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The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe)

Page 13

by VJ Dunraven

  “Don't let him upset you too much.” Chad squeezed her shoulder.

  She hauled in a deep breath and hung her head for a minute, then slowly exhaled and nodded.

  “Good girl.” Chad gave her a quick friendly hug. “Come on.” He led her to the path towards the entrance.

  “You, my dear—,” Ben caught up with her, hanging on to her right arm while Lela latched on to the left, “have a lot of explaining to do to Mama Ben and Auntie Lela.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Carlos protested next to him as they approached the main foyer.

  “Oh, yes,” Ben added, “and to Carlos, our talking pet iguana.”

  “At least my armpits don't smell like garlic.” Carlos poked his nose near Ben's shoulder and grimaced.

  “Excuse me?” Ben glared at him and sniffed his armpits noisily. “It's not me, you moron!”

  Elizabeth wordlessly hoisted the garlic rope from her bag between them.

  Ben, Carlos, and Lela scattered screaming in different directions.

  “Yuck!” Lela yelled from a distance. “Get rid of it!”

  “Why?” Elizabeth asked.

  “It's a skunk trapped in a vegetable's body!” Ben shrieked from a few yards away.

  “Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!” Carlos chanted on the opposite side.

  “I knew you were the culprit.” Chad laughed. “You almost exterminated me with that smell confined inside my SUV!” He took the garlic and threw it in a trash can.

  “Oh, no!” Elizabeth covered her mouth. “Sorry about that!”

  “It's all right.” He peered sideways at her. “But I hope you trust me by now not to bring any more tomorrow. Garlic really doesn't work, you know.”

  Elizabeth colored. “I do trust you.”

  “Good.” He dimpled handsomely. “I would hate to die by toxic garlic-vapor inhalation.”

  Elizabeth chuckled and boxed him on the arm. If only Mr. Mockery was as nice and sweet as Chad, Elizabeth mused, quivering inwardly at the memory of his kiss. Luckily, her friends didn't walk in on them while they were kissing! Now what would be her explanation for that?

  Chapter 23

  Family Intervention

  Prince William pasted on an unperturbed expression even though he felt like the worst scoundrel in existence as he strolled towards Darian Hall's spacious lobby.

  What in the devil's name had gotten into him? Why couldn't he control himself around her? And how the hell did Gunter befriend her so quickly? And as for Elizabeth, why—she actually defied his orders and favored the Colonel over him! Bloody marvelous indeed!

  This whole courtship idea was more tedious than he'd expected. At this rate, it would take them forever to get back to England. Meanwhile, they were like sitting ducks if anyone had the clever notion of unearthing exactly what they were doing in Darian Hall. Damn it all! He had neither the time, nor the patience for this!

  He spotted Prince David and Prince Philippe chatting near the entrance and he walked towards them.

  “Ah, there you are.” Prince David noted his dark mood. “You look radiant as ever. Did you find your keys?”

  Prince William gave him a probing look and caught Prince Philippe's voice in his mind. Catherine is here.

  “Er, yes.” He fished his keys from his jacket pocket. “I guess I dropped them when I took off my jacket.” He flitted his eyes at Sophia, Silvia, and Catherine, who were standing within earshot with other Royals.

  That wasn't very smart, you know. Prince David's voice rang in his head. I thought the plan was— that you were going to woo her?

  I was! Prince William scowled. Until Alexus, Gunter showed up! What the hell was General Bradford thinking, sending him here?

  Now, now. We're not jealous, are we? Prince Philippe joined in their telepathic conversation.

  Or scared of the competition? Prince David exchanged a glance with Prince Philippe.

  Hell no! Prince William glared at them. Why should I be?

  Then why are you acting like a tyrant? Prince David admonished with a tsk. You're supposed to be courting her—, not governing her like a damned continent!

  Ah, I knew you were spying on me! Prince William snorted and flung him a derisive look. I suppose you know better what to do?

  No, not at this stage of ruin, I do not. Prince David ignored his petulance. But Sophia might.

  Female intervention. What a splendid idea! Prince Philippe glanced past him at their younger cousin who excused herself from the other Royals and strode towards them.

  Prince William muttered a curse. If you geniuses think, I'm taking orders from our little cousin—

  Princess Sophia kissed him with a loud smack on the cheek. Who knows better what a girl wants than me? She glanced around conspiratorially. Silvia managed to convince Catherine to come with her. Let's talk, shall we?

  Chapter 24

  The Duke’s Suspicions

  Perched atop a tall tree in the dark woods outside of Darian Hall, John Drake, Duke of Northern Peninsula, could not believe his own eyes. He took the binoculars from Major Reynolds who sat on the branch next to him to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

  “Well, I'll be damned!” He threw his head back in sardonic laughter. “If it isn't The Unattainable Lady Catherine herself!” He peered into the eyepiece again, unable to stop admiring her.

  The little minx is as beautiful as ever! He suppressed the excitement that only Catherine could invoke. Only a man like him would be senseless enough to travel halfway around the world in the hopes of orchestrating a closure to their unfinished business.

  “According to Intelligence, she arrived three days ago from Switzerland,” Major Reynolds, the American Officer assigned to his private army in the east coast, said.

  John kept his eyes glued to the lenses for a long while, watching and following her. Then, his brow wrinkled considerably as his displeasure grew at the view. It certainly was Prince William! And who could be the little chit with him? He followed the duo, but the girl had her back to him and they disappeared behind the shrubbery.

  “Why wasn't I informed that she wasn't alone?” he demanded.

  “You Grace?” Major Reynolds cocked his head in surprise. “Lady Catherine flew in unaccompanied, Sir.”

  “Is that a fact?” John bit out a curse. “Then our army intelligence suffers from a lack of intellect, because I don't like what I'm seeing.” He handed the binoculars to the Major.

  “What in the world—?” the Major exclaimed in disbelief and adjusted the focus. “Prince William and his cousins! How—? They must've flown in a private jet before her!” He glanced at the Duke. “Your Grace, Catherine flew in via the public airlines.”

  John hissed a frustrated breath. With the Prince here, he would have no chance of approaching her. He flagellated himself for being such a romantic muttonhead, rushing like an imbecile to America, dreaming of rekindling their affair.

  Did he think that Catherine would welcome him with open arms? Had he forgotten how she and her mother had belittled him?

  He narrowed his eyes. But why did the Prince let her travel alone? And what are they all doing here? None of their records were in the student files, except for Catherine's. The Prince and his cousins certainly weren't here to study. They were exceptionally well educated and far advanced for this school! Thus, if they weren't here to learn, then ... what exactly prompted them to come to Darian Hall?

  “Something is not right.” He darted his eyes at the Major. “Find out what's going on.” He slid from his perch, jumped a few branches down, and somersaulted in the air, landing on his feet on the ground.

  The Major alighted next to him. “I'll have Lady Catherine, the Prince, and his cousins on surveillance.”

  “Tell the men to be very cautious.” John strolled with the Major towards their waiting vehicle. “The European Royals are extremely perceptive, dangerous, and ferocious. One mistake and you're all dead.”

  Chapter 25

  Lady Catherine’s Obsession

  In the library, Catherine sat next to Silvia, thumbing absentmindedly at the book in front of her. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier as she and the twins crossed the driveway from the parking lot.

  Who was the girl William had practically snatched and dragged up the stairs?

  She would have gone to investigate, except Silvia and Sophia had distracted her with some inane questions about her shoes, of all things! And then, when William had rejoined David and Philippe several minutes later, he had apparently recovered his keys—, which did not make any sense!

  If that Tainted girl had taken his keys, why would he haul her away? He certainly took his time confronting her behind the bushes! And why was he conversing telepathically with his cousins? What were they discussing? She wished she had the same ability, but the gift only extended to the covens with the purest blood.

  Catherine suddenly realized how out of place she was among them. She may be a European Royal, but her family was not a direct lineage of a Pure One. If she wanted to improve the quality their breed, she must marry a Royal whose family descended from a Pure One at least to the second generation.

  Like Prince William and his cousins, her mother had said, but then, while you're at it, why not pick the heir?

  She halfheartedly agreed just to stop her mother's relentless lambasting of her former lover, John Drake, the Duke of Northern Peninsula. The Duchess forbade her to marry him because she wanted to elevate their social status by matching her with a high-ranking European Royal.

  At first, she was distraught and resisted, but when her mother introduced her to Prince William the XIV, his devastating good looks bedazzled and captivated her.

  The only problem was ... she wasn't sure if he felt the same way.

  Catherine closed the book with a loud clap, making Princess Silvia who was reading next to her, jerk her head up. “I think I'll go find William,” she said.

  “Oh, I was hoping you could help me do some research,” the Princess said. When she hesitated, Princess Silvia reached over and clasped her hand. “Please?” She blinked beseeching yellow-green eyes at her.

  Catherine sighed. “All right.” She wondered why she let Silvia talk her into coming in the first place. William's cousins had been seeking her constant company lately. Not that she minded. She really liked them, in fact. But their persistent diversions had taken her time away from William.

  Catherine planted an elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm, staring at the stack of reference materials that Silvia had piled high next to her.

  Surely, this was not some ploy to distract her?

  Chapter 26

  Prince William and Princess Sophia: Lessons in Love

  Outside the main building, Prince William strolled with Princess Sophia to the brightly illuminated garden that stretched out before Darian Hall. They passed the manicured lawns, the sculpted greenery, and the stunning fountain centerpiece with frolicking stone mermaids.

  “There it is!” Princess Sophia grabbed his hand and hurried him to the colossal greenhouse.

  “What exactly are we doing here?” the Prince grumbled, glancing at the exotic plants and lush roses that thrived in the controlled environment.

  “We're getting Elizabeth a make-up present.” Princess Sophia led him to the section where the large, long stemmed roses in a variety of colors were planted.

  “What make-up present?” He slanted a dark eyebrow at her.

  “You're going to apologize,” she replied in a motherly tone, “like a proper gentleman.”

  “What the hell for?” he asked gruffly.

  “William. Listen to me.” The Princess planted her knuckles on her hips. “You're the best, most generous cousin in the world and you know we love you, but when it comes to courting a girl, honestly—, you suck.”

  “Don't forget who got you that BMW.” He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Yes, and I love it, thank you. Now stop threatening me and be serious!” Princess Sophia stomped her foot in annoyance. “Do you want to win the girl or not?”

  Prince William didn't respond for a moment. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I'm not sure anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” The Princess' voice rose a notch. “Don't you love her?”

  He shrugged. “I didn't expect her to be quite so ... disagreeable.”

  Princess Sophia drew a deep breath and exhaled steadily. “Talk to me.” She pulled him to a nearby bench and sat. “What's going on? What's the matter?”

  Prince William flopped down next to her. “I—, well, she's not what I expected.”

  “She's not your type?” Princess Sophia looked appalled. “You're not attracted to her?”

  “It's not that! She's beautiful.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I'm too damned attracted to her, that's what!”

  “So, what is it then?” She regarded him with visible concern.

  “She's playing deuced hard to get!” he yelled in vexation. “She recoils and runs away from me, but she's all sweet and flirty with everyone else! Frankly, I'm done chasing her. It's so damned lowering!”

  “May I remind you, dear cousin, that you've only known her for three days.”

  The Prince scowled. “That's long enough for me.”

  “Oh! Sorry, I forgot—.” She slapped her forehead. “You're the Omni’s greatest gift to women and they're supposed to grovel at your feet.”

  “I don't see anything wrong with that,” he snapped, watching her draw an exasperated sigh.

  Princess Sophia knew her beloved cousin would have a hard time dealing with the unconventional, strong-willed American girl, but she really couldn't blame him for his behavior. He'd always been deluged everywhere by females who were eager to please him, which made him more than a tad arrogant and spoiled. Rejection was something he'd never experienced.

  “Nevertheless,” she ignored his sulkiness, “I assume that by everyone else, you meant Colonel Alexus Gunter?”

  His scowl deepened and he looked away.

  “Have you ever been in love, William?” Princess Sophia inquired bluntly.

  He snorted in irritation and kept his face averted, not bothering to respond.

  “It doesn't always feel good, you know,” Princess Sophia said in a gentle voice. “Sometimes, it doesn't even seem right because everything is all wrong.”

  Prince William leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together, staring into space.

  “Don't give up so easily.” She reached out to cup his chin, turning his face towards her. “Hasn't it occurred to you that in spite of the fact that you're destined for each other, you must work your own way to get there?”

  “But she doesn't even like me!” He jerked his chin off her fingers.

  “How can you expect her to like you?” She raised her shoulders. “You lord over her as if she's some harebrained girl you can order around and make passes at whenever you want to!”

  “Why not?” He regarded her crossly. “Whether she likes it or not, she's mine, damn it!”

  “Why, cousin William, how preposterous of you to say that!” She poked his arm with a forefinger. “Have you ever considered the possibility that her feelings can change?”

  “That's never going to happen,” Prince William scoffed at her comment. “We'll still end up together no matter how I deal with it. The course of destiny is unchangeable.”

  “Precisely—, under ideal circumstances.” She paused to bait his interest. “Have you forgotten how your mother's cousin, the former Queen, took destiny in her own hands and changed everything?”

  The Prince straightened and glared at her.

  “The current situation is hardly ideal. Elizabeth is different. She's not as naïve as the others before her who were isolated in a palace, fawning on some Prince—.”

  “Just tell me what you're getting at,” Prince William interjected with an impatient wave of his hand.

  “It's simple.” The Princess
shrugged. “She's unconfined, roaming freely in a place full of Alpha Deimons who will eventually gravitate to her. If you don't get your act together soon, she will shift her attention to one of these eligible Alphas.” She pretended to study her newly-polished nails to let her meaning sink in, before adding, “Like the dashing Colonel Alexus Gunter.” She exaggerated a dreamy sigh to emphasize her point.

  “Over my dead body!” The Prince bolted to his feet and started pacing. “I'm not going to allow it! I'll have him removed from his position!”

  “You do that, then you might as well forget about her.” Princess Sophia bristled in disapproval. “She'll never forgive you. If you have not noticed, they have become fast friends.”

  “And mind you—,” she watched him walk back and forth, “getting rid of Colonel Gunter is not a solution. What are you going to do when the next ten Alpha Deimons show up? Fire them all? What if they're Royalty?”

  Prince William knew the exact moment when Princess Sophia won their argument. He muttered a series of colorful expletives and kicked the dirt in frustration. Turning his back to her, he roughly plunged both hands through his hair and brooded over his dilemma.

  Sophia did have a point, disinclined though he was to admit it. Yes, he acted like a randy jackass and managed to botch every chance he had, but the chit was so touchy and damned difficult! How dare she speak to him disrespectfully and defy his wishes? Didn't she have an idea of the magnitude of his rank?

  And what kind of game was she trying to pull off? She's Miss Contradiction to the hilt—, playing hard to get and ladylike—, until he blindsided her with a kiss! Then, voila! She morphed from being Miss Prim and Proper, into Miss Lovey-dovey!

  Hah! In fact, he's going to call her by those names!

  Princess Sophia cleared her throat rather loudly. He swung around to face her. She arched an elegant eyebrow at him and folded her arms across her chest. I don't think calling her names would further your cause, she muttered in his head.


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