Born of Embers

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Born of Embers Page 9

by Harper Wylde

  My mind was running crazily with thoughts of what she would be like. I knew my friends well enough to know that they were intrigued by Killian’s description of her. I had talked to them on the phone when they called me about dinner and I could hear the excitement and interest tingeing in their voices. It had been a long time since we had considered relationships and I briefly wondered if this girl would be something special. We had talked about the possibility before, us sharing someone. It was common for shifter girls to have multiple partners, hell, just look at Rini. We just hadn’t found the right girl yet, the one who would accept all of us.

  I shook myself out of my deep thoughts. I didn’t have time for pondering, not to mention, I hadn’t even met the girl yet! I just needed to focus on getting a meal on the table. My phone dinged again with another text message. The guys had been messaging me non stop since they started heading this way and I was trying to keep up with the conversation as I got dinner ready. Gathering cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes, I began to prepare a garden salad. The guys would bitch but they should be eating healthier anyhow. After tossing the ingredients into a salad bowl, I placed additional toppings in smaller bowls for anyone who wanted them. I set our bright fiestaware onto the large, maple dining table that I had insisted on. If we were a family I wanted us to eat like a family, all together. Finally, I set out pitchers of lemonade and ice water for easy access.

  I heard the slamming of doors and couldn’t help but be nervous. This was completely ridiculous. I had absolutely no reason to be nervous. If anything I should be happy, it would be fun to rib my brothers about them all falling head over heels for a girl so quickly. Yet, inexplicably, I was keyed up and on edge. I wanted her to like me. My Gargoyle flicked his wings in my head. Enough worrying. Just focus on our family.

  I strode forward, smoothing my shirt down over my hips. I opened the front door to the general chaos that my brothers created regularly. Ryder was swearing at something. Killian was growling as he stalked toward the house. Hiro and Theo were standing around the side of the car, I assumed facing the girl. As Theo turned, gesturing with an arm toward our door, I fought to keep myself where I was at. My Gargoyle wanted her. He wanted to stride forward, scoop her up, and make sure that no harm could ever befall her. She simply glowed. Even in what I could tell were clothes she had gotten second-hand she was gorgeous. Her hair was dark silk that I wanted to bury my face in and feel wrapped around my fingers. Her lips were quirked in a sassy smile as she flipped her middle finger up at Ryder. She had an hourglass figure and my fingers ached to trace over her curves. All of that golden skin made me think of honey and I wondered if she would taste as sweet as she looked.

  Swearing internally, I pasted a smile on my face as Killian brushed past me into the house. I dropped my arms to cross them casually—well, I hoped it looked casual—in front of my crotch. Hiro had texted me on that the girl was nervous and I didn’t need to freak her out any more than she already was. As she turned wary, skeptical eyes to where I stood on the porch, I offered a smile. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Damien. Please, come inside. Donovan just texted. He’ll be here with Rini and the others soon.” Somehow I knew she needed the reassurance that Rini—the only other girl at this get together—would be here soon.

  She continued to eye me warily, but gave me a small smile as she moved around me to go into the house. I noticed she took extra care not to touch me as she slipped through the doorway. I knew I shouldn’t do it but I couldn’t stop myself from dropping my eyes to her ass as she walked past me. God, she was luscious. Her energy passed over me and my Gargoyle growled. It took all of my will to keep from shifting right then. I could feel my ears lengthening, my skin changing. He wanted out to see what in the world had just walked into his home. She smelled exotic and rich, enticing him in a way that neither of us had ever experienced. The level of power that she put out was intoxicating. I took deep breaths, holding my hands in tight fists to try and regain control of myself. Apparently I wouldn’t be able to mock my brothers after all. I had barely spent any time with her and it was like the magic she was throwing out had entranced me. Hell, if Rini hadn’t insisted that she smelled of smoke I would have wondered if she was a siren to have us all twined around her this quickly. Under control again, I strode into the kitchen after her, my Gargoyle desperate for another taste of her power and, if I was honest, I was hoping for another look at that ass.

  Killian and Ryder were lounging at the wooden table as I walked around Nix and headed back to the stove. Hiro had followed us and leaned against the wall at the entry to the kitchen, making sure to give the girl her personal space while still remaining close. Our house had an open concept feel, with the kitchen overlooking the dining area and living room, and I had never been more grateful for that layout than I was right now. Even if Nix decided to head to the table instead of hanging around the kitchen with me, I would be able to talk with her, and that’s what my Gargoyle and I wanted to do—get to know her.

  Her sweet voice surprised me as it rang through the kitchen and shot straight down my spine. “I heard that you were the cook. Thank you for dinner. Do you need any help?”

  Turning towards her, I smiled. She was standing here, in my kitchen, offering to help me cook? The guys hardly ever did that. “Thank you for the offer. I’m used to cooking alone. Most of these guys can burn water. Hiro makes a passable breakfast, so occasionally he’ll step in for me.”

  I saw her fidgeting with her fingers—a nervous tic—as she looked around and spotted Hiro, gracing him with a smile. “Well, I don’t mind helping. I’m a pretty good cook. What’s the dinner plan?” She pushed the sleeves of her sweater up, ready to dive in and help.

  “With a crowd this big I decided I’d go simple. We’re doing spaghetti and meatballs and a green salad. Hope that’s alright?” My voice was low and I watched her, hoping she approved of my meal plan.

  Tearing my eyes away, I went back to stirring the sauce on the stove as I waited for her answer. “I’m not picky at all. I’ll eat basically anything that’s put in front of me.” Well, that was good news. I loved food and was excited to cook for her not only tonight but hopefully in the future as well. I felt my Gargoyle stand tall in my mind’s eye as I thought about taking care of this woman, feeding her, seeing her often—he was in agreement. Her voice pulled me from my fantasies. “You’ve got your hands full. If you can point me in the direction of your herbs I can whip together a quick dressing.”

  I didn’t pull my eyes from hers as I stirred the sauce—I simply didn’t want to stop watching her—but I suddenly felt sheepish for forgetting the dressing. “Oh hell, I can’t believe I forgot. It’s a struggle to get these guys to eat healthy and I wasn’t focused. There should be fresh herbs in the crisping drawer though the selection will be limited. Oil and spices are in the cabinet on my left.”

  Nodding her understanding, I watched her turn and start gathering the ingredients she needed. I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I watched her cute body glide around the kitchen. My kitchen. My domain. My Gargoyle rumbled his contentment as we went back to cooking. I had a feeling that things had changed the moment Nix walked through the door. I wasn’t solely cooking for the guys anymore, I was taking care of someone that I just knew would be important to all of us.



  It was surreal to be standing here, having someone cook for me. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had made me a homemade meal. Growing up, if I wanted to eat, I was the one who had to cook, and often times there wasn’t enough food to scrape together into any kind of meal.

  I had noted that the salad was already chopped and extra ingredients were even set out in a series of small dishes. I wondered who was picky enough for him to separate it like that.

  I studied Damien from the corner of my eye as I pulled my hair back with the tie I always kept around my wrist, putting it in a quick ponytail so it was out of my face. His eyes and hair were nearly as dark
as my own, and the bright flash of his even, white teeth against his deep skin was alluring. His dark brown hair had a tousled look to it and had fallen into his eyes a little as he worked; his face still wore a day’s scruff. The white t-shirt he wore was tight against his extremely broad shoulders and hard chest. I watched as the steam rising from the pot of noodles in front of him caused his hair to curl slightly.

  Deciding to focus on the task at hand rather than making small talk with the other guys, I quickly washed my hands and grabbed the oil, vinegar, a combination of fresh and dry spices, and a lemon from the fridge. I hummed softly to myself, content to finish my project. After chopping the herbs, I whisked them into the oil, vinegar, and lemon. I dipped a finger into the mixture and popped it into my mouth to taste it. It could do with a little honey to cut down on the acidity. I turned to face the other guys, who had stopped what they were doing, all watching me with open, gaping mouths and wide eyes. I glared at them, putting my hands on my hips. “What? Do you guys not like italian dressing?” Rapid shakes of their head were my only answer. I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous they looked. Did they think creating dressing was a culinary miracle? “Look, this is almost finished. It could use a little honey though, to cut down the acidity. Do you have any?”

  Ryder smirked, leaning forward in his chair and pouting his lips at me. “Oh, I’m sure your honey tastes mighty fine.” I rolled my eyes. Perv. I didn’t even see Damien take a step toward the table but I saw the slap of his hand across the back of Ryder’s head and heard Ryder’s subsequent curse as he rubbed the spot.

  “Ryder, shut up. Nix, thanks for helping. There’s honey in the pantry. I’ll grab it for you. Rini and the guys should be here any second and then we’ll get started.” With a nod of his head and a quick glare at Ryder he strode to a door at the end of the room, coming back a moment later with a small honey pot.

  I tipped a little in, whisking the concoction smooth. Nodding to myself at the consistency, I set the small bowl I’d used on the table. It’d be easy enough to pour directly from there or to use a spoon. I ignored the low, whispered chatter of the guys behind me and instead turned to Damien.

  “Where did you learn to cook? You’re obviously good at it. Is that homemade sauce?” I was impressed!

  “My mother, and my grandmother before her. They both loved to cook and it was something I took an interest in when I was young and then never stopped doing.” He shrugged but I knew having that kind of family history, that connection, was everything.

  “They must be wonderful ladies,” I smiled at him.

  His lips quirked to the side in response. “Thank you. I like to think so. My grandmother is gone now but my mother lives not too far from here with my father. What about you? Where did you learn to do that?” He pointed with the wooden spoon in his hand toward the dressing I’d made.

  “I’ve always wanted to learn to cook, so much so that I used to watch the food channel all the time and ended up getting a job as a line chef at an upscale restaurant last year. The head chef and I became close and he taught me anything I wanted to know about cooking and food.” The quiet in the house surprised me and I turned my head to see all of the guys listening to our conversation.

  “This chef and you were… dating?” Curiosity tinged Theo’s voice.

  A burst of laughter bubbled out of me. “God, no. He’s in his sixties. I’ve never had a boyfriend.” I smiled and shook my head at them as Damien caught my attention again, a pleased smile on his face.

  “Here, Nix, try this and tell me what you think.” He held out the sauce covered wooden spoon to me. Leaning forward, I slid my lips over the end of the spoon, closing my eyes as the flavor of the tomato sauce burst over my tongue. Drifting back into my own personal space again, I hummed, opening my eyes to gaze up into the warm russet brown of Damien’s. His eyes were alive, and they energized me in a way I couldn’t explain. There was something in me that immediately liked him. Licking my lips to clean them of sauce, I saw his gaze dart down and track the movement, wooden spoon still held in his hand, forgotten, as the tension in the air seemed to grow thicker.

  A loud clattering coming from the entry hall broke the moment and I heard Rini’s voice call out, “You’ve been invaded! Everyone put your clothes back on!” I groaned at my roommate’s joke as I hurried over to the table to claim a seat before the newcomers reduced the number of available options. Hadn’t she been sweet on that first day? I smirked at her as I realized my roommate might just be as sassy as me. She walked in with Barrett and the two other guys who had helped her move into the dorm, presumably Cayden and Donovan. I blinked as I studied them. I must have been really distracted that first day—how in the hell had I not noticed they were triplets? All three had dark hair, though it was cut to different lengths on each guy. Their skin was a dusky olive and their smiles were absolutely identical. Rini laughed, obviously noting what had my attention.

  “Yeah, I was surprised when you didn’t mention anything that first day. Now I assume you were just too distracted. It’s easiest to see when they stand as a group though. Their different hair and clothing styles keep it a little easier.” Her smile was warm as she ran over to claim the seat next to mine - of course I had chosen the one at the end of the row so I only had to sit next to one person and had an easy escape route on my right. Without even speaking, one of the guys picked her up and slid her down a few seats, setting her firmly in his lap while his brothers sat on either side of her. She reached up and whacked him hard on the chest. Wow, they actually hit each other hard around here! I wondered if that was a shifter thing? Or just because they’d known each other for so long? “Hey! I wanted to sit next to Nix,” she pouted up at whichever of the guys was holding her. I could tell it wasn’t Barrett, his hair was too short.

  “You see Nix every day. When I have time with you, I want you in my arms. We gave in to the college thing, please give us this.” Giving her a fast kiss, he sent me a cheeky grin. “Hey, I’m Donovan. I’m sure you remember Barrett and the guy on my far side is the youngest of us, Cayden.” Rini had kissed Barrett this morning, now she was sitting on Donovan’s lap. I was getting super curious about her relationship status.

  Letting my curiosity rest for now, I nodded a greeting to both Donovan and Cayden as Damien set a heaping bowl of pasta in the center of the long table. “Dig in, everyone,” he called out, heading to rinse his hands before joining us. I glanced around as he came to claim the seat in between myself and Barrett. Luckily, he turned and focused his attention on a story Barrett was telling, allowing me to ease slightly farther away from him without him noticing. I glanced up to see Ryder watching me, a curiously pained expression on his face.

  “What?” I asked him pointedly, as I began to heap salad and toppings onto my plate.

  “It’s nothing,” he murmured, pressing his lips together.

  “You know, for a lie detector you don’t lie very well. It’s obviously something.” I handed him the salad bowl and he looked at it with disgust.

  “You seriously want me to eat this? It’s rabbit food.” He stated this with a direct glare at Killian, who didn’t even bother turning his head from his conversation with Theo and simply flipped him off.

  “Damien took the time to make the salad and I made the dressing. Plus, it’s healthy. You’re the one who heals everyone. You should set a good example and take care of your own body too.” I reached over to scoop pasta onto my plate. The pained expression was back. “What in the world is wrong with you? It’s just salad! Why do you look like you’re being forced to eat dirt?” I huffed as I asked him—he had no idea how lucky he was to have mounds of healthy, filling food in front of him.

  “You haven’t spent much time around guys, have you?” he asked cryptically, placing a few lettuce leaves on his plate and coating them with the sides of cheese and bacon.

  I looked at his ‘salad’ in distaste as he proceeded to drown it in dressing. “I’ve been around plenty of guys. Why?” Again, he flashed m
e the same pained expression.

  Frustrated, I turned and yelled,“Theo!” down the table. Everyone turned to stare at Ryder and I. “What is wrong with your friend? He’s driving me crazy. He looks like I’m forcing a death sentence on him when I tell him to eat what he loosely has dubbed a salad and he keeps making this idiotic expression and won’t tell me why.”

  Ryder glared at me from across the table as Theo lifted a brow at his brother. “Well, Ryder? Are you going to answer the lady?” His voice was dry and cool but I caught an undercurrent there that I couldn’t quite explain.

  “I’m trying to do what you said, Theo, but she’s killing me over here.” The words came out in a whine as he gestured widely toward me.

  What Theo had said? Okay, now I was even more frustrated and confused. “Would one of you kindly tell me what the hell is going on?” I asked, my irritation clear in my voice. Taking my frustration out on the food, I stabbed one of the meatballs with my fork and took an angry bite only to be greeted by a table full of wincing males. God, being around people in such an intimate setting was so much harder than I had anticipated.

  Hiro sighed before answering my question. “Theo put Ryder on a leash.”

  I looked at Hiro. For a sweet guy who was usually helpful, he was only adding to my ire. “Meaning?” I drawled the word slowly.

  He adjusted his glasses on his nose again. Hmm, I wondered if he did that when he was nervous? “He told Ryder if he didn’t calm down on the sexual jokes and innuendos that he’d take away his online shopping privileges for a month. Ryder’s our resident clothes freak so it’s the best punishment we have available.”

  Ryder nodded, shooting me a glare. “They thought I was making you uncomfortable with all of my talk and they wanted you to feel welcome. I told them you liked our witty banter, but oh no, they can’t have the sweet little female frightened by dirty words.”


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