Enacting Revenge

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Enacting Revenge Page 16

by Erin R Flynn

  “But there’s not a paper trail to follow on that,” Andrew grumbled.

  “That has got to be one fuck of an interest on that bill too,” I muttered, worried things were really bad.

  “They’re giving us the chance to not add the exorbitant amount of interest if we pay it in one lump,” Victor grumbled. “There’s some politics to it, as the nest is on prime land and London has expanded past its previous city limits.”

  “What does your lawyer say?” I asked, rolling my eyes when they both winced. I made a business card appear and handed it to Victor. “Our coven’s head attorney can practice in the UK and handles way bigger problems than that. I promise you that they’ll work out a deal or have the right everything to worry them enough not to rake supes over the coals.”

  “That will help negotiations, thank you,” Victor accepted, his tone clearly implying that wouldn’t fix the rest, as they didn’t have whatever the taxes were on their vast property from thousands of years of skirting however they did.

  “Why don’t you hire them to go with Jerome whenever he has to visit farms,” Hunt suggested as he moved his hand on my hip as if not sure his suggestion was welcome. “People would have to be stupid to fuck with him then if an ancient vampire stood with him.”

  “Except they make him even more nervous, and that wouldn’t look good in front of the other leaders,” I worried.

  “We’ll behave,” Andrew promised with a shrug. “I like Jerome. He’s sharp, and he’s so loyal to you it’s endearing.”

  I swallowed a flinch. “You didn’t see what I saved him from,” I whispered, glancing away.

  Hunt figured it out though. “You said you saved slaves. He was one of them.”

  “Yes. He could have popped away when he woke up after being caught, but they realized he was more than human and threatened to slaughter all the other slaves if he left. They were using him like a stud horse to get more magical slaves, but his magic prevented it, and he took horrid beatings from it, too starved and ill fed to heal much on his own.”

  “And what happened to the people who did that to him after you found him?” Brax asked.

  I gave him an unflinching look as anger filled me thinking of that day. “I freed the slaves and let them whip the men of that large family to death, giving them their pound of flesh.”

  “Not the women?”

  I snorted. “Women were just as much property back then. They had no rights, no say. Those women were just as trapped and oppressed as the slaves. It was one of the first farms I acquired and still own, and it became not only a safe haven for other slaves I freed but enchanters who needed a safe place, and when anyone came calling to recapture slaves or anything else they thought should be theirs, they got more than they bargained for.”

  “I bet people stopped trying real fast,” Hunt chuckled.

  “You’d be surprised how stupid people can be,” I drawled.

  He snorted. “I’m a cop. No, I wouldn’t be.”

  Fair enough.

  “It helped when I finally figured to give Jerome a charm that made him look white so people thought he was just the new owner of the plantation and the slaves. I think he pushed the story he won it all in a card game and the men ran off from paying the rest and offered their women instead. That didn’t raise eyebrows, but you know, they also agreed with slavery, so they were awesome people.”

  Everyone checked out the wine for a bit more before I brought them to the stores of champagne. Victor made a comment about how I paid the taxes on the array of the properties all over, but I didn’t have the heart to remind him I also had magic so while I never stole, I also never let people stick it to me.

  “I have no idea how to pick,” Hunt admitted when I offered to let him choose our bottle. He backed me up against the wall and ran his hands over my dress. “My answer is whatever will taste best if I drink it off of you later because I plan to lick every inch of you after wearing a dress like this to celebrate being bonded to me even if it’s just for show.”

  He was so intense in what he said and the look he gave me I thought I might actually blush. Instead, I moved my thumb over my pert nipple that was partially visible through the lace, loving how his eyes locked on it and he leaned in close enough that I could smell his aftershave.

  “Tease me some more, and I might bite you there next.”

  Oh shit, my pet was getting bold.

  We picked out several bottles of bubbly, and I sent everyone back except Victor and Andrew, giving them both a hard look. “I’ve forgiven you both a lot because you saved me when I needed it. Let me be clear that I won’t forgive if you take action against someone under my protection, especially wearing my collar, and would absolutely retaliate.”

  Victor gave a slow nod. “It’s one thing if he was malicious and tried to take everything from you, but being tricked into thinking he was doing the right thing is different. He’s young, and we all mess up. It’s not something we would get involved in.”

  “Good. I will trust that because you killed my uncle yesterday when I would have thought Warlocs were automatically hands off.”

  “Not when I had to hear the screaming nightmares you had over the abuse you suffered at his hand. That is something I could never forgive.”

  “I’m glad we’re clear on the line then.”

  I brought us back and found a huge champagne tower already set up with fancy but regular bottles instead of my incredibly valuable ones. We accepted toasts of congratulations and thanks for holding the event. Dinner started, and I indulged in all the delicious tapas as we watched another talented human performer. Hunt sat with us this time, so close to me I might have just been on his lap.

  Brax gifted us a ridiculous cake after dinner, and we enjoyed watching some of the elders misbehave as we all drank and ate too much. By the end of the night, I was so keyed up I was ready for anything Hunt could want.

  I thanked Brax when he said he had some matters to attend to, giving us a chance to be alone. I was pretty sure he’d seen what I had in Hunt’s mind. After I thanked everyone for their help and cleaning up, I brought Hunt to where his mind had been.

  “I’m sorry they couldn’t be with us,” I said gently as I stared down at the graves of his parents and sister.

  “I hope they were in spirit,” he murmured, hugging me but then shaking his head. “Not here on this plane like Mina was, but I’ve gotta think they can get glimpses from where they are.”

  I gave a slow nod. “Those I’ve helped send back seem knowledgeable. I don’t think they’re cut off.” I shrugged. “I always picture it’s like my transdimensional TV. They can tune in when they want.”

  He brushed his lips against my neck. “I hope not always. I really don’t want them to see what I plan on next.” He let out a soft chuckle, and I smiled.

  “Did you enjoy the bubbly?”

  “Yes, lots of it.”

  “You’re going to have one hell of a headache tomorrow,” I warned him. He might be a shifter, but he could still get drunk and the hangover that went with it.

  “I’ll come visit again,” Hunt told his family as he hugged me tighter. “The woman I love is kind and will make sure I do. I’m happy, and you don’t have to worry about me.”

  I swallowed a comment that I had a feeling I was the one who needed to worry with how ready he was for fun. I said goodbye as well, even if I knew their spirits weren’t there, and brought us to my bedroom. “You get a free pass tonight, Remy.”

  His eyes flared with desire as he took in every inch of me before meeting my gaze. “You can fix the dress back to perfect, right? I want to make sure you keep it forever.”

  “I can. Do what you want to it and me.”

  He growled and grabbed the front of the dress, tearing it open and cupping my breasts. “These are mine now, Soraya.”

  “Are they?” I challenged, biting back a shiver as I saw the intensity in his eyes. I knew wolves would go crazy after mating, but I’d not thought I’d get to
experience it since we hadn’t mated and Hunt wasn’t the possessive type.

  “Yes,” he hissed before leaning down and sinking his teeth into one. I gasped at the pleasure and even how the pain heated up my skin. He ripped the dress more and shoved his fingers in me. “This is mine too. All of you is mine.”

  “Are you sure?” I taunted, moaning when he moved his fingers hard and fast. I orgasmed a few moments later when he bit my other breast.

  “See? It’s mine.”

  “Maybe,” I panted, daring him with my gaze to prove it.

  He turned me around and bent me over the bed before I could blink, tearing the dress off of me with such force my body moved with it. Then his hand landed hard on my naked ass, which I’d never let anyone do before besides a flirty smack. He did it again with both hands, moaning as he spread my legs. “Mine. All of you is mine. This ass is mine. Your body is mine. Your heart is mine. Even this perfect pussy is mine.”

  He knelt behind me and attacked me in the best way while still spanking me. It was a crazy roller coaster of sensations I couldn’t keep up with, orgasming again and again.

  “More, Remy,” I begged when he was done. I brought my knees onto the bed and spread wide for him in offering. “Gods, it feels so good. More. Give me more.” I glanced over my shoulder at him when he didn’t immediately do it, seeing his shock and looking away.

  I heard the rustle of clothes as he got undressed. “Have you never done this with a guy?”

  “No, never,” I muttered, getting embarrassed in a way I hadn’t in so, so long. “Don’t you dare tell anyone.”

  “I was going to ask you to block my mind from everyone,” he admitted as he rubbed my tender ass. “Maybe figure some way Brax can hear if I want him to, but yeah, I don’t like any of them can hear what I know about you. You might want to do it for all of your coven if angels are going to be hanging around.”

  “This is why I didn’t drop you into the ocean,” I told him, looking at him. “You try so, so hard to do what is right. You want to. At your very core you want to help any who need it and be a good person.”

  “Thank you,” he breathed, knowing I was giving him a level of forgiveness by saying that. “Can I really do what I want, Soraya?”

  I started to nod but then stopped. “I told myself a long time ago I would only get on my knees for the man I mated. If I don’t like it, I’ll tell you, but yeah, you can do what you want to me, Remy.” I smirked at him. “Mostly because I’m going to do it to you all the time so you should get the wedding night type pass to own me.”

  “I do,” he growled, slapping me again. I whimpered when he hit more than my ass, and he figured it out, spanking me between my legs, which I would never have thought I could find enjoyable.

  Not ever.

  He did it again and again, so many times I lost count. And in between he bit me with his wolf teeth, driving up the line of pain and pleasure to new heights. Once he gave me more orgasms than I could count, he flipped me onto my back and made love to me—truly made love to me in a way no man had. I found it odd that came after such kinkiness, but then again, people had a lot of layers.

  He went to move off of me, and I wrapped my legs around him. “No, come in me. I know you want to scent me, but finish inside me the first time we’re like this.”

  “You are so bloody fucked,” he warned as he cupped my face and thrust in me. “You won’t ever get rid of me now, Soraya. My wolf and I are yours in every way.”

  And for the first time, I wasn’t scared of even the idea of that. I would be tomorrow when the hormones and even booze were gone, but even a bit tipsy and high on us, it didn’t immediately scare me.

  He finished inside of me, growling when he moved off of me and took in my completely debauched state. He flinched a few times and then looked at me with his wolf eyes. “I’m sorry, he needs more. You’re ours now, and we need more from our mate.”

  I suppressed a flinch at the term, knowing that didn’t mean we were mated, just his wolf had decided. I nodded, agreeing to whatever he needed.

  What he needed was a lot of sex and marking me. I honestly don’t know how Hunt’s dick didn’t fall off he used it so damn much. If he wasn’t screwing me silly, he was jerking off and biting me, finishing on me so I smelled like him. For the first time ever, a man lasted longer than I did without the aid of a spell, and sometime later I drifted off after another glorious orgasm.


  “You were so right about the hangover,” Hunt groaned behind me. “And my dick hurts. It so, so hurts. I know wolves say that after they mate, but we didn’t, so I didn’t think it would happen.”

  I flinched. “It might have been worse for him since you didn’t give me a mating bite.”

  “Oh, I gave you lots of mating bites,” he drawled. “Just not on the nape of your neck. I’m so sorry, Soraya.”

  “You regret it?” I whispered, flipping back the covers and pulling away from him. I didn’t even get the chance to slide out of bed, Hunt rolling over me so we were face-to-face.

  “No. Never,” he said firmly. “I loved every second of it. What you did, what you allowed me to do will forever be perfect. I lost my head, and you’re covered in bites before a pool party. That was what I apologized for. I wasn’t thinking about that.”

  I shrugged. “I knew. I don’t care.” I smiled when he gave me a shocked look. “I don’t ever do things I’m embarrassed of. Yes, I wouldn’t have wanted everyone to see that, as it was just for us. But I’m not embarrassed. We might have to do some dancing for politics, but I enjoyed every second of you losing your head.”

  “I know,” he chuckled, pulling me against him. “Your throat is tender from all the screaming.” He nuzzled my neck as his hands moved over my body. “Shit, I so want more. I want to never get out of this bed.”

  “Except your dick hurts,” I teased him.

  He shrugged. “Well worth it, and just because my dick hurts doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy doing everything I could to you.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m a bit tender too, and I think I’ve had too much sex lately,” I admitted with a chuckle. “I would like a nice, hot shower for my muscles and you to wash my hair.”

  “So that’s the way to get on your good side,” he teased, rolling us off the bed to stand. “Good thing I like doing it.”

  Apparently he liked washing all of me. He took his time, being gentle and making sure I was clean everywhere as he kissed me and spoiled me rotten. Then he sat me on the tub wrapped in towels and showered himself as he stared at me the whole time.

  “Do you want to have some fun and do some good together, pet?” I asked him when he was done. I waited until he nodded, smiling brightly at me. “You’re going to have to eat a lot.”

  “What’s on the menu?” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Let’s find out.” I flicked my wrist and dressed us for the day before bringing us to The Resort. I leaned in and changed his collar. “You can teleport to where you want now. Also, no one can see inside your head unless you think it at them so you can communicate with Brax or me again.”

  “You can still look, right?” he checked, giving me a worried look.

  I nodded and turned away, not wanting to get into it when all of this had started because the government had developed some chip to block me from hearing him. Instead, I wanted to focus on the fun, smiling when there was a different donut truck and some sort of pancake one on top of the breakfast burritos and staples like that.

  I let out a whistle when I saw most everyone was already gathered, waiting until they focused on me. “Bacchus suggested that now and again it might be smart to tie a nest to me so I could channel that power and they could help me share the burden as my pet has since I’ve put his collar on. I think it’s a great idea, and the leaders should go first.”

  “Of course you do,” Bacchus grumbled, shaking his head.

  I smirked at him. “Lead by example, darling.”
I waved him quiet. “Keegan had a bright idea of his own for some good PR we always need. I would like to share this opportunity with all supes in a showing of solidarity and how we can do much if the humans allow us.” I was surprised when no one immediately shot me down.

  “What’s the idea?” Cameron asked as she accepted her coffee from the truck.

  “Cleaning the New York City subway.” I smiled when they all gave me shocked looks. “There are a lot of powerful people here that could do a lot of good. I would leave sponges at the stations once we were done, so it would be some good marketing for my companies that you now understand a lot of your people need to survive.” I gestured behind me. “We’ve got the food you’ll need, so why not? Be gluttons and get randy, and we’ll have too much fun.”

  “Randy?” someone asked.

  “Yeah, that’s one way to put it,” Andrew said from my right. He gave me a wink when I looked at their nest. “We invited ourselves again.”

  “Of course you did,” I chuckled, shaking my head. I found the newer elder in the group who had asked the question. “Yes, using a lot of energy is like building a different charge to let out.” I found Jerome in the group and smiled at him. “On a completely unrelated topic, could you help poor Hunt heal a bit? He’s a bit tender in the nether region this morning.”

  “I have no pride left,” Hunt chuckled as he ducked his head against my hair while hugging me. “Gods, you are such a brat.”

  “I am, but I’ll let you pick what I wear at the pool today.” I shivered when I saw it in his mind. “You have good taste.”

  “I do,” he agreed, kissing my hair.

  I got another shock when Victor volunteered along with those in his nest. It was the match needed for the fire, as no elder wanted to be outdone by an ancient or seem like they couldn’t keep up. It took me a bit to put on all the collars, but I smiled at Keegan when I was done. “You want to take them to different stations and I’ll pop along the line? Let’s do one line for now and see how much we get done.”


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