Bedding The Baby Daddy (Bedding the Bachelors Book 9)

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Bedding The Baby Daddy (Bedding the Bachelors Book 9) Page 18

by Virna DePaul

  Lately, Emma had been asking if certain couples loved each other—did Bill and Sandra love each other? Did Tim and Felix love each other? Did Daddy love Michelle? Or Bettina? Or any of the other women he’d dated through the years—and Camille couldn’t help but wonder if Emma were trying to figure out why her own parents didn’t love each other anymore.

  The thing was, Camille had never loved Rich and he hadn’t loved her. They’d had fun together in the beginning, but Emma had been a surprise discovered the summer after their freshman year in college, just after Camille’s father had died. He’d instantly offered to marry her, and she’d been too afraid to go it on her own to refuse. Somehow, with the help of Rich’s parents, they’d managed to finish college, and she’d done her best to be a good mother and wife, one that supported Rich’s dreams of being a professional hockey player. And even though Rich had attained his dream, the harsh reality of being married to a professional athlete who traveled so much had quickly led to the demise of their marriage. Rich’s cheating hadn’t devastated her, but it had taught her a painful lesson. Or rather, it had reinforced the lesson she should have taken to heart after her run in with Heath so long ago: she needed to resist her attraction to athletes and focus on herself.

  Her career. And Emma. Those were the only things that mattered.

  She zipped up her suitcase, glancing at the time. She had a half hour to kill before Rich picked up Emma. She spent the time chatting with her daughter and making sure she had everything she’d need for the week. When Rich arrived and parked his flashy sportscar at the curb, she waved to her ex, then hugged Emma tight and gave her a kiss. “See you next week, baby, but we’ll talk every day. Lots of birthday party planning to do. Have you thought more about a birthday party theme?”

  “Still thinking. Bye, Mom. Have fun with Heath!” Emma said even as she skipped to meet her father. After they drove away, she stood on the front porch to get her bearings and give herself a little pep talk. She could do this. She could have fun.

  Not with Heath Dawson but in spite of him.

  She could take her photos and chances were he’d never know she was the waterboy who’d made his life hell during senior year.

  Then she’d come home, collect her paycheck, land her dream job and hopefully never think about him again.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Camille arrived at South Beach on Tybee Island, about thirty minutes outside Downtown Savannah. As she watched, several members of the Savannah Bootleggers played an impromptu game on the sand, tossing a football back and forth as the cheerleaders watched.

  “Going wide!” one of the shirtless men yelled—Camille recognized him as Kyle Young, the Bootleggers quarterback. He was the superstar of the team, featured on shows and magazine covers and even appearing in a movie or two. Kyle was tanned and muscular, and Camille couldn’t help but appreciate his six-pack, even from yards away.

  Heath was nowhere to be seen. She frowned, wondering if he had heard who was taking the photos and had bailed.

  “You’re the photographer?”

  She looked up to see Alec LeBrun, tight end, jogging up to her. He was huge, shoulders broad and muscular, but his warm smile gave him a boyish air. According to the tabloids, he’d just gotten engaged to his gorgeous girlfriend a few weeks ago.

  “Yep, that’s me,” she replied, gesturing to her camera hanging around her neck. “How’d you guess?”

  Alec laughed, flashing bright white teeth.

  “Okay, okay, let’s get everyone together,” a pretty redheaded woman yelled, her hair pulled into a tight bun.

  “Heath’s not here yet,” Alec said.

  The redhead smiled tightly and though she looked in Alec’s direction, she seemed to focus on something over his shoulder rather than meet his gaze straight on. “No, Mr. Dawson has yet to grace us with his presence, but we wait for no man. Or woman.” She turned to Camille, holding out her hand. She had the brightest blue eyes she’d ever seen. “I’m Ruby O’Brien, publicist and football player wrangler. I’ll be keeping these lunatics in line today.”

  Camille glanced at Alec, who frowned before he turned away and rejoined the others. Turning back to Ruby, Camille shook the woman’s hand, smiling at her no-nonsense approach. “Camille Pollert. Your help would be great.” She was about to ask that they begin with groups of five, mixed gender, when she saw a man and woman walking up. The man was tall and tan and Camille could tell he was attractive even from a distance. But it was when she heard his voice that she realized who it was: Heath Dawson.

  “Sorry I’m late, everybody! Traffic. You know the drill.” He slapped his buddies on the shoulder, and they heckled him for his tardiness. The woman at his side—a tall, leggy blond, probably the same one Emma had been talking about—hung onto his arm like a barnacle. “Did I miss anything?” Heath asked.

  Camille bit her lip, annoyance filling her. Leave it to Heath to be late and to interrupt her without even noticing she existed. He hadn’t changed one bit since they were in high school. But as she watched him make his way to the group of people, she couldn’t help but admit that some things had changed: he was more muscular, a five o’clock shadow on his cheeks and strong jaw. Teenage Heath had been handsome in a boyish kind of way; adult Heath was gorgeous in a rugged, overtly masculine kind of way that caused Camille to flush all over. Of course, she’d seen him on TV. Magazine covers. Emma’s posters. But it had been easier to blow off his appeal when he wasn’t standing in front of her, his smile as bright and wide as it had been when they’d been younger, but now enhanced with a spark of sensuality. Heath knew he affected women and he used that to his advantage.

  Annoyed with herself for letting Heath affect her again even after all of these years, she called out, “Yes, I was just about to get people into groups.” Looking at Heath, she added, “I’m glad you were finally able to join us.”

  Heath turned his attention to her, his eyebrows raised. Camille instantly felt over-exposed, and she cursed herself for her sharp tongue. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself and possibly give Heath a reason to recognize her.

  But how could he? She’d gained weight in all the right places and even some not so ideal ones since high school, mostly thanks to giving birth to Emma, and she’d learned to wrangle her dark hair so it was now long and glossy. She wore makeup and nice, feminine clothing, although nothing flashy.

  Camille looked away from Heath, who seemed to be assessing her even more closely. “I’ll be taking action shots at the game on Sunday, but right now we’re going for a fun vibe. Happy. If everyone could get in groups of five, with three men and two women, that would be great,” she said. The group hardly paid attention to her, though, and continued talking and laughing. Ruby was a few yards away now, talking on her phone.

  About to call out her directions even more loudly, Camille was surprised when Heath cupped his mouth and shouted, “Hey, you assholes, quiet down and listen to the lovely lady here or I’ll dump sand down all of your shorts!”

  The group laughed and quieted down instantly, Camille couldn’t help but be impressed. She stood back a bit and repeated her directions. Men grabbed women’s wrists, a few play-fighting over a cheerleader, before they finally formed into suitable groups. A couple of groups had four men with one woman, but Camille could work with that.

  “Okay, I’m going to start with this group, take a few photos, and move this way,” Camille said as she pointed. “Remember, lots of laughter and smiles. No serious model poses or super sexy stuff either.”

  The guys guffawed, a few saying dirty things to some of the cheerleaders.

  Camille fell into the zone, taking photos and directing people. She knew what she was doing here, with the camera in front of her face, the sound of the shutter and the play of bodies across the screen. She’d fallen in love with photography as a young girl, and she’d only gotten more talented in the intervening years. She freelanced because the flexible schedule gave her more time with Emm
a, but her daughter was in school and staying with Rich roughly half-time, which meant she had more time to devote to her career. She’d always wanted to photograph for the NFL and now that dream was so close she could practically taste it.

  Several minutes later, she paused and reviewed what she had. Pleased with the shots she’d already gotten, she moved to the group with Heath in the middle.

  “Okay, give me happy! Smiles and laughter, please!” She raised her camera, but she realized that Heath was staring at her again. When she caught his stare, he grinned.

  “I’m feeling the need for some inspiration. Do you know any jokes?” Heath asked.

  “I’m not really the type for jokes,” Camille said shortly.

  “That’s too bad. You look like you could use some loosening up.”

  There he went, making his unsolicited observations again. She placed a hand on one hip. “I suppose you’ve got a bunch of jokes you’re just dying to tell me?”

  “I like to make the ladies laugh as much as the next guy.”

  She flashed him a tight smile, determined not to let him get to her, when what she really wanted to say was, Yeah, but usually they’re laughing at you, not with you. Of course, that wouldn’t be very professional of her, so she simply said, “Go for it.”

  More people laughed, although the leggy blond with Heath looked annoyed, pushing her bottom lip forward.

  Heath held up his hands to quiet his friends. Then he studied Camille from head to toe, taking his time, making her flush, before he said, “How do football players do it?”

  God, why had she challenged him? She could tell by the teasing glint in his eye, and the type of joke, that the punch line was going to be sexually charged, but she’d been around ribald football players long enough to know if she gave the slightest hint of being uptight, it would only go badly for her. “How?” she asked gamely.

  “For over two hours in eleven different positions.”

  Delighted in spite of herself, Camille had to fight hard not to laugh. Instead, she shook her head, as if he exasperated her, and waved a hand. “Okay, now that that’s out of the way, can you guys give me the shots I need, please?”

  “You deliberately didn’t laugh.”

  Camille took a picture of him, liking the way he frowned when she ignored him.

  When she kept snapping pictures, he approached her and held his hand up in front of the lens.

  “Come on, admit it. You thought it was funny.”

  Camille sighed. He hadn’t even given her the time of day years before, and now he couldn’t stop flirting. Why? Because she was so different from his blond cheerleaders? Because she represented a challenge? That had to be it. But she’d teach him that even sexy football players didn’t win every challenge. “The only thing I’ll admit is you like to hear yourself talk too much. I’m surprised you can stop doing it long enough to score.”

  They were having a good old-fashioned showdown, and many of the other football players and cheerleaders had gathered around them. Kyle Young whooped and congratulated Camille for her putdown. Then Alec shouted out, “Looks like you’re definitely not scoring today, Dawson!”

  Heath, though, wasn’t one to let up that easily. “How’s about we bet on that?”

  Camille frowned. He just wanted to get a rise out of her. And he was: her nipples prickled with his words and she had the stupidest desire to let him touch her all over. She’d never felt like this with any guy—not even her ex-husband—and she still didn’t understand the hold Heath had over her.

  “Here’s a bet,” Camille finally replied. “I bet you can’t keep your mouth shut for an entire hour. If I win, you have to be quiet for the rest of the day.”

  “And if I win?”

  “It won’t matter, since you won’t be able to do it.” Of course he wouldn’t, Camille thought, truly convinced. The guy was a total attention hound.

  “But if I win?”

  “You get whatever you want.”

  Camille instantly regretted her words, especially as the girls tittered. Heath’s eyebrows rose, and his gaze landed on her breasts before moving to her lips. Then he moved closer to speak in her ear. “I get a kiss,” he finally said slowly, and surprise and heat filled every inch of Camille in equal measure. It was the last thing she’d been expecting him to say given the tall blond that had been hanging all over him. Wasn’t she his girlfriend? Could he be that much of an asshole?

  She glanced at the blond, who was glaring daggers at her. “But—”

  “Genevieve likes to flirt with me, but we’re not together, so you can’t use her as an excuse. So as I was saying, I get a kiss whenever I want,” he clarified. “Or does that scare you too much?”

  Camille felt stupid for falling into his trap. She wanted to backtrack. Tell him absolutely not. But everyone was staring at them, and she just couldn’t give him the satisfaction of surrendering. “Fine. It’s a deal.” She knew she sounded snappish, but Heath never failed to get a rise out of her, even a decade later.

  Heath fell silent and she continued the photoshoot. She counted the minutes, glancing at her watch every so often, and each time she did, Heath looked at her with a “Did you think I couldn’t do it?” kind of look. Camille just glared at him as she moved onto the next group.

  The minutes passed, and she kept tabs on Heath throughout, to see if he were, indeed, keeping their bet. He remained silent, not even laughing, not even talking when the leggy blond whined at him to say something. Camille had to admit that the man was stubborn.

  After finishing up over an hour later, Camille realized that Heath had won. Flustered, thinking about him kissing her, she began fingering her hair while looking through the photos.

  Heath stepped up to her, and Camille’s heart pounded. Would he claim the kiss now, in front of everyone? Lowering her camera with shaky hands, Camille was about to ask him what was up, when he said in both amusement and surprise, “Is that you, Waterboy?”

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  Books by Virna


  Book 1: Lip Action (Simon): Click here

  Book 2: Locking Lips (Caleb): Click here


  Book 1: Bedding The Wrong Brother (Rhys): Click here

  Book 2: Bedding The Bad Boy (Max): Click here

  Book 3: Bedding The Billionaire (Jamie): Click here

  Book 4: Bedding The Best Friend (Ryan): Click here

  Book 5: Bedding The Biker Next Door (Cole): Click here

  Book 6: Bedding The Bodyguard (Luke): Click here

  Book 7: Bedding The Best Man (Gabe): Click here

  Book 8: Bedding The Boss (Eric) Click here

  Book 9: Bedding The Baby Daddy (Dante) Click here


  Book 1: What Love Can Do (Quinn): Click here

  Book 2: The Way Love Goes (Conor): Click here

  Book 3: I’m Gonna Love You (Brady): Click here

  Book 4: Best Of My Love (Riley): Click here

  Book 5: Because You Love Me (Sean): Click here


  Book 1: Hard Time (Street): Click here

  Book 2: Hard Case (Slate): Click here

  Book 3: Hard Core (Axel): Click here

  Book 4: Hard Place (Jericho): Click here

  Book 5: Hard Act (Davis)**


  Book 1: Down Deep (Heath): Click here

  Book 2: Royally Deep (Kyle): Click here


  Book 1: Say It Sexy: Click here

  Book 2: Say It Sweet: Click here


  Book 1: Rock Strong: Click here

  Book 2: Rock Dirty: Click here

  Book 3: Rock Wild: Click here


  Book 1: Knox: Chosen by Blood: Click here

  Book 2: Wraith: Chosen by Fate: Click here

  Book 3: Dex: Chosen by Sin
: Click here

  **Coming Soon

  About The Author

  Virna DePaul is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of steamy, suspenseful fiction. Whether it’s vampires, a Para-Ops team, hot cops or swoon-worthy identical twin brothers, her stories center around complex individuals willing to overcome incredible odds for love. Bedding The Wrong Brother, which begins the Bedding The Bachelors Series, is a #1 Bestselling Contemporary Romance and a USA Today Bestseller.

  Virna loves to hear from readers at



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  Bedding The Baby Daddy

  Copyright © 2017 by Virna DePaul

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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