King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2)

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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2) Page 14

by Scarlett Dawn

  I cleared my throat and controlled myself. No need to irritate him further. He’d finally shut up.

  Lord Belshazzar’s attention turned to the lord sitting next to me. He snorted and shook his head. “You know that’s my seat and window. Move your ass.”

  Lord Pippin rolled his eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you there are no assigned seats on our jet?”

  “And how many times do I need to yank your ass out of my chair before you realize I don’t give a fuck about your little opinion?” Lord Belshazzar grinned. A shiver worked up my spine at his chilling expression. “Please. Move.”

  Lord Pippin turned his head toward me. “Don’t let him fool you. Lord Belshazzar always gets this way before take-off. He doesn’t like flying, and he has a thing about sitting backward on a plane. It makes him sick to his stomach.” He winked and pushed up from the chair. He swept a hand at the empty seat, with a shit-eating grin on his face. “It’s all yours, my lord.”

  Lord Belshazzar grunted. But he didn’t comment as he took, apparently, his seat next to me. He stretched his long legs out in front of himself and pushed the curtains aside so he could see outside the window. Take-off was scheduled in fifteen minutes. The lord’s long, black hair shaded his face while he watched the comings and goings of the ground crew placing our bags into the cargo hold.

  His fingers began thumping on his knee.

  An unconscious nervous tic.

  Lord Pippin winked at me again. He mouthed, Told you.

  He was absolutely right. Astute observation.

  Lord Pippin took a seat on the other side of the aisle next to Lord Otto. The other lord was already passed out with his seat reclined. Sleep looked good on Lord Otto, his surfer good-looks even more dashing in his relaxed state. Since he was sleeping, the ordinarily vocal—obnoxious—lord was blessedly silent. It would make for a more peaceful trip.

  I sighed and relaxed in my chair.

  Then the damn Original druid arrived.

  Master Niallan strolled into the jet. His sharp green eyes constricted on all of us, fire lighting his scrutiny. “I know vampires are normally assholes, but you left me alone in the damn terminal! Do you forget we’re headed to my stronghold? Did you think you could get in without my permission?”

  I swallowed down my laugh.

  None of us opened our mouths, silent.

  Like a bunch of school kids, we’d left him while he’d been in a bathroom. We hadn’t even discussed it. All six of us had stared at the bathroom door he’d disappeared through—without a word from him about security issues from deviating off course. Then we’d immediately continued on our way without him, all in silent agreement that he was a douche bag and deserved whatever happened to him.

  Though, sadly, he appeared healthy and whole.

  I stared at his broad shoulders.

  Why the heck did the druid have to be so damn attractive? It was rather annoying. The outside shell was hot as fuck with his sexy looks, but the gooey inside was ruined with his cockiness. He left a spoiled taste in my mouth every time I talked to him about anything remotely serious. It still shocked me I’d enjoyed his behavior during our sexual encounter…

  I sniffed and turned my attention away from him.

  The man really shouldn’t look that good.

  Master Niallan’s feet stomped toward us, the druid in a huff. “What? Now you’re all ignoring me?”

  As if everyone should pay attention to him.

  All. The. Time.

  Lord Belshazzar lifted his hand in a stopping gesture, his attention finally moving from the window. “You are not allowed to sit with us yet, as you haven’t passed your Challenges. Only royalty sits in this section.” He flicked a finger toward the back of the jet. “You’ll sit with our guards during this flight. And if you pass your Challenges, you may sit with us on the flight back.”

  Master Niallan’s green eyes narrowed. “Are you being serious right now? I had to deal with humans trying to find this plane.”

  I scratched my nose, locking my muscles down.

  It was so, so hard not to laugh in his face.

  “Next time, you won’t break security procedures,” Lord Belshazzar stated, then another flick of his finger to the back of the plane. “And you breaking the rules has nothing to do with your seating arrangement. As I explained already, only royalty sits here. And you are not royalty.”

  “I am royalty here. Or have you forgotten that, Lord Belshazzar?” Master Niallan ground his teeth together. He quirked a blond brow. “I somehow doubt that’s slipped your mind, though.”

  Lord Belshazzar smiled, baring his teeth—no fangs. “Vampire royalty. You are not that.”

  I did squirm in my chair.

  I was currently between the most influential vampire and the Original druid, neither of them in good humor. I’d withstood just a sliver of Master Niallan’s power before, and it had almost brought me to my knees. And I’d seen firsthand Lord Belshazzar’s speed. I’d rather not be caught between them if they got physical. I was good, but I wasn’t that good. I’d end up as a mush of blood and gore on the ground if they went at each other’s throats.

  As I’d told Harmony, a person needed to know when they were beaten and when to bring in reinforcements.

  I cleared my throat and looked over at my father. “Lord Cato, why don’t you show Master Niallan where he can sit?” I turned my attention to the druid next. “I checked out the jet when I first boarded. The seats are all the same. You’ll be just as comfortable back there with the guards, and I’d wager a guess you’d enjoy their company more than ours.”

  Master Niallan stared down at me, and then he suddenly laughed, his gleaming white teeth showing. “Fuck, you’re charming.” He bent at the waist and placed his face right in front of mine, only an inch between our noses. His brilliant green eyes sparkled. The druid purred, “But you won’t be back there with me. I’d prefer your company over all these men.”

  I held his gaze. Didn’t look away.

  I quirked one side of my mouth, whispering as if only he could hear me, “You should be focusing on your upcoming Challenges. Not on me.”

  The Original druid placed his hands on the arms of my chair, boxing me in with his muscled frame. He brought his face a smidge closer. “I assure you, your majesty, I am well equipped with multi-tasking.”

  “Yep, that’s enough of that,” Lord Cato spat. He shoved up from his chair and grabbed Master Niallan’s shoulders in a firm hold. He pulled him up and away from my person. Then he patted his back with a hard smack and pointed toward the rear of the plane. “Her majesty has enough media buzz right now. She doesn’t need to add any more to the mix. I’ll just show you to your seat, candidate.”

  The druid chuckled and locked eyes with my father. “I can’t wait to see you enter my stronghold. Though I doubt you’ll have any issues with my people. You’re the most crooked bastard I know.”

  Lord Cato lifted a black eyebrow, bored, and responded with much sarcasm. “I’m sure it’ll be thrilling.”

  Master Niallan started strolling toward the back of the plane. His light laughter grated on my nerves. He barked with the dramatic gift of the bold, “Come! Show me to my seat, Lord Cato. Cape Argent awaits us.”

  Lord Cato’s nostrils flared before a pleasant mien shrouded his form, his face, and his shoulders relaxed. He walked toward the rear of the plane to do what needed to be done.

  My attention casually swung to the Overlord sitting next to me. I spoke calmly, but firmly, “My lord, I would appreciate the next time you’d like to have a pissing match with the Original druid that you make sure I’m not sitting between you two.”

  Lord Belshazzar’s frosty eyes met mine, holding for a long second. His plump lips ultimately smirked. “Afraid of a little cat fight?”

  “There would be nothing ‘little’ about a fight between you two.” I stared. “No shit slinging around me, please.”

  Across from us, Lord Xenon snorted.

Lord Belshazzar’s amused smile held my attention.

  I wanted to bite his lips. Lick them.

  He leaned on his armrest and slanted into my personal space. Too quietly for the druid—with vampire power running through his veins—to overhear in the back of the jet, the Overlord alleged, “Master Niallan will never start a fight with me. He may be many foul things, but he is intelligent. You have nothing to fear if you’re by my side, your majesty.”

  I lifted my left brow to hide any of my true thoughts on his words. “You’re very full of yourself today, my lord.”

  “That doesn’t mean it’s not true,” Lord Xenon interjected into our conversation as he pulled out his phone that buzzed in his pocket. He stared at the screen and typed with his thumbs, his digits moving in a blur. “I’ve never seen Lord Belshazzar lose a battle.”

  I turned my regard back to the lossless warrior. “Is Lord Xenon right? Have you never lost a fight?”

  Lord Belshazzar’s head teetered back and forth in thought, still bent over his chair into my space. My hands twitched. I wanted to run my fingers through his dangling black hair. The soft strands brushed against my right arm like a caress.

  He eventually stated, “I have been bested a few times in my life. My brother and I would fight, like siblings sometimes do. I would win. He would win. I’d say it was a tie, in the end, if you added up all of our squabbles.”

  No one moved around me.

  The Overlords were doing a shit job of eavesdropping in their shocked states. Lord Pippin froze in place while picking up a flute of champagne, and Lord Xenon’s eyes were wide on his face, his thumbs motionless over his phone. My father stumbled to a complete stop behind me on his way back to his seat.

  I simply cleared my throat, still looking into his eyes. “I didn’t know you had a brother.” No one fucking knew that, my words redundant, the lord overly private about his life. My lips pursed as an awful thought occurred. I delved delicately, “Is he still alive?”

  Lord Belshazzar snickered, completely tickled with my worried expression. His eyes tracked over my features in slow increments. “He’s as big of a bastard as I am. He’s not dead.”

  Stunned, I muttered, “Why don’t we know about him then?” I was asking for the whole group, since they still hadn’t moved an inch, not wanting to stop this rare moment of insight. “There’s no record of you having a brother.”

  Both his black brows lifted. “Should I be flattered or wary that you’ve done your research on me.”

  I waved an irritated hand. “Everyone knows about you. Not to mention, I made it my business to know all about the royals during my training. Quit avoiding my question, my lord.”

  His lips curved up at the edges, still entertained by my line of questioning. “I’ve never spoken about him before because I haven’t seen him in a long time.” He tapped a finger to his right temple. “But I’d know here if he was dead.”

  My eyes darted between his, mumbling, “I’m inclined to believe you. Is he your twin?” Twins were occasionally linked. It could sometimes be eerie being around them if they were.

  He nodded. “We’re two halves of a whole.”

  Interesting. “What’s his name?”

  Lord Belshazzar chortled quietly. “I think that’s enough for today. You’ve weaseled enough information out of me.” He leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out again. His left hand twirled in the air. “Lords, you can stop endeavoring to be invisible. Pathetic attempt, really.”

  The lords instantly morphed back into life.

  Lord Cato flopped down into his chair. “It wasn’t great acting, but it wasn’t heinous either.”

  I snorted. “The wishful thinking of that statement makes me embarrassed for you.”

  His brown eyes flicked in my direction. He huffed in exasperation—and exhaustion. “Quiet. I just saved your ass from the green-eyed beast. Show some respect.”

  I choked off the witty retort I wanted to spew. Because that second statement was fairly accurate. Instead, I sighed and changed topics. “I can’t believe we’re going to Cape Argent.”

  “Believe it!” Master Niallan shouted from the back of the jet. “And I’ve made sure my people know to show you the same hospitality as your people showed me!”

  My expression blanked as dread flooded my body. I hurriedly glanced at the lord sitting next to me. I hissed quietly, “Please tell me we didn’t actually starve him on certain days.”

  “No, we did not.” Lord Belshazzar scratched his chin in thought. His lips eventually thinned into a straight line. “But we weren’t completely hospitable either.”

  I slowly turned my attention straight ahead, not even seeing Lord Xenon in front of me. My eyes practically crossed at the impending doom we were walking in to. I grumbled, “Fuck me.”

  Master Niallan hollered, “Okay! My room is at the top of the tallest tower. Come by anytime, your majesty. I’ll make sure your name is on the approved list.”

  Shit. I probably needed to take him up on that.

  I closed my eyes and groaned.

  * * *

  I yawned wide and smacked my gums as I nuzzled my head against my soft pillow. Fatigue tried to pull me back into the shelter of slumber. I let it pull me, floating in that sweet spot right before you fall back into sleep.

  A hand landed on my shoulder and gently shook my frame. A voice I knew well muttered, “We’ve landed. You need to wake up.”

  Sweet, sweet sleep wanted me. I wanted it.

  With a swat at his hand, I slurred, “Too early, Pippy.”

  Lord Otto’s voice. “Did she call you…Pippy?”

  My eyes snapped open. A pair of familiar brown eyes glared right in front of my nose. I sat straight up in my chair, my gaze darting, taking in my surroundings. My chest heaved with huge gulps of oxygen. There were too many Overlords standing close by, and all were staring right at me. I rubbed at my eyes, and mumbled, “Huh?”

  Lord Pippin straightened and ran his fingers through his hair. His brown eyes continued to scowl right into my blurry gaze. “Thank you, your majesty. I’ll never live that down.”

  “Pippy,” Lord Otto stated thoughtfully. A cruel smile erupted on his face. “That has a certain ring to it, don’t you think, my lords?”

  Lord Xenon even smirked. Not good.

  “Fuck,” Lord Pippin growled. Then he pointed a finger at every single Overlord. “Not a fucking word from any of you. You owe me. I got you out of that jam with those activists in 1914.”

  Lord Cato stared, and his words were slow and pointed. “You’re calling that debt in? Over a ridiculous pet name? I think you should take a moment and think about that.”

  “I’m calling the debt in.” He shook his head hard, and his red locks brushed his cheeks. “None of you will ever repeat that nickname again.”

  “Done,” Lord Belshazzar stated immediately. “Debt paid.”

  Lord Cato’s gaze flicked to the eldest Overlord and then back to the youngest Overlord. His lips grimaced under the authority he couldn’t rebuke. “Well, that is that. Your only debt to us has been paid.” He shrugged a shoulder and sniffed. “Let no one say I didn’t warn you, though. You should have held on to that.”

  Lord Pippin’s jaw clenched. “It was private. None of you should have heard it.” His scowl turned in my direction. “I’m never waking you again. Who knows what else will fly out your mouth. I’ll end up owing them debt after debt.”

  I frowned and muttered quietly, “I’m sorry.”

  I’d given him that nickname the night after we’d made love for the first time. He was right. It was private. I only used it when we were alone together, an endearment.

  His jaw ground together, while he glowered.

  I sighed heavily. “I said I’m sorry, my lord.”

  Lord Cato scowled, his gaze tracking back and forth between us. “I really want to know how serious that relationship was between you two.”

  Neither Lord Pippin nor I responded.

bsp; Lord Xenon was stuffing his arms into his suit jacket. “I looked into it yesterday. Athena’s contact wasn’t hard to find. The man stated they were extremely private and hardly left their estate. He didn’t have a lot of information to give on them except for what was already in the articles.”

  Thank fuck. I started to get out of my seat.

  Lord Belshazzar cleared his throat and lowered a glass of blood he’d been chugging. His voice was soft with hidden steel behind it. “I found another vampire in the area. She had more information to give. Athena didn’t look hard enough.” He took another long drink from his glass, not looking at anyone.

  I paused, half in my seat and half out. Shit.

  “And?” Lord Cato pounced on the lord’s words. “What did the woman say?”

  Lord Pippin and I visibly tensed.

  Lord Belshazzar placed his glass down on the bar, the crystalware now empty. His arctic blue eyes lifted and turned straight on Lord Pippin, cold and ruthless. “That they were planning to marry before Lord Pippin left her.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

  Lord Belshazzar managed to find our one confidante there—from two hundred fucking years ago. And the apparent backstabbing bitch had blabbed.

  Adelie hadn’t even known.

  When Lord Pippin and I’d disappeared for seven years, we’d disappeared. Our relationship had been serious, very much so. It had been ours.

  Now, it no longer was.

  Our dirty laundry was aired for them to see.

  Lord Cato’s shoulders tensed. He rounded on Lord Pippin. His brown eyes turned blood red and his fangs bared. “You fucking left her like that? Without a goddamn word? Not even a fucking good-bye?”

  My shoulders drooped at this turn of events. I quickly finished pushing up from my chair and stepped between my father and Lord Pippin. I raised my hands into the air, and spoke softly, “I didn’t understand it then, but I understand his reasons now. As all of you should. You’ve been through the process of being crowned king before. You know the dedication it takes to rule.” I lowered my hands and shook my head. “I still don’t like Lord Pippin very much, because it affected me personally, but I won’t allow you to condemn him for it. That isn’t right considering what each of you has done for the crown. Our people are all.” My blue gaze snapped to each Overlord. “Or have you forgotten that?”


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