King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2)

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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2) Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  Then I submitted and turned around.

  His cock… Oh, his cock.

  I could write a poem about his fucking cock.

  I should wine and dine this fucker every night. I would pet it and kiss it, and—

  “Are you all right down there?” Bel questioned, his voice amused. He kissed the inside of my left thigh. “You’re just staring at my penis, and while I don’t mind staring at your pussy all night long, I’d rather you move your ass down a little bit so I can lick all that wetness waiting for me.”

  I stared at it.

  Seriously, his cock was a work of art.

  Maybe I could take a picture—

  He cleared his throat and ran his palms up the outside of my thighs. His tone suddenly tempered to a gentling cadence. “Little one, are you still with me? If you’re not ready—”

  “It’s so pretty,” I whispered. Stupidly.

  A rush of laughter shook his large body underneath me, waking me from my awed state. Even his legs were freaking shaking. The mattress underneath my hands and knees vibrated with his humor.

  My mouth opened and closed in embarrassment, more than thrilled that he couldn’t see my expression.

  “That’s a new one,” he sputtered.

  Still laughing.

  I slapped his thigh. Though his laugh was profound and happy, tickling my ears in pleasure, I protested, “Just erase the last thirty seconds from your mind. I didn’t really say that or act like that.”

  Bel snorted. Hard.

  He didn’t comment further, though.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, my skin cooling.

  Thank you, my lord. Truly.

  I opened my mouth wide and sucked on the head of his cock, grinning around his silky flesh when he jerked at the contact. Fuck, he smelled minty down here too. I groaned at his taste and gripped the base of his cock with my right fist as much as I could. My tongue twirled around and around his head, and then I licked at the underside like a lollipop.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, bending his legs to start pumping his hips up, fucking my face. His large hands grabbed my ass and shoved down, my cunt thrust onto his waiting mouth. His tongue took long, leisurely licks of my pussy, his moan of delight loud inside his bedchamber. I shivered and rocked against his face, adoring how he reached down and palmed my right breast, squeezing and kneading for his own desire, enjoying my body just as much as he was giving me pleasure.

  I clasped the base of his cock harder, pumping him in time to his thrusts, the wet cavern of my mouth taking the rest of him in. My eyes crossed, and I hummed when he used his free hand to play with my clit, rubbing with vigor.

  I pressed more firmly against his thumb.

  Back and forth, I rocked my hips.

  Faster and faster.

  Bel groaned, pressing his tongue inside of me.

  My body tightened. I knew my climax was coming.

  I shouted around his cock as I hit my peak, my hand gripping him tighter. I tossed my head back, and my body arched, grinding myself against him. Blinding pleasure warped my senses, heat unfurling in rippling waves through my veins. I shuddered hard against his strong frame, my legs shaking around his head. My mind short-circuited as I rode the blissful waves.

  The Overlord caught my body as I started to fall on top of him, holding me up with his strength. I found his hands on my waist and held them in a bruising grip. His tongue continued to lap at my cunt until I stopped shivering. I moaned in contentment, and my head dropped down while my chest continued to heave with labored breaths.

  He lifted my small body off him and laid me on my back, the sheets beneath my bare skin scattered with strips of my torn clothing and flakes of blood-mud. I didn’t mind at all, his sculpted body following down on top of me. Bel brushed hair off my face with soft fingers, half my black hair now displaced from my ponytail. I was sure I looked a sight, with my face flushed and my gaze half-dazed, but his eyes held mine prisoner as he lined up his cock with my vaginal entrance and carefully began to thrust into my tight channel.

  I moaned softly at the intrusion, opening my legs wider for him. It didn’t help much, the Overlord more than well endowed.

  Bel’s breath puffed out between his kiss-swollen lips, his expression a mask of concentration. Beads of sweat glistened on his brow, and he ground his teeth together, moving his hips a little faster with each press. His pectoral muscles twitched and flexed when his hips finally pushed flush against mine, his cock fully inside me.

  “Mmm,” I groaned, wrapping my legs around his waist. I gripped his biceps with my fingers and dug my nails into his skin. My grin was sloppy and pleasured. “Bel, why are you being gentle with me? I know you like to fuck hard.”

  His smile was slow, mischievous, and sexy. “Because we’ve had an interesting day, and I thought you might like it this way.” He shook his head slightly, his black hair fanning down around my face, cocooning me in his scent. “And I like sex all ways. Not just hard.”

  I lifted my right hand and played with his hair, twirling a strand around my finger. I tugged on it playfully. “How do you want it right now?”

  “Like how you wanted the striptease. Slow.”

  I chuckled under my breath. “Then take me on the slow path to heaven, my lord.”

  He dipped his head down, breathing against my lips, “My pleasure, your majesty.”

  The air rushed out of my lungs, past my lips and against his, as he gradually pulled his hips back and leisurely pushed forward again. His large cock rubbed delectably inside my wet channel, and my body trembled inside his embrace. His lips started stroking mine at his own pace—like his cock was doing inside me—and his head tipped, pressing our mouths together with more pressure for added intimate contact.

  Hard or soft, the man fucked like a champion.

  Like it was an art form, and he was the master designer. Like a farmer who never had a bad year of crops. Like an accountant who always had a perfect balance sheet. Like a commercial pilot who always arrived on time.

  He was a champion in all things sex.

  Sinful. Sweet. Humorous.

  Everything you could want.

  I mean, where the hell did this man come from?

  Or did we just fit together that well?

  I peered up into his eyes, and asked honestly—quietly, “Is it always like this for prospective mates?”

  He pressed his lips to mine again, kissing me as if he wanted to devour me. When we ran out of oxygen, he pulled back, allowing us to breathe in heavy pants. He shook his head, brushing our lips back and forth against the other’s lips.

  Cautiously, he answered, “No, it’s not.”

  Even as I trailed my fingers down his back, and up again, my gaze turned a wee bit wary. “Oh.”

  Bel’s eyes held mine. “And now she’s scared. Let’s just focus on our fucking. That’s not so bad.”

  My nose scrunched up, teasing, “You’re very bossy.”

  “Yes, I am.” He thrust his hips against mine, grinding his pelvis against my clit. At my quick intake of breath, his lips twitched. “You like it. Don’t deny it.”

  I pressed my mouth against his again and met each one of his gradual thrusts with my hips. Because I couldn’t deny it. I liked (adored) the sex with him, and I enjoyed (adored) his bossy side in bed. I wouldn’t look too much deeper into it for fear that I might freak-out when there was really no need for the worry. We liked to fuck one another. So what? I ran my hands down to his backside and grabbed handfuls of each of his ass cheeks, moaning at the muscles flexing under my fingertips with each drive of his hips.

  Bel swirled his tongue around mine, our mouths fused together. He continued to stroke my clit with each unrushed plunge of his cock inside me, pressing harder and harder against my sensitive nub, his quiet groan making an exquisite shiver run down my spine.

  I squeezed his ass, my nails digging into his hard muscles, and arched my back to rub my breasts against his hard chest, our bodies moving as one in a rhythm as
old as time. Together, our hips met again and again. The base sounds of our moans filled the air. The light sweat on our bodies mingled and mixed. Our mouths never left each other’s, our teeth nipping and our lips stroking. We cradled one another in our arms, our bodies rubbing against the other.

  When we hit our climaxes, it was together.

  We trembled and let the pleasure take us under.

  And slow… Yes, slow sex was delightful.

  I shivered and pressed my face to the side of his head where it had landed next to mine, his body heavy on top of me. Breathless, I panted, “Are you falling asleep now?”

  “Fuck no.” He turned his head, our noses brushing, as he settled his attention on my eyes. His cheeks were flushed, and his grin turned feral. “I’m not done with you yet. I did say all night long. Remember?”

  I lifted a black brow, returning his wicked smile. “How do you want it now, my lord?”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “Hard, your majesty.”

  Chapter Nine

  ~ Gwynnore ~

  The shrill shrieking of an alarm had my eyes flying open and my head snapping up. In a sleepy daze, I squinted at my surroundings, my heart rate only slowing when I understood where I was. I dropped my head back down, complaining, “Fuck. It can’t be morning yet.”

  Bel lifted a beefy arm and smacked his hand down on his alarm clock. The horrible noise stopped. His arm flopped back onto the mattress. With a grumpy expression on his face, he scowled at the read-out on his clock, his black hair a mess around his face. “Unfortunately, it is.”

  “Can you hit the snooze button?” Please.

  He grunted. “No. We need to get up. Busy day.”

  I sighed in defeat and curled the blanket around me more, not wanting to leave the warmth of the bed yet. We were sprawled all over the damn thing, our bodies not even touching because his bed was so large. I was almost positive we’d passed out after our sexual affairs this way, not having moved during our slumber.

  Bel rolled and sat up, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He groaned with the movement, just as exhausted as I was. He placed his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face with his hands, his back muscles flexing. With a crack of his neck, he mumbled around a yawn, “I’m going to take a shower. We’ve got Cleo’s death to deal with this morning.” Another large yawn. “And there’s a present for you in the first drawer of the nightstand next to you.”

  Wait. What?

  I blinked, shocked. “You got me a present?”

  With his back still to me, he stood and stretched, placing his hands on his lower back and arching to alleviate the kinks. “Yes. A gift for your crowning. And it’s for protection. Don’t lose it.” He trudged away to his bathroom, his naked body making it hard to pull my eyes away.

  Stunned, I muttered quickly, “Thank you!”

  Not even glancing at me, he yawned again. “You’re welcome.” The bathroom door shut behind him, the water turning on almost immediately inside his shower.

  I stared wide-eyed where he’d disappeared.

  No one else had given me a gift. Not that I had expected any. I didn’t have a shit ton of close friends. My life had been dedicated to making sure I’d be the best queen for the vampires when my time was finally called. I’d had my fun in the last thousand years, no doubt, but I’d made sure never to lose sight of my goal. I’d known what I’d wanted, and I’d made it happen.

  I swallowed and turned my attention from the Overlord splashing around inside his shower. I pushed the cover back and rose to sit on my knees, opening the first drawer on the nightstand nearest me. A small black box sat on a pile of folders, with a sweet red bow on top of it. I lifted the gift from the drawer with gentle hands, holding my breath.

  Carefully, I flipped the top open.

  I stared. Damn.

  It was a delicate necklace, stunning. The vampire royal crest in silver, two swords crossed and protected by the almighty crown sat atop a red gem the size of a pecan. I studied the jewel. I’d seen many in my years, and owned almost all of them, but I’d never beheld one like this before. It was the color of a blood red sunset and gleamed like one too.

  The Overlord was a complex man.

  I smiled at the gift and lifted my free hand, caressing the gem with a soft finger. I whispered, “Hello there.”

  Magnificent as a crack of thunder, a surge of power slammed into my skull, my eyes, my thoughts. It pulled, and it pulled. I shuddered under the potent weight and closed my eyes, dragged under...

  Sparkly blue waves crashed against a shore of pure, white sand, the tiny granules glimmering like diamonds. A piercing and glorious sun spun high above in yellows, reds, greens, and blues. And a small boy crouched down on the beach, wearing loose white pants that whipped in the wind. The twirling hues of the sun cast its rays down on the shore and its lone occupant with the dark red skin and two bitty black horns poking out from the top of his forehead. The child swatted his black, flyaway hair out of his face and dug into the iridescent sand with little red fingers. He bit his bottom lip in concentration, his small fangs peeking out.

  A smile of delight flashed across his face before he glanced left and right, scanning the beach around him. His chest heaved with his heavy breaths before he returned his attention to the sand. The red-skinned boy pulled his fingers back, a red jewel held in the palm of his hand.

  With one last glance around, he stood and stuffed the jewel into the pocket of his white pants. An impish grin curved his tiny lips before he raced down the beach, glittering sand kicking up under his feet.

  The sun swirled above, watchful and amused.

  My vision slowly returned, as if in a fog, battling to bring me back to reality. I yanked my finger away from the gem and choked on air, my mouth agape. I blinked again and again until the bedchamber was all I saw and not an enchanted beach. I peered down at my naked body. Nothing had changed. I was still whole. The lord’s room around me still appeared the same.

  My blue gaze returned to the necklace.

  What the ever-lovin’ fuck?

  I lifted my hand again. My finger hovered over the gem. I held my breath. To touch it again or not?

  The jewel hadn’t hurt me.

  It merely had a story to tell. I think.

  This was my first experience with anything of this sort. And living as long as I had, new experiences were a dream come true. Most of the time, anyway. There were a few new experiences in my life I could do away with—like, killing a friend.

  I licked my lips, squeezed my eyes shut, and pressed my finger down on the jewel. My muscles were tight in preparation for the power to slam into me again, and I continued to hold my breath, waiting.

  Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

  I peeked open one eye.

  Yes, my finger was on the gem.

  A snort of laughter erupted behind me. “What are you doing, Gwen?”

  My head snapped around.

  Bel stood outside his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His long black hair dripped water down onto the floor. All-consuming eyes stared back at me, amusement flittering in their depths.

  I supposed I did look a little odd. “Nothing.”

  I cleared my throat. My gaze went to his forehead.


  Those ice blue eyes…

  Distracted, I mumbled, “Will you help me put this on? It’s beautiful.”

  Bel’s head cocked, his eyes running over my features. “So you do like it?”

  “Yes. I do.” I stood up and walked on legs not quite steady underneath me. But I made my way to him and took the necklace out of the box. I held it out, watching as he took it from me—without any ill effects—and opened the clasp. With as much innocence as I could muster, I questioned, “What kind of jewel is that? I’ve never seen one like it before.”

  He twirled a finger, motioning for me to turn around. When I was properly facing away from him, he brushed my hair aside and placed the necklace around my neck, studyin
g the clasp again. His tone was quiet and brusque. “I’m not sure if it has a name. But I do know it’s a jewel of protection. When I first found it, I could feel the power emanating from it. It’ll keep you safe.” Done with the clasp, he patted my bare ass, his eyes over my head and on his bed—my clothes shredded on it. He mumbled under his breath, “I should probably get you something to wear before you leave.”

  “That would be nice,” I stated absently, trying to understand all the information running amok inside my head. I gripped the necklace and watched as he dug around inside his chest of drawers. One thing was certain, though.


  “Hmm?” he murmured, tossing a pair of sweatpants at me, then searching again in his drawers.

  I caught the sweatpants out of the air and tossed the box onto his bed. Stuffing my legs into the soft material, I spoke quietly, “Thank you for the gift. It really was considerate of you.”

  “You already thanked me. There’s no need to do it again.” He turned in my direction, holding a plain white t-shirt up in the air. “This is the smallest one I have here. It’ll have to do.”

  I snorted and pulled the sweatpants up, rolling them at the top. They still almost fell off me. And that t-shirt was so large the bottom of it would hit my knees. “I’ll have to sneak back to my room.” I caught it when he threw it at me. “Where are my weapons and phone and key?”

  Back to digging through his drawers for his own clothes, he lifted his chin in the direction of the coffee table next to his couch. “Over there.”

  I slipped the shirt on.

  It fell to my knees. Knew it.

  I grabbed all my items that were still in one piece.

  I eyed my boots. Or what was left of them. “You know, you could have at least left my shoes intact.” I only had three pairs of these—now two. I’d have to go shopping.

  I wouldn’t complain about that though.

  Shopping. I loved me some retail therapy.

  “They were in the way.” He grunted and dropped his towel down onto the ground. He pointed to his door—the silver security walls up now. “You better get going. We only have an hour before we’re needed.”


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