The Lieutenant's Possession

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The Lieutenant's Possession Page 11

by K. Langston

  “’s okay. It’s over,” I reassure them. “It’s all over.”

  I remove the backpack from Lyla and hand it and the remote to one of the officers then gather them both in my arms. Marley sobs into my chest and relief floods my body, thankful that I still have them both and they are safe.

  Chapter 30


  We arrive home the following afternoon after spending several hours at the local police station giving our statements. We found out that Zayne and Steven’s operation was bigger than I thought. The bastards even had a website set up that had all of the looks and appearances of being a legitimate adoption agency. It was quite an elaborate setup. It breaks my heart to think about all of the babies that were taken from their parents and even more devastating to think about the adoptive parents who trusted Steven and Zayne. But it’s unlikely they will ever be able to track them down considering all payments were made in cash and Steven destroyed any incriminating documents.

  Once inside, I carry Lyla to bed. She slept most of the way here but she’s still out cold. Exhaustion has taken its toll on me as well and all I can think about is being wrapped in Asher’s arms, and he doesn’t hesitate to do that the moment I step back into the living room, knowing exactly what I need.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For saving us. For getting there in time.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Marley. I would do it a million times over. I will do anything to keep you both safe.” He holds me tighter, nuzzling my neck. Then he whispers close to my ear, “I love you. I’ve never said those words to a woman and meant them but I mean it. When I thought there was a chance I could lose you, I didn’t—”

  “You don’t have to explain. I felt the same way. I love you too, Asher. I love you so much.”

  He leans down to kiss me, lifting me up to wrap my legs around his waist then carries me to my bedroom. “I need you so much, baby. I need to feel you. To know you’re here with me. That you’re alive and you’re mine.”

  “I am yours. I will always be yours.”

  Asher makes love to me but this time it’s different. It’s slow and sweet but still possessive in a way that makes me feel safe, adored, and most of all, loved beyond measure. It doesn’t matter how we started out. All that matters is where we end up, and as long as it’s together, I’m perfectly content with that.



  The last year has been nothing short of incredible, and to be honest, I don’t know how I would have ever survived without him. When this man walked into my office, I never could have imagined we would end up here.


  But here we are, happy as ever, still going strong.

  “Let’s go to see the monkeys!” Lyla shouts from the top of Asher’s shoulders as he carries her toward the exhibit.

  And if I thought the man couldn’t make me happier than he already does, when I see him with my daughter, my heart is nearly bursting.

  Asher didn’t hesitate to step in as a positive male influence in her life. He does everything a father would, and for that, I am grateful. He’s showing my daughter that a man can have integrity and honor. He’s so good with her. It breaks my heart even more that he will never have a child of his own, because I know he would be an amazing father.

  The way he is with Lyla.

  She is still too young to understand what happened with Steven. I’ve done my best to explain her father’s passing without tainting her innocent mind. I know as she grows older she will want to know what really happened and ask more questions, but for now, she’s content with the answers I give her. Asher stepping into the role as father has helped tremendously, too. Not that I doubted him for a second. He’s the most caring, giving man I’ve ever known.

  Even when he has me tied up with my panties in my mouth, he’s nothing but generous.

  I’ve never met such a selfless man and I can’t believe I get to call him mine.

  We make it over to the monkeys and Lyla squeals with delight as we stand by and watch them swing from the vines.

  “Look, Mama!” Lyla says as Asher lowers Lyla to the ground.

  She tugs my hand, pulling me toward the photo booth. The three of us cram inside, Lyla sitting on both of our laps. I feed the couple of dollars into the machine and then the timer begins the countdown.

  When it reaches one, Asher presents an open box with a diamond ring.

  “Surprise!” Lyla says, clapping her hands. “Asher wants to marry us, Mommy. Can we please?”

  My mouth hangs open in shock as I look from the ring box to him. Asher takes my left hand in his.

  “I don’t think I can say anything that hasn’t already been said. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. You are the reason I get up every day. The reason I come home every night. You are my purpose.” He slides off the bench, bending down in this cramped photo booth. “Will you marry me?”

  Lyla lowers her hands, plucking the ring from the box with her tiny fingers. “Let me see your hand, Mommy.”

  I offer her my left hand, trembling with excitement as she slides the ring onto my third finger.

  She claps her hands together with excitement. “It fits!”

  I lean in, wrapping my arms around his neck. “It’s perfect.” He kisses my mouth. “You’re perfect,” I tell him.

  “I don’t know about that, but for you, I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be.” He presses his forehead to mine. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes,” I reply, kissing him again.

  “Can we go see the hippos now?” Lyla asks.

  Asher and I share a laugh as we pull apart. “Yes, but first.” He pulls out a tiny ring from his pocket, reaching for Lyla’s right hand.

  She gasps and my heart expands in my chest. Two seconds ago I didn’t think I could love this man any more than I already do but once again, he’s proven me wrong.

  I love him more and more with every breath I take.

  “If I’m going to marry your mother, then I want to make a promise to you, too. I vow to always be fair and honest with you," Asher tells her. "I promise to support you in every way I can. I promise to always hold your hand and brush your hair when you ask me to. I promise to tuck you into bed every night. Wear crowns and let you paint my nails any time you want.”

  Lyla giggles.

  “I vow to show you how a man should treat a woman through my relationship with your mom," he says through the tears building in his eyes. "And above all else, I vow to protect you, care for you, and love you so big forever."

  “Does this mean you’re going to be my daddy now?” she asks, her voice laced with hope.

  “Yes,” Asher says, as he hugs her tight, a lone tear slipping down his scruffy face. “If that’s what you want?”

  Lyla nods.

  “You’re a good daddy. You take care of me and Mommy. You let me stay up late and watch movies when Mommy is working late. And you make the best pancakes in the whole wide world.”

  “I do make good pancakes.” Asher laughs as he slips the tiny ring onto her right hand.

  “Daddy, can we go see the hippos now?”

  Asher’s face beams with pride as he grabs her hand before clasping mine, leading us from the booth. We only make it a few steps before I remember to grab the photos from the tray.

  I hold them up to inspect each one while Asher rests his chin on my shoulder. It’s incredible how much happiness can be expressed in four tiny photos.

  He kisses my neck then my cheek. “Just think, this is only the beginning. The beginning of our forever.”

  “It’s going to take forever to get to the hippos if you don’t come on,” Lyla says, tugging our hands.

  We both laugh, following our little girl toward the hippos, toward our forever.

  The End

  About the Author...

  K lives in the deep south with her husband of nearly 18 years, their two children, and fur babies, S
adie and Birdie. She writes about what she alphas, romance, and all things southern.

  When she's not penning her next story, you can find her nose buried between the pages of a good book or chillin’ on her front porch with an ice cold beer.


  Thank you so much for reading!

  I can’t believe it’s almost been a year I released the last Brothers in Blue. I promise not to make you wait that long next time. We only have Benson and Denver left, but to be honest, I’m not sure which one I want to write next. Asher gave me one hell of a time this go around so I want to make sure I’m feeling it before I start, which is why I am not including an excerpt for the next release of BIB.

  Guess you’ll have to wait and see who starts talking next. ;)

  This book would not be possible without my girls, KC Lynn and KL Grayson. Thank you for your feedback and unwavering support. For cheering me on even when I wanted to give up and for always being there for me no matter what. Your friendship means the world to me.

  HUGE thanks to my editor, Megan at Wild Rose Editing. Thank you for putting up with my shit. I’m unorganized, I change my mind constantly, and sometimes I switch gears without notice but you take it all in stride. Thank you for making my words shine and loving me flaws and all. I love you, lady!

  Thank you, Kim, for proofreading my baby for me. You’re the best!!!

  And last but not least, thanks to all my readers! Your patience and support have always humbled me. Even when it takes me a freakin’ year to release a book, you’re still right there...waiting! For that, I am eternally grateful!!!

  Books by K. Langston

  Mine Series

  Contemporary Romance

  Because You’re Mine (Book #1)

  Until You’re Mine (Book #2)

  When You’re Mine (Book #3)

  Forever You’re Mine (Book #4)

  Brothers in Blue Series

  Romantic Suspense

  The Officer’s Promise (Book #1)

  The Detective’s Trust (Book #2)

  The Sergeant’s Protection (Book #3)


  Contemporary Romance

  The Long Way Home




  New Release Alerts




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