Born of Embers

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Born of Embers Page 24

by Harper Wylde

  “Hello, dearest daughter,” a snide, gravelly voice called. My heart slammed inside my chest. Michael. My throat constricted and I had to fight to get air into my lungs.

  “How the fuck did you find me?” I forced out as panic seized me.



  I couldn’t help the growl that passed my lips as I paced in the living room. I hated when Nix left. I hated not knowing she was safe all night long. I could barely sleep now when she wasn’t here in the house with us. It was my job to keep my family together, and Nix was now included in that family whether she knew it or not. I knew my brothers were in agreement with that statement. I could tell what they were thinking even if they didn’t voice it out loud.

  I checked the clock again for the hundredth time. She should have called by now, shouldn’t she have? I watched the seconds tick by and growled again. I was acting like Killian but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I wouldn’t find peace until I had heard from her.

  I must not have had a strong mental hold on my thoughts because I started getting outside thoughts pushed to me from the guys, who were scattered all over the house.

  You haven’t heard from her? Theo asked. I knew he was upstairs working on that damn project for the Council again. They were hounding him for it and he wanted to keep them far away from us and Nix so he’d been pulling extra hours trying to get it into beta. Between Nix and classes the only time he had to work was late at night.

  No. The word came through tense and harsher than I meant it to.

  Why don’t you call her? I know we all want to know she’s home safe, Hiro responded. It wasn’t his night to work as an RA and he was staying here at the house instead of going back to the dorms, trying to give Nix the space she needed. I felt him questioning whether he should have gone anyway to be closer to her. We all liked to be around for her, keep an eye on her. She was important to all of us and we all knew it.

  I’ll call her, Ryder offered. I miss that sexy voice.

  No! I’ll call her, I pushed back to all of them.

  Killian hadn’t joined in our conversation but I saw him lying on the sectional with an arm thrown over his eyes. His jaw was clenched and I tuned in to his worry. We were all fucking goners for this girl.

  Pulling my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, I dialed her number. It rang a few times before I heard the call connect but I didn’t hear her voice on the other end of the line. Instead, it sounded like it was shifting around, the noises loud in the speaker.

  “Nix? Hello?” I asked into the phone.

  I heard her distant voice. “How the fuck did you find me?” She sounded scared.

  “Nix!” I shouted into the phone as I heard maniacal laughter come through the line. Deep, evil laughter. What the hell?

  “Guys!” I shouted both out loud and mentally. “Something is wrong with Nix!” I was already heading for the door.

  Kill was off the couch in a flash, storming towards the door with me, and footfalls thundered down the stairs as Theo, Ryder, and Hiro ran after us. I couldn’t talk because I needed to focus on the phone, on what was happening with Nix. I made sure our mental link would stay open and pushed what I’d heard and was still hearing towards them.

  “It’s not too damn hard to find someone when their school of choice sends mail to the house,” the harsh, male voice mocked.

  My heart pounded in my chest. The house? Fuck! This had to be her father.

  Needing to focus on the conversation, I tossed Killian the keys to the Hummer.

  Theo! Call Rini. Right now, she was the closest to Nix, although we were only a few minutes away, less with how fast Killian tore out of the driveway and sped down the road. See if she can see anything from her window. We need eyes on the situation. Tell her we are on our way and NOT to leave her room!

  The last thing I was about to do was put Rini in danger as well. Rini was like a sister to us and Barrett, Cayden, and Donovan would never forgive us if we did. Hell, she practically was a sister to Theo, they grew up together.

  “What do you want?” Nix’s shaky voice rang through the phone.

  “You, baby girl. You’re coming home,” the hard voice demanded. Now I was sure it was her father.

  ‘No fucking way!” Killian yelled out loud, responding to the conversation I was sending him. Low growls of agreement followed his proclamation.

  “That’s not happening, Michael,” her voice grew louder when she said his name. Did she know I was listening? I fucking hoped so.

  We’re here, baby. We’re on our way! I pushed those thoughts to her as hard as I could but I had no idea if they would reach her or not. I vowed here and now that I would work harder to develop my psychic abilities. I needed to find a way to push my range. Hell, maybe that didn’t matter because I was never going to leave her alone again after this. We promised to protect her and I took that seriously! We all did.

  “Rini’s got eyes on her,” Theo relayed. He sent us a mental picture of what Rini was describing to him. They were in the front parking lot, it was dark, and Nix was standing by Rini’s truck. The man stood in front her, about five feet away. “Fuck! She thinks he’s got a weapon on him,” Theo swore.

  Over the phone the man laughed. “There’s no outcome here where you win, darlin’. I know those boys of yours are at home. There’s no one around that’s a match to help you but that roommate of yours, and I’ve got that covered.”

  “He’s got a gun!” Theo roared what Rini was relaying to him. “Fuck! Rini! Don’t you fucking dare!”

  Nix! I heard Ryder’s worried thoughts cry out as he remembered her lying in a pool of blood on that hiking trail.

  Hiro looked pale as he gripped the seat in front of him, unbuckled and ready to jump out the second we pulled into the parking lot Nix was in. His eyes were hard and I knew he was ready to end this for Nix.

  My Gargoyle was ready and waiting for the moment I let him push forward. He knew we would both be needed tonight, and he was ready to protect what was ours—the guys and Nix.



  We’re here, baby. We’re on our way! I faintly heard Damien’s voice in my head and everything in me hoped I hadn’t imagined it. I knew I had answered the phone when Michael appeared from the darkness, but I wasn’t sure if he could hear anything, or if he would have hung up by now. Just in case, I wanted to try and leave him hints as to what was happening. If Michael managed to drag me back to his hellhole, I prayed the guys would get this message and find a way to come after me.

  “Put the gun down, Michael,” I said as I exaggerated the word gun. “We both know you’re here for me. Shooting that thing would just draw unwanted attention and you know it.” I tried to stall. “It’s me you want. Leave my friends out of this.” With that I paused and tilted my head as I studied him. “You’ve been fucking following me,” I said in anger, my eyes narrowed at him and my Phoenix raged as we both realized he’d been stalking us. All of those times of looking over my shoulder, when my dorm room door had scratches on it, getting shot on the fucking trail, that was all Michael. I had underestimated him and his hatred of me.

  Shaking his head, he looked at me with amusement on his face. "Smart little thing you've turned out to be. Though not smart enough. I would’ve thought you’d realize it was me well before this. What can you expect from a female though?" Michael sarcastically drawled with a sneer. "No, I'm not here for your friends, though if you don’t do what I tell you that can easily change. You’re mine, Nix. I haven’t put up with you, fed you, clothed you, and dealt with all your fucking drama for years to lose you now." His voice hardened as he ordered, “Let’s go. Turn around.”

  Don’t move, Nix. We’re almost there! Damien’s voice was still faint in my head, though slightly louder than before.

  Before I had a chance to analyze my options, I noticed movement over his shoulder and discreetly glanced to see Rini softly closing the side door to the dorms and start creeping towards us
, using different cars for cover. NO! I wasn't about to let anyone else become a victim to Michael. I wasn't about to let my friends be hurt. My eyes narrowed and I gave an almost imperceptible shake of my head in her direction. Covering the movement so Michael wouldn’t notice, I looked to the ground and then back up at him. I needed to warn her. “Seriously Michael, put the gun away.” Damn. I hoped she understood the danger she was in! In my mind I begged her go away. I couldn’t concentrate with her so close by. The guys would be here soon and all I could picture was Michael putting a bullet through one of them. I could regenerate, but they couldn’t. I wasn’t about to lose them. My decision was made.

  Holding his hands up in mock surrender, gun and all, I watched as he tucked the gun back into his waistband. Mimicking his action, I put my hands up as well. “What do you want with me, Michael?” I took a small step backwards. I needed to reach the treeline and get us out of the parking lot. I needed to stall.

  "Why are you stalking me?” I took another step back.

  He followed, a grin splitting his face.

  “Why did you shoot me?" I asked, again moving towards the treeline. His sneer was all the confirmation I needed that it had, indeed, been him.

  He advanced, slowly and steadily, matching my movements. Hunting me. I could see the light in his eyes that was always there before he tried to kill me. Normally, he had to be drinking for that to show up. I assessed him quickly. If he was drunk, he’d be easier to take down.

  "Why come after me? Why spend all your resources crossing the country? Why won't you let me go?" My voice had started out strong but grew more desperate as I continued. None of this made any sense.

  I was to the treeline now. Daring a glance, I saw that Rini was out of sight. Good.

  Before he could answer I sent a mental plea to Damien, hoping with everything in me he could hear me.

  Stay away! Get Rini out of here! It was all I had time to send before my attention needed to be back on Michael.

  His face looked sinister in the dark as I moved further into the cover of the trees, his pale blue eyes manic and creepy as they stared at me, his mouth twisted into a snarl that allowed the light to reflect off of his teeth. He matched my every move. I felt my Phoenix under my skin, ready to act, ready to protect me. Ready to fight back.

  “You haven’t answered my questions,” I spat. I was almost to the spelled barrier. I knew Michael wouldn’t be able to follow me inside. I hoped that the spell would work and he would be compelled to leave the area.

  “I never expected you to have the guts to leave. I thought you were too weak. Color me impressed, Annika. The bitch found her wings.” He cocked his head to the side and studied me, looking for a reaction to his words, a smirk playing across his lips. Wings? He didn't know what I was, did he? He never talked to me about why I regenerated. He never seemed to care. He only had interest in his beer and hurting me. Anytime I would question him about my "supernatural powers" he laughed it off and said it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I could. That I was a gift for him to enjoy as his penance for having to deal with a bitch like me. It didn’t take long for me to stop asking because every time I asked he liked to prove his point by giving me a demonstration that always ended in another rebirth. That's all I was to him—an object. Nothing made sense anymore. Why put in all of this effort for someone he didn't even care about? He didn’t like me, much less love me. He only loved to hate and to kill. I took another step backwards, almost there, and Michael hunted me slowly. I saw his hand reach behind him, and the glint of metal flashed as he pulled out yet another weapon.

  “You useless, stupid bitch,” he roared, apparently not happy with me ignoring him, “you’ve made me wait long enough!” Spittle was flying from his mouth as he yelled, his lips twisted in a snarl.

  The unadulterated rage in his eyes was all the encouragement I needed. I turned and ran, fleeing past the barrier. Tingles shot through me as I passed through, but it was easier than the first time I’d done it. Perhaps that was because my Phoenix was with me now and I was more accustomed to the feeling of magic against my skin. I ran a few feet past the barrier and turned to lay eyes on Michael, edging behind a tree to the side of the clearing in case he got any ideas to shoot. I wasn’t sure if the barrier could repel bullets.

  Instead, I watched incredulously as he placed first one foot, then the other through the spelled wall, a scream tearing from his throat as he pushed through. My eyes widened and I felt tears pressing behind my eyes. No! This wasn’t possible! Michael was a human. A human! He’d never, not once, given me any indication that he was anything else. I drew breath faster and felt the world starting to spin around me. Nothing in my past made any sense.

  As he gasped for air, he bent over at the knees, recovering, before a growl ripped from his throat. Straightening, he sauntered forward, a leer set on his face despite his pallor and the sweat dripping from him.

  My Phoenix hissed, wanting to burn the threat where he stood. Oddly, though, she also seemed more afraid of Michael than I would have expected. A part of her didn’t want to shift. Magic surged into my fingertips, ready to light up the night and singe the threat in front of me, but my Phoenix flapped in my head, insistent that we keep our powers hidden from the man in front of us unless we absolutely couldn’t avoid it. She seemed to be following some instinct and pushed at me to agree with her, as if I would somehow be in more danger if he knew I had new powers or that I could shift into my Phoenix form. I tried to soothe her by agreeing to her demands, all while backing up and trying to come up with a way to beat the man in front of me.

  Nix! Where are you? His urgency was clear, his mental voice frantic.

  The clearing! It’s all I had the energy to mentally push to Damien, all of my focus was locked on the threat in front of me.

  Michael lunged.

  I jumped back and darted between the trees, trying to stay out of his reach.

  One second I was flying towards cover, and the next I was flying towards the ground. Michael’s grip on my new jacket afforded him the ability to roll me over and he settled his weight on me as he forced my body into the pine-covered forest floor. The knife, still gripped in his hand, came to rest against my throat and my Phoenix fought against the feel of the metal against our skin. Without even cutting me it burned, a nearly ice cold prickle against my tender skin.

  “Enough!” He snarled as he used his free hand to pull a vial out of his coat pocket. “Too many fucking years and I’ve gotten nothing, you worthless piece of shit! I’m done waiting, Nix.” He said my name like a curse.

  He was going to drug me! He would drug me and carry me off. No! I wouldn’t be able to fight. I couldn’t let him. I had to be able to fight. If I was helpless he could hurt the guys and get me out of there before I had any way of knowing.

  Damien! Help! I silently screamed to him. If anyone could help me, it was my impenetrable Gargoyle. Michael wouldn’t know what hit him! That fucking knife and gun would be no use to him against Damien.

  We’re coming, Nix! Hold on, baby! We’re almost there! I could hear the desperation in his tone.

  I bucked, trying to dislodge the man who called himself my father from his hold on me. The knife sliced into the skin of my neck and I cried out as pain seared through me followed by a deep, steady burn.

  Michael removed the knife from my throat only long enough to slash it across my bicep before holding it against my throat again. He repeated the motion, pulling the knife from my throat for seconds at a time before raising it back to a killing position. I was rapidly covered in cuts from my collarbone to my wrists, some small and some large, all burning and throbbing as my blood pushed from my veins. I pushed against him but felt my strength weakening, more than should have been possible from just the few dozen cuts he had inflicted on me. “What’s happening?” I said on a groan. In the distance I could hear the faint squealing of tires alerting me to the guys’ arrival.

  “Stupid whore. Of course you haven’t figured
this shit out by now. I should have done this years ago. You’ve been nothing but a waste of fucking space and money. Even killing you was getting boring. You stopped screaming the way I liked it.” He bit the cork that topped the glass vial and an audible pop could be heard as he opened it. “Drink it. You’re dying again now, one way or the other. This blade is iron. You’ll keep weakening until your Phoenix is forced to rise. Drink this and it’ll be over faster.” Grinding it against my mouth he tried to force me to drink. Sealing my lips closed tightly I refused, trying to turn my head away from him, but all he did was strengthen the press of the knife against my throat and I was at his mercy. A shallow slice against the base of my chin had me gasping reflexively. He had forced the bottle into my mouth and began pouring the contents down my throat, dropping the knife so that he could plug my nose and force me to swallow, when Killian and Damien came roaring through the trees.

  I didn’t even have time to process what Michael had said. One second he was on top of me, and the next I could breathe again. Gasping for air, I rolled to the side and began spewing the foul liquid out of my mouth. The rancid fluid burned my tongue and scorched down my throat, feeling like when he had forced me to swallow bleach when I was twelve. What had he given me? I spluttered and coughed and tried to get the world to come back into focus then Ryder’s face was suddenly in front of my eyes.


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