to finish, but with Alexia lately, I think it might be a couple months yet."

  Jennifer pecked me on the cheek.

  "I was thinking about you all day today," she said, as one of her hands grabbed at my chest. "I just couldn't get you out of my mind during Mr. Johnson's class." Her palm squeezed at the flesh of my breasts, eliciting a low gasp from me.

  "And what were you thinking about?"

  "Oh you know," she giggled. "How I was going to get your off tonight."

  Jennifer was more than just my roommate; she was my lesbian lover. Whether it was just a college experimentation of my young adulthood, or a completely new sexual orientation I was embracing, I just couldn't fight the feelings. After the first day living on campus, there was a strange connection between us, even more than just a typical companionship of two underclassmen with the same major. No, as I felt her lips on my cheek once more, Jennifer was more than that to me.

  "I still can't believe this is happening," she breathed into my ear. "My roommate, my lover."

  Likewise, I shared her sentiments, although I wasn't ready to be telling my parents just yet, or my friends for that matter. Lesbian relationships like this were seldom to last. Even if I did love the sex, I still had the lingering doubts that maybe this was just a strange fling of mine, a temporary state of mind in this strange new, open world of college. Or, as I felt her fingers down the front of my pajama pants, maybe I was coming around to girls. Permanently.

  "Oh Jamie," she breathed. Her voice was barely audible and soothing, causing my heart to race with desire. She kissed my forehead and touched my cheek again, bringing me in close to her lips, where we embraced for a moment. I shifted my body, moving in between her thighs to get closer to her. The way that Jennifer caressed me was unlike anything from a man, passionate and caring. I closed my eyes as her arms wrapped around me, enjoying the sensations.

  Whether this was Jennifer's first experience with women, I didn't know. She never told me about her previous engagements, and I didn't ask. Regardless, she had the allure of a girl who had done this before. And as her lips moved down my body, under my chin and across my collarbone, I was grateful.

  I shuddered as we remained close together, goose bumps forming all along my limbs and torso within her arms. A deep, pleasurable knot started to radiate in my pelvis, causing me to gyrate involuntarily against my lover. Her touch was so erotic and loving, not at all rough and forceful, as her hand slid underneath the waistband of my pants and along the curve of my hip, teasing the region near my groin, but not being too greedy just yet. Each scrape of her nails along my sensitive skin sent thrills through my nimble body.

  "Oh," I sighed, shifting to allow her more access to body.

  "You seem excited, more so than usual," she smiled.

  I didn't utter a single sound except a moan that passed through my lips, as her fingers grazed against the top cleft of my womanhood. Jennifer bent over and implanted her lips on my own one more time, easing her tongue in as her fingers penetrated my soft folds.

  As a few indiscernible noses echoed between us, she kept her lips against me, with her tongue probing into my mouth as we rolled together, with her on top of me. I spread my legs, giving her plenty of access to the warmth in my crotch.

  Jennifer was a master seductress, knowing how to make my insides twist and turn uncontrollably. Her fingers tickled my labia, but didn't enter my warm hole just yet. I ran my fingers through her long, dark hair as we eagerly kissed, enjoying the sensation of her tongue dancing with my own. My back arched has her finger continued to tease me, just running along the outer lips of my moist snatch.

  "So wet already," she whispered against me.

  It was true; there was something about this woman's touch that had me weak in the knees, trembling with desire and overcome with lust that couldn't be described. A man never turned me on like this, but Jennifer...Just the sight of her body and her incredible scent made me slick between my thighs.

  She pulled her lips away and smiled down at me, apparently enjoying the feeling of my waiting womanhood. Then, I gasped as her finger suddenly entered me, just nudging in between the tight lips that beckoned for attention. While my body writhed almost without my permission, I couldn't hold back the cries of pleasure that came out of my mouth.

  "Shhhh," she said, planting a finger against my lips, but hardly containing the sounds of passion that filled the room. "You don't want anyone to hear us, do you?"

  "Everyone can hear us for all I care."

  She didn't push her fingers in very far, but just enough to make me shudder noticeably, as her precise teasing kept me on edge, fidgeting and struggling under her weight.

  Then, with part of her hand still nestled between my warm lips, I felt her thumb against my clit, pushing it side to side and making me gasp out loud once more. While still flicking at the hardened ball of nerves, the rest of her fingers went to work, slowly pumping out of my snatch and pushing in a little deeper. A little harder.

  "You look so beautiful," she cooed, kissing me on the lips again. "So angelic, laying there."

  I wanted to return the compliment, but my current situation prevented me from doing such a thing. Suddenly, her finger pushed into me, all the way to the knuckle. The sudden entry caused me to spasm and shake, and moan even louder than before. Even though my quivering muscles said otherwise, I spread my legs just a little farther as her finger rolled around inside of me, deep in the walls of my womanhood.

  "That's a girl," she smiled, looking at me deep in the eyes whenever I wasn't shutting them. I was a sweaty mess by now, drenched in perspiration that beaded along my forehead and inside of my pajama top, as it clung to my body. Combined with the aroma of sex in the room, I'm sure I was a wet, smelly mess at the moment.

  She was using two fingers now, as my pelvis humped without my consent against her invading digits. She was fucking me slowly. Deliberately. Like a predator systematically hunting its prey, positioning itself for the final attack.

  For a moment, Jennifer let me catch my breath, pulling her hand from my pants and smelling the honey that coated her fingers, which glistened in the light. But, the break didn't last long, and soon she was back at it, tweaking my clit and fingering my cunt with the enthusiasm of a horny young woman.

  My head was in a blender of pleasure and other sensations that I couldn't comprehend. This was more than just a quick fuck to get me off tonight. There was something deeper in the way she seduced me and worked my body over. She was calculating, and restrained, but filled with lust just as much as I was. I could see it in her eyes, whenever she looked upon my body and stared into my own restless gazes. This was a seduction between two lovers.

  "Oh God,” I moaned, feeling her fingers continue inside of me, turning my pussy into a mess of raw and tender flesh.

  I wanted to return the favor, to see her young, naked body in all its glory, but Jennifer had me at a disadvantage. She was being the dominating half in this moment of passion, and I was starting to think that this was all her intention. She just wanted to see me get off. At that moment, feeling her stares against my shaking body, like a voyeuristic girl spying on her naughty roommate, I was hotter than ever inside.


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