Fear the Reaper: Brotherhood Protectors World

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Fear the Reaper: Brotherhood Protectors World Page 8

by Kendra Mei Chailyn

  I moaned. “Are you feeling better?”

  “You’re not going to stop now, are you?” She asked while reaching a hand down between our bodies to massage my hardness. “You want me, Reaper. I can feel it.”

  “Yes, but do you want me?”

  “Give it to me.” She nipped at my chin.

  “Tell me you want me.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  I smiled down at her while reaching a hand down between our bodies. The search didn’t take long before I was dragging the ball of my finger over her clit. She moaned and clung to me tighter “Are you disobeying, Star?”

  She sighed and spread her legs wider “Faster”

  “Tell me you want me.”

  She trembled but said nothing. When I pulled my hand back, she groaned. I bowed my head to lick at her nipple.

  “I want you, Reaper. Please.”

  “Ah, yes. Music to my ears but, we need to stop.”


  I climbed off her to sit beside her. “I don’t have protection, do you?”

  “In my wallet.”

  I stared at her while smiling. “Of course you do.”

  That was our only hiccup. I dressed myself and turned to see she had crawled to her hands and knees. Her back was arched giving an amazing view of her beautiful ass with a glimpse of the tasty pink I’d sipped from mere moments before. Without waiting, I clutched her hips, and surged forward. Her screams gave me life as she dug her nails into my thigh. I growled.

  How could she be so tight?

  Gritting my teeth, I pulled back, dragged a palm down her back then slammed in again. She whimpered. I found, I loved her that way, dazed and helpless with lust. It pushed my ardor higher.

  Star came for me…hard. It hit her so good, no sound left her. She merely clamped down around me, stiffened then slumped forward

  “Shit!” She panted.

  I growled, wrapped hair around my arm and tugged she flew upward, her back crashed into my chest. I braced my palm at her throat and nipped at her ear.

  “Nova.” I sighed. “I’m man handling you and your body is tightening around me.”

  “Come for me,” she said.

  “Work for it.” I pushed her forward, so she would bend over and tapped her ass affectionately.

  Star rolled her hips, making her beautiful ass bounce for me. I watched it until I was in a trance. When I came, I shouted as my whole body seem to freeze. She rode back on me, milking me as I trembled.

  “Damn, Nova—what have you done to me?”

  Nova “Star” Shuman

  It was the middle of the night before I managed to pull myself from the blissful stupor Reaper had me in. But when I rolled over, hoping for round three, the bed beside me was empty. With a soft gasped, I jerked upright and looked around the room.


  I gathered one of the sheets, wrapped it around my body and darted from the room. I could call out to him but if something was wrong, I didn’t want to make my presence known. Fortunately, nothing was wrong. I found him, standing as still as a ghost downstairs by the window. Honestly, I could have missed him.



  “You okay?”

  He faced me and smiled. “Yeah. I was just thinking.”

  “About what you got yourself into—not the guns and stuff but—well, me.”

  Reaper walked over to rub his large, warm palms up and down my arms. He tilted his head and kissed me tenderly then smiled. “No regrets there. I was thinking that there has to be more to life than living in a house in a town where everyone could be related.”

  “You’re not doing this for me, are you?”

  He smiled. “Montana offered me a job before. And I’m positive the offer is still on the table.”

  “You’d still be in danger.”

  “Well, I’m in danger just walking down the street. It’s—I left the service because I couldn’t trust the men and women I was working with anymore. In my heart I felt I needed to be able to put your life in my co-workers’ hands and I couldn’t anymore.”

  “Reaper, you don’t have to tell me. I know you wanted to stay tight-lipped about you leaving.”

  “I wasn’t a part of Montana’s team.” Reaper walked away to sit on the edge of the desk. “I had my own squad and we were good at what we did. My team was one of those people ask for by name. Our job was to go into heavily disputed areas and rescue innocents or help another team. A couple of months before I walked away, we were sent into this Columbia to rescue a group of school girls and their teacher from a cartel. The girls were Columbian but the teacher…”


  “Yes.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Getting in was easy enough. We managed to gather eight of the girls, but one was being forced to stay in a separate place. They figured if anyone tried rescuing them, having one girl somewhere else would make it difficult. My team wanted to leave her…”

  “She would die.” I sat in the chair before the desk and crossed my legs.

  “I knew that.” Reaper’s voice cracked. “The order was to bring all the girls back along with the teacher, so I wanted to get her. I headed off down this dark corridor, expecting my team to be there.”


  “They left without me.”

  “Did you get the child?”

  “Yes. But getting out wasn’t easy. It was a death trap even without a child on my back. Anyway, I was shot but managed to get out of the compound and into the woods. A couple of families took us in, helped the child and made sure I didn’t die. After I was stitched up, one of the husbands drove us to the U.S embassy in Bogotá.”

  “What happened to the little girl?”

  “Her parents had been killed so, Montana pulled a few strings and got her papers to move here,” Reaper explained. “She is in the foster system right now. We correspond by letters from time to time and I send her care packages.”

  “And the men who left you behind?”

  Reaper shrugged. “Nothing. According to them I was doing the wrong thing.”

  “Aww, hell, Reaper. I’m so sorry.”

  “When Montana offered me a job, my knee-jerk reaction was to say no. It had nothing to do with the Brotherhood. It was all in here.” He tapped the side of his head. “All in here.”

  I walked over to him and he pulled me into his chest. While I loved being in his arms, I leaned back some and framed his face with my palms. In his eyes was a kind of storm that instilled fear in my soul. It was a dark kind of a storm strong enough to break a man.

  Instead of speaking, I kissed him. Reaper had always been so hard when it came to wielding a gun. None of his shots missed. A bomb went off, turning our bodies into human projectiles and he hadn’t blinked.

  But being betrayed by his brothers had scarred him.

  Silently, I gave myself to Reaper.

  On my knees before him, I tried desperately to make him forget by pulling him as far down my throat as I could. A rumble filtered from him and vibrated around the room. Still, I touched him, caressed him, took him deep until he growled and took me hard and fast on top of the desk. His powerful body moved against mine, causing the desk to creak under our combined weight.

  But I wanted it all.

  One orgasm surged through me, making me fall forward, breasts squeezing into the hard surface of the desk.

  The second had my knees shaking as I sank my teeth into my bottom lip and moaned. It was my way of trying to keep the cries of passion inside me.

  Reaper spun me around, lifted me to my back on top the desk and drove into me once more. This time, when my body crashed, I couldn’t hide it. I dung my nails into his muscular ass cheeks and screamed the only thing I could in that moment—

  His name.

  “That’s what I’ve been waiting for, Nova.” Reaper leaned in, kissed me roughly then pulled from my body.

  His excitement flowed against my skin, burning me sweetly. I wri
thed beneath him, purring my contentment.

  We slipped to the floor on her backs, naked, panting and covered in sweat. “Not everyone will be loyal to you, Reaper.” I somehow managed. “But if you were to choose me, you would never have to worry about that.”

  He pushed my hair back and kissed my forehead. “We should shower. Or the very least move this to the bedroom. We’d certainly give the guys a heart attack if any of them were to walk in.”

  I giggled.

  Maverick “Reaper” Forge

  The next morning was a rush. Estelle decided to head to Canada to stay with her mother until things cooled down. She tried getting Star to go with her, but Star wouldn’t budge. A part of me wished she had accepted Estelle’s offer. At least then, I could maneuver without worrying about her safety.

  While Molly drove Estelle to the airport, I hunkered down with Swede and Kujo, while Six kept getting Star to throw his ball across the room. When he became tired, he dropped the ball, hopped up onto the chair and cuddled into Star’s body.

  “So, I think I have this book figured out,” Swede was saying. The excitement in his voice hadn’t escaped me. “See these right here?” He pointed to where he’d scanned pages from the book. “They’re jobs. And over here, are dollar amounts.”

  “How much Brian’s getting paid to do the job?”

  Swede nodded. “Basically, Osman Heller. Nova Shoo. $50,000 means, some jerk-off name Heller is paying this chump fifty grand to kill Star.”

  “That’s all my life is worth?” Star muttered.

  “I supposed not. It’s just his share,” Kujo said. “According to my sources, there’s a bounty on your head. It’s three point five million. Brian works with a group of low-lives who split any bounty they collect.”

  Star sighed and lounged back further in the chair. “I just wanted to do good. I never thought people would actually want me dead.”

  “No offence, Star,” Swede said. “But if you blew my life up I’d want you dead too.”

  “Thanks for that,” she said dryly.

  I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. “Okay, the burning question. Who put the bounty out?”

  “Heller,” Kujo replied.

  “Then he’s the one we want to go after.” I pointed to the name on the screen. “If we can get him, he can’t pay his bounty, the deal is off.”

  “Then again, he might have a back-up plan.” Kujo rationalized. “If anything happens to him, the deal is still on type deal. These assholes always, always have a way around things.”

  “Okay then—I guess we do this the hard way.” Reaper’s voice rumbled.

  “What does that mean?” Star asked from where she was cuddling Six.

  Swede stopped typing to look over to her. “Do you really wanna know?”

  Star seemed contemplative for a moment but instead of replying, she kissed Six’s head.

  “You’re spoiling him,” Kuo pouts. “I don’t get that much loving.”

  Star crinkled her nose then stuck her tongue out at Kujo before kissing Six again. “Tell me what the plan is.”

  “The plan…” I made my way into the kitchen and yanked open the fridge. “We find Heller and squeeze him.”

  “Hard.” Swede added.

  “What I don’t get.” Star set Six onto the seat and climbed off. The dog yawned and rested his head on his front legs. “I don’t know who this Osman is. I don’t remember going after anyone named Osman.”

  “He’s probably not someone you’ve brought down.” Kujo explained. “It’s probably a friend or a loved one of someone you’ve exposed.”

  “We don’t have time to go through all these names one by one,” Swede said. “So, we have to go back to the source.”

  “Brian?” Star asked.

  “Bingo.” I said. “We’re going to have to make him take us to his boss.”

  “Great.” Star rolled her eyes. “Take me to your leader. That’ll work.”

  “We may not have to do all that.” Swede was once more working on his computer. “All we have to do—”

  He stopped speaking and we all watched silently. It seemed there was an unwritten rule—when Swede was on some sort of a roll, we should all just sit back and wait. Most often than not, Swede comes up with something quite brilliant.

  “—follow the mon-neh.” Swede muttered. “Ha! Okay, so I had to do a little more digging because the trail of money went through four different countries before leading back here. But, it trails back to an LLP that hasn’t been used since it was created a year ago. It has an address on it so this might be the breakthrough we need.”

  I smiled. “You’re a genius.”

  Swede beamed then laughed out loud when Star kissed his head. “Aww shucks,” he said. “You’re only saying that ‘cause it’s true!”

  I smirked. “The plan, Kujo, I need you to stay here with Star. Swede, you and I should check this address out.”

  “I’m not staying behind,” Star complained.

  “Star, I wasn’t asking. I don’t know what we’re walking into and if something happens I’m going to need the extra gun.”

  She seemed angry but didn’t argue further. After we got ready, I wanted to kiss her, to hold her against me before leaving. I didn’t expect to die or anything quite so morbid. But I needed the extra boost. Star seemed angry and she stormed from the room when I turned to her. Agitated, I led Swede out the door and hopped into the truck.

  We made our way, in silence, to the address Swede had found. After parking in a place I believed wouldn’t seem suspicious, we hiked back through a wooded area and hunched down to watch the ranch. It was large, sprawling and reeked of money—maybe not all legal. It seemed to be two floors along with a bungalow guesthouse to the north of it. Horses grazed behind it, a few chickens ran about the yard and the grass at the front was greener than it had a right to be.

  “You know,” Swede said. “If I die in this, I’m haunting your ass.”

  I blinked and turned to look at him. He gave me a one shoulder shrug.

  “No one’s going to die.” I muttered. “You’re just being dramatic.”

  “Maybe.” Swede turned his attention back to the target’s place. “But you won’t be saying that when ghost me is knocking over your coffee first thing in the morning.”

  “Ghost or no ghost, wasting my coffee would earn you an ass kicking.”

  Swede smiled. “You see that?”

  I turned to the ranch, allowing my eyes to follow his motion. There, in the corner, was a camera. I scanned the building as far as I could make out, and there was more than one. No one is that careful anywhere. If we were going to take Heller, we’re going to have to do it when he wasn’t home—or at least inside. If the outside was so heavily guarded, inside would be no joke.

  “Well, shit.”

  Swede sighed. “We’re going to have to lure him out and you’re not going to like the idea.”

  “Let’s hear it.” We shifted positions to get another look at the place, being careful to remain hidden by the trees.

  “Use Star as bait.”

  “You’re right. I don’t like the idea.”

  The conversation ended then but I could I knew Swede wasn’t giving up on the idea. We hung around Heller’s place, getting as close as we could without being seen on the cameras. As far as we could figure, there were cameras and two armed guards. I supposed with the cameras, he didn’t need more than manpower.

  Eventually, Swede and I made our way back to the truck.

  “Sooner or later.” Swede held onto my arm to stop me. “You’re going to admit to yourself that at this point, Star means more to you than just a job.”

  I said nothing. I shrugged from his grasp and climbed into the truck. We drove away from the ranch in silence. Using Star as bait was a bad idea. Usually, I would entertain the plan but with Star—how could I? This woman had seeped under my skin in the short time I’d known her and I just couldn’t get over that. Any number of things could go wrong.r />
  “I didn’t expect this, you know?” I said. “But she’s unlike any woman I’ve ever met. How can I let her go?”

  “No one in is asking you to. You’re the one making this more complicated than it needs to be. We’re asking you to trust us. Is that really so hard?”

  “You don’t understand…”

  “Reaper, I get those guys stabbed you in the back.” Swede’s voice was soft. “You’ve known this group for your entire career. Do you really think so little of us? Do you really think we’d ever leave you behind?”

  I gritted my teeth, checked the mirrors and switched lanes to get around a slow moving tractor. “Don’t take it personal…”

  “Damn right, I’m taking it personal.” Swede rubbed his throat before leaning in to level steely eyes on me. “Reaper, when we say Brotherhood the name wasn’t chosen lightly. Brotherhood is precisely what we mean. It’s not when shit hits the fan we`ll leave you behind Protectors. Our lives are so intricately woven together and whether we want to admit it or not—whether you want to admit it or not—this is a family, man. The women in our lives understands—they’ve rallied around us and they get we will always be there for each other. The world sucks enough.”

  I sighed.

  “Nova, is a good friend of mine,” Swede said. “There has never been a time when I’ve called her she hasn’t been there for me. I’m not about to let some dickhead hurt her—are you?”


  “Then trust us that we’ll protect her. She wants her life back, Reaper. You have the power to give that to her.”

  I sighed.

  “You have the power to give a lot of things to her.” Swede muttered.

  “Ah! You were doing so good!” I couldn’t hide a chuckle.

  Swede laughed then winked at me. “Relax a little, Grim. We’ve never let you down before and we’re not about to start now.”

  “Got it.”

  “Good.” Swede nodded. “Glad we had this talk.”


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