In the Arms of an Angel (Brides of the West Series Book Ten)

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In the Arms of an Angel (Brides of the West Series Book Ten) Page 19

by Rita Hestand

  The Captain stood up with her and smiled with sympathy. "Said he had something much better in mind and it wouldn't be using a gun…"

  Anna stood now facing the Captain, seeing his name on his desk. "Did he ever find Tatum?"

  "Yes ma'am, he had to kill him. According to his last report, Tatum was spying on your farm the day he caught up to him. You see, Tatum thought Les buried the money on your farm and was waiting until you or Les let on.

  "Oh my….then he was shot not far from the farm?"

  "Yes ma'am…Les managed to get all the money back and collected the rewards."

  "Dobbs too?"

  "Dobbs was caught by the army, he's waiting on his trial still. He'll be court martialed and probably hung. Les cleaned that gang up pretty good."

  "Sounds like it. Tatum kept telling me Les wasn't a Ranger."

  "Sorry about that, Les was one of the best…"

  "I'm glad to know it all turned out well…"

  "Yes ma'am. We are too."

  Anna smiled sadly now, "But, sorry for your loss. Les that is."

  He took her hand and kissed it. "He was right, you are the pretties thing I've laid eyes on in a long while…Thanks for coming by. Hey, if he comes by, want me to tell him you stopped by?"

  "No," Anna's eyes and mouth turned down now, "I'd rather you wouldn't. Thank you again."

  "Anytime…" he smiled and waved them goodbye.

  Outside on the boardwalk Anna headed toward the buggy. "What are we gonna do now, Ma?"

  "We're going home, Frankie…"

  "But Ma…"

  "We came to do something nice for someone, but he's already got up and took up his bed. He's got his life to lead now. He'll be fine. Didn't you hear the Captain, he even got a reward. So don't worry about him."

  "But we came so far…"

  "It was a nice trip and we found out about the robbery and it's like a closure…"

  "I guess. I sure wish we'd have found him."

  "Honey, people will drift into our lives from all directions, and we can learn from them, and like them, but they do have lives of their own…"

  Frankie was quiet all the way back to Dallas. They returned the buggy and caught a stage back to Plainville, then rented a buggy back to the farm.

  As they pulled up to the farm house she got out by herself and looked around the place, something looked different but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

  She walked to the barn and there was a horse inside that she didn't recognize. Someone was here. She pointed to the horse and Frankie's eyes widened.

  "Who's is it Ma?"

  "I don't know. Is that old gun of your Pa's still in the feed bin?"

  "Yeah, I think so."

  "Run get it and be careful." She told him.

  Frankie run to get it and brought it to her. She checked for bullets and found it had two.

  "There's only two bullets, I hope that's enough." She cried.

  They headed for the house, her gun was pointed straight.

  As they went inside things looked different, but as she was about to go into her bedroom a familiar voice called out. "Anna…" the voice was low, throaty and full of something more.

  She wheeled around and pointed the gun…straight at Les.

  "Les?" she caught her hand to her breast.

  Frankie snickered, "Les," he ran up to him and hugged him. "We tried to visit you at the hospital but they told us at the Rangers office that you had left."

  "You were in Waco?"

  "Yeah…" Frankie laughed.

  Les stared at Anna, all of her, "Looking for me?"

  "Well, we thought you were hurt and thought we'd look in on you…"

  "Just passing by were you?" He laughed.

  She broke out in a ridiculous grin.

  "You can put the gun down, Anna. I'm not armed."

  She set it on the table.

  He stared into her eyes. Frankie watched with a huge smile. "Frankie, go put the buggy up, will ya?"

  "Yeah, sure, Les…"

  "I got something to show you when you get back…" He told him.

  He glanced from one to the other, "Okay…but I don't guess I'll rush getting' back…"

  "You're awfully smart Frankie…" Les murmured.

  She licked her lips, he moved a little closer.

  "You can walk…."

  Suddenly her eyes widened and she stared into his, "It was you…it was wasn't it?"

  "Come here, you haven't kissed me hello yet…" He smiled.

  She took a deep breath and walked closer, slowly. "You paid for the operation?" She gasped.

  "Had to." He said very quietly, his eyes never leaving her.

  "Why," she asked coming up to him now. "No wife of mine is gonna be rolled around on the floor, unless I do the rolling that is…"


  He bent his head and took her lips so softly she gasped. Then he pulled her into his arms. "Marry me…Anna…I don't think I can be a gentleman much longer." He said as his lips hovered just above hers and he stared into her beautiful, soulful eyes.

  "Oh Les…" She cried.

  "That's a yes…isn't it?"

  She nodded, and breathed the yes onto his lips as he captured them again. Holding her against him, his kiss was warm and more than inviting. His lips kissed her everywhere, her eye lids, her brow, her chin, her cheek, and back to the waiting lips that promised him happiness.

  When he came up for air, he smiled into her face. "I'm so proud of you…"

  "How can I thank you?" She began.

  "Marry me as fast as I can find a preacher, that's how." He murmured and kissed her again, this time with a white-hot passion that made her swoon. "Do you know a preacher?" He stopping kissing her long enough to ask.

  "Well yes."

  "Good, you want to change."

  She looked down at herself. "You mean right now?"

  "Right now…" He said his eyes glittering with happiness.

  "Les, I…" she started to say something but Frankie came running back in.

  "What did you want to show me?" He asked red faced, knowing they'd been kissing.

  "I got out of the hospital some time ago. I've been quite busy. I made you a room, Frankie, all your own…"

  "A room…are you kidding?"

  "Nope, let's go see it." He pulled Anna by the arm.

  It was big and Frankie twirled around in it with a huge smile on his face. "All for me?"

  "Well, my son needs a bedroom of his own."

  "Son?" Franke looked at him. "You mean it?"

  "That's right. We're getting married as soon as we find a preacher."

  Frankie ran up to them and hugged them both to him. "A real family, Ma. We're gonna be a real family."

  She went back in the kitchen an realized something, "You've rebuilt the cabinets."

  "You won't need them so low anymore."

  "Les…" she gasped and ran into his arms once more.

  He cradled her there and let her to the bedroom. He'd enlarged it and put it at a normal level.

  "My God, you've been busy."

  "I bought some horses too."

  "Horses?" Frankie's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

  "Go look in the back pasture son."

  Anna turned to him. "I can't believe it!"

  "I've put away my gun, Anna. For good." He reached for her and their lips met in a storm of happiness.

  "Oh Les, what can I ever do to repay you?"

  "Simple, find a preacher, today!" He smiled.

  "I got a suit just for the occasion, and I'm sure you can find just the right dress in your closet."

  "I'll go look around…" She said, kissing him on the chin. "I love you by the way…"

  "Now that's what I wanted to hear all along."

  She went to her bedroom and looked inside her closet and there, in the back corner was a beautiful white wedding dress and veil. She brought it out and stared at it, with tears in her eyes.

  "Are you dressed yet?" />
  She was choking on her own tears now.


  He came in anyway. "Does it fit?"

  "Exactly, how did you know?"

  "I checked it when I first came and ordered it from some lady in a store in Sweet Water. I've been quite busy. Do you like the dress?"

  "I love it," she said staring at herself in the mirror. When she saw him staring she pouted, "The groom isn't suppose to see the bride before the wedding."

  "Then we better hurry on with the wedding. Call Frankie inside and have him put on the suit in his closet that I bought him. We got a wedding to go too."

  "Oh Wes," she cried.

  "Hey, you're suppose to be happy, you know?"

  "I am…Can't you tell?"

  He smiled. "Sort of…but I need a kiss to prove it."

  She moved toward him with a sexy smile on her lips.

  This kiss was hotter and they nearly forgot that Frankie was there too.

  "How far away is the preacher's place?"

  "Couple of miles down the road on the other side."

  "Good, Frankie get dressed you're going to a wedding."

  Frankie went to his room, found his suit and was ready in no time. He slicked his hair and dusted his shoes. "I'm ready."

  Frankie ran out and hitched the buggy up again and they rode over to the preachers' place.

  The preacher was shocked to see her walking and in a wedding dress. He hugged her and was more than pleased to marry them. Right there in his front room, he married them with Frankie as a witness and the preacher's wife.

  "Where's Mr. Abernathy's house?"

  "Just down the road a piece why?" Anna asked.

  "Cause Frankie is going to spend a couple of days with them if they don't mind while you and I get reacquainted. Do you think they'd mind?"

  Frankie spoke up this time, "They won't mind a bit. Not when we tell them all our news they won't."

  When they pulled into the Abernathy's yard the kids came out yelling and hollering at Frankie and shocked that Anna was walking.

  "Ma, Ma, you gotta come see…" Cissy yelled.

  "Land sakes, what's all the yel….my God, Anna, you're walking. How on earth did that happen?" Kate asked as she brought them inside and her husband saw for himself too.

  "It's all Les' doing." She smiled. "Oh, by the way, we were married today…"

  "Aw…" Kate broke into a beautiful smile. "I should have known you was sweet on him, the way you worried over him. But say, what he done for you…I can't blame you."

  Frankie beamed, "We're gonna be a real family now."

  "I should say, well, since you're here and I got supper on, let's eat, then you and Les can go have yourself a honeymoon while Frankie and Todd helps Pa with the birthin' of a new cow."

  "Oh wow, ole Betsy is birthin'?" Frankie shrieked.

  "It's gonna be a girl," Cissy insisted.

  As the kids all ran off to check on her, the adults talked and got supper ready.

  "Betsy's going to die when she sees you."

  "I'm so happy Kate…"

  "He's some man to do what he did for you."

  "I love him Kate!"

  "I can tell, I've never seen you this happy." Kate smiled.

  After supper and everyone visited with ole Betsy Les drove Anna home.

  "I'll return the buggy later, honey." He told her.

  "All right."

  She walked into her new bedroom and sat down on the edge of it.

  He followed her.

  "Les, there's something I should tell you." She looked apprehensive.

  "What?" He asked gently.

  "I'm still a virgin." She murmured.

  "You're what? How could that be?" He asked bumfuzzled by the news.

  "Mark and I never—"

  His mouth fell open, but a smile played there. "What a wonderful gift you bring me…" His smile widened.

  "Then, you're not upset?"

  "Upset, I'm delighted."

  She looked straight at him now, "You see, Mark loved his wife. He couldn't let go, and as long as he couldn't. I wouldn't…"

  "Well I'll be damned."

  "You're the first man I ever loved." She confessed shyly.

  "And the last…"

  "And the last…" she sighed as he lay her down on the bed and nibbled at the corner of her mouth. The tender smile said everything. "I'm gonna be so gentle with you. Have I told you how much I love you lately."

  "Tell me again, I don't mind." She cooed in his arms.

  He got up, closed the door with his boot heel and slowly began peeling her clothes off.

  The look in his eyes said everything, but as he kissed her, he murmured softly, "I'm back in the arms of my angel."

  The End

  About the Author

  I’m a professional writer of romance and children’s books. I’m also a poet and short story writer. I’m working on another historical western right now, one mid-grade book and just finished two historical westerns. You’ll find a lot of facts in my historical western romances not the run of the mill romances. Check them out.

  I’m also a grandmother and great-grandmother who enjoys spending time with her family.

  I hope you enjoy my books. Thank You and God Bless

  Rita Hestand

  Rita's Other Books

  Beyond the Dream Catcher

  Just One Kiss

  Ask No Tomorrows

  A Promised Heart

  Be Free My Heart

  Western Serial Killer Series

  Better Off Without Her

  Good Day for a Hanging

  Bad Day for a Killing

  The Travers Brothers Series

  Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

  Courting Abby

  Hannah's Man

  Along Came Love

  The McKay's

  Raining in My Heart

  Ring of Fire

  Twelfth of Never

  Stand By Me

  The Amory's

  Heart of the Wild

  Sweeter Than Wine

  Mail Order Nanny


  Always Remember

  Love Rules

  Jodi's Journey

  Nick's Baby

  Pretend Mom

  Runaway Bride

  Suspicions of the Heart

  Wandering Heart

  Brides of the West

  Heart of a Family

  Delivering the Bride

  Heart of a Woman

  Wanted Bride

  This Side of Forever

  Shotgun Bride

  A Love as Big as Texas

  Heart of a Captive

  (coming soon to this series)

  Where Ever My Heart Roams

  In the Arms of an Angel

  Bride From Shenandoah

  Falling for the Bride

  An Unexpected Welcome

  A Desperado's Bride




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