Born of Embers

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Born of Embers Page 22

by Harper Wylde

  I smiled sweetly, wiggling the tips of my fingers in a little wave. “Bye now.” I turned and strode back to Hiro, grabbing the sleeve of his jacket to keep towing him across campus. “Fuck it, now I’m going to be late. I hate being late.” I heard Hiro chuckle as he let me drag him behind me.

  “I think it was worth being late to class for that.” I spun towards the unexpected voice, surprised to see Theo leaning against the side of the English building, his legs crossed at the ankles as he studied us.

  I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation as I continued walking, knowing he would follow us. “What is with you guys? Whenever I kiss one of you, another shows up to watch. Do you guys have a radar or something?” I tried to keep the smile out of my voice as I glanced back.

  “Well, statistically speaking,” Theo started as he fell in step on my left, “you’ve only kissed two of us. As there are five of us, I don’t believe your numbers are quite accurate enough to analyze them and come up with that hypothesis. I’d suggest testing it, but as Hiro is already here, I don’t believe it would be an actively controlled environment.” I froze, turning to stare at him with my mouth agape. I couldn’t tell if he was serious or if he was joking.

  Men were confusing, and I didn’t have the time to worry about it now. I was late and I needed to get to class. I’d have to figure it out later. Realizing how forward I had just been made me turn to Hiro. “Listen, I'm sorry for taking advantage of you like that. I just couldn’t stand her attitude and the way she was talking to you.” I felt anger surge back into me as I replayed the whole event in my head.

  Hiro shrugged, unable to look at me as we walked. “She wasn’t wrong, you know. My family did give me up. I do…” He stopped for a moment as a blush flooded his cheeks. “Fuck it. I do like my physical relationships rough, but they’re always consensual. I never hurt anyone, Nix, I promise.” His eyes were sad and wary as they met mine.

  I stopped, no longer caring about my class as I focused on him. “Hiro. You and I talked about your family a little already. It was their own pride that made them leave you, and they can go screw themselves if the type of powers you have meant more to them than their own son. You have an amazing family, one you chose and who chose you in return, and that’s the most important thing. I haven’t known you for very long, but I absolutely know that. It’s not my business, nor anyone elses, what you do in the bedroom. Everyone has things they like and dislike. Nothing that bitch could tell me would make me think you would ever hurt a woman or take them against their will. You’re way too sweet and caring for that. Besides, a little teeth and nails in the bedroom is not that kinky. It’s not like you’re doing something really weird or twisted. You like it a little rough. No big deal.” I shrugged and sent him a smile. Hiro just gaped at me. Apparently he had thought that Ahmya’s bitter rant would prejudice me against him. I decided to give Hiro a moment to collect himself, so turned my attention to Theo. “I thought you were working today. Why are you on campus?”

  Theo sent me a quick grin. “Well, I had planned on bringing you coffee, but I got a little distracted when you were trying to shut up Ahmya. Thanks for that, by the way. No matter what Hiro says she doesn’t get the idea, and he won’t let us be rude to her. I keep telling him it’s the only way she’s going to get a clue—she’s too power-hungry for gentle to work. I also wanted to talk to you more about your history. I can learn more if I draw some blood and study it. Would that be okay with you?” He paused on the sidewalk, digging in his bag before pulling a small kit from his pack.

  “Wait, you want to draw my blood now?” The last word came out as a high-pitched squeak.

  Theo just cocked his head to study me. “Of course. The sooner I begin to study it, the better chance I have of finding out your ancestry and maybe other information for you. I’d also like to test your general health. Is now inconvenient?”

  Hiro chuckled as he swiped the blood draw kit from Theo’s outstretched hands. “Why don’t we wait until we’re someplace a little more comfortable? Ryder can do it later, he’s pre-med after all.”

  Theo just blinked at his friend, reaching out to try and regain possession of his kit. “Yes, he’s pre-med, he’s not a doctor. It’s not difficult to slide a needle into a vein. There’s no need to wait.”

  I didn’t know whether to laugh at Theo or run away. Apparently he had no idea how creepy he sounded when he went on rants like this. “As easy as it may be, I’d still prefer doing it later.” I checked my watch and groaned “I’m ridiculously late for class anyway, so I don’t have time right now. I need to run.”

  Theo pouted a little, but complacently placed the kit back into his bag. Hiro spoke softly from my right as he angled us down a different sidewalk. “Thank you, Nix. For standing up for me, and for kissing me.” His dark eyes were soft behind his glasses and his lips were curved in a sweet smile.

  “Anytime, Hiro.” I reached out and touched his arm. “You’ve done so much for me, it’s the least I can do for you.” Grinning widely, I thought about the kiss, ready to redirect the conversation and tease the fox beside me. “You know what you’re doing with that mouth of yours. Wasn’t expecting that from you, Hiro.” I winked at him, trying to keep the mood light between us.

  The grin he gave me in return was a little wicked. “Oh there’s a lot about me you wouldn’t expect, Nix.” Wow. My breath whooshed out of my lungs as I stared back at him. My heart shot a jolt of joy through my body at the thought of learning about all of the unexpected pieces of him. I was sure I could come up with a good comeback to that but I was more than a little breathless and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t force one past my lips.

  “If you’re going to class, you better hurry.” Theo threw over his shoulder at us.

  “Class. Right.” My voice was a husky murmur as I tried to focus.

  “We’ll be there in a second.” Hiro tugged on my arm, pulling me into the side of the building. Theo kept moving, his long, unhurried strides taking him down the sidewalk at a rapid pace.

  “Are you okay? Oh god, I did offend you, didn’t I?” I sputtered as I stared at Hiro. His eyes were soft and warm as he studied me.

  “No, Nix, you didn’t offend me.” Trepidation crossed his face briefly as he studied me. “I hope I don’t offend you. I appreciate what you did for me there with Ahmya. However, that’s not exactly how I pictured our first kiss.” My heart fluttered in my chest. He had pictured us kissing before? His eyes were gentle as they met mine, his fingers sliding the dark frames of his glasses up his nose before he reached out to stroke my cheek. “Can I have a redo?”

  “A redo?” I could barely force the word past my lip.

  His soft lips were turned up in a smirk as he studied me. Slowly, eyes never leaving mine, he nodded. “Yes, a redo. A real kiss. I know you said my…” he paused for a moment as if struggling for the words. “…my predilections don’t bother you. May I kiss you? Really kiss you?”

  I stroked a finger down his face. I could tell this was as much for him as it was for me. He wanted to ensure that I truly did accept him, that I wasn’t scared of him. He wanted to show me that side of himself, prove that he would never hurt me in any way. Prove Ahmya wrong.

  “Yes.” The words were a husky murmur.

  Hiro stroked a soft hand down my face, tilting my chin up so I could look in his eyes. His dark eyes were hot and soft behind the black glasses he wore. “Are you sure about this, Nix? I want to kiss you, more than you could possibly know, but I want to make sure you’re ready. That you want me as much as I want you.”

  My heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to burst through my chest. The heat was rolling off my body in waves and I wanted desperately to push myself flush against him. “Yes.” I breathed the answer soft and low but he heard me. His eyes flared and he leaned forward, his hand sliding behind my neck as he brushed his lips lightly across mine. He let out a low moan, pulling back from me slightly. His chest heaved as he met my gaze.
br />   “Is this okay? You’re sure?” He gasped the question out as he brought his fingertips up to brush across my swollen lips.

  I smiled. My sweet Hiro. Instead of answering I leaned forward, pressing my mouth fully against his. I wanted to taste him. I opened my mouth slightly, flicking my tongue out to sweep across his lips.

  Hiro growled. Reaching down with one hand he pulled my wrists into his grasp and pushed me flush against the wall, holding me tight so that I couldn’t move. His other hand wrapped tightly around the back of my neck, angling my head so that he could take the kiss deeper. He plundered my mouth, sweeping his tongue across mine.

  I gasped and let out a low moan as I felt his tongue slide across my own. The heat of his tongue was interrupted by something hard and slightly cool. Oh, God. His tongue was pierced. I groaned, pressing my body hard against him, playing my tongue with his. Heat from his hard body seeped into mine and all I could think about was the feeling of his tongue and that fucking stud that brushed against areas of my mouth I had no idea were sensitive.

  He slowly pulled back, ignoring my whimper when his tongue left my mouth. His eyes were hot and glazed as he looked at me, his breath panting out as he stared at me.

  “So fucking sweet.” He murmured, his eyes glued to my swollen lips.

  “You too.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them and I wanted to swear. How fucking stupid was that? He just shook his head and brushed my mouth with his before tugging me back out into the flow of students. I couldn’t believe he had the control to stop. I wanted him pressed up against me again, the heat of his mouth and body pressed against me.

  I heard his chuckle and shot him a glare. I thought Damien was the one who read minds, damn it. “I didn’t want to stop, if that’s what you’re thinking. Your mouth is so hot and soft, Nix. You taste like honey and caramelized sugar, sweet and smoky, exactly like I thought you would.” My name was nearly a purr as it fell from his lips. “We have time. We’ll take it slowly. Though I doubt I’ll be able to resist taking another taste of you for very long.” His erotic promise sent a shiver through me. God, I hope he couldn’t resist, or I’d be jumping him shortly. Who knew a tongue stud could rock my world like that? I couldn’t stop the idle thought of whether any of the other guys had piercings too…



  After a long, day in my first two classes, two kisses that had left me hyper and drained, and my confrontation with Ahmya, I was completely ready for a peaceful dinner. I had actually been shocked at how much I had wanted to rush through my day and get back to the guys. College had always been my dream, my goal, the lifeline that kept me moving from day to day. Yet all I could think about was getting back to the house. While a part of me feared that connection, the absorption I had with them, I tried to balance that with the thought that my classes were truly boring, and I was still healing and shaken from being shot the day before. God. Had that really only been yesterday? I tried to push my concern over the accident to the back of my mind. The guys had promised me that they were looking into the shooting and that I didn’t need to worry right now. Oddly enough, I trusted them. I had spent days thinking and rationalizing that day to myself. There was no reason for anyone to shoot me on that trail, so it couldn’t have been a personal attack. Michael had no reason to shoot me in front of the guys. It would give him no satisfaction, anyway. He was too sadistic to use a gun, he’d rather get his hands dirty and see my pain up close and personal. No, it had to have been an accident, some hunter who got turned around and thought we were wildlife or something. Fuck, there were just too many other things to focus and I needed to stop obsessing over every paranoid thought.

  So much had been packed into a less than forty-eight hour period it was hard to process. Being shot for the first time, reviving around the guys, them taking care of me in a way I had never experienced, opening up to them, a movie marathon with friends, my first enjoyable kiss in years, then the second, and the third. It was nice having Hiro with me on campus today. I hated feeling weak, but I was logical enough to know that it was impossible to avoid after a rebirth. Relying on him to keep me safe wasn’t falling into bad habits, it was simply smart.

  My Phoenix cooed at me in agreement. She knew she was strong and would do her best to protect us, but she liked the idea of family and having someone watching her back while she wasn’t at full strength. It had been odd feeling her in my head today. The lessons bored her and she wanted to be back with the guys just as much as I did. She thought they were amusing and she liked showing off for them. Just the thought of Ahmya had her hissing in my mind again. She really did not like the girl. I think she was just happy to finally be around other shifters and being able to feel their magic. I could tell a part of her was itching to shift again, but we both knew it would take too much energy, that it was too soon after a rebirth that had drained me so much.

  It was also nice to have Rini and her guys here. They had become important to me as well. I had never realized how quickly someone could worm their way into your heart and become an integral part of your day. Rini never pushed, never asked for more than I could give. She was always there, though. She understood I needed space and hadn’t tried to breach my barriers. However, she was always full of kind words, soft smiles, and a listening ear should I need it. I had never had a sister, but I imagined this might be a little like that. I liked her guys too. Though I was still a little warier of them than I was of my own guys, I could tell they absolutely adored Rini and would rip out an organ for her without a second thought. I liked that she had people that dedicated to loving and protecting her. That she never had to be truly alone. While I wasn’t used to having to rely on anyone, I felt the desire bloom in my chest to have people care about me like that.

  The next few days went on in much the same way. The guys took turns taking me to classes, working around their own class schedules, followed by dinner at the house with Rini and her guys joining us for what I was starting to deem “family dinner”. Most nights I stayed at the house, but the guys had finally agreed that I could go back to the dorm as long as I was with Rini. It wasn’t beyond my notice that Hiro was at the dorms the same nights I was. I wouldn’t lie, I felt safer knowing he was close by.

  Walking into the house after another long day of classes felt a little bit like coming home. The kitchen, where Damien stood at the stove, was full of amazing smells. Rini and I flopped onto the sectional and we were immediately surrounded by all of our guys. We had decided not to tell Rini about the shooting. I didn’t want her involved if it turned out to be more than an accident. As far as she knew, I was staying with the guys because I hadn’t been feeling well and they wanted to take care of me. She’d teased me a ton but it was a small price to pay for her safety. Barrett was gently massaging the back of Rini’s neck as Hiro and Killian were arguing about the correct way to perform a jiu jitsu takedown. Hiro had mentioned today that he had taken up the sport to be able to spar with Killian. Apparently his Kitsune liked a challenge. I sighed, leaning my head back against the wall. I felt so content right now, surrounded by laughter, music, chatter, and the smells of home. I hadn’t thought I would ever feel like this.

  Ryder looked up from his phone, a wolfish grin on his face. “So, Rini,” he began, smirking over at the two of us. “I know you’ve got these three lugs, but have you ever considered adding a girl to your group?”

  Rini’s jaw dropped as she glared at Ryder. Oh, hell no. I may like Ryder, but Rini was my friend too. I wasn’t going to let him embarrass her. Reaching out, I pushed a strand of her hair away from her cheek. “Yeah, Rini. Do you think you’d ever consider adding another girl?” I had angled myself towards her, giving her the subtlest nudge with my knee to let her know I wanted her to play along.

  She smiled, leaning forward to mimic my motion. Suddenly the entire room was silent as they watched the two of us. “Nix, you know there’s always room in my bed for you.”

  I laughed, making su
re the sound was husky as I trailed light fingers down her neck. “I know that’s what you said the other night, that’s for sure.” Rini shut her eyes, tilting her head back and letting a small moan pass her lips as I caressed her neck. Her men’s eyes were glued on her, their eyes hot and their attention focused. I didn’t dare risk a glance over my shoulder to see what my guys thought of the performance we were putting on.

  Ryder spoke up, his voice thick and husky. “Well, if you’re going to put it out there, you may as well let us see.” I heard the sound of a slap. My bet was on Killian. “Aw, come on, Kill.” Yep. I knew them well already. “It’d be totally hot and you know it as well as I do.” I turned to look at them as I leaned closer to Rini, close enough that our cheeks nearly brushed.

  “You think so?” My voice was low as I studied him, reaching out to trace my fingers through Rini’s hair.

  Damn right!” His brothers all growled at him, though I didn’t think there was much heat in it. Hmmm. Maybe they did think it would be hot.

  “You should do it like the other night,” Rini murmured, arching into me so that our bodies nearly brushed.

  I kept my eyes glued to Ryder, letting a small smirk appear on my face. “Ah, I think we’ll just keep that to our room, sweetheart.”

  Ryder shook his head quickly, his purple hair flipping slightly into his eyes. “Oh no. You should totally show us. You know, you haven’t had much kissing experience. We can give you some pointers.”

  I smiled a little wickedly. “Rini hasn’t had any complaints so far.” I heard a muffled groan come from Damien in the kitchen. Wow, they really did think the idea was hot! Guys were so strange.

  Suddenly Ryder darted forward to stand beside where Hiro was sitting at the table. “Watch, it’s totally hot.” He grabbed Hiro’s shoulder, pulling him in to plant a kiss on his lips. Hiro’s dark eyes widened in shock as he stared at Ryder. Ryder turned back to me with a wicked grin. “Your turn!”


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